Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Why Would You Wish Such a Thing? ❯ My Life ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Why Would You Wish Such A Thing…?

Disclaimer: Idon'town Yu-Gi-Oh

Hiya everyone! Its another Ryou torture ficbut this one doesn'tgo along withmy Ryou collection (3, 4thon the way, Ryou Angst Song fics). Hope its good an plz review.

Oh and on a note for those of you who are readin the Ryou Collection the 4thpart will be rated R. Ifthere is anyone who wants a PG13ish version made Iwill make it but Ineed to be told! Thanx anywayan on w/ the story!


"Imagine living a life where on no trusts you…where even your bests friends fear your mood swings. Imagine your father not even being able to look you in the eyes? Imagine how IfeelIhave an ancient artifact and inside is the spirit of a tomb robber…a Yamias he is often called…Yami No BakuraIam his reincarnate…me and him are the same, yet he is in a way…evil while Iam innocent.

But Yami No Bakura didn'tlike that, doesn'tlike the person Iam…so he triedto change me…harden me. But it didn'tworkhis plans never seem to.

Now everyone thinks Iam a killer, a betrayer…someone you could never trust…no one really knows what happened…hell Ihardly even know my selfIawoke one day coveredin another'sbloodso much had happenedthat night and so much after that that Idon't knowwhat'sgoing on.

And Idon'tbelieve Iwantto. Ijust sit and wait in the shadows alone, always alone. People say I'm insane, some say I'm a insanebut I'm not he ismy otherhalf, my true self (though Idoubt he is), my dark side…My Yami. Acruel and heartless bastard. Idon'tunderstand him and Idon'twant to. IIguess this is my life…my pain and sorrowmy life. This cruel and at times unreal existence. What he has done has changed what people call my destinychangedme, my life, my world, and my family. Ionce had a father, now he is a shell, a ghost of what he once was. No longer can Icall him father without bringingforth stinging guilt.

So Ileft, Iwould no longer be a burden to himI've come to live in the shadows…the darkness. Not the shadow realm, oh no, the city Icall home is still the same as it always was. But now Ilive in an abandoned building. Empty, cold and hard. No one else is here. No one no's Iam here. The only thing Ibrought with me was a few out fits, my Duel Monsters deck, and the memories of my past. Ino longer wear the Ring…thought Istill feel its dark pull. The enchantment of its magic is still upon meIcan never trulyget away. It shall always call for me.

But like Ihave been doing Ishall ignore it, Iam alone here and can hurt no one more here. Alone…always aloneIwant to just fade away…become nothing more than a whisper…just fade away…which in reality IhaveIam alone…always

Do you wish to hear my story? Do you want to know what my Yami did? What has caused me to become the way Iam? Live the way Ido? Buy me one more drink and Ishall tell you." Said a 19 year old Ryou Bakura sitting at a table in the far corner of a bar. The man he was sitting across from could not be seen, he was hidden in the shadows. Wanting to know more of the younger mans tale he passed him his drink, he'd only taken a few sips so he doubted Ryou would mind.

The older man looked into Ryou'schocolateeyes…eyes that once held joy and youth…but that was all stolen from him by someone he called his Yami…Yami meaning dark…his dark side… Wishing to know more he urged Ryou on, promised him more to drink when he was done his story…his past. Dark,cruel and unforgiving. Anightmare in its own, something you'd use to scare young children. Sure his own past wasn'tthe best thing in the world but if what this young one saidwas truemaybe…maybe it was a tale worth listening tono matter how much it cost him…or Ryou.


Doom Doom Doom! Whahahaha!Ilove to torture Ryou! T-hehehehe! *HugglesTori*oh by the way Idon'tthink any of my readers (except Tazi/Pazoko) has meet Tori. *Holds up a black plot bunny with red eyes*this is Tori, he's my Ryou Torture Plot bunny! The r and o are from Ryou and the t and Iare from torturing. Hehe isn'the cute lol Tazi hates him. He's the one who gives me all of my Ryoutorture fics.

So Yahanywaywanna no what happened to Ryou? What did Yami No Bakura do? And whomwas Ryou spilling his tale to? You'll never guess! Well you might. LoLplz review Ireally need to know it its any good!