Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Why Joey Wheeler Hates Seto Kaiba ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Rain5101:Alright, it's time, yet again to start another story.

Seto:Haven't you got enough started with about half a chapter done?

Rain5101:Would you like to be taken out of those stories?


Rain5101: Hey Yami! Come here, I've got a place for you in this fic!

Yami comes running:YES! FINALLY!


Joey:**Appears from out of nowhere** KAIBA?!?! YOU STOLE MY DOUGHNUT!

Rain5101:**Grabs mallet** Be nice you three... or else! Now someone come and do the disclaimer!

**All three push and shove to get to say disclaimer**

Bakura:**Enters from shadow realm** Foolish Mortals! If Rain5101 owned Yugioh, she'd make you all bow to me! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Rain5101:**Sweatdrop**Not exactly..... but hey, what the heck, get bowing boys, he did beat you to the disclaimer.

Seto:NO WAY IN HELL AM I..... **Sees Bakura and Rain5101 summoning shadow magic** Uhh..... okay, let's make with the bowing.


Why Joey Wheeler Hates Seto Kaiba

        A nine year old Seto Hieroma was walking down the street to where he was to meet his parents. They were going to meet at his parent's work then go to the daycare center where they had left Mokie for the day while they were at school and he was at work.

        Next to him was a hazel eyed brunette. She smiled at him as they walked together. She was going to eat dinner with them that day, as her parents were working late. She always enjoyed the company of her best friend.

        "Hey Alli, come on, let's cross here. The road looks clear." Nodding her head to the boy, she quickly caught up to him in the middle of the crosswalk.

        "Oh my gosh!" Alli said, hazel eyes now filled with concern. They were about a block from the workplace, where his parents were supposed to be emerging momentarily, but it was up in smoke and flames.

        "NO!" The boy barely reached the other side of the street before he broke into a sprint. However, in his moment of misjudgement, he didn't notice the crosswalk symbol change back to "don't walk", and he accidently pushed the girl back into the street. Forgetting her as he ran to find out the fate of his parents.

        Pushing her back into the street and in front of a bus.


     & nbsp;  All she could piece together was small strands of information.

        "Name; Allison Wheeler, age nine."

        "Her head is bleeding, we're going to have to shave her head."

        "Both legs are broken, she's had a concussion, and her ribs are nearly crushed. One arm sprained and one is broken, dislocated at the shoulder." She recognized it as a doctor's voice.

        "Poor girl," one woman said, maybe a nurse. "I've never seen a child come in here looking like this."


    &nb sp;   "Why hello Allison, how are you today?" A nurse said, carrying a tray of food for her. It had been a little more than a year since the accident, but she was still in a rehab center, a little north of Brooklyn.

        "I'm doing pretty good. It doesn't hurt as much today." She pulled herself up to a sitting position with a little difficulty, but then adjusted herself and was fine.

        "I brought a visitor today," The nurse continued, looking at the girl. Her head was covered by a bandana, to hide the lack of hair she still had.

        "Really? Who is it?" The girl's hazel eyes glimmered in excitment. Not often did she receive visitors. Mostly, it was a few nurses, and twice a week, when they weren't working, her parents would come.

        "I believe the young man said he was–"

        "JOEY!" The girl caught sight of the blonde with the amber eyes. "I can't believe you're here!" She noticed his uneasy shift.

        "All that long hair... it's gone." The one called Joey looked at her, sorrow coming across his features. "I'm sorry."

        "It's not your fault." She quickly took the boy's hand in her own. "It'll grow back. But until then, I kind of like the bandanas. They're always different."

        "How could someone do this to you?" Joey asked, sitting on the side of her bed, "I thought that guy was your friend."

        "He was afraid. You know, he lost his parents. I read about it when I woke up." She paused, shifting position yet again to reach for the newspaper. Joey handed it to her, almost frightened to watch his cousin, who he was fond of, struggle. "Thanks." Letting her eyes fall the paper, she suddenly noticed how heavy it seemed to feel. Like a two ton weight. "I can't believe him!" Suddenly, her eyes threatened to spill tears.

< p>        "Look at this." Getting up from his spot on the bed, he sat beside her, read the headlines and wrapped his cousin in a hug.

        He saw the picture and read the top line. CEO Of Kaiba Corporation adopts Seto and Mokuba Hieroma.


    & nbsp;   Joey Wheeler, now seventeen, walked the streets of Domino City, his friend Tristan standing next to him. Suddenly, out of nowhere, he bumped into somebody.

        "Hey dude, watch where yer go– KAIBA!" Immediately upon seeing the ceo's smirk, his fists became tightly clenched.

        "If I was you, I'd be on a leash. You really should be restrained."

        "If I was you, I wouldn't be such an uptight bastard." Pausing, he gave Kaiba a glare of his own.

        "You really should get a muzzle for him," the ceo said next, addressing Tristan.

        "Can't you just walk away? Wouldn't it make all the more sense?" Tristan personally didn't like Kaiba, but he just couldn't see how all this trauma was necessary.

        "He's done that so many times Trist, you can't blame the guy for staying."

        "What's that supposed to mean, Mutt?" Kaiba was seriously annoyed. Joey, however, knew something the ceo didn't know and began to walk in another direction.

        "Simple." Joey threw the words over his shoulder. "I know something you don't, Hie–Kaiba, and if you found out, you'd probably want to hang yourself. But don't worry, it isn't about Mokuba." Tristan jogged to his friend, impressed that the blonde hadn't assaulted the ceo.

        As Kaiba shook his head and walked away, a thought dawned on him. Was he just about to call me–nah. Why would he? He learned just a short while ago that we were adopted. I really need to get more sleep.

        "Dude, that was the best I've seen you handle the guy yet. I really thought you were going to try and fight him again."

        "Nope. I'm trying to keep my anger unda control." But damn, it's getting so hard.


    &n bsp;   When they entered Joey's apartment, there was a series of messages waiting for him. Tristan took out his cell phone and dialed for pizza, while Joey checked them.

        "Hey Joey, it's Tristan. Pick up your da-Message Deleted."

        "It's Yugi, just making sure you got to work on time. Message Deleted."

        "Hey cous, it's Alli. Care to give me a call? I got a favor to ask. The number's 234-5908. Don't wait until the apocalypse to see me. I wanna get together."

        Joey's hands dropped the phone on his wooden table. Immediately, he saved the message and dialed the phone number. It had to have been four or five years since Alli had called him. Last thing he heard, they were going to teach her how to walk again. And even then, she was twelve.

        "Hey Joey, what's the all the commotion in there?" Tristan asked from his position on his best friend's couch. Seeing as he had to live with his mom, the brunette found it awesome that his bud could now afford to support himself enough to buy an apartment, on his own.

        "Hey, when's the pizza going to get here?"

        "In about forty minutes. Can you wait that long?"

        "Yeah. I gotta call someone back."

        "Who?" Suddenly, he smiled wryly. "It was Mai, wasn't it?"

        "NO! It was my cousin!" The duelist punched in the numbers on the phone. After two rings there was an answer.

        "Hey, it's Alli, what can I do for ya?"

        "Alli, it's me." Joey was surprised in the amount of cheerfulness in her voice. She sounded like she was in a good mood. "How are you?"

        "Hey Joey! I'm doing great! How about you?"

        "Great. Do you need something?"

        "Actuall y, yes. Do you think you could pick me up?"


        "At the airport. In about two hours."

        "You're coming here? Aren't you supposed to keep it low key and not go insane with things you do?"

        "Joseph, this was when I was twelve. I'm seventeen. And I was kinda wondering if I could, maybe..."

        "Would you like to stay forever? I got a new apartment."

        "I hope you're serious."

        "I am. If you want, me and Tris, we'll save you a slice."

        "God I love you. I thought you'd spaz at me for being spontaneous."

        "Never . You're my favorite cousin."

        "I'm your only cousin."

        "Okay, well then, I better get the guest room ready. How much stuff did you bring?"

        "Me, my two guitars, and some cash provided by my job."

        "You have a job? I thought-"

        "You thought? Jesus, don't do that. The doctors thought that I'd never be able to fully recover. There's a hell of a lot y'all were wrong about. I'll fill you in with the details."

        "What about school?"

        "How would you like to double team our favorite person?"

        "Sounds like a plan. Wheeler style."

        "Amen. So, I'll talk to ya later, okay, Joey?"

        "Alright. I'll be there around nine. Meet me by the baggage claim."

        "Alrighty." They both hung up.

        "Tristan, you are never going to believe this...."


Rain5101:Well, that about wraps it up. Who wants tell people the golden rule?

**Everyone runs over to tell golden rule**

Joey:The golden rule is-


Yami: I'm the oldest, I'll tell you what the rule is!

Valon:Jesus Christ, mates, just tell the people to review already.

Rain5101:Thanks Valon.**HUGS**

Valon:Why don't we find somewhere a little more sane?

Rain5101: Bye now everyone!