Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway? Yu-Gi-Oh's! ❯ Part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Whose Line is it Anyway? Yu-Gi-Oh's!

By Houou and Liger Zero Schneider

Disclaimer: We do not own Yu-Gi-Oh or Whose Line. Dedicated to Ms. Kim Goodson, whose birthday was yesterday.

Liger: Hi welcome to Whose Line is it Anyway!

Houou: Where, just like Tea's deck, the points doesn't matter.

Liger: Today we have I think we turn right, Yami Yugi!

Houou: Where the hell are we, Seto Kaiba!

Liger: I have to go to the bathroom, Yami Malik!

Houou: And Are we there yet, Maximillion Pegasus!

Malik: Why am I a blur?

Houou: Because we've never seen you because of stupid drivers ed!

Liger: First game is Let's Make a Date!

Houou: Pegasus, you're on a dating type show, but all you have to choose from is Malik, Kaiba, and Yami.

Liger: Poor them.

Houou: But they have a strange personality attached to them, so you have to guess who they are.

Pegasus: [in a girly voice] Bachelor number one, I like a man who's exciting in bed. What would you do to get me riled up?

Malik: [Reads: Ate one too many sugar lumps] [bouncing in his seat] I'dbouncearoundandthenstreakthroughabusymallandthencutoffyourdickwiththemil leniumrod!!!!! [runs around shrieking]

Pegasus: Strange. Bachelor number two, if it was Thanksgiving, what would you serve me?

Kaiba: [reads: Turkey] Gobble gobble gobble. [follows Malik around.]

Pegasus: How quaint. Bachelor number three, what's your favorite color?

Yami: [reads: Takes Final Fantasy characters hostage] I don't have time for this! You! [pulls Cloud from the audience to the floor] Stay there or I shoot!

Pegasus: You seem aggressive. I like that in a man. Bachelor number one,

Malik: EEEEEEEE!!!!!! [tackles Houou]

Houou: Get off!

Liger: Aw look, Malik likes you.

Pegasus: Know what? Never mind. Bachelor number two, do you prefer a sword or an axe?

Kaiba:[gobbles really loudly and trips over Cloud]

Pegasus: Axe then.

Yami: [drags Sephiroth, Squall, and Yuffie down] You three! Get down!

Liger: Okay! Guess.

Pegasus: Malik is either sugar crazed or hung around Houou too long.

Houou: Hey!

Pegasus: Kaiba is a turkey. [Kaiba gives a muffled reply.] And Yami is out to torment Final Fantasy characters.

Houou: Close enough.

Liger: Hey, what's your name? [points to Squall]

Squall: Squall. Leon in Kingdom Hearts.

Liger: Leon? Nice ass!

Houou: [falls over amine style]

Liger: Next game is Narrate! This is for Yami and Kaiba. We need a place unlikely for a Film Noir to take place at.

Crowd: Burger King!

Liger: Okay, Burger King!

Kaiba: [to crown] The former phaorah is now a burger flipper. Who'da thought? We had done something the night before and I wanted to talk to him about it. [to Yami] Hello, Yami.

Yami: What do you want Kaiba?

Kaiba: We have to talk about last night.

Yami: [to crowd] I knew he wanted a repeat of last night. And although I enjoyed it as much as he did, I was against repeating it. [to Kaiba] What about last night?

Kaiba: Wanna do it again?

Yami: I don't think Bakura will appreciate more water balloons thrown at him.

Bakura: THAT WAS YOU!?!?!? [goes to strangle them but is held back by Allenby in Nobel Gundam.]

Liger: We'll be back in a little while.