Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who am I? ❯ Time After Time ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: Here it is the final chapter! Kind of like a reflection on what's happened since the last chapter and hopefully tying up any loose ends to any questions some of you might have. I'm hoping anyway. Thank you again to everyone who had reviewed! It was your reviews that inspired me to write as much as I did, and I know that sounds corny but it's the truth! I didn't think it'd make it passed chapter five but wow! Anyway I hope you all have enjoyed it as much as I've enjoyed writing it! Well enjoy!


Gomen = Sorry

Baka = Idiot

Hai = Yes

Disclaimer: I no own Yugioh, though I wish I owned two certain white haired bishies! I'll just have to settle for plushies for now.

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Chapter 25: "Time After Time"

Anzu walked quickly down the darkened sidewalk looking at her watch again and cursing as the neon green numbers read 9:18 PM. 'Shit I am soo late! I'm going to be lucky if he doesn't send someone to the shadow realm for this!' She tried to speed up without jarring the plastic bag in her hands around too much, along with her school bag bouncing against her other leg, panting as she made her way up the hillside to her new apartment. It was hard to get used to living in another part of town, but it wasn't so bad. Definitely not as 'luxurious' as her old home but it was affordable and tidy even if it was small. She quickly made her way in the front door and ran to the elevator jabbing both the up and down buttons. As slow as the elevators in her apartment building were it was wise to press both and if needed ride the down one down in the basement before it headed back up.

Luck was on her side though as she caught an elevator going up and climbed on pushing the 10th floor button. It always annoyed her that on either elevator the button for her floor would work but not light up when you pushed it like the others and always made her worry it didn't work. She shuffled her things around as she checked on the dinner she had picked up in the plastic bag.

She was planning on cooking but seeing as she was over an hour later and that he'd probably be impatient she decided to just get something he'd really like. She hadn't planned on being late but being a Kaiba corp. employee (even part time) meant you were at the beck and call of every whim Kaiba could think up. The only comforting thing she could think of on her way home was that little extra money she'd have in her pay check this week. 'I'm just lucky there's a rule for anyone in school not being able to work after 9 on a school day,' she thought as her exhausted body pleaded to be out of the uniform and into something a lot more comfortable. She was brought from her thoughts as the elevator dinged signifying that the button did indeed work as it stopped on the 10th floor. She took a deep breath and walked forward knowing full well what was waiting for her once she stepped inside the apartment.

She walked up to her apartment and was thinking of playing dumb and getting out her keys. But instead she decided on the direct approach and just knocked on her door, he had a spare key but him and only him. Just as she thought a moment later she heard someone moving around inside before the locks clicked and the door opened to reveal her very agitated boyfriend.

"You're late," he said leaving the door open to walk back into the apartment as she made her way in. She dropped her schoolbag near the door before putting the food on the counter and making her way into the small bathroom changing out of her ugly uniform. 'With all the money Kaiba puts into his games you'd think he'd at least hire someone to give him some fashion sense,' she thought looking at the puke green uniform that she thought looked like an outdated stewardess uniform.

She turned to make her way into the kitchen but halfway there she was stopped by two arms wrapping themselves around her waist. "B-bakura," she said his name softly as a tinge of red came across her cheeks.

"You know that's the third time in the last two weeks you've been late. If Kaiba doesn't lay off he may find himself in a much more scenic place until he learns to manage his time better." He kissed her neck softly moving down to her shoulder and she felt her eyelids slowly droop.

"Yeah but extra time means extra money," she tried to fight melting into his arms but it was becoming very hard to do as his hand clutched her body possessively taking in her scent as he continued kissing along her soft skin. "Gomen…," she said softly knowing this dinner was supposed to make up for another time she had been late. Ironic really now that she thought about it.

"Not your fault your stupid time period wants you to finish high school to make something of yourself," he said as he slowly pulled her over to the couch and fell back plopping down making her fall into his lap. He still didn't understand why they made kids study all this other stuff they probably wouldn't use when deciding a profession. He smirked getting a weird look from her as he remembered when he said he'd teach her to be a master thief instead. Pay was a lot better, but she got pretty pissed.

"At least when I get to college I'll be able to get a loan and not worry about money as much then."

"College," he looked up now focusing on her face instead of other areas he was previously focusing on.

"Well, I did want to go and become a dancer…but now with everything maybe I should try for something smaller first…Like teaching dancing."

"This won't make you more stressed out will it?" Whenever she was stressed he inevitably also became stressed, until they both had time to 'relieve' that stress. But even so there were times she would work herself to exhaustion trying to keep herself going with pills and drinks. He didn't get the whole concept but he was learning quickly. She'd actually worked herself to exhaustion once or twice and he'd gotten pretty pissed as she lived alone meaning he was the one to watch over her. Though he wouldn't admit it to anyone he wouldn't let anyone else watch over her anyways. But watching her so weak pissed him off to no extent. But then her words broke through his thoughts.

"No, not if I manage my classes well enough," she said sorting out the food n the plastic bag. He looked a bit shocked as he realized she had slipped from his grasp while he was thinking. 'She really could be a good thief.' But let it slip as she came over and handed him his plate.

"Steak? I thought you said something about keeping a tight budget this month," he asked but still tore into the juicy somewhat raw piece of meat.

"Yeah but I also felt bad about being late again and wanted to make it up to you. I may not show it but I hate not being able to see you as much when I'm late. We only get so much time together." She held a slight blush on her face as she began to eat as well.

"If you would let me help you it wouldn't be a problem." She sent him an agitated look. By 'help you' he meant going back to the job he held in his previous life and helping her with the money made off his 'loot.' This had come up before when she offered for him to move in only if he could support himself. She knew he didn't have a whole lot of skills that would help him in this period but she wasn't going to throw all her morals out the window even if she did love the baka.

"And I've told you I don't want a thief for a boyfriend. I don't want to wake up at five in the morning to cops knocking on my door or opening the paper to see some rare artifact or piece of art missing." He growled in annoyance but continued with his meal. She finished her meal quick enough as she was tired and wanted to relax a bit. She got up putting her plate in the kitchen before coming back to lie on the couch putting her head in his lap just as her was setting his plate aside. "I really want you to be with me, it is a bit lonely and creepy here."

"I've told you before you should have moved in with Ryou and me."

"And I've told you a lot of people would be very upset about something like that. I know it's not a big deal to either of us but a lot of people don't even like high school students dating let alone moving in together. But speaking of which, how are Ryou and Shizuka going?" While she was on her little adventure in the shadow realm Shizuka had taken it upon herself to cheer up Ryou, and inevitably caught his eye.

"Huh? Oh ok. I'm surprised the mutts not throwing a hissy fit."

"The mutt? Since when do you pick up Kaiba's nicknames?"

"Since they fit him."

"Well Jou gets mad because he thinks every guy is after his sister for that."

"And they're not?" She stuck her tongue out at him. "Don't stick that out unless you're going to use it." She immediately closed her mouth as he smirked at her embarrassment.

"Well he thinks Ryou's different."

"He's a little slower and goes about it in a more round about way," he said referring to Ryou, "but they only lasted about three months." Anzu giggled remembering that night very well as Bakura refused to go home all weekend. That also happened to be around the same time she asked him about moving in.

"You're out of high school in another year right," he said in an almost pleading tone remembering that weekend very well.


"Then will you move in with us?"

"You don't give up do you?"
"When it comes to you, of course not," he said grabbing her around the waist and pulling her face up to his before his lips were crushed against her own. She couldn't fight it any longer and felt herself give into his kiss, melting into his arms as he held her close. 'This feels so right, whenever he's around I always feel so strong and protected. I wish this could last forever.'

"What if I want you here with me?"

"In this dump?" He dodged her hand as he knew she would try and smack him for something like that.

"My place is not a dump! For only 2,500 yen a month it's pretty good." (AN: Bout 230 a month)

"I know but you look quite sexy when you're mad." She had the urge to try to slap him again but just sat there blushing a bright red. It didn't help that she was still lying in his lap. It was as she was calming down she remembered she had to ask him something.

"Bakura did you go by Yugi's today?" He showed a look of agitation but nodded. Apparently he still hadn't forgiven Yugi for that one time he 'interrupted.' 'At least he didn't just dump the Tupperware on the door and run off.' As it was after everyone found out about her having to move out, and after everyone wanted to kick Bakura's ass, they all wanted to help out. Meaning on a decent amount of occasions she'd be on her way home and just 'happen' to meet up with a friend who 'happened' to have some left over dinner she may like. She smiled to herself though, 'I'm so lucky to have such good friends. And poor Yugi after the whole Kuribo thing he was ready to give up dueling for good. Glad I talked him out of it though.' Sad to say they finally found out the only reason Anzu was his target was because Yugi used to have a crush on her. It embarrassed the poor young duelist to no extent but made sure everyone knew it was in the past. Especially Bakura who seemed to find a new reason to hate the small duelist.

"Hey space case, what are you thinking about now," Bakura said finally snapping her from her thoughts. She smiled up at him before leaning up and planting a gentle but firm kiss on his lips inwardly smirking as she knew she had caught him off guard. She pulled back slightly to finish her answer.

"Just thinking about you," she said giving him a genuine smile. He gave her a look as if he didn't believe her but eventually just let a smile slowly form on his face. A rarity, even for Anzu, so she made sure to enjoy it. He leaned down and kissed her again nibbling on her lower lip as she allowed him access to the rest of her mouth, delving into her warmth. She felt herself literally floating as he held her against him and slowly went from sitting halfway in his lap to straddling him. His hands went around her waist pulling her tightly to him. He loved her when she was like this, he was his and only his, she belonged to him. And though he wouldn't admit it a part of him belonged to her. She wrapped her arms tightly around him pulling him closer.

But even as she continued he mentally sighed, as he knew she was already dead on her feet and needed to be up at six again he just gathered her in his arms and went to her bedroom laying her in the small futon. He kissed her on the forehead and was about to get up and leave when he felt an arm holding onto his own keeping him in place.

"Bakura….will you, stay with me," she couldn't fight the blush coming over her face as she said this. Even though they'd been dating for almost a year whenever she said that she felt so shy, almost afraid he'd say no.

"Didn't you say something about not wanting something like that to become a habit," he said smiling mischievously yet not quite a smirk.

"Only if you aren't going to move in." He didn't quite understand what she meant by that but nonetheless lay down beside her with her back to him as he gathered her body against his.

"Thought you also said I needed to contribute if I'm going to do that," he said kissing the back if his neck. She knew immediately what he was getting at and let out a sigh as if defeated.

"And I said I don't want to know my boyfriend is stealing from others," she said emphasizing a certain part of the sentence. She felt his smirk against her neck before nipping at it softly making her squeak. She knew she couldn't put him off forever, when he set his mind on something he got it, even as she thought this she felt her face heating up again as a few strands of his unruly hair tickled the side of her face. But as she had learned again and again in the last few months of being with him was relationships were all about compromise.

As he ran his hands through her short hair, feeling the breath on the back of her neck, and the warmth from his body pressed firmly against his own she thought to herself, 'I don't mind compromising if it's for him. But only for him'

Thank you again to everyone who reviewed! I love you all sooo much! I hope you enjoyed and might be inspired to write a story of your own! Ja matte yo! =^,^=