Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anime? ❯ Show 1: Party Quirks, Scenes From a Hat ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!, although Ayumi IS mine.
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Ayumi: Hello and welcome back to “Whose Line is it Anime?” Let's continue the show with “Party Quirks.” This is for all four of you. *they step out onto the stage* Duke, you're hosting a party, and Kaiba, Bakura, and Joey are the guests. They each have a different personality or “quirk,” and we'll see if Duke can guess them all. Go ahead and start the party and I'll ring them in one-at-a-time with the doorbell.
Duke: *pretending to lay things out on a table* Okay, I got the *hiccup* - oops - chips, salsa - *doorbell rings* Coming! *opens the pretend door* Hi Joey. *hiccup*
Joey: *caption reads “Duke Devlin before he was defeated by Yugi” * Don't “hi” the next King of Games!
Duke: O-kay...Help yourself to the *hiccup* soda. *doorbell rings* Coming. *opens door* Hey Kaiba.
Kaiba: *caption reads “Joey's paranoid girlfriend” * I refuse to humiliate myself like this.
Ayumi: If you don't do it, you'll be just like Duke.
Kaiba: Very well. *rushes over to Joey* *in a high-pitched voice* Joey, don't eat the chips! They could be poisonous!
Joey: Don't tell ME what to do! I only listen to geniuses like Pegasus.
Duke: I have *hiccup* some really weird guests here. *doorbell rings* Coming already! *opens door* Welcome to the party *hiccup* Bakura.
Bakura: *caption reads “scared of everything” * What!? A party!? NO!!! *running around the stage* Not a PARTY!!! AHHHHHHH!!!!!!
Joey: I think I'll hold a party in my shop to celebrate my victory against that cheater!
Kaiba: *still in high-pitched voice* You can't! Parties are dangerous! Someone could come drunk and destroy your house!
Bakura: NO!!! Anything but a HOUSE!!!!! *screams*
Joey: *to Kaiba* I said, don't tell me what to do!!!
Kaiba: *high-pitched, still* You weren't this bossy last night...
Joey: What!? *faints and is caught by Bakura*
Ayumi: *hits buzzer* That's...*laughter*...enough...*laughter* Duke, can you possibly guess who they are?
Duke: Joey was me *hiccup* before Yugi defeated me. *Ayumi nods* Kaiba *laughter followed by a hiccup* was Joey's girlfriend who always thinks something bad is going to *hiccup* happen to him.
Ayumi: “Paranoid,” yeah. Bakura?
Duke: Thinks...everything's dangerous?
Ayumi: He was “scared of everything.” *Duke nods and goes back to his seat*
Kaiba: *walks back to his seat* I'd better get a whole lot of points for that.
Bakura: *dumps the unconscious Joey into his seat* It's more fun than I thought being hyper. *sits down*
Ayumi: Okay, 3,000 points to Kaiba for being a girl, 1,000 to Duke for getting their personalities and for the hiccups - if you want to get rid of them, try drinking from a glass backwards. Lastly, 500 points to Joey for fainting.
Duke: *drinks backwards from a glass* Thanks; I think it worked. *dumps the rest of his water on Joey, causing him to wake up*
Joey: *sitting up quickly* What!? What happened? *rubs head* And why do I have a headache?
Ayumi: You fainted when Kaiba said “You weren't this bossy last night...” - which earned you 500 points.
Kaiba: And you have a headache because Bakura dropped you in your chair.
Joey: Thanks a lot, Bakura!
Bakura: Your welcome.
Ayumi: Catch, Joey. *throws Joey a bottle* Advil always works for me. Now, let's play one of my favorite games, “Scenes from a Hat”! *takes a cowboy hat out from under desk* What happens is we have the audience write down different suggestions for scenes they want to have done. We take the good ones and stick them in this hat, and we'll see how many our contestants can act out.
*Kaiba and Bakura stand on the left side of the stage; Duke and Joey on the right*
Ayumi: *pulls out slip of paper from hat* The first scene is “What cartoon characters do during commercials.”
*all four people walk on stage*
Kaiba: *pretends to deal out cards* Aces are high, and Jokers are wild.
Bakura: *lies down on the stage* Zzzzzzzzzzzz.......
Joey: *walks on stage* Quick, quick! Someone get me more hair spray!!!
Duke: *walks on stage* Who drank all the coffee?
Ayumi: “Names for a miracle product that turn you off.”
Bakura: *walks on stage* New and improved “Kaibacillin”!
Kaiba: *growls and walks on stage* Who needs “Kaibacillin” when you can have “Arukab”!
Ayumi: *scribbling on a piece of paper* Arukab...Hey, that's Bakura spelled backwards!
Kaiba: Yep.
*Bakura and Kaiba exchanged death glares*
Ayumi: *sweat-drops* Let's go on, shall we? *pulls out another paper* “The journal of Seto Kaiba.”
Joey: *walks on stage; pretends to write* Today, I defeated the following losers... *pretends to turn a page* I defeated these losers... *turns another page* The following were defeated by me...
Ayumi: *hits buzzer* You don't need to do the WHOLE journal, Joey.
Duke: *walks on stage; pretends to write* Here are the updates on my plan to get rid of Bakura...
Bakura: *walks on stage; pretend to write* The balance of my bank account as of today: 6.37 times 10 to the 16th power.
Ayumi: *pulls out paper* Oh no... *slaps herself on the head* “What Ayumi Tamahaki is thinking right now.”
Joey: *walks on stage* Now I understand why Drew Carrey didn't take this job.
Kaiba: *walks on stage* God - Kaiba's hot!
Ayumi: *becomes as red as a tomato*
Duke: *walks on stage* I think I'll give 10,000 points to Duke...
Ayumi: *hits buzzer* In your dreams, Dukey boy.
Ayumi: Dukey boy.
Joey: Are you related to Pegasus?
Ayumi: Jigoku, no! I just thought “Dukey boy” sounded kind of cute. Besides, it's MUCH better than the “Devlin-boy” Pegasus came up with, don't you think?
*Joey, Kaiba, Bakura, and Duke all sweat-drop*
Ayumi: Oh well. I give 1,000 points to Joey and Bakura, and 2,000 to Kaiba. Now, let's take a commercial break. When we come back we'll find out who the winner is! *throws cowboy hat like a Frisbee*