Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anime? ❯ Show I: Let's Make a Date, Two Line Vocabulary ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!, although Ayumi IS mine.
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Ayumi: Hello and welcome to “Whose Line is it Anime?” In today's episode, “I'm selfish” - Seto Kaiba!
*Camera moves over Kaiba in a chair on stage. He is pressing buttons on a calculator*
Ayumi: “I'm evil” - Yami Bakura!
*Camera moves over Bakura. He grins menacingly*
Ayumi: “I'm stupid” - Joey Wheeler!
*Camera moves over Joey. He frowns at being called stupid*
Ayumi: And last but not least, “I'm handsome” - Duke Devlin!
*Camera moves over Duke. He is looking in a portable mirror*
Ayumi: I'm your host, Ayumi Tamahaki! Come on down and let's have some fun. *sits behind the desk* Hello! Welcome to “Whose Line is it Anime?” the show where everything's made up and the points don't matter! That's right, just like Dungeon Dice Monsters, they don't mean a thing!
Duke: I resent that!
Ayumi: I'm sure you do. Anyway, if you've never seen this show before, what going to happen is these guys are going to make up everything you see from suggestions written on these cards. *holds up cards* We give them fakey points and we pick a “winner” at the end who gets to sit in my chair and torture the rest of us. *laughter*
Bakura: *gets an evil look on his face*
Ayumi: O-kay...Let's get things started with a game called “Let's Make a Date!” This is for all four of you. *Kaiba, Joey, and Duke sit on three stools that are next to each other on stage. Bakura sits in a fourth one a little away* Bakura, you're a contestant on a dating-type show. You have to figure out the personalities of these three bachelors by asking them questions. Go ahead and start the game when you're ready.
Bakura: *in a girlie voice which arouses laughter* Okay bachelor number one, if we went on a date, where would you take me?
Kaiba: *caption reads “mad scientist” * Somewhere dark and spooky...a basement perhaps, filled with vials and cages and electrical equipment! Mwahahahahahaha!!!!!!
Bakura: My kind of place... So, bachelor number two, if you were an animal, what would you be?
Joey: *caption reads “tree-hugger” * Any animal! They are so important to our society. We should try to protect their habitats as well as we can.
Audience: *gasps at the fact that Joey said something intelligent*
Ayumi: Who knew that Joey knew that stuff?
Kaiba: *talking to Joey* We shouldn't protect animals! The only thing they're good for is testing experiments.
Bakura: *after recovering from the shock* All-righty then...Bachelor number three, I'm almost afraid to ask anything, but what would you get me for my birthday?
Duke: *caption reads “drunk bartender” * On whatever day that *hiccup* is, you could come down to *hiccup* my place, and I'll *hiccup* give you a glass of Tequila on the *hiccup* house.
Ayumi: *hits buzzer* Okay, times up. Can you guess what they are, Bakura?
Bakura: *back to normal voice* First, I pick bachelor number one. He's an evil scientist.
Ayumi: Correct.
Bakura: Bachelor number two is...obsessed with nature?
Ayumi: Well, it says “tree-hugger.” But close enough. What about Duke?
Bakura: Bachelor number three is a bartender who's drunk.
Ayumi: Exactly, good job guys. *Contestants walk back to their seats* Two thousand points to Bakura for getting them all and sounding like a girl, 1,000 to Joey for saying something smart, and 500 points to Kaiba for laughing evilly.
Duke: Why don't I get anything?
Ayumi: Those hiccups were REAL.
Duke: Darn *hiccup* it!
Ayumi: Let's move on with a game called...”Two Line Vocabulary.” This is for Duke, Bakura, and Joey. *they approach the stage* The scene is you're on a safari in Australia. Bakura, you're the guide. Duke, you're Joey's girlfriend -
Duke: I'm his WHAT!? *hiccup*
Joey: He's my WHAT!?
Ayumi: Duke, you're Joey's girlfriend. NO BUTS!!! This is you're birthday present from him. The twist is, Bakura can say anything he wants - except for swears.
Bakura: Chikuso!
Ayumi: *staring at Bakura angrily* Joey, the only lines you're allowed to say are “Should I shoot it?” and “Somebody needs a hug.” Duke, you're only allowed to say, “What was that?” and “That's not good.” Start the scene!
Bakura: *in an Australian accent* If you look to you're left, you'll see a family of Kangaroos.
Joey: *cocking a pretend gun* Should I shoot it?
Bakura: No! It's an endangered species!
Duke: That's not good.
Bakura: No, being endangered is not good.
Duke: *waving hand in front of nose* Oh...what was THAT?
Bakura: That would be a camel to your right.
Joey: Should I shoot it?
Bakura: NO!!!
Joey: Somebody needs a hug...
Duke: *scared* What was that!?
Joey: Somebody needs a hug. *hugs Duke*
Bakura: It's a charging rhinoceros!
Duke: That is NOT good!
Joey: Should I shoot it?
Bakura: Yes! YES!!! Shoot it NOW!!!!!
Duke: That's not good!
Bakura: *yelling* It is if you don't want to be scrambled!
Joey: Somebody needs a hug!
Ayumi: *hits buzzer* That's enough of that. Good job guys. Let's see, 1,000 points to Bakura for the accent, and to Joey for hugging Duke. And I didn't give you any Duke because it would have been a whole lot funnier if you're hiccups didn't go away right before the scene!
Duke: But they're *hiccup* back now!
Ayumi: Too late. Anyway, you weren't acting like Joey's girlfriend. Right now, let's take a commercial break.