Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Why Joey Wheeler Hates Seto Kaiba ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Rain5101:Wow, I haven't been this inspired in a long time! Thanks goes to my reviewers.

Seto:Not since Fallen Angel.

Joey:Yeah, and ya's made us the bad guys.

Seto:You don't make it hard...

Rain5101:That's enough! If you two don't like each other, then take it outside.

**Rain5101 is left alone**

Rain5101:Hey Valon.....

Valon:Hey, let's get it on!

Rain5101:Can you say the magic words?

Valon:I love you ^-^.

Rain5101:I wuv you too. Now would you do me a favor?

Valon:Sure! Rain5101-

Joey and Seto:**~yelling at top of lungs~**Rain5101 does not own Yugioh!!!!!

Rain5101 and Valon: **Sweatdrops**

Joey:Pleasure doin' business with ya Kaiba.

Seto:Likewise. But I still hate you.

Joey:Please. Give me a break. You can suck someone else's dick.

Rain5101:That's enough.

Why Joey Wheeler Hates Seto Kaiba Chapter Two

        Joey drove down the street to the airport, Tristan riding alongside him. He still hadn't explained anything to the brunette boy, other than his cousin was staying with him, and as far as he knew, the girl wasn't in the best of shape.

        Let the reader not forget the fact that Joey Wheeler still possesses a twelve year old's brain.

        When they did get to the airport, they noticed that the place wasn't as busy. It had started to rain on the way there.

        "So, where is this cousin of yours that we're supposed to meet?" Tristan asked.

        "She said she'd be right dere," said Joey, pointing over to the baggage claim. About thirty people were there, all trying to get their bags. A lone girl stood waiting her turn, and didn't shove, much calmer than the rest of the people.

        "What's her name?" Tristan said, looking around. Everyone here looked fine. They weren't very busted up or anything, they were just people.

        "Her name is-"

        "JOEY!" Quickly, both boys turned their heads in the direction of the voice. It was a girl with reddish-brown hair, which fell in corkscrews to her mid back.

        "Alli? Is that you?"

        "The one and only!" Joey hugged his cousin gently. She however, squeezed him tightly. It was only after he gasped for air that she let go of him. "God, I'm not porcelain. I won't break." She looked over him, and that was when he noticed the tears in her eyes.


        "Hey, don't cry," He said calmly, trying to reassure the girl.

        "I'm not. You're the one with the tears going down their face." She smiled and wiped them away with her long black sleeve.

        "Okay, so I guess it's on to my house then, right?"

        "Right. Let me just go get my bags."


        "No, I'll get them. You probably shouldn't-"

        "I can get them, they aren't that heavy. I'm not a weakling, you know."

        Joey tried to hide a frown as she said that. The last time she had, she could barely move. Tristan noticed Joey's face and decided to aid the girl.

        "Why don't I help you out?" He said calmly.

        "And you are...?"

        "Oh, sorry man," Joey said suddenly. "This is my best friend Tristan."


        "Hey , Alli Wheeler. Call me Allison and you die." She smiled and shook his hand, then allowed him to help her with her bags, though Joey insisted that she just carry her purse.


      ;   After unpacking, the jet-lagged girl went off to bed, leaving the two boys to their video games. She promised, that since Tristan was staying the night, that she'd make breakfast in the morning. Joey, who refused to decline her offer, simply told her to wake someone up just in case she had any trouble.

        "Joey, why are you so protective? It's not like she's five. She's eighteen. She can look out for herself. Breakfast isn't dangerous unless you let the Pharaoh put something into the toaster or microwave." Tristan quickly pressed the 'R2' button to avoid hitting a turn with his car.

        "Tristan, it's not like you think. I know she looks fine and all, but there's a lot about her you don't know."

        "Dude," Tristan scowled about losing the race."You're the same way with Serenity."

        "This is far worse than Serenity. You don't see her the way I do."

        "And how is that?" The game had long since been paused, and resuming was not an option until an answer was obtained.

        "I- the last time I saw her, she was a bald nine year old with braces on both arms and legs, hands bandaged as not to reveal any skin, and so weak, she couldn't pick up a book."

        "Are you serious?" Tristan leaned in closer.

        "No, I'm lying."

        "That's enough." Both boys turned to see the brunette standing there in pyjamas, hair under a red bandana, and makeup off. She had her hair pulled back far enough now, that it no longer shadowed her face, and the white hairline scar running down her jaw line, on the right side now made it's debut. "So what? I was thrown into the road, trampled by a bus, and spent three years in rehab trying to fix myself. I did it. I'm fine. You don't need to make any special arrangements for me. I wouldn't be here to perform at the arena if I was a handicapped retard."

        "Wow, that was harsh." Tristan looked to a surprised Joey.

        "I'm sorry, I just don't want you ta get hurt again, okay?"

        "I know you don't. Neither do I. That's why I did Tae Kwon Do for the past four years. I made it to black belt. I wanted to be strong, and now I am. I can break dance, I can sing, hell, I'm a famous musician. My label wanted me here to get some more popularity. Why wouldn't I be here if I needed to be in rehab?"

        "Because you wanted to get even," Joey said, without even thinking.

        "I do, don't think I don't want to make him pay."


        "Make who pay?" Tristan was thoroughly confused. What were they talking about?


& nbsp;


&nbs p;       Alli raised her shirt slightly, to reveal a midriff of numerous scars, most white, showing a severe burn's intensity. Among that and her solid stomach was a small hoop with fire inscribed into the silver. Her belly button ring.

        "You have the balls to ask why, Tristan?" Joey looked at him with amazement.

        "You- you don't mean..."

        "These scars run deep."


      ;   The moment she emerged from Joey's apartment, she had trouble going places without signing an autograph for someone who couldn't believe that the miracle girl was alive, or someone who loved her music. She gladly signed things, proud to be an inspiration.

        The gang received a less detailed story of Alli's history, without involving Seto Kaiba, and was also amazed at her determination. Tea asked if she could dance, and was stunned when she realized that, after letting the girl win, she had beaten the highest score that the blue eyed brunette had gotten on DDR.

        Of course, you couldn't be a Wheeler child unless you knew a thing about Duel Monsters, so she tried a Duel with Yugi. She didn't win, but was pleased with how she had fared as compared to her cousin.

        Tristan, in the end was sworn to secrecy about the girl. She didn't tell anyone other than Joey and Tristan the name of the boy who had thrown her in front of that bus. Part of her couldn't believe that she had told someone, and was in the same town as the boy who had caused her that pain.

        When Monday finally rolled around, they walked to school, despite the now frigid weather. The news of the third Wheeler was scorching the school, and rumors of how decapitated she was ran wild. The only parts of her that were really that bad were her back, torso/stomach, the jaw line scar, and the one line that traveled from the lower part of her calf to the mid thigh on the back of her leg, where a rod had punctured her body.

        Wearing one of Tea's uniforms, she seemed to blend in pretty well, so long as she didn't move her hair back and reveal the scar. However, one cannot walk with hair in their face, so people now saw her and seemed to be in awe.

        "Teach says to wait outside. He'll introduce you when he's ready. Do you want me to wait with ya?"

        "Nah." She smoothed out the skirt, slightly unhappy by the fact that she had to wear it. Skirts weren't her favorite thing to wear. Personally, she like boxer shorts, tee's or tanks, and flip flops. "I'll be fine. Go in, don't be late." She shoved him through the door and lowered herself onto a bench conveniently located outside the doorway.

        The bell rang, and the teacher preceded to start class. "Alright everyone, today, we have a new student. She is the cousin of Mr. Joey Wheeler, and I expect you to treat her with respect. Kaiba's look of boredom quickly changed to one of distaste.

        "Aren't two of you Wheeler brats enough?"

        Joey didn't dignify that with an answer, and he as well as Tristan simply gave him dirty looks.

        "Mr. Kaiba! I expect you to hold your tongue unless you'd like detention."

        Kaiba remained silent now. Tristan looked at Joey and whispered, "Will he even-"

        "No. He won't. And that's why she doesn't straighten her hair. She'd be a dead give away." Pausing, he said, "He doesn't even know that she, you know. When he did what he did, he broke out into a full sprint. He found out later that who he was looking for had been dead for hours."

        "Class, I'd like to introduce to you Allison Wheeler." Upon hearing that name, Kaiba swore he recognized it from somewhere. Something reminded him of that name. Probably another breed of a mutt, he mused.

        She entered the class quietly, and held her head high. She was, after all, five foot eight, pushing nine. Her hazel eyes rested on Kaiba discreetly, then turned to everyone else. "You can all call me Alli."

        "What do you like Alli?" The teacher asked. He was in his mid thirties.

        "I like dancing, dueling, music, actually, I was pretty popular in the US. Had a number one hit over there. I also like sports."

        "Very well rounded, I see." She nodded. "Take a seat next to Mr Motou and Mr. Wheeler."

        Making her way to the row, she turned to the side, her back facing Kaiba. Through the material of the blouse and vest, he noticed a few of the lines, as well as the ones on her leg and face.

        "Looks like you were hit by a bus," He said jokingly.

        Seto Kaiba never got such a hellish stare in his entire life. If he hadn't known better, he would've realized that he was afraid of her. Something in his mind told him to be, but he couldn't place his mind on it directly.

        "Maybe it looks that way because I was. Actually, I was thrown in front of it," She said, through gritted teeth. She continued making her way to her seat, taking Joey's outstretched hand and sliding into the chair. Joey looked at him with much more distain than ever before. Kaiba was surprised.

        Didn't dog-boy and all his friends go against hate?

        And if so, why was there so much of it in both the Wheelers and Taylor's eyes?


Rain5101:Who wants to tell people to review?

Everyone comes running yet again.

Random Shouts:Pick me! Pick me!

Mokuba:Do you think I could do it?

Rain5101:**Hugs Mokuba** Yes, of course you can Mokie!!

Mokuba:**Yells Excitedly** YAAY!!! Review people! Review! Pwease! Just for me?!?!

**Cute Pouting Face & Those Damn Cute Eyes**

Rain5101:Who could turn him down?