Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway? Yu-Gi-Oh's! ❯ Ch 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Whose Line is it Anyway? Yu-Gi-Oh's!

Ch 2

Houou: Hey, welcome back to Whose Line is it Anyway where the points don't matter.

Liger: Just like the names of Kaiba's board, it doesn't matter.

Kaiba: I resent that.

Houou and Liger: Too Bad! [attack Kaiba with a spatula and a plunger]

[Malik is now human: he isn't a blur.]

Houou: Hey I saw a picture of Malik! Boy, are you hot! [Malik's face goes red.]

Kaiba and Yami: [wolf whistles]

Liger: Ooookay……….let's play Party Quirks.

Houou: Yay! Malik's the host of a party and he has to guess who the others are. Start!

Malik: Got the chips, got the soda, got the extra PS2 in case Yami breaks the first one again…

Yami: Hey!


Malik: Oh, hi, Pegasus! Come on in!

Pegasus: [reads: Dog desperate for a lap] [barks a couple of times and runs to Liger's lap.]

Malik: Okay! Make yourself at home!


Malik: Hi, Yami!

Yami: [reads: Bender from Futurama] Bite my shiny metal ass!

Malik: Okay. [goes to bite Yami in the ass but Pegasus knocks him down and sits on Malik's lap]

Liger: That is so wrong.

Houou: Shut up.

Malik: Okay, get up, you lap dog. [Pegasus sits down.]


Kaiba: [reads: Harpy Lady] [screeches very loudly and flaps his arms around as he runs around the studio]

Yami: [drinks an imaginary bottle of beer and calmly steals Malik's wallet.]

Malik: Okay, Bender, give me back my wallet! [Yami gives back the wallet and sits down] And you, you're a hawk!

Liger: No!

Malik: An eagle!

Houou: No!

Kaiba: I obey Mai and she orders me around.

Malik: Oh! You're a Harpy Lady!

[They sit down]

Houou: Okay, Liger disappeared somewhere and I don't know what to do next so lets stare at a picture of Legolas!

[Picture of Legolas comes down from the ceiling. Houou, a bunch of fangirls, and Pegasus are staring at it with hearts in their eyes.]

Liger: What the hell's going on here? [takes down picture]

Houou, Pegasus, Fangirls: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Liger: Whatever. Time to play Scenes from a Hat! [holds up Rex Raptor's hat]

Hoou: Hoo boy. We pull a scene, you act it out. Or something like that. [pulls one] Previously unknown Millenium Items.

Pegasus: I too possess a millenium item. The all powerfum Millenium Condom!

Kaiba: Behold! The Millenium Nose Picker!

Houou: EWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!

Liger: I'll kill whoever wrote that. [pulls one] Unusual dictionary definitions.

Kaiba: Joey, see dog. [buzzed]

Yami: She said unusual.

Kaiba: Oh.

Yami: Idiot, see Pegasus.

Malik: Psychopath, see Bakura.

Pegasus: Sugar crazed, see Houou.

Houou: [throws a plunger at Pegasus] [pulls one] Ancient Egyptian Jerry Springer. [reads it again] Riiiiiight…

[Pegasus, Yami, and Malik come out]

Pegasus: So what happened after your father died, Yami?

Yami: Well, I has to marry m sister to get the throne. [AN: The throne was a matriarchal line. Whoever married the 'heiress to the throne' was the phaorah. That explains the incest.]

Malik: Yeah, he was gonna marry me, but after the ol' man died, he left me for that hussy so that he can be king!

Yami: PHAORAH!!! [Malik and Yami start fighting.]

Audience: Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!

Liger: All right, that's enough. [pulls one] Gifts rejected for Baby Jesus [AN: We are not insulting any Christians. We just saw this one on the real WLIIA.]

Kaiba: Here, have a torn Blue Eyes White Dragon!

Yami: I got ya the Lord of the Rings DVD.

Malik: Here Jesus! I got you a new pet! Pegasus! [Pegasus is next to him and he waves]

Kaiba: Lookie, lookie! Straw!

Pegasus: Have a plunger! [throws the plunger at Houou]

Houou: [ducks] [pulls one] Rejected Duel Monsters

Yami: I summon the Houou card!

Houou: What a diss.

Kaiba: The Saddam Hussein card is mine!

Pegasus: I play the Teletubbies card in defense mode.

Liger: [pulls one] Things that would get a spittake from the hostesses. [Houou and Liger grab their cans of Pepsi Twist and get cheesy grins on their faces]

Kaiba and Yami: [come out and start frenching]

Houou and Liger: [spit out their drinks on Pegasus]

Liger: Get me a brain scrubber!

Houou: Kaiba and Yami forever! [gives the 'V' with her fingers!

Liger: [pulls last one] Alternate endings of Lord of the Rings

Houou: WHAT?! [reads it] WEEVIL YOU WROTE THIS!

Pegasus: Frodo and Legolas sitting in a tree, f-u-c-


Liger: We'll be right back. Houou's on the warpath.