Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who am I? ❯ I’m Not Alone ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: Wow, I got responses and they all want me to continue. Well I'll see what I can do and I probably won't be able to update regularly but that doesn't mean you'll have to wait months at a time for the chapters either. Anyway I'm glad you like it, and I'm sorry if the first two chapters weren't too good, this chapter and the next one are the ones I've really wanted to do since I got the idea in my head but I had to set up the story. Anyway thanks to everyone who reviewed and I hope you enjoy the next chapter!

Hentai = Pervert

Ne = Right

Ano = Umm

Demo = But

Note: Futons are what Japanese people traditionally sleep on, it's pretty much just a mattress on the floor.

Disclaimer: I no own Yugioh, though I wish I owned two certain white haired bishies! I'll just have to settle for plushies for now.


"Who Am I?"

Chapter 3: "I'm Not Alone"

Anzu smiled as she once again touched Ryou's arm trying not to blush like the schoolgirl she was. 'I may not have my memories back, but my heart knows something much more important,' she thought as she looked back to the kind smile of Ryou. She then looked over at the scowling Bakura. 'Even with all of his mean looks and such he's still as hot as Ryou,' she thought suppressing a blush. 'But then that mouth of his gets in the way, even if he hasn't used it much,' she thought with a sigh looking over at him. Even as she thought this, it was normal for Anzu to think that way, but the normal Anzu held her tongue and tried to be polite, something this Anzu knew nothing about.

Bakura had nearly thrown the girl out the back of the ambulance on the way to their house. She continued to ask stupid questions and continued hugging or touching Ryou whenever she could. He was starting to doubt if she had amnesia and thought it may have been an act, but he was pretty sure if he voiced this opinion Ryou would get all pissy. 'He better not start falling for the stupid woman, god knows I don't need her hanging around any more than she already does.' He looked over to see the girl currently looking at him curiously.

"What the hell is it," he asked in a low tone.

"Why don't you talk much," she asked as she continued staring at him. Ryou looked ready to say something but Bakura's big mouth beat him to it.

"Because I'm not a stupid woman who can do nothing but talk," he spat. If this was the normal Anzu she would probably act all indignified and sputter about how rude that was. He was trying to get her to confess and say it was all an act. But this was where he was convinced she not only lost her memory but her mind.

"Go fuck yourself." 'I knew I should have just left him alone. Now I got his mouth moving,' she thought pissed off. Both boys gaped at her as she looked pissed off at Bakura and sat there saying it as if it was the most natural thing in the world. Maybe for most people, but it usually took a lot to get Anzu to say something like that to you, but this was an Anzu with no problems about speaking her mind.

"What the hell did you say to me woman," he said standing up in the ambulance.

"The names Anzu clean your ears and remember it," she said still looking pretty pissed.

"Who the hell are you to talk to me like that," he yelled taking a step closer to her.

"A normal pissed off person. You've been rude all damn night and not just to me. Did a bug crawl up your ass and die, or does it still have some fight left," she yelled also getting to her feet. 'Shit this is not good,' Ryou continued thinking to himself. But even as he thought this he couldn't really think of a way to get them to stop without getting in between the two, which didn't sound like the brightest of ideas. Bakura looked ready to send her ass to the shadow realm when the ambulance turned a corner and he stumbled falling into her as she fell back on the seat with him on top of her. Her eyes got huge as his face landed in her chest.

"Hentai!" Ryou was trying to calm her down; he really didn't want the ambulance driver coming back here to break something up. Bakura started getting up but as soon as he got in a kneeling position in front of her ready to stand a foot was the next thing to come into his line of vision and he stumbled back to the other side of the vehicle.

"What the fuck?! You stupid fucking woman! It was an accident, there's no way I'd try anything with a little girl like you." She actually started growling at him but the ambulance came to a stop. 'Shit, I hope they didn't stop because they're fighting!' A voice from up front called to them.

"We're here." Ryou sighed in relief before stepping in between the two and leading the way to the apartment. He opened the door and held it open for the two who just glared at each other before Ryou nudged Bakura to go through the door first. Anzu followed and Ryou came in locking the door. Just as he came in the warmth from the house compared to the cold outside went right to his nose. He pulled out the handkerchief and sneezed a few times getting a worried glance from Anzu, like when she had given the handkerchief to him earlier that day.

"Ryou-kun, maybe you should lie down," she asked her voice once again soft and gentle.

"And your butt is staying home tomorrow," yelled Bakura at Ryou coming back from one of the hallways. "Don't want a repeat of today," he said sounding pissed. "And I don't wanna be left alone with her," he said not bothering to say her name again just to agitate her. She would of said something but he tossed both of them a towel. "Go take a shower and get your butt in bed," he said still looking at Ryou. "And you follow," he said making her bristle once again, now she knew he wasn't using her name on purpose. "And don't take all day I wanna get some sleep too."

Ryou started to walk down the hall to the bathroom but then Anzu got up and started following him.

"Anzu, what are you doing," he asked.

"Bakura said to follow you didn't he," she asked acting like he wasn't in the room, secretly happy she might take a shower with Ryou. (AN: Naughty Anzu ^^())

"Anzu, he meant take a shower after I was done." She felt her hopes dashed, but then again this was the Anzu who voiced her opinion.

"I know, I just wanted to shower with you." Poor Ryou thought his face was going to be permanently scarlet, but the thought was cut off, as a certain Yami was looking quite pissed.

"Now who the hell is a pervert," he yelled. Even as Bakura said that Ryou thought, 'I wouldn't really mind all that much.'

"A pervert is when someone does that sort of thing and you don't want it. Ryou-kun wouldn't mind. Ne, Ryou-kun," she asked turning to the poor blushing boy.

"Ano…Shower," was all he could mumble before walking into the bathroom and locking the door.

"See," said Bakura looking smug.

"I didn't hear him say anything against it," she said even smugger. He growled but the growl was drowned out by a bigger growl, coming from Anzu's stomach. She looked down embarrassed. "Ano…"

He sighed. "Stupid Woman." He motioned for her to follow him to the kitchen. She complied and he went and got one of the instant packages of ramen for her putting some water in and sticking it in the microwave. He turned around to be met with a pair of blue eyes in his face. "What the hell," he yelled.

She backed up a bit but didn't yell back. "I was just seeing how it worked."

He once again growled. "Stupid woman."

"I don't care if you call me stupid," she said as she sat at the table looking frustrated. "You could never imagine just waking up one day, knowing absolutely nothing, not even your own name and being thrust around expecting to just pick things up like it came naturally." Her words hit home as his evil demeanor simmered down and he let a somewhat sympathetic look cross his face. He sat back thinking about the first few days he had finally awoken. It was even worse for him, all she lost were her memories, she didn't have to figure out body sharing and deal with powers of the millennium items. He was about to speak up when the microwave signaled the ramen was done. He got it out and set it in front of her with some chopsticks. For once the two were silent as she fiddled with her chopsticks eventually getting the hang of them and slowly eating her dinner. She looked up and saw that same soft look upon his face. When she had started speaking about lost memories for some reason her heart went out to him even though she didn't know why. She probably knew why, but that part of her was hidden away for now, and she could do nothing but wait for them to come back to her. She found the trash and threw the container and sticks away. She sat down grabbing the towel again when something struck her.

"Ano…," she started grabbing his attention. "What do I wear for cloths?"

"What's wrong with what you have?"

"It smells like the hospital," she said wrinkling her nose. He agreed with her on the smell so he begrudgingly got up and she once again followed him into a room. On the floor were two futons and some cloths strung here or there.

He dug around in a dresser before handing her a t-shirt and a pair of boxers. "They're mine so don't rip them or anything," he grumbled.

She held them in her hands close to her face. "They smell like you," she stated.

"No shit they're mine! If it bothers you then throw them in the dryer," he barked from the door. She walked up to him in the doorway.

"I didn't say it was a bad thing," she stated simply again and walked through the door before she saw the slight tinge of pink on Bakura's face. 'That damn woman is trying to just trying to confuse me!' He huffed but caught her before she went back to the living room.

"Listen Ryou's sick so he's staying in his room alone tonight and since he'd throw a fit if I didn't, I'm letting you have the guest room."

"Where are you sleeping," she asked genuinely concerned. From what she could tell there was only their room and the guest room.

"The living room," he stated walking to said room to sit on the couch and was about to turn on the TV when someone walked in front of him.

"Ano," she started unsure of what she should say.

"What is it? I gave you the guest room what more do you want?" 'I don't wanna be alone,' was the first thing that popped into her head. But with this guys attitude he'd probably just yell at her so she just sat down next to him to watch TV until Ryou finally exited the shower. As soon as he was out of the shower she ran into the bathroom locking the door behind her. Ryou looked over at Bakura with a questionable look.

"Don't look at me, one minute she's yelling at me, the next she's giving me the puppy dog eyes she gives you," he said gruffly. "Anyway you're taking the room alone tonight; don't want you getting anyone else sick."


"I gave the girl the guest room, and I'm in the living room. Just get some sleep, you look like crap," he said looking at the darkness starting to form under his eyes and the constant sniffling that was driving him nuts. Ryou was going to speak up but instead he sneezed a few more times and looking defeated he went to bed. Bakura sighed and rubbed his temples. 'This is going to be a long week…' He turned out the lights and brought out the spare futon from Ryou's room and set up the bed in the guest room and his in the living room. Satisfied he slipped under the blanket and started falling asleep. He was almost gone into the land of slumber when for some reason his hand brushed against his shirt and he thought of what Anzu had said earlier 'They smell like you…I didn't say it was a bad thing.' He felt a blush rise to his face again as he turned on his side burying his burning face in the pillow. 'Damn woman.'

Anzu slipped under the warm water letting it cascade down her form. The water felt so good on her stressed black and blue body. She felt like everything from today was just being washed away. She thought back to when she fist saw all of them. They all looked so worried and happy at the same time, especially Ryou. From what she'd been told she saved his life. Her hands gently went over her bruises. 'This was for Ryou-kun,' she thought with a blush. The first time she had seen him; her eyes made her feel like she could melt. 'Ryou-kun.' His smile made her knees weak, and all she wanted to do was make him happy.

Then there was Bakura. He was loud, rude, obnoxious, and wouldn't say her name. But somehow…he excited her. And all the constant bickering had diverted her attention from how she had pretty much almost died today. She felt a pang in her chest as she thought over that last bit. 'I almost died…' She felt her back push against the shower wall as she felt fear grip at her again. Another hand tentively went over the bruises. She saw a flash of white and heard her name, and saw a bright light. The voice sounded familiar…like…"Ryou." She felt the water starting to loose its heat and turned it off and stepping out of the shower. She quickly dressed and threw her towel and cloths in the hamper. She shivered as she opened the door and the cold air rush forward to meet her. She noticed it was dark and quiet as she exited. 'Asleep already?'

She made her way to the guest room and looked down at the inviting bed; she didn't realize how exhausted she felt as she crawled beneath the blanket. She felt the warmth wash over her and turned on her side to fall asleep. Her eyes drifted shut and darkness washed over her. She continued lying there listening to the silence, feeling the cold that awaited her body on the other side of the protective blanket, and the complete darkness that welcomed her vision. She rolled over again trying to think of something to drift off to. She tried to think of something happy, of what she might do tomorrow, or of just seeing her friends. But the more she tried to think, the more blanks she was coming up with. She felt exhausted, mentally and physically, but she couldn't sleep.

'I don't wanna be alone,' the thought came back to her mind. Remembering how she had wanted to tell that to Bakura earlier. She wasn't sure what she was going to do but she climbed out of the bed and made her way out of the guest room. She walked over to Ryou's room standing outside, not sure what she wanted to do, but then she heard him cough in his sleep and decided to look somewhere else for help with going to sleep. She quietly made her way to the living room and saw Bakura sprawled out on the floor in the spare futon. She didn't care if he did yell at her, he could yell at her in the morning. She quietly slipped under the blankets next to him facing his sleeping form.

'He looks so peaceful when he doesn't look mad at me. Maybe I should try not to annoy him as much…' Her thoughts were cut short as he turned in his sleep and his arm found its way around her waist pulling her closer to him. She was scared when he first did it, but the warmth from his body and the sounds of his soft slow breathing were comforting. 'I'm not alone,' was the last thing she thought as she drifted off to sleep in Bakura's arm.

AN: What did you think? I finally made a longer chapter, heh. Anyway I hope you enjoyed it!