Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Why Would You Wish Such a Thing? ❯ Yami No Bakura What Have You Done? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Why Would You Wish Such A Thing…?

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh

Chapter 2

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh

Hi ya guys and welcome to chapter 2 of my latest Ryou Torture ficcy. Thanx to michew for reviewing this chapter is for you.

Also Sorry this chapter took so long but I have a slight case of corpul tunnel syndrome or something like that so I can't type that much straight! Sorry.


Ryou took a hold of the drink passed to him, shrugging off the voice telling him not to drink after strangers he takes a mouthful of the strong liquid. Enjoying the fact that he can soon forget his problems more than the flavor, he looks the man across from him in the eye…well tries to. Deciding he might as well explain his story to someone, hey it might stop his suicidal thoughts if he gets it off his chest, maybe.

"I used to poses an ancient artifact know as the Millenium Ring, inside the Ring was the spirit of an Egyptian Tomb Robber. He was, and still is, to say the least psychopathic. Cruel and uncontrollable. With the power of the Shadow Realm he was…dangerous and many timed has put my life in danger. Well I guess I pissed him off one to many times and he…did the unexpected…even for him."

Ryou's chocolate eyes go cloudy as he remembers the day that turned his less than average life up side down.


Ryou woke up with a pounding in his head and immense pain in his stomach. Yawning hesleepily looked towards his belly only to notice it was wrapped in a tight bandage, thought it wasn't thick for his blood was starting to show. But than Ryou noticed that his hands were covered in the deepest shade of crimson…blood! His hands were covered in blood, and strangely he knew it wasn't his own.

Scrambling out of bed Ryou walks into the bathroom connected to him room so he can grab a shower and try to figureout what the hell was going on.After washing his hands in the sink for almost 10 minutes trying to get the blood off Ryou finally notices how much the room smells like blood.

"Hmm that's strange my hands weren't that caked in blood so why is the sent so strong in here?" Deciding the smell must be on him, Ryou reaches into the shower/bath to turn the water on so it could get hot before he stepped in. But as soon as he pulled back the certain he screamed! There in the bottom of the tub laid the body of a young girl. Her golden blonde hair spread all over the place and caked in blood, matted to her neck and back. Once sky blue eyes were now void of all emotion as she blankly stared back at Ryou lifelessly. Her complexion was whiter than snow and her blue lips were almost in a smirk, but it more resembled a pout. Both the neck and stomach were split open and her blood filled the bath almost half way.

Shocked and pushed back on his heels by the latest discovery Ryou quickly shutsthe certain and leaned against the door, his back pressed tightly against it. Whispering to him self because his mind would not do as it was told, Ryou was extremely happy his father was away.

"Oh my god…wh-what did you do Yami No Bakura? What have you done…oh god what am I going to do…YAMI BAKURA WHAT THE HELL HAVE YOU DONE!?"

Ryou yells the last statement in the empty house half expecting a reply, but the Ring remains silent. Deathly silent as if Yami Baku is expecting Ryou to deal with the problem on his own.

"Ok Ryou just calm down you'll just call the police and let them deal with it. Since you seriously have no idea what the hell is going on you will not be considered her murderer. Oh who am I kidding of course I will."

Deciding not to bother with the shower Ryou as calmly as possible walks to his closet to grab some fresh cloths. Slowly opening the door wondering if he'll find another surprise Ryou glances in and notices a plastic bag hanging on a hanger. Cautiously Ryou takes down the bag and peers inside only to see a handgun peering back at him.

Nearly dropping itin shock Ryou rushes into the bathroom for one more look at the dead girl. Pulling back the certain and almost ripping it off the rod for the first time the white hair teen notices a hole in the side of her head, a gunshot. Looking into the bag Ryou gives an involuntary shutter and shoves it under his bed not knowing what the hell he should do.

After taking 10 minutes tryingto calm himself Ryou reaches into the closet and pulls out a pair of half ripped half not jeans and a loose fitting T-shirt, this was gonna be one hell of day. Shrugging off the voice in his head telling him he's screwed over so many times Ryou walks down stairs and is about to pick up the phone to call the police but…

The thought finally occurs to Ryou, what would he say? `Hi my names Ryou, I got an ancient artifact that's possessed by a spirit that like to kill people. No I'm not insane, really I'm not. Now like I said…yes I'm sure. Well there is a dead girl in my bathtub and yah can you come get her? YES I TOLD YOU I'M NOT INSANE…no I never said I was entirely sane, but I'm insane, oh never mind.' Finishing his mock fight with a cop over the phone Ryou looks down at the said device on the table…maybe it wasn't such a good idea.

"But I can't just leave her there, or just dump her someplace. No I owe her as much as to call the police…after all my Yami did…oh god what am I going to do? What did I ever do to deserve this? I never hurt anyone unless it was Yami Bakura's fault…what am I going to do?"

Picking up the phone Ryou quickly dials 911 and waits for someone to pick up, hoping his nerve doesn't out on him. A female's voice comes onto the line and asks.

"911 what is the emergency?"

"I…I don't know…there is...a…a-" Stumbles Ryou not knowing what to do, thinking himself an idiot for even trying.

"Sir breath in and exhale its alright now what is your name?" her voice is calm as if she's done this a million and one times in the past.

"Ryou Bakura."

"Alright Ryou what happened?"

"I-I wok up this morning and found a dead girl in the bathroom and a gun in my closet…I don't know what's going on…I didn't do it…"

"Its ok Ryou just stay calm and talk to me, the police will be there shortly. Now Ryou how old are you and do you know who could have done such a thing?"

"I'm 15 and no I don't know a thing…what…what's going to happen to me?"

"The police will just ask you a few questions there is no reason to worry. Just stay calm and keep talking."

"I am as calm as I can be and personally I'd rather not talk at the moment." Dropping the receiver and not even bothering to hang it up Ryou stumbles over to the couch. Sitting down he curls his knees to his chest, wraps his arms around them and buries his face.

Maybe 5 minutes later there is a knock on the door followed by a shout to open up, it'sthepolice. But Ryou ignores it hoping they will just go away. After knocking a few more times Ryou hears the door slowly open, and a voice call.

"Ryou Bakura? Are you in here?"

A small whimper escapes his lips and he curls up in a ball more tightly.

"Hello, " says a voice belonging to a female officer, its calm and soothing, making Ryou slowly uncurl from his position. "I'm Takara, you must be the boy who called 911. Here come with me, we'll go sit in the car alright?"

Nodding Ryou slowly stands up and follows the cop his mind void of all thoughts and his eyes blank. Not a thing filters through his head except for one sound, Yami No Bakura taunting laugh. Never before had Ryou felt more small and insignificant. Never before had he ever seen a dead body so close up…never had he felt more like dying, suicide and escaping this world.


Finishing the first part of his tale, his life,Ryou looks down at his empty bottle. Deciding he's had enough liquor he walks to the bar slightly shaking and buys a coke. Sitting back down he looks at the man sitting across from him. Still all of his features are hidden, why did Ryou have to pick the darkest corner?

"Please continue," urges the other person at the table.

"Are you sure? I will need hours more?" Ryou looks down at the table his eyes down cast. In 3 years his chocolate eyes haven't had a shine of happiness and re-telling his tale was only making the chances slimmer.

"I have all night as I'm sure you do."

"You are right I have no where to go, no one to see, and no hope of living."


Well I hope that was good and yes this fic is gonna get a hell of a lot worse as it goes on. So not for the weak of heart! Plz review and tell me if anything needs fixed or whatever. Tell me if you didn't like a part and why so I wont disappoint you in the future.