Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who am I? ❯ Who am I? ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: I figured one chapter wasn't enough to get a feel for this and I don't know if two is enough or not. I may write one more before deciding on if this thing should be continued or not. Anyway hope I kept everyone in character for the most part. I was really playing off the fact Yugi and Anzu had been friends for a lot longer than the others. Still don't know who I'll lean towards for the pairings. Anyway I hope you enjoy!

Jap words:

Baka = Idiot/moron

Naze = Why

Masaki-san = Ms.Masaki (Anzu)

Mouto-san = Mr. Mouto (Yugi)

Sumimasen = Sorry

Onegai = Please

Domo Arigato Gozaimas = Thank you very very very much (sincerest form of gratitude you can give)

Konban wa = Good evening

Minna = Everyone

Ano = umm

// // Yami to Hikari mind speech

Note: I don't really know about Anzu's living arrangement or much on her family's background so go with me and if you happen to know more please tell me. Also I base the assumptions about where Jounouchi and Honda live off of what little info I have in the manga about when they grew up together. Anyway Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I no own Yugioh, though I wish I owned two certain white haired bishies! I'll just have to settle for plushies for now.


"Who am I?"

Chapter 2: Who am I?

She remembered Ryou…and a car…and lights…then everything was black and painful. She slowly opened her eyes now to see flashing lights before her eyes. They weren't flashing; they were going by really fast. Lights quickly reappearing and disappearing in-between her bouts with the darkness that wanted to consume her. She heard voices and noises and beeps all around her. 'Where's Ryou? I want to see Ryou.' She felt a pain in her chest as someone put their hand on her ribs. She was pretty sure she cried out but for some reason she felt numb all over and couldn't figure out what was going on. She looked around and saw a lot of machines, but the machines couldn't tell her where Ryou was. They couldn't tell her anything, not the machines or the people in the white coats. Kind of reminded her of Kaiba's coat. She felt herself smile at that. 'Hey I can feel something.' With that last thought she let the darkness consume her.

'It's cold in here,' she thought as she brought the blanket up to her chin. She slowly opened her eyes taking in the pale white room in which she now resided. She looked around to see a small machine with a bag of clear solution going into her arm. She looked around at the bare room once more before looking down at herself. She felt a sore nagging pain in her chest and peered down the gown she was in to see a few nice sized bruises just below her breasts. She looked over the rest of her body but it seemed as if the worst were those bruises. 'Bruises, cuts, scrapes, how…did I get these? What was I doing?' She tried to remember anything from that day, but was drawing a blank. She felt confused when she tried to remember the day before, or the day before that, or where she lived, or even her name. "Who am I," she asked terrified.

"Baka, why did you even go to school if you were sick! It could have been a lot worse," growled Bakura. Even as he said this Ryou knew he was just worried. Hell he was petrified with worry. Everyone had gone over to Ryou's house as promised but got worried when they found out he never made it. It was while they were still at his house the hospital had called and everyone had rushed over, even Bakura who was now sitting n the chairs with everyone else looking very pissed. The whole reason everyone was still there was for one reason…Anzu. The doctors had told him over an hour ago she was 'stable.' So he knew she was alive, but since that was all anyone would tell them they were still worried about what else there could be.

"Yugi!" They all looked down the hallway as Yami came jogging up to the small group.

"Yami! I didn't think you would come all the way down here," said Yugi pretty astounded his Yami had apparently run from the shop to the hospital. Yugi had called as soon as they found they'd be waiting a while to tell his grandpa and yami where he was. Yami had sounded upset, but no one thought he'd be this upset.

"Has there been any new news?" Bakura growled deep in his throat but bit back any remarks as Ryou nudged him. He really didn't wanna play ref tonight, especially not in a hospital. Ryou looked down at his bandaged hand and sighed. The worst he'd gotten was five stitches to the hand and a few cuts. 'Anzu…naze…?' He looked up as he heard another growl and heard Yami and Bakura start exchanging words in Egyptian. Whenever an argument was really heated between the two they reverted to their ancient language to exchange blows. But the argument didn't last long as a doctor came out pinching his nose and looking extremely frustrated.

"You're the boy who came in with Masaki-san, right," he asked looking over to Ryou. This caught everyone's attention as Ryou stood up to answer.

"Hai, is she ok," he asked worried about what the answer would be.

"She'll be fine." Everyone gave a sigh of relief and smiled at each other but it was short lived as the doctor cleared his throat. "She needs to recuperate, she has some bad bruising, especially to her ribs. And that is where we're running into a problem."

"Problem," asked Yugi. "What about?" He felt fear creep into the back of his mind.

"It seems Masaki-san does not live with her parents, they actually have a home in Kyoto. But they travel often and I guess an arrangement was made where she lives in her own apartment here. It wouldn't be so bad if she had to stay home alone, but with her condition."

"Condition," asked Yugi fearfully his eyes scared.

"It seems Masaki-san has complete amnesia." Everyone gasped and Yugi looked like he was ready to cry. "She didn't even know her own name when she first awoke. And not only in personal matters like with friends or relatives. But certain things she's still foggy on, like when I went to use the telephone, she didn't know what it was and so on. The basics should come back to her fairly quickly, such as within a day or so. But she can't be alone at least for the first week until she's back on her feet. After that she should try and stay with someone if she can but she should be more social after the first week, the more she interacts with what goes on in her daily life the faster her memory will come back."

"How long should it take," asked Yugi fearfully. This was like telling him his best friend just moved away and was never coming back. Anzu had been his first and only friend for so many years. But now…'she doesn't even know me.'

Yami's eyes softened and he placed a hand on Yugi's shoulder to try and comfort him. //Don't worry Yugi, she's strong, she'll get better.//

"It could be days, or weeks, or…months. In extremely rare cases it can take years, but those are very rare circumstances and I don't think it will be that extreme. But the problem is her parents don't plan on coming back here to help her, they're both in two different countries right now and by the time they dropped what they were doing and got out of the country…they thought it best she stay with a friend since they don't have a relative or friend of the family in the area. It would only be for maybe a week or two, they suggested someone named Mouto-san, said he was her closest friend." The doctor looked around at the circle of down faces. He questioned the two gravest faces first which belonged to Honda and Jounouchi.

"Sumimasen, I would like her to come, but…I don't live in the best of places," he said feeling ashamed of his neighborhood. It wasn't too bad for him, but for a young naive girl like Anzu was with no memory, no way she'd be safe.

A sigh came from Honda as he answered, "I live in the same neighborhood as Jounouchi, soo…" He also bowed his head in shame. Yugi looked like he was ready to cry.

"Anzu, I want to help her. But my grandfather is taking me out of the country for spring break on Friday, that's only two days away. He's already made plans. But," he said as he fought his inner conflicts. Yami wished there was something he could do, but even though he'd been around for a while he wasn't sure leaving him alone with Anzu to figure out the workings of this time would be any good. "Maybe I could talk him into something, maybe exchange the tickets." A hand was on Yugi's shoulder trying to reassure him. Yugi looked up at Ryou's soft eyes as he spoke.

"It's ok Yugi, I can take her while she recuperates. It's just me and Bakura but we can keep an eye on her." Everyone looked at him stunned and Bakura looked flabbergasted (AN: Can you imagine ^^).

"Like hell," Bakura shouted. 'I am not putting up with THAT for a whole fucking week,' he fumed.

"It's my fault she's like this," he said his eyes showing remorse. "It's the least I can do to repay her. If anything I think I owe her more." Bakura looked ready to yell about it, but his mouth just opened and closed like a fish.

//Onegai…Bakura. She saved my life, please if for no one else than me//

Bakura growled and turned away with no other argument. Ryou just smiled at him as he turned back to Yugi.

"See it's settled."

"Are you sure," Yugi asked sounding doubtful. "I feel like a horrible friend not being able to do anything."

"Seriously Yugi, don't worry she'll be fine in no time." He smiled trying to reassure him. "And you still have two days to come over and visit." Yugi finally cracked a smile and nodded in agreement.

"Well then since it seems you don't have a car," the doctor said speaking to Ryou. "I can get an ambulance to give you a ride home, walking wouldn't be the best thing right now. Masaki-san's IV drip should be done soon and I can discharge her. I'd keep her overnight but there's nothing more we can really do. She just needs rest and we need a bed for more patients. Oh wait." He walked over and handed Ryou a piece of paper. "That has the number of the hospital and my name on it, in all aspects she appears to be fine but if something happens call me ASAP. And makes sure she rests. If you wait here she'll be not in a few minutes."

"Domo arigato gozaimasu!" Ryou bowed quite far down, and was soon joined by thank yous and bows all around.

"Don't think just because I'm letting her stay I'm going to put up with her for long," growled Bakura looking impatient to get out of the weird smelling building.

"You better not hurt her tomb robber," Yami threatened glaring at him. Yugi was already upset about Anzu, if that baka did anything to make it worse he'd make him pay. Bakura growled and started yelling in Egyptian again which got Yami going again. Ryou sweat-dropped and sighed but turned to the rest of his friends.

"Don't forget to drop by Yugi, with you gone on vacation she won't get to see you much, and it may take a while for her to remember."

"Don't worry I'll be right over after school tomorrow!"

"Count me in," said Jounouchi.

"Me too," came Honda.

Ryou was about to add something else when they heard a familiar voice and turned to see Anzu bounding up to them in a white hospital shirt, sweat pants, and shoes with a nurse at her side. Needless to say her uniform had been destroyed in the whole incident. Despite all that had happened to her today she had a smile plastered on her face. The nurse directed her over to a large crowd of people her age.

"Masaki-san these are you're friends here," directed the nurse pointing to them.

"Konban wa minna!"

"Anzu! You're ok," aid Yugi sounding ecstatic. She sounded like the old Anzu!

"Hai, thank you for worrying…ano…what is your name?" His face fell and he felt like he had lost his friend again.

"Anzu, don't you remember. It's me, Yugi." He looked so sad that her smile dropped and she looked like she was going to cry as well.

"G-gomen. I want to remember." Yugi was able to draw in a deep breath and hold back the pain as he saw she was in just as much pain. 'I really should be nicer. She didn't even know her own name when she woke up, that would be pretty scary.' He put on a brave smile.

"It's ok, I'm sure you'll remember. You just need to get better."

"Arigato," she said a faint smile returning to her face.

"Well then I'll leave you be, get well Masaki-san," said the nurse with a bow and left. Anzu bowed in return before returning to the large group.

"Well, how about we start with some names. At least you'll know what to call us," said Jounouchi finally speaking up. "I'm Jounouchi, and this thug here is Honda," he said pointing to the pointy-haired guy next to him. Anzu giggled but listened as he continued. "This here is Yugi, and this is his…uhhh…b-brother Yami," he stuttered out as she looked over at the two. With everything she had to remember he figured it would be better not to complicate things with yamis and hikaris and such. She felt something tugging at the back of her mind, like something wasn't right with that statement but let it slide. "And this is who you're going to be staying with. This is Ryou, and his brother…" He smirked as Bakura gave him a death glare. "Bakura."

"Ano…arigato all of you for caring about me. I really hope I remember soon, you seem nice." They all chattered for a few more minutes before everyone left except for the trio who was going to get a lift in an ambulance.

"Ano…Anzu. Did you want to stop by your house and get your things tonight?"

"Do we have to tonight," asked Anzu as she looked at him with exhaustion sketched on her face.

"Nah, we can do it tomorrow," he said. Anzu looked up at him smiling. 'I may not have my memories and I may not remember his name. But my heart remembers something,' she thought quietly to herself. Bakura had stayed pretty quiet through most of this and just wanted to leave. As he turned to leave Ryou took the hint and started to walk away. As he was about to call back to Anzu she ran up and grabbed onto his arm. He blushed furiously as she gripped his arm to her chest hanging onto him and started walking with him to the ambulance bay.

"A-anzu," he asked his voice a bit higher than usual. She looked up at his scarlet face questioningly.

"Yes Ryou-kun," she said happily.

"Ano, why are you holding my arm like that?"

"Is that a bad thing," she asked a little disheartened.

"No, no. I-it's fine," he said. 'She doesn't remember a thing; she doesn't know how she's supposed to act. It's probably just because she's going to stay with you, and she's happy, right?' He looked down at her smiling form and his arm crushed to her chest his face still burning. 'This is going to be a long two weeks,' he thought with his face burning and he could already feel Bakura's annoyance being directed at her. 'Very long…'

AN: So what did you think? Need another chapter? Keep it? Scrap it? Hope you enjoyed it!