Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway ❯ Three Headed Broadway Star ( Chapter 33 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Finally an update!
I'll hold off my Author Notes till the end so I don't give anything away and you can get right into the story.
Chapter Thirty-three
Three-Headed Broadway Star
Within the little broom cupboard like room Seto Kaiba found no brooms, or coats, or storage of any kind. What he did find, however, were several tied up, lifeless looking bodies.
The CEO examined the closest body; he was tall with short sandy hair and a big nose, tied to a shorter bald Canadian. Seto had seen this before long ago on Pegasus's Island. The bodies weren't dead, just soulless.
Although he didn't know who they were, Seto figured that these were the men that used to be here before Laria showed up. His sister stole the show, but worse then that, kidnapped the players, trapped their souls in the Shadow Realm and stashed them away so no one could find them.
Laria might be crazy sometimes, but this? Seto just couldn't fathom how she did it.
Oh yeah… the Notebook.
If she could accomplish this she could do anything! And what would happen to them once she got bored and moved onto a new fandom… steal their souls and stash them away too?
He had to warn everyone! Seto turned to run and tripped over one of the bodies. He fell over, hitting his head on a randomly placed table and knocked himself out.
Backstage the still soulful players of Whose Line were getting restless.
“Laria!” Bakura whined uncharacteristicly, “Make it stop! Make it stop!”
“Now what is your problem?” Laria asked, she was sitting on the couch petting her notebook.
“Well for one the Pharaoh keeps staring at me—“
“—Am not!—“
“—And two, that brother of yours is not coming back! It's time to end this charade!”
“Whose Line is dead,” Ryou answered softly, “You know it is, Laria, we all know it is.”
“No!” Laria snapped, “It's not dead!”
“Come on, Laria,” Marik piped up this time, “We've been sitting here for ages, you have no ideas, and Kaiba has completely disappeared.”
“You don't know that,” Laria said quietly.
“I'm giving you five minutes, Laria, then I'm walking out of here,” Bakura said, “Hear me? Five minutes.”
Laria nodded and looked sadly at the backstage door.
Seto had a dream while he was unconscious. A crazy dream. A dream to weird and to random that we can't even show it here. A dream so overwhelming it made him forget everything about Laria and the Notebook.
Even without the dream waking up next to a dead body is a big enough shock to make you forget anything.
When Seto opened his eyes and saw the lifeless big nosed face just inches from his own he was out of that room faster then you can say “Ryan Stiles”.
Or “Shadow Realm” for those who don't watch Whose Line is it Anyway.
“That's it,” Bakura said, standing up, “I'm out of here!”
“No, please,” Laria cried diving at the spirit and hugging him around his waist, “A little bit… just a little bit longer.”
I told you!
“He'll show up! I promise he will!”
Bakura pried the Authoress off of him, tossing her to the floor in the process.
It's over, Laria!” he yelled.
IT'S NOT OVER!” Laria screamed, tears in her eyes, “Not yet…”
“Give it up, Laria,” Bakura said heading towards the door, “You're just making it worse.”
However, before Laria could say anything the backstage door opened. They all turned to see Seto leaning in the doorway panting; his face was as white as liquid paper.
“What's wrong with you, Kaiba?” Atemu asked.
“I just came out of the closet,” Seto breathed.
“Ha, you did that in the first episode when you kissed my hikari,” Bakura laughed. Seto glared at the spirit while Ryou, who was sitting on the couch, flushed bright red, after all, he was the one that actually kissed Seto.
“Not that closet,” the CEO snarled, “I—“
Seto instantly had an epiphany.
“I've got an idea!”
“Great!” Laria cheered, getting up off the floor and handing the Notebook to Seto, “Let's go finish the game!”
So the players sighed and headed back to the stage. Laria and Bakura were the last to leave the backstage area.
“See, told you it wasn't dead,” Laria whispered to the spirit slyly, Bakura grumbled.
On stage Seto sat the Whose Line desk and Laria stood center stage with Bakura and Atemu, Marik sat back in his seat.
“Welcome back to Whose Line is it Anyway,” Laria said, taking over Bakura's job as host, “The show where we're all over humiliation, just like Tim Burton on models.”
“That's like the dirtiest thing I've ever heard,” Marik said making a face at the Authoress.
“Not those kind of models you fruit, the replicas he uses to make his movies,” Laria sighed, guys were impossible to deal with, “Besides, hearing you talk about you Rod gets a lot dirtier.”
Marik chuckled.
Anyways,” Laria said, quickly changing the subject before she had to move the rating of her story to M… or higher, “It's time to move on to our last game!”
The audience cheered loudly at that.
“Tonight's winner is Seto,” Laria said, “So he'll be giving us our next game.”
“Alright, our last game is… Three-headed Broadway Star!” Seto said, the audience cheered again, “Now for this game I'll a name of a made up Broadway show—“
“Wait, wait, wait!” Laria said, “Seto, you were supposed to write it!”
“You never said I couldn't ask the audience,” Seto said.
“That's not fair though!”
“Alls fair,” Seto said turning to the audience, “Now, the name of a fake show.”
“Alimony!” suggested Shadow-Cat-Melsa
“Fruitcakes!” Hem Ntjr Seth said.
“The Last Saskatchewan Pirate!” LazyShamanist called out.
“When Plot Bunnies Attack!” suggested Tannenbaum Bell.
“That's a good one,” said Seto, “and the hit love song from When Plot Bunnies Attack?”
“I love Plot Holes!” Yami Jiru said.
“Hit by Writer's Block!” suggested Sho'Jo Untainted.
“Ok, I'll take,” Seto turned back to the players, “Alright guys, you'll be signing Hit by Writer's Block from the hit Broadway show, When Plot Bunnies attack.
The three players put their arms around each other, Laria in the middle.
“I hate you,” the Authoress hissed as slow, love song type music started to play.
“I know,” Seto grinned and the game got in the full swing.
You,” Marik said, starting the song.
Hit,” Laria sang next.
Me,” Bakura sang.
With,” sang Marik (keep this order in your head kiddies)
Meeeeeeeee.” Marik held that note a while.
I,” Laria sang throwing a look at Marik who just grinned.
It's a sign,” Laria sang before realizing what she was doing, “oops.”
Meeeeeeeee.” Marik held the note longer again.
RUN! Laria sang the note out and eventually Marik and Bakura joined her. Seto buzzed the game over.
“Well that's it for this rendition of Whose Line,” the Authoress said as the players breathed a sigh of relief, “This is Laria Kaiba saying goodnight, goodnight.”
Later that evening Laria sat amongst the group as they crashed, yet again, at the Kaiba Mansion. The Authoress was curled up on the couch with the Notebook in her lap opened to a blank page. Chit-chat swirled around her, but she paid no mind to what was being said as she concentrated on her thoughts.
Everyone that had played the game of the Whose Line was at the Mansion tonight. There was no fighting, only playful teasing as they all subconsciously reminisced about the games, and soon everything that had happened between them.
Eventually Laria's thoughts were put aside and she looked up from the Notebook with a smile, listening to their stories. It wasn't long ago that these very same people were all enemies. It was amazing what a few games could do.
“Oh no,” Atemu said, “Laria's got her Notebook out again.”
“This can't be good,” Bakura laughed.
“Plotting the next one already, Lar?” Seto asked.
“Nope, just putting the finishing touches on this one,” Laria said returning her gaze to the Notebook.
Thirty-three chapters, over a hundred and fifty pages, and many lost marbles later, the CEO of Kaiba Corp, The former Pharaoh of Egypt, and the two spirits that made their lives a living hell, sat in the same room and talked as if they had been friends for their whole lives.
Her goal accomplished, Laria picked up her mechanical pencil and scribbled two words into her Notebook…
The. End.
---Fini! It's over! That's all folks! I finished Whose Line!
I foresee many sad and angry reviews for this chapter.
However, before that happens I will tell you why this has happened. One, I've been working on this story for my entire Fan Fiction career and it's about time I moved on to bigger and better things, as my life is doing. In a month, I will be graduating High School and I think finishing this story is the best way to conclude my time at school.
I have loved writing this story, even with all the frustration and Writer's Block, and if I could do it all again I would not change a thing. This has been a journey not only for the players of Whose Line, but for Laria and me as well, and I am glad to have shared it with you. Within this story, I have placed a little of myself as I have changed and matured over these past four years.
I wanted to make this as short as I could, but still get a crossed the message I wanted to convey. It's the little things in life that count the most, and the littlest things for me are all the great reviews I've gotten for this, and my other stories. They give me a purpose in life. I want to thank everyone that has reviewed this story for giving me something to look forward too, especially when I needed it the most.
Nevertheless, do not fret my faithful readers; this is not the end of me. As I am beginning my new chapter in life I will be presented with more ideas for different stories, and not having this to worry about might give me more time to worry about The Sad Cake. In addition, if the time comes I have an idea of how I will resurrect this story from its peaceful slumber.
Until then, my love goes out to all my readers. Thank you all so much.
-Laria K.---