Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Why Joey Wheeler Hates Seto Kaiba ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Rain5101: Well boys, I guess your safe for now, thanks to the reviews I received, granting you pardon.

Bakura: Beware Mortals. This is merely temporary.

Tristan:Rain5101 does not own Yugioh.

Joey: We're going to hide in a nice... LOCKED room. Adios.

Bakura and Rain5101: snickers!


    & nbsp;   When she came to, Alli immediately recognized that she was in the nurse's office. Where else would have that smell. To her, it wasn't freaky or anything, it was almost welcoming, after what had been her home for so long.

        She saw Kaiba and Joey through the window, on the bench, leading to the principal's office, Joey looked intact, however, Kaiba was a different story. He had a bruise on his lower jaw from her kick, and a black eye. That was funny, she didn't remember doing that. Then she looked back over at Joey.

        He was going to get a kiss for that.

        "Oh my gosh, you're awake!" Tea said suddenly, snapping her back into reality. She immediately ran out of the office and into the other room, bringing the nurse back with her.

        "How are you feeling?" The nurse asked.

        "Not bad."

        "Really? You don't look too good."

        "This is nothing. You should see me on my bad days."

        "Well, for girls, cramps are normal..."

        "No, not that." Alli smiled. "That doesn't hurt really, at least not that I've noticed. I'm talking about the days when I can't get out of bed. Those are bad days. You know?"

        "Why would that happen?" The nurse questioned.

        "You don't have my records. Or at least you've never looked at them, have you?"

        "It's just a few cuts and scrapes on your back. We don't need to-"

        Alli opened up her chart, to the records from the accident on, which were written in hurried red pen in the beginning, to the end, which was written in a bubbly green color.

        "I had more than thirty five bones broken at once. This doesn't hurt a bit, except for when tomorrow morning comes and I'll need to do a lot of stretching."

        The nurse didn't say anything more, so Alli took off her shirt, which had yet to be changed. Tea, who had left before, now came back with one of the girl's gym bags. For fear that the uniform would be stained, she was allowed to come to school without it on, until the cuts had scabbed up and stopped bleeding.

        Alli wanted to laugh at that statement. They thought it would take a few days.

        We were really looking at two weeks.


   &nbs p;    By Monday, the entire school was talking about the fight. Alli had been taken home by Joey afterwards, who had a detention for punching Kaiba, who also received detention for swearing like a truck driver.

        When she'd pass people, they'd smile at her, or cheer. Someone had finally put Seto Kaiba in his place. And that did wonders for the female members of the student body. Kaiba, who was still fuming mad said nothing to the people he'd deemed the dog family.

        What really surprised people was that she won a fight as a 'cripple'. Which in all retrospect was one way at looking at things, but it wasn't like she didn't know the way he moved. Plus, she was a Wheeler. They just knew how to fight. Alli wasn't a pushover. They had told her to work on her physical strength in therapy, and she took Tai Kwon Do. It worked. That's how she won.

        She stealthily moved into her seat before class began, clad in what could be deemed blue striped pyjama bottoms and a black baby tee. Pulling out her book, she read the pages as instructed on the board. She was early, and she figured she'd be done reading before other people showed up. Of course, she was wrong.

        The infamous ceo of Kaiba Corporation entered the class, for the first time, without her noticing. She had her dark curly hair held back in a messy bun with chopsticks. However, the strands that hung down suddenly surprised him by being straight.

        Something about this intellectual look, with the exception of the pyjama pants, tugged at the corner of his mind, frustrating him. An announcement said suddenly, that because of a food fight, students were to remain in the class they were in for fifteen more minutes. So they were now twenty minutes early for class.

        She finally noticed the ceo's presence, and shuddered involuntarily. Kaiba discreetly watched the girl, searching for the answer that his mind seemed to be looking for.

        "You aren't going to find the answer you want by looking at me." She said, turning to face him, then looking through the window.

        "Excuse me? Did I say anything?"

        "You were watching me. End of discussion."

        "And how would you know anything about me?"

        "I can read you like a book." Under her breath, she added, "Always have, always will."

        Kaiba just ignored her comment, but just couldn't keep his eyes off her. Suddenly, she pulled out a CD player, and popped in a CD. Kaiba, who was on the other side of the room couldn't see what CD it was because the background was white and the tracks and artist were written in silver.

         He was working on his laptop, hearing some of the music, which she had cranked up loud, and noticed that the song was changing.

        He knew that song. It was their song.

        HOLD IT! Where did I get that thought from? What's going on here? I've known this girl for less than a month. And I don't have a song with anyone. However, I do like this song. It reminds me of something.... but what, I don't know.

        The chord progression was imprinted in his head for some reason. He could see a hand playing it, he could see the guitar. But he couldn't see the face. He could hear someone singing it too, a boy... immediately, he recognized it. He was singing it. The person playing it was a girl. Almost in split vision, he looked over to Alli. The vision changed.

        "Can you play that song?" He asked, in a gruff voice, after it had ended.

        "Yes." She looked at him. "Why were you listening? I thought that anything that we did was horribly awful."

        He didn't give her the satisfaction of an answer, and sunk back into his thoughts. He'd have to figure out what was going on in his head before he answered.

        Apparently , he forgot she was a Wheeler.


    &nb sp;   Mokuba took a detour walking home from school. Personally, he didn't mind the whole limo thing, but fresh air wasn't bad. Really. He quickly turned down Pearson Avenue. The house on the corner was Yugi and his grandfather's game shop. He saw someone on the doorstep, playing an acoustic guitar. He recognized her as the girl that he'd told Seto to feel bad for.

        She was good, he'd give her that. He knew what she was playing too. It was "Good Riddance", By Green Day. A personal favorite. One of his brother's old favorites as well. He stopped on the corner, watching her.


     & nbsp;  Meanwhile, Seto Kaiba was walking in the opposite direction, to work. He felt the need to get some fresh air. Suddenly, the air was filled with one of the sweetest sounds Kaiba had heard in a long time. He froze. That song.

        "I can read you like a book Kaiba."

        Why wouldn't she get out of his head?


         Her hazel eyes looked upward, and spotted the younger Kaiba. She stopped playing, fingering the blue pick in her hand.

        "This isn't a free show."

        The younger Kaiba's face became a flushed color. "I'm sorry." He met her eyes and suddenly became rigid. "I know you're Alli Wheeler."

        "As I know who you are."

        "Mokuba. Mokuba Kaiba." She allowed him to sit on Yugi's front porch and watch her play. She began a new song. " That's "Minority"! It's a Green Day song!"

        "Yup." She played it quickly, the caught sight of a shadow hanging over her.

        "Oh, hey big brother!" He looked up, then quivered in fear. His brother was giving him a devilish, hellish stare.

        "Kaiba." She shuddered slightly again, but kept her general cool.

        "I saw you shake. Are you intimidated by me?" He asked, surprising Mokuba.

        "No. I'm afraid of you."

        "I do that to people. But you shouldn't be afraid of me. You're a black belt. So what is it about me that scares you." Mokuba had excused himself by this point. Afraid of where this conversation was going.

        She looked down at him. "These scars run deep." She looked up. "You scare me for reasons you don't want to know."

        Kaiba smirked. He was going to have fun with this. "Would it scare you if I did... this?" He cupped her cheek with his hand.

        "No." She let his hand stay.

        "What about," he inched closer to her face, over the guitar, "if I did this?" He kissed her gently. He felt as though he were hypnotized. She immediately consumed his thoughts. She was intoxicating. He couldn't concentrate on anything but her. Her eyes, her lips, her face, her hair, just everything. He stared into her eyes, the leaned in and kissed her again. "What is wrong with me?" He questioned aloud.

        "Me. Everything about me." She said breathlessly, then pushed him away. "I don't want Joey to see this. You should go."

        "Again. I want to know why."

        "You don't know a lot about yourself, do you?" She said.

        "Apparently not."

        "Tomorrow. Maybe."


    &n bsp;   Joey stood in Yugi's picture window, peering through the blinds.

        "Call off the pranks on Kaiba." Joey said suddenly.


        "Wha t?" Tristan questioned.

        "I knew it." He said, slamming a fist into his hand.

        "Knew what?" Yugi said.

        "We can't prank him like we were going to. I should've known better. Alli and Tea are so alike. "They don't hold grudges."

        "Joey, what are you talking about?" Yugi asked.

        "She's in love with him."