Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who Can you Trust? ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]


Yami had an evil smirk on his face.


Yami pushed Bakura to the floor. He straddled him, and even though Bakura tried to struggle, it was useless. Yami pinned his wrists to the floor with one hand, and used his other to tear his shirt. His bare chest was revealed, and Yami bent down, kissing Bakura's neck all the way down to his chest.

Bakura-Stop it Yami! Please stop!

Yami dragged Bakura upstairs to the spare bedroom where Bakura usually sleeps. Yami threw him onto the bed. Bakura struggled, trying to make it to the doorway, but Yami cut him off.

Yami-I wasn't planning on doing this, but you've left me with no choice.

He pulled a pair of handcuffs from his jacket and used them to handcuff Bakura's arms to the metal-bar headboard of the bed. He began to undo Bakura's belt buckle. Bakura was struggling to get away. He knew it was no use, but perhaps out of instinct he felt the need to at least try. Yami had removed all of his clothes. He stood over him, just staring at his body. Bakura felt his face turn bright red from embarrassment, and he turned away. Yami bent down and began to whisper something in his hear.

Yami-Are you okay? Bakura? Bakura?

Bakura sat up with a jolt. Two concerned blue eyes stared into his, and Kaiba rubbed a hand across his cheek.

Kaiba-You were dreaming. Are you alright? It must have been a bad nightmare, you were screaming.


Kaiba-Shh. . .no, just me. Don't worry. Yami isn't here.

Bakura-It was so real. I can still feel him! I can feel his eyes, just staring at me. And I couldn't move. I was helpless. Oh gods, Kaiba.

Kaiba held him close, gently stroking his hair.

Kaiba-It must have been terrifying. But don't worry, I'm here. I'll be here for you, just say the word. I won't ever let him hurt you.



Bakura-Never leave me.


Kaiba had slept in the spare bedroom, and Bakura had stayed in Ryou's. Kaiba had allowed Mokuba to stay the weekend at a friend's house, and it was Friday. He wasn't coming home `till Sunday. Bakura didn't feel like being alone. There were still some emotional scars, and for some unknown reason, the only one he truly trusted was Kaiba.

He awoke, covered in sweat. He'd had another dream. It was the same one as before, but this time, Yami had gone much further. Bakura walked downstairs to get a glass of water. Suddenly, he heard something. Someone was in the living room. The light turned on, blinding Bakura. He fell to his knees.


Kaiba-Are you okay?!

Bakura-Oh, Kaiba. . .I thought. . .I thought you were-

Kaiba-Don't worry, it's only me. I didn't mean to startle you. I thought I heard something downstairs. I was just making sure everything was okay.

Now, the next few minutes were confusing to Bakura. He didn't know what he was thinking, why he did what he did. He stepped up to Kaiba and wrapped his arms around him. He then stared up into his startled eyes and gently kissed his lips.

Bakura-I love you, Kaiba.

Kaiba-Wh-what?! Bakura, I. . .um. . .

Bakura-You don't have to say anything. I just had to tell you.

Kaiba-Bakura, I think that you should get some rest. You don't know what you're saying. You-

Bakura-Kaiba, I do love you. I've never said anything before because-

He would have continued, but the phone rang.

Bakura-Um. . .hold on.

He answered the phone.


Yugi-Bakura? This is Yugi. Hey, um. . .is Yami at your place?


Yugi-Um. . .yeah. I know it's late but Yami came home earlier, but then left again. I'm getting concerned about all of this running around.

Kaiba-What does he want?

Yugi-Whoa, was that Kaiba?! What's he doing over there this late? And you never told me if you've seen Yami.

Bakura-I haven't seen him. I have to get back to bed. Bye.

He hung up the phone. Kaiba was still staring at him, halfway awake, and still confused.

Bakura-I'm going to bed now. You should do the same.

As Bakura turned to go back upstairs, Kaiba grabbed his hand.

Kaiba-Bakura, wait. . .I love you too.

Kaiba and Bakura just stared into each other's eyes for a while, and then Kaiba began to run his hand through Bakura's long hair. He pulled Bakura into a kiss, and was pleased to find Bakura kissing him back. They worked their way upstairs and into Ryou's room. Kaiba laid him carefully on the bed and he straddled him. He bent down and met Bakura halfway as he pulled him into a bruising kiss. Bakura's lips parted, and Kaiba's tongue eagerly explored his mouth.

Kaiba removed Bakura's clothes, as well as his own, the entire time kissing Bakura every-so-often. He kissed Bakura gently as he slipped a finger inside of him. Bakura arched his back at the intrusion, and gasped slightly.

Kaiba-Just relax. It won't hurt as much if you relax.

Bakura did as he said, and soon there was no pain. Kaiba distracted Bakura with another kiss as he slipped a second finger inside. This time when he went to kiss Bakura, he turned away.

Bakura-Kaiba. . .I can't. . .

Without hearing what he had to say, Kaiba knew instantly.

Kaiba-You don't want to.

Bakura-No, I want to, really I do. . .

By this time, Kaiba was lying next to Bakura, one hand supporting his own head, and the other caressing Bakura's chest.

Kaiba-It's okay. I understand. You've been through a lot. You just aren't ready yet.

Bakura-Are you mad at me?

Kaiba-Of course not. You've been through something horrible, and I would never force you to do anything you didn't want to. I'll wait until you're ready. No matter how long that may take.


When Bakura awoke the next morning, Kaiba wasn't in the room. Down the hall, the sound of the shower running could be heard, so Bakura went downstairs to use the shower. When he immerged, Kaiba was in the kitchen on the phone. Bakura didn't mean to eavesdrop, but something caught his attention.

Kaiba-No, Ryou. . .of course he's fine. . .no, I think he's coming out of it, but he's still a bit nervous around Yami. . .Ryou, you have to understand. He must not have told you because. . .yes, I understand that, but you don't get what I'm saying. Ryou, please don't yell. . .but it isn't his fault.

Suddenly, Bakura heard the phone hang up. Ryou must have hung up on him. Kaiba walked into the living room where Bakura was. He jumped when he saw him just standing there.

Bakura-You. . .you told him about it? What all did you tell him? Did you tell him about us?

Kaiba-No, of course not. He asked if everything was okay, and asked me if you'd told me about your `secret' yet. He said he wanted to know exactly who all knew, that way if there were any problems. . .Bakura, I didn't know he didn't know. The way he made it sound. . .

Bakura-It's okay. I understand.



Kaiba-Why didn't you tell Ryou? I mean, he's your other half, and yet you. . .you told me not him.

Bakura-I trusted you more than him. You're my lover, he's just someone I'm stuck with.

It was around three in the afternoon that Kaiba had left to check up on things with Mokuba and to run a few errands, but he'd promised to be back before too long. When Bakura heard the knock at the door, he was sure it was Kaiba. But it wasn't.

Bakura-Yami? What are you-

Yami-No time. Is he here?



Yami shoved Bakura and locked the door behind him.

Bakura-Get out of my-

Yami-Ryou called me. He kept telling me I raped you. Bakura, where is Kaiba?

Bakura-Why do you want to know? He's upstairs if it's any of your concern.

Bakura didn't want Yami to know he was all alone in the house. Just like you should never tell the strange man on the phone or at the door you're the only one in the house. It was the same theory. Bakura thought Yami would leave him alone if he thought Kaiba was there, but he didn't. he grabbed Bakura by the arm, and began to drag him to the door.

Yami-Come with me.


His plan to scare Yami didn't work. He only pulled on Bakura's arm harder. Yami had just made it to the door and had opened it when a very confused and surprised Kaiba stared at him face to face.



Kaiba-Get your hands off of him! Let go!

Kaiba hit Yami, forcing him to let go of Bakura. Startled, Bakura fell to the floor, terrified. Yami wrapped his hands around Kaiba and began to choke him.

Yami-Bakura! Go to the car! It's outside! Go now!

All he could think of was getting Kaiba out of the pharaoh's grip. He hit Yami just in time to shock him momentarily. Kaiba squirmed free and started hitting Yami, forcing him out of the door. Bakura locked it as Kaiba ran to the phone. He picked up the receiver.

Kaiba-. . .it's dead. . .

They could hear Yami pounding on the door outside.

Bakura-I think he's drunk. Kaiba, are you okay?

Kaiba-Yes, but are you?

Bakura nodded.


Night time came, and Yami hadn't been back. They were finally able to reach the police, and they'd said that Yami was missing, and if they saw him they would take him into custody. Bakura was lying in Ryou's bed, trying to fall asleep. Suddenly, he awoke. He was lying naked, tied up to the bed, and he couldn't move. Yami stood, towered over him. He, too, was wearing nothing.

Yami-don't worry, this won't hurt. Me, anyway.

Bakura closed his eyes, praying Yami wouldn't do anything to him. For a moment, he thought Yami had left, but was proven wrong when he felt the pharaoh's hands running all along his body. He began to kiss down Bakura's neck and chest, and then began sucking upon Bakura's nipples, biting them gently. Bakura struggled to get away, but the ropes that bound him were cutting into his flesh.

Yami-Now, I know I'm not hurting you. Just calm down. It will all be over soon.

Bakura was struggling to get away, trying so hard. Suddenly, the ropes seemed to tighten, and he was awake. Yami was straddling him, his hand covering his mouth, and he was fully awake. He was sure of it this time.

Yami-Shh. . .don't scream. Don't wake Kaiba up. Please. I'm not here to hurt you. Please don't scream.

He removed his hand from Bakura's mouth.

Yami-Come with me.

Bakura wasn't sure what to do, but he definitely wasn't going to follow Yami, possibly into his death. Suddenly, Yami's eyes seemed to stare into Bakura's more confused. There was no fear, no pain, no anger, nothing. They were just staring into his. Suddenly, a thin stream of crimson red blood trickled from the corner of his mouth.


Yami-Oh. . .gods. . .

He collapsed to the floor, and Kaiba, who had apparently been behind him, licked the blood off of the dagger which had been used to stab him. Suddenly, the pieces from before, from when Bakura had been raped. The missing pieces, images. . .they all began to come together. To make sense.

Bakura-Oh Ra. . .it was. . .

Bakura backed away, tripping backwards when he reached the bed. The door was shut, and besides, it was almost pointless to try to run for it. Kaiba was standing between the door and Bakura.

Kaiba-Yeah, it was me. Yami had helped me out a bit, helped me tie you down, he was even going to join in, himself. But he went soft. Tried to talk me into stopping. I was surprised, myself, that you forgot about me and thought it was all his fault. I'd come back to finish my job but when you seemed to be okay around me, I figured maybe you'd gone into shock. When you seemed to be okay with me, I decided to do some quick thinking, came up with the shit about Mokuba running away, and got `closer' to you. But Yami wasn't going to let me hurt you. So he hurt himself in order to try and gain your trust and hopefully be the one you'd trust and once he got closer. . .but I couldn't let him save you. No, you see, if you knew it was me, I wouldn't have made it this far.

Bakura-But. . .i thought you. . .but I loved you! How could you do this to me?!

Kaiba-like this.

He slowly moved upon Bakura, placing the dagger on the pillow beside him. He took off his belt and used it to tie Bakura's wrists to the headboard, and then he sat there, straddling him. He used the dagger to cut off his shirt; he didn't want to untie him. He then removed Bakura's pants and any other article of clothes either one of them was wearing. Bakura shivered as the cool air touched his body, and he shut his eyes tightly, as if to make everything go away. But it didn't.

He tried not to cry out as Kaiba's erection entered him, not even preparing him. He thrust into Bakura harder and harder, trying to make him cry out in pain. He pushed himself all the way in and then pulled back out about four times before Bakura screamed. He could hear Kaiba laughing menacingly at him as he did so, and then he took Bakura's length in his hand, pumping it in rhythm with each thrust. Bakura was determined not to like the sensation, but he couldn't help it. Luckily for Bakura, Kaiba was the first to release, exploding into Bakura. He collapsed on top of him, and rested there for a moment. Kaiba's weight was becoming almost unbearable for Bakura, and he couldn't shift his weight because he was still tied.

Kaiba-Fine, it's obviously going to take more than this.

At first, Bakura wasn't sure what he meant, but then realized when Kaiba took him into his mouth. Each time he began to pull away, Bakura thrust upward, not wanting to lose contact. His mind kept telling him to stop, to not enjoy the feeling, but his body was betraying him. Finally, the moment Kaiba had been waiting for and expecting. Bakura released into him, Kaiba swallowing gratefully.

Kaiba-Now, was this so bad.

Bakura-Please. . .stop it!

Kaiba placed his hands around Bakura's neck.

Bakura-Wh-what are you doing?! Kaiba pl-

He was cut off. Kaiba was choking him. Everything was going numb. Bakura felt Kaiba re-enter him, thrusting into him hard, but there was no pain, although Bakura's tears came, just the same.

Kaiba-So tight, Bakura! So tight, and so hot. . .

The room was going dark. And suddenly, Bakura's chocolate brown eyes glazed over. Kaiba thrust into him a few more times before once more, releasing into him. He collapsed on top of him, falling asleep.

When Kaiba awoke, it was very light out, and the phone was ringing. Kaiba picked up the receiver.


Ryou-Kaiba? Um. . .is Bakura there?

Kaiba-He's upstairs in the shower. Want me to tell him you called?

Ryou-No, that's okay. I'll be home before dark. I've decided to come home early. Has Yami bothered Bakura lately? I called him, and I think I frightened him. I was. . .erm. . .a bit angry.

Kaiba-No, Yami hasn't been around. I've been taking good care of Bakura.

Ryou-Thank you. You have no idea how much that means to me.

Kaiba-So, you'll be here before dark?


Kaiba-Okay then. I'll let Bakura know. And we'll be here.

Ryou-Okay, thanks. Bye now.

They hung up, and Kaiba headed back upstairs. He removed the robe he'd been wearing and laid next to Bakura.

Kaiba-Oh, love. You're freezing.

He pulled the bloodstained blanket up halfway, but had to kick Yami's corpse off of it to pull it up all the way. He then moved on top of Bakura, straddling him.

Kaiba-Guess what? Ryou's coming home early. Isn't that great?

He stared into Bakura's lifeless eyes, smirking.

Kaiba-I've already started planning a welcome home party. And believe me. It's to die for.

He picked up the dagger that he'd dropped on the floor and began tracing invisible pictures on Bakura's chest with it, an evil smirk growing across his face. The whole house was completely silent, with the exception of a menacing laugh growing louder and louder.

THE END!. . .or is it the end?. . .

Peggi-Well, I hope you likied it. It was my very first ever Yugioh shounen-ai, and this was the first time I've ever written lemon. . .so I know if it kinda sucked. It was kinda a warm up for my next lemon. Which I guarantee is much better. And now time for shameless advertising time!

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Erm. . .that's all I have to say now. Bye and thankies to all who reviewed! You are the greatest!