Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who am I? ❯ Longing ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: Ok I don't know if I'm going to continue this or just kill it but I've had some ideas bouncing around my head for a while now and need to get them out. I'm a huge Ryou/Anzu and Bakura/Anzu fan, meaning yes I am Pro-Anzu. Also I am vaguely familiar with a good chunk of Yugioh, more from the manga than anime (I'm poor and still in the process of getting it all - I want more Yugioh T_T). So if something is incorrect, gomen and I don't know about the separate hikari and yami bodies thing but I've seen tons of other authors do it so I'm trying it out too. Anyway depending on if you like this or not I may scrap it or continue this, but I'm just desperate for more Anzu/Ryou or Anzu/Bakura pairings so I'm attempting to write my own. Ok, enough explaining and I hope you enjoy!

Also for those who only watch dub (you poor souls) here's the Jap name translations:

Joey = Jounouchi

Tea = Anzu

Tristan = Honda

Jap words:

Ohayoo = Good Morning

Minna = Everyone

Daijoubu or Daijoubu ka = Are you ok?

Also Bakura is Yami Bakura and Ryou is just Normal Bakura, confusing ne?

Disclaimer: I no own Yugioh, though I wish I owned two certain white haired bishies! I'll just have to settle for plushies for now.


"Who am I?"

Chapter 1: Longing

A young woman in a Domino high school uniform close the door to her apartment before starting down the stairs. Her short brown hair dancing in the wind as she finally made it to the ground level on this windy overcast day. Anzu sighed as the wind blew against her back once again causing her small frame to shudder. "Why is it still so cold? It's April for crying out loud," she said aloud. Her gaze became a blank stare as she thought for the thousandth time about the one thing that had been occupying her mind lately. A blush crept across her face as a certain white-haired young man came into her mind. "Ryou," she said wistfully. Ever since the Yami's had gotten their own bodies she was hoping to maybe get to know him better. But what started out as just wanting to know him soon turned into something else. She talked to him as much as she could and went out of her way to see him more often. He was just so…she couldn't even put it into words. His gentle nature, his soft smile, his shy demeanor, his soft brown eyes that reminded her of melted chocolate. She sighed once more before pulling her head out of the clouds and back to the real world as she approached her group of friends.

"Ohayoo minna!" She put on her brightest smile despite the crappy weather that had turned her mood sour. The group consisted of Yugi, Honda, Jounouchi, and now her. The Yamis, even though they didn't have their own bodies and would benefit from school were still reluctant and didn't attend like the rest of them.

"Anzu! Ohayoo," greeted Yugi turning to wave as everyone else also turned and waited for her to catch up before greeting her.

"Weird weather today isn't it," she asked as the group continued their journey to school.

"Seriously, I heard it may snow today," cut in Honda.

"Snow?! Seriously," Anzu asked astonished and now regretted not grabbing her coat. Her attention was diverted as she heard a sneeze from up ahead and had to gather all of her will power not to blush as they met up with a certain young man who'd been occupying her thoughts. "Ohyaoo Ryou-kun…daijoubu ka?"

He turned to smile at the group as Anzu held her blush at bay. "Ohayoo minna, yeah I'm ok. Bakura opened the window last night without me knowing so I've got a bit of a runny nose."

"Baka, you'd think someone from Egypt would hate the cold we get here, not invite it in," said Anzu slightly annoyed. She didn't hate Bakura, well not anymore. But that guy just got on her nerves way too often doing stupid things like this. It seemed every time they got together as a large group she and the Yami would end up bickering about one thing or another. Some of their latest bickering had been about him noticing how she acted around Ryou and he was teasing her about it. Her face took on a frown as she thought of how smug he looked when he threatened to say something, which had gotten her to threaten him, which took her friends by surprise. She may be a peaceful person for the most part but that didn't mean she wasn't human and it sure as hell didn't mean a certain 5,000-year-old jerk couldn't piss her off! Ryou sneezed again covering his face as he did so. A thought occurred to Anzu as she reached into her pocket.

Ryou blinked as he looked up from his sneeze to see a small white fold of fabric in front of his face. He followed the connecting arm to a concerned looking Anzu. "Arigato, Anzu," he said taking it from her. He was glad when she suddenly turned away and didn't notice the pink tinge on his cheeks. She was really a nice person, too many people regarded her as weak or annoying but that was all just her defensive mode. Once you got past that she was a really fun person. He sighed silently to himself wishing he could eventually get up the nerve to maybe ask her out. But even if he could right now his mind was too foggy to process the words needed to ask her out.

"You sure someone's not just talking a lot of crap about you," asked Honda jokingly referring to his sneezing. Ryou sweat-dropped but didn't respond.

"Come on, we're going to be late," whined Jounouchi.

"What the? Why does it matter, all you do is sleep in first class," said Honda.

"I know, and I'm loosing precious sleep time," he said as he started walking again, with the others following closely behind.

Ryou closed his eyes and covered his face with the handkerchief once again as he sneezed. He sighed, as this was getting annoying. School was almost over and he felt drained, it seemed like every few minutes he was sneezing again. His head was now pounding, his muscles were aching even though he barely used them the entire day, and he continued to fight the battle to keep his eyes opened, he felt more drained then ever. He was just praying to some god above he could get home ok. He glanced up at the clock once again to see they still had ten more minutes left. He sighed but tried to pay attention to the last of the lecture. It felt like someone was looking at him but he didn't have the strength to even turn his head.

Anzu glanced over again as she heard a familiar sneeze and a look of worry crossed her face. 'I hope Ryou-kun is ok, maybe someone should walk home with him.' She felt her face heat up when she thought maybe that someone should be her. She sighed pulling her head from the clouds as the bell finally rang out signaling the end of this hellish day. Anzu as well as their other friends went over to Ryou's desk to see how he was holding up.

"Ryou-kun, daijoubu," asked Anzu tentively even though it was apparent he wasn't. He inwardly smiled at the concern her voice held for him.

"Yeah, I just really need to get home." He started to get up but felt dizzy and had to sit back down.

"Maybe someone should walk you home," said Anzu putting a hand on his shoulder. He damned himself for being sick, with himself being sick he really couldn't enjoy the attention he was finally getting from Anzu.

"No, I don't want to be a burden. Anyway don't all of you have cleaning duties today after school?"

"It's ok, we can cover for one person," said Yugi speaking up. "Why don't you help him Anzu?" She tried to suppress the blush wanting to leap on her face but a tinge of pink made its way there anyway. Ryou sported a similar one but if anyone were to ask he could blame it on the cold.

"Shouldn't you ask Ryou-kun, and anyway are you sure it's ok I leave?"

"It's fine, really. If it's ok with you Ryou-kun," asked Yugi, his concerned amethyst eyes falling on the frail form of his friend.

"Only if she doesn't mind," he asked softly.

"Stop playing this game of 'if you don't mind' and just get going. We'll stop by after we're done cleaning anyway," said Jounouchi speaking up getting annoyed by all this politeness. Sometimes his friends were way too polite for their own good, but then again that was one of the reasons he liked them. Anzu nodded and waited as Ryou got his footing and they made their way out of the classroom.

Anzu was looking at the ground to try and hide the blush on her face. If you could see it though it would be a burnt umber color as Ryou was currently leaning on her. Though only for support as he was dizzy again, it still didn't stop the fact that their arms were around each other and his head was leaning on hers. His breath on her neck wasn't making it much better as she thought of the pair of lips that the breath was coming form.

He himself was in heaven and then again in hell at the same time. He had his arm around her and was holding her close but only because his head was swimming again. She was so close, their bodies touching against one another, and he couldn't enjoy it! She saw a bus stop up ahead and they both sat down on the bench to wait for it. It had shocked her a bit to find out he was far away enough to need to ride a bus, yet he always walked with them to school as if he were only a few blocks away like the rest of them.

"Arigato again Anzu for your help. I don't know if I could have made it home alone," he said with a soft smile.

"It's fine," she said looking up to smile at him. "I just hope you feel better soon."

"Are you feeling ok," he asked suddenly. She looked at him questioningly. "You're face is kind of red." She didn't realize she was still blushing and this only made it worse.

"Yeah, it's nothing. I think it's from the cold." She darted her head to the side to try and hide the reddening of her face. A smile came to his lips as he thought of how cute she looked right then, as she was embarrassed. As she spoke she felt something cold on her face and turned back to him as it disappeared. They both took notice of this and looked up to see small specks of snow slowly start to float down. Anzu shivered cursing for the thousandth time today for not grabbing a coat. 'Why didn't she bring a coat today?'

Ryou looked down at her shivering form and started to take off his own jacket.

"What are you doing," she asked in disbelief, as he had one arm already out of the jacket.

"I was going to offer you my coat," he said with the coat still half on. 'Did I do something wrong? It's not dirty, why wouldn't she want it?'

"What are you thinking," she said shocked. "You're sick, I don't want you to get worse!" He felt his heart beat pick up a bit as she voiced her concern for him.

"But what if you get sick," he asked his voice full of concern. She inwardly was enjoying this way too much. 'He actually wants to give me his coat because I'm cold, even though he's sick. He's so nice!'

"I'll be fine, really! I mean the bus should be here soon enough." As soon as the words left her mouth they turned to see a bus come around the corner.

"Wow, how did you do that," he asked jokingly putting his coat back on.

"It's a gift," she replied rubbing the back of her head. They boarded the bus and quickly took a seat. Anzu leaned back enjoying the warmth of the bus. It was a kind of moist heat like in the summer, but for some reason a lot of buses had that kind of heat. She felt so much more relaxed as the parts of her body that were numb were given feeling again, even though she had been blushing some of it had been from the cold. Without even thinking she leaned her head on Ryou's shoulder. His heart went into over drive again. 'Her head is on my shoulder.' He was contemplating putting his arm around her as he blushed looking down at the elated girl's soft blue eyes before she looked shocked and sat up.

"G-gomen, I didn't mean to do that," she said as her blush flared up. 'Baka! What the hell are you thinking?! Maybe I am getting sick?'

"I-it's ok, if you're really all that tired…I don't mind." 'Baka, you probably scared her off!' His smile reassured her as she slowly leaned over to let her head once again rest on his shoulder. 'If only this didn't have to end,' they both thought. She smiled to herself as she watched the lights go by outside the bus. She took in the warmth of his body and smiled as a few wisps of his hair fell across her face. She felt so relaxed and so content to just rest like that, but like most good things it eventually came to an end when he looked over at her and said, "here's our stop."

They both got up with a few other passengers and made their way out of the bus. The road they were dropped off on was pretty busy even in this weird weather. Anzu and Ryou were separated as they stepped off the bus as the other passengers pushed and shoved their way off. 'Guess this is what we get for riding the bus at this time of day,' she thought to herself. Ryou stepped to the side of the road by the crosswalk to wait for Anzu, looking. She got turned around as she came off the bus with the people pushing her around but saw a clump of white by the crosswalk and made her way over to it. She had almost reached him when a businessman was shoved between them by another pedestrian knocking Ryou over in the process.

Anzu's eyes went wide as he fell into the busy street. "Ryou-kun!" He quickly got to his feet but just as he got his footing he saw headlights and knew in an instant he couldn't get out of the way fast enough. He braced himself for impact but instead found himself being shoved from the side, not hit from the front. He looked up in time to see baby blue eyes meet his soft brown before everything slowed down and the realm of sound left him deaf. "Anzu!" He wasn't sure if he actually said her name or if it was just a scream in his head. He felt the pavement as his hands went down to catch himself from the fall. The hard gravel digging into his palms. His head still turned to the girl who was standing where he was just a moment before. The lights grew brighter, blinding, and then in that instant everything sped up, the sound came back in the instant the tires came to a screeching halt, accompanied by a loud thud. And silence filled the air as a lone figure fell to the ground from the impact, not stirring. 'Anzu.' That was the last thing Ryou saw before he blacked out.

AN: So what did you think? And remember I'm Pro-Anzu so she's not dead. Anyway I hope you enjoyed, please review!