Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Why Would You Wish Such a Thing? ❯ A New Home ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Why Would You Wish Such A Thing…?
Chapter 3
Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh,
Hiya ppl sry it took me so long to write this chapter! Really I am! I just haven't been able to write as of late! Well here we go hope this chapter is as good as the previous 2!
Silently Ryou takes another sip of his coke, wondering whom the hell he was talking to. But reminding him self it doesn't really matter.
“Not long after the officer took me to her car I was at the police station in one of those rooms where they question people. I've never felt so scared in my life. Did they think I did it? What was going to happen to me? I didn't know what was going on and truthfully I didn't want to find out.”
“Here Mr. Bakura why don't you sit here and me and you will have a little conversation.” Takara motioned to a chair on one side of a table while she took the seat across from him. Her soft green eyes and pale face were inviting but Ryou knew it was only an act to get him to talk. “Now Mr. Bakura Ryou, can you tell me exactly what happened?”
“Please just call me Bakura, and truthfully I'm not entirely sure.” Says Ryou trying to keep his composure cool and not go any more insane than he already was. “I…I woke up this morning and noticed that my hands were covered in blood. When I went to the bathroom…I…I found that girl…” Shuddering and wishing he didn't have to continue. “I didn't know what to do so I just went into my closet to get some cloths. Inside I found a small bag with a hand gun inside…its under my bed…I didn't know what to do. Please I didn't kill her; I just woke up this morning. Please…please you have to believe me.” Says Ryou his eyes brimmed with tears and hands in fists, his knuckles white as snow.
“Ryou just calm down. If you didn't kill her than who did? And why was she in your house? Do you live with anyone else?”
“I…I don't know. I don't know anything…” says Ryou quietly knowing he can't tell her about his Yami or else he'll be shipped to aninsane asylum. “I live with my father, but he's not always around because he's an archeologist. Right now he's in Egypt.”
“How can we get a hold of your father?” Asks the cop her green eyes soft and gentle compared to everyone else in the building.
“I…I don't know.”
“It seems you don't know much Bakura, or are you just not talking?” Suddenly all softness leaves her eyes and they become as hard as stone.
“I DIDN'T KILL HER! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO SHE IS!!!” Screams Ryou standing up in a fury. Quickly he sits back down and buries his face in his arms, which are rested on the table. His white hair covers his shadowed eyes and tear streaked face while his shoulders are slightly bobbing from his sobbing. “I'm sorry…I'm just so confused…I don't know what's going on or what's going to happen…I'm so confused.”
“Its ok Bakura please just calm down, it's alright. I believe you Ryou;I've known your father all my life. I've also known you though you don't know it. I know you didn't kill her and unless someone proves me others wise I will always be on you side. Do you have anyway of getting a lawyer?”
“I doubt it…doesn't it cost a lot of money?” asks Ryou wonder why the young woman is so strongly on his side…truly why.
“Yes, yes it does. But isn't one of your uncles a lawyer?”
“I think so, but I've never actually meet him. I doubt he'd help me, my father and him have been fighting for years. I don't believe they've even talked is an extremely long time.”
“Well that could be difficult. Look I'm gonna send you to a foster home for a few days until your father comes home. Another officer has contacted him; he'll be here soon. Don't worry about it, I know the family. You can trust them to look after you. Here's my number call me if you change your answer on anything.” Takara hands Ryou a small piece of paper with her name and number. Slowly she stands up, signaling for Ryou to do the same and leading him slowly to the door.
When the two reach the front door of the police station Ryou sees a mid-aged couple. The woman has long black hair held in a high pony tale, blue eyes filled with joy and a cheery face. Where as the man beside her has short dark brown hair and a face that defines discipline, but still his dark brown eyes hold the same joy as the woman.
“Bakura this is Kijin and his wife Tenshi, you'll be staying with them for the few days it takes your father to get here. I know they'll take real good care of you.” Takara turns to Kijin and says, “I'm sure he'll want to grab a few thing from his house, like school books and cloths.” Takara turns back to Ryou and rests one hand on his shoulder smiling. “Don't worry `bout it Bakura, we'll figure this out. Just stick with it and keep your head up.”
Ryou just nods silently before following Kijin and Tenshi out the door and into the car. After giving them brief instructions as how to get to his apartment. Moments later he climbs back into Kijin's car a small suit case across his lap.
“I'm ready to go.”
“Lemme see your suit case.” Says Kijin with no emotion in his voice. Slowly Ryou passes up the case only to have the older man slowly search through all his things.
“Don't think too much of it, its nothing personal. We just have to do this before your allowed in the house.” Says Tenshi smiling like she always does.
Ryou just nods as he receives his suitcase and says nothing as the car slowly drives towards his new “home” for the next few days.
Upon reaching his destination Ryou realizes he's not gonna have much fun. The house is small but two stories high, with an average sized lawn. The problem is all the kids in the front yard. 6-8 children under 12 are running around and playing.
A small groan in displeasure escapes the teens lips before he has a chance to stop him self.
Still smiling Tenshi looks back at Ryou and replies with, “Don't worry the most of the younger ones stay at the house next door. Only ones here is a little 6-year-old girl and another boy about your age. We're not that crowded due to the smaller house. Just let your self in, your room is on the second floor, 2nddoor to your left when you go up the main stairs. The ones across from the front door. Kijin has to go to work and I'll be outside with the young ones.”
“Alright.” Slowly Ryou climbs out of the small car and walks to wards the house. But he stops at the door not knowing weather to just walk in or knock. `Well she did say to let my self in…' slowly the door creaks open, as Ryou applies almost no pressure. Peering inside he notices the said stairs and a young man sitting in the living room watching TV. `Think I'll introduce my self later.' Quietly Ryou walks up the beautifully crafted staircase and follows Tenshi's instructions to his room.
Figuring the inside will be pretty boring the white haired teen just walks in only to be surprised by the contents. Though the walls and ceiling are whiter than snow, the carpet is black. Your average twin-sized bed is pushed against the side of the room to his left. On the far wall is a large window and the headboard of the bed is right beside it. To his right against the wall are two small dressers, one with a huge mirror and the other with a small TV. The wood the dressers are made from as well as the bed appears to be ebony or something similar. Amazed by the simple beauty of the room Ryou just drops his suitcase on the bed and slowly unpacks a few things. Deciding he's not gonna get too conformable, he only sets up a few pictures and sets his school uniform on the top of the dresser with the mirror so he can wear it the next morning.
The first picture Ryou picks up is Yugi and all the others standing outside the game shop. It was taken right after Battle City and represents what they all went through. The second is a picture of his whole family…when they were all still alive. The third and final is a picture of his father standing in front of a huge pyramid. Beside all the pictures Ryou places his duel deck and a book he's been reading the past few days. Handing his book bag on the doorknob and sliding his case with his cloths under the bed. After stretching Ryou just flops down on the bed to relax after one hell of a day.
“My Lord, you unpack like every other man!” States Tenshi standing in the doorway, smiling, always smiling. It was almost starting to get on Ryou's nerves. “Would you like a few plants for some color?”
“Sure that would be nice.”
“I'll be right back.”
`She's just trying to make this look like my home.' Says Ryou to himself. Slowly he turns on his side to face the wall;his back to the door but in the end he sits bolt upright with a strange stinging pain in his arm. His breathing heavier than normal Ryou pulls up his sleeve to reveal half a dozen thin red marks down his right arm.
“Yami no Bakura,” whispers Ryou into the empty room, “Why must you have so many bad habits?”
“I never told many people but my Yami had a serious cutting problem, one that often left me in the hospital. After a while the doctors in the emergency room doubt you were attacked 3 times a week, every week. But I managed to pull through. After a while you learn to ignore the strange pain in your arms from cuts and burns. Sure I tried to get rid of his knife many times, but he'd find a new one and cut worse the next time. I figured it was best not to anger him. After all look what he did. Killed a young woman with out reason.”
“So was it really him that killed her? Or was it you.” Asks the man across from Ryou taking another sip of his drink and wondering how long Ryou's tale really would take.
“Truth is we'll never know. I don't not believe I killed her, but I may have. Yami Bakura has the ability to erase minds…so we'll never know. Thought I doubt I would kill anyone with out reason…my sanity wasn't, still isn'twhat it once was. Maybe I killed her, maybe my Yami did, I dunno…”
Well think I'll end it there. Hope that was an ok chapter. Not to confusing. Now I've never been arrested and I hate shows like CSI so it might not be perfect. As well I have never been to a foster home so again I'm completely winging it. Hope its ok and I hope I get some reviews *hint hint*. I'll prob be re-writing this sooner than later with more details. But I'm desperatefor an update! Iwould have done so sooner but I've been depressed as of late and unable to write! But I'm on anti-depressants now so Iwill prob be updating soon!
Cleo Kamia