Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway ❯ Gimme a Break ( Chapter 32 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

---Holy doodle!
A new chapter already, NO! This is not a dream!
Congrads to lucky reviewer Bakura-N-Me for lucky review number 700! In case anyone wondered, this story has more reviews, chapters, words, and probably hits then any other Whose Line story on all of FF.net. Not just Yu-gi-oh, ALLWhose Lines. If that isnot an accomplishment,I do notknow what is.
But what does that all mean, well as my friend Dalton put it… I'm a geek.
In addition, I want to thank AriNekoGomu, a loyal reviewer and forum goer, for producing an idea for this chapter.
Pop bottle.---
Chapter Thirty-Two
Gimme a Break
As soon as Seto stepped backstage, all the other players busted out into applause and cheered.
“Great job there, Kaiba,” Bakura grinned, “Making Laria believe that you actually care about her writing to get us out of playing that stupid game.”
“Bit of bad luck for you however,” Marik added.
“Serves him right,” Atemu said, “He's the one that saved Whose Line this time. Laria probably would have canceled is after the crap Ryou came up with.”
“It was better than nothing,” Ryou said quietly.
“No, you're wrong! Nothing is better,” Bakura grumbled, “baka.”
Seto didn't respond to any of the chatter and just slumped down on the couch next to Ryou.
“What's wrong Seto?” the white haired hikari asked.
“I can't believe Lar is making me so this,” Seto sighed.
“Oh come on,” Atemu rolled his eyes, “How hard can it be to write a stupid song?”
“I'd like to see you do it!” Seto snapped.
“Now, now, there's no reason to get uppity about it,” said Ryou, quickly shutting up when Seto shot a glare at him.
“Come on, Kaiba, she's your sister, you've got to have some writing talent in you somewhere,” said Bakura.
“We're nothing alike,” Seto sighed, “She's got her writing and I've got my gaming and everything else.”
“So the only thing of value Laria has is writing?” Ryou asked, his voice lined with anger.
“Well, duh!”
Ryou gave Seto a look, which was ignored by all.
“You've got to have some writing talent in you,” Atemu said, “Laria does have talent in Uno after all.”
“Yeah, so quit complaining and get on it,” Bakura added.
“What's the big deal anyway?” Seto sighed, “The longer it takes me to write the song the longer break you'll get.”
“PIE: The Musical!” Marik shouted suddenly jumping up from his seat. The players stared at him.
“What are you on, Ishtar?” Bakura asked.
“That should be the song,” Marik said dreamily thinking about it.
“That's it,” Seto said, standing up himself, “I can't take anymore of this.”
Seto shook his head helplessly and everyone, mostly the blond yami, and walked out the door into the further back stage of the Whose Line set.
------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
The Authoress and her disgruntled brother crossed paths in a back hallway.
“Hey bro,” Laria beamed cheerfully, “How's the song coming?”
“Bite me.”
“Now, now, is that anyway to talk to your sister?”
“How could you!” Seto snapped, “I was out there risking my neck to save your reputation, and this is how you repay me!”
“You know I never do anything without reason,” Laria said patting her brother's shoulder. Seto snorted in disagreement.
“Yeah right.”
“I have faith in you Kaiba,” Laria smirked, “Wouldn't have given you the honor if I didn't.”
The Authoress gave a short nod and continued on her way to the backstage. Seto sighed after her and wondered deeper into the unknown of the set. Something would have to come to him eventually… right?
------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
“I spy with my little eye…” Marik said lazily, it had been a few hours since Seto left and all of them were extremely bored, “Something… blue.”
“The wall?” Atemu guessed, they were the only two playing.
“The book?”
“Ryou's shirt?”
“Ok, my turn,” Atemu said looking around, “I spy with my little—“
“ARGH!” Bakura yelled, “STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT!”
Ryou, who had been sleeping, jerked awake and the other two just glared at Bakura for interrupting their game.
“Pharaoh, if you say that line one more time I'll drown you in a well!” the spirit threatened, “A well filled with razor blades!”
Atemu blinked.
“How do you drown in razor blades?” he asked.
“You'd drown in your own blood, you fruit,” Bakura grinned.
“No Bakura, you can't drown the Pharaoh in his own blood,” Laria said stepping into the doorway.
“Great, now you're here,” Bakura grumbled, “This break keeps getting better and better.”
“I foresee a long break in your guy's future,” Laria said sitting down next to Ryou, “Seto doesn't seem very up to writing.”
“Can we go home then?” Atemu asked.
“Don't worry,” Laria said, “Inspiration will hit him eventually.”
------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Seto eventually found himself deep in the unknown back hallways of the Whose Line set. He almost wondered why this was all here, but then remembered Laria made this and thought better of it. Instead, he just continued deeper and deeper into the indefinite hallway.
He wondered if he would ever think of an idea. He thought back to Marik's idea… what was it? Taco? No, no that wasn't it… Matt Damon?
Glancing to the left the CEO noticed a door. Stopping in front of it, he cocked his head in suspicion. A door? Amongst all this bare hallway-ness?
He should have known better, he should have just turned back right then and there, he should have… but he had nothing better to do and he really did not want to work on the song.
So he took a deep breath, slowly turned the knob and opened the hallway door…
---Gasp! What does this mysterious Hallway door conceal?
Well I did have another part of The Sad Cake to post here for you all, but it seems that I have not typed that part yet. Someone mentioned that I should get a Fiction Press account; I actually do have one… I post my poems there; someday they will all be up.
I thought about posting The Sad Cake there… but then thought better of it. Little pieces for now, you can read the whole story if/when I finish and if/when it is published.---