Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Soul. Tamed Love. ❯ Wild Hearts ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Yami: I hate you
aww yami it aint that bad
Yami Raven: yami dear settle
Yami: @____@ ok
hehe. Love struck puppy
Yami: HEY
you are
Yami Raven: Give up dear
Yami: NEVER!!!!!!!!
Ooo boy I think yami's lost it
Yami Raven: nope. Just needs some aahhh down time hehe
0_o too much info
Yami: *smirks and kisses raven*
*yami and Raven disappear*
umm ok I'm down two yamis '-_-
well on with the story. You have to read my authors notes for curtain info. Or you can just send me an e-mail and I will give you the low down. I know this chappy is a bit odd. In the lack of info department. But you gather more info on it as the series goes on. Kk *hears something from a couple of rooms away* o boy hope they don't wake my parents

oh and the usual. Mind to mind things later in the series. And I don't own yugioh, if I did I would have made some seriously drastic changes. Like the color of pegasus's suit for one *snickers*
WARNING: does contain rape. Sexual harassment. Foul language. And gory sences. Rated R

by: Snow_Owl

"Ryanne, hurry child. Gather your cards and come."
"I can't move that fast,"
"child it does not take that long to gather your deck"
"fine fine I'm coming, what's the rush any way"
"there will be a siege.."
"Daddy told you to forget about that"
"I smell smoke and hear screams we must hurry child"
"will you stop cal..."
There was an explosion as a group of men broke into the palace. Their guards rushed forward to defend them. One of the intruders raised their hand and said a word, the guards were frozen. They watched warily from upon the stairs, peeking only just. Suddenly on of the men spied them.
"THERE, it's the heirs to the throne, capture them"
the strangers rushed forward but if there was one thing Raven, daughter of Kuhate who happened to be pharaoh of southern Egypt, was the fact she knew everything about the palace. Including it's passage ways. It was only after they escaped the palace that they stopped.
"Raven, what about father"
"I'm sorry"
"no your not, you left him there on purpose"
"he should have listened" her voice was growing cold
"that was no reason to send him to his death"
"he can fight, he should try"
"Raven! How can you say that"
she didn't look at her but only walked off. Looking back slightly.
"How can you have slaves"
"that's different"
"not to I"
"it is though, he's our father"
"doesn't matter to me"
"aaagggg raven I can't stand you sometimes"
"same here sister. Now are you coming or are you going to stay here and wait to be caught"
Ryanne took a second before following her sister. They went a short ways when Ryanne started to go down an alley when her sister held her back.
"Raven wha..?"
Her sister covered her mouth. two invaders walked by the alley. Their bows and weapons ready. they walked cautiously on. Every now and then they hid from the invaders. At other times they ran as fast as they could. But no matter what they knew they would remember. The screams, the smell of smoke, the raging flames. Even though the leaping embers bowed to the Raven, they hissed at every one else and leaped to burn.
"Raven listen"
"what do you hear child"
"I said stop calling me that"
"well what do you hear"
"crying, really close"
"point where"
ryanne turned around several times before pointing behind a dumpster.
Raven approached the dumpster and peeked behind.
"Oh poor thing, let raven help you"
she disappeared for a second then came back with a tiny little crimson haired child in her arms.
"Where's your momma little one"
"mommy. Leave. No. Come. Say. Stay. Be. Safe. No. Return"
"o poor thing did some mean person leave you on the streets."
Raven cuddled the child.
"Don't you worry ravens here"
"Hush ryanne. She comes"
"you momma"
"only if you tell me your name"
"me leute"
"well leute your coming with us"
the trio moved quietly through the city of Tath, and into the sand dunes. They ran for a couple of hours before finding them selves at a water hole.
"We'll stop here, and get cleaned up."
Raven handed leute to ryanne and went to the waters edge. Raven was greeted by a crocodile. She talked with the reptile ideally for a while before returning to them.
"He says he will let us wash leute in the water."
"Great, common leute"
"she talk animal"
"yeah, my sister can do many things. Talking to animals is just one of them."
raven chuckled as ryanne took the child down to the water. The crocodile came back to see who the mistress favored so, he even let the child ride upon his scaliy back. It was later in the night. When leute had fallen asleep, her face pillowed in ravens chest, and ryanne had dozed into a troubled sleep that raven thought about events. Most recent ones that is. The animals have been warning her for days. Now she was getting visitors of the worried creatures. They wanted to see that their mistress was safe. Of coarse she was, she had listened, and still was and always will. She grumbled at her fathers ignorance, to sleepy to hear the warnings of approaching danger from her friends. She heard a rock move and turned, only to pass out from something hard hitting her head.

she wasn't on the ground any more. No she was riding something. _aahh. A camel_. She chuckled at the benefits of having such powers. But why was she on a camel. Unless that noise. Could it have been a invader. She opened her eyes when the camel started calling to her in concern. She had been out for five hours since the men had put her up their. Her pendant was gone too._oh well_. She focused on the camel _do you see my sister, and a crimson haired youngling_. Yes they were chained up to the exact camel she was riding. There were other people too. Survivors of the massacre of the city Tath. There were a meir hundred of them. And considering Tath was a big city, correction, a very big city, that was a small amount of survivors. _did..did my father live_. No the answer was quiet but cold. The animals turned on him when he stopped listening to them. Animals don't understand when you change ways. All animals live the same their whole lives. Never having to worry about what will happen next cause it will just be the same as before. The camel grumbled about the former pharaohs ignorance. That caused raven to laugh mentally. her father had been foolish not to listen to her. There was other reasons she was happy her father was gone, but she couldn't bear herself to think about them. She sigh and opened her eyes.
"Well look who's awake fellas"
"the pretty ebon haired princess"
"what we going to do with her"
"the same we are going to do with the others. Sell her. And her sister too"
their cruel laughter made her shiver. Thank god she had friends in high places. And by that she meant literally. Over head soared a eagle. Intent on keeping a close eye on the mistress of the wild. She wished they wouldn't risk such danger just to watch out for her. They knew she could take care of her self just fine. Yet she felt oddly reassured that she had guardians everywhere. Even the camel she rode and the others around him promised to watch out for her. She was so lucky to have friends like these. As the noon sun reached the sky she decided it was best to be nice to the invaders.
"Um excuse me"
"what do you want"
"there is a watering hole ahead if you would like to stop there. Plenty of shade too."
"Oo being miss goodie goodie are we"
"actually I want to get down if that's ok"
"hmpf. Fine, we stop at this watering hole, if there is actually one there"
what did he think she was that dense to try and lie about that. She could see leute's vacant look. She needed water. Once they reached the watering hole the raiders/invaders decided to let their catch roam a little. But not too far. While they went to one area raven took the survivors to an other. Once again she approached the water, and greeted the creatures with in. Almost immediately they had a place to splash and cool off. The crocodiles on the fringes glaring at the invaders. The fish came up and nibbled at their legs, tickling them.
"Ok peoples time to move out"
the invaders were being stupid. To move during the noon day sun. but she rather be healthy then risk a lashing from a whip or a blow from a fist. So she and the others approached and got re-chained. They new better to run. They were miles from Tath, not that anything was left. some of the survivors told them. When they left there was only chard remains. Leute refused to go into a chain and on raven's pleas was allowed to be carried by her foster mom. The young crimson haired child seemed to put full trust in the ebon haired raven. Not that she minded. She liked leute, and treated her like a daughter. Night started to fall after several hours of non-stop walking. They knew where they were going. MaLink, central trade city of all Egypt. Though it was only 3 days ride from the city in which the pharaoh lived, the city was renown for it's slave business, some thing Pharaoh Yami despised. The survivors all crowded around raven, and her sister. They knew that raven would keep them safe. At least untill they reached their distination.
(A.N.: you aint missing anything trust me)

The gates of Malink loomed over head. Mentally Raven winced. She never liked coming here. One reason was that every one stared at her. Well all the guys that is. ~so I have a good body so what~. She sighed and shifted leute to a better position. She glared at the invaders then at the gaurds of Malinks gates. She was not happy. This was Pharaoh Yami's kingdom. And she had no intention of bowing to him. It was all his fault that her father was dead. The invaders were HIS gaurds after all. She glared. Army gaurds that is. A total of at least fifty men. ~if only there was only a couple of them, then I could send my animal friends on them. But with so many I dare not to~. The supposed invaders, really a rebel group of Pharaoh Yami's army, checked their group of capties into an inn. They planned on making their hoard presentable. For the auction tomorrow. The slave trade was good money, and latly the demand had risen. So they went against the peace treaty signed by their pharaoh and pharaoh Kuhate, and masacared an entire town. Killed the pharaoh to get to the two gems that lived with in. They were already thinking of the money they could get from selling the two former princesses. Expecially the Raven. Ra had been good to her, touching her skin light enough to make it a soft tan. Her hair was as black as anubis's skin and she was twice as crafty as the jackle god. But the raven was also a mystery, seeming to be wild in spirit and hating most people who came near her. If only they could tame the girl before being sold. Right then the leader of the rebel group, Kane, watched the oldest princess, as she moved quietly amoung the others. She would look over each one. The younger crimson haired child tailing her all the while. She had kept a select few in good health. Those few seem to rely on her for protection. ~. She takes the blows for her sister and fosterling. What is it with that child, she is just so....strange~. Kane shook his head and looked back at his men.
"Alright boys. Lets get these people into proper clothes, they will be sold tomorrow"
"What is it"
"I hear that a royal, of pharaoh yami's court, will be there tomorrow looking for new servants"
"good we will spiff up our two big money makers then"
"yes sir"
his men headed off to gather good clothes for the group of scared people. It was not that hard. Most of the people would ware what they were told. It was only the oldest princess who was a trifle stubborn. She ended up excepting the dress they offered but ordered one just as good for her young Leute. They agreed to these terms. If the buyers thought them all to be related by their clothes, then they could con a lot of money out of them. Kane nodded to himself, a smile spreading acrossed his face. Tomorrow will be most profitable.
That night. As every person tried to cram into three rooms. Leute wandered around looking for her foster mom. She found raven sitting in a window sill, looking at the night sky.
"Mia Raven"
"hmm...yes leute"
"me no sleepy"
"you need your rest baby"
"me know mia raven, can't sleep"
"come here baby"
young leute walked quietly over to Raven. Raven lifted the small child into her lap and stroked her hair.
"Would you like a song"
"you sing"
"I know many lullabies. If you wish to hear one"
Raven smiled and shifted leute to a resting posistion.
(A,N: I do not own this song. I just like it ever sence I heard if from the movie Tarzan. Then I heard the long version and liked it more. Hehe.)

Come stop your crying
it'll be alright
just take my hand
hold it tight
I will protect you
from all around you
I will be here
don't you cry

for one so small
you seem so stroung
my arms will hold you
keep you safe and warm
this bond between us
can't be broken
I will be here don't you cry

cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
1. You'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be here in my heart, always
Why can't they understand
the way we feel
They just don't trust
what they can't explain
I know we're different but,
deep inside us
We're not that different at all
And you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on
Now and forever more
Don't listen to them
'Cause what do they know
We need each other,
to have, to hold
They'll see in time
I know
When destiny calls you
You must be strong
I may not be with you
But you've got to hold on
They'll see in time
I know
We'll show them together
'Cause you'll be in my heart
Yes, you'll be in my heart
From this day on,
Now and forever more
Oh, you'll be in my heart
No matter what they say
You'll be in my heart, always
Raven let her voice fade like it was drifting on the wind. Looking down she saw a sleeping leute in her arms. With a smile she held leute close and got comfortable, falling into a sleep filled with thoughts of troubles to come.
Raven jerked awake. Leute was screaming. The auction had started with out her awake. A plate of food was left for here on a near by table. And leute was being taken away. That angered her to no beliefe.
her pendant started to glow like a hot coal. She was engulfed in a white life. Her form changed, morphed and the light faded. A tiger stood in her place. Baring her fangs she sprang at the intruder. The man yelped and, dropping leute, ran from the room. She snorted after him and picked leute up by her stomach. Ever so carefully she took leute back to where they had been before. Changing back she soothed her leute and took the plate from the table. Toast and cold cereal. ~yummie, ha yeah right~. She sat leute on her lap and gave her some of the toast as she aint the scant breakfast. When done she rose and looked at leute.
"So little bit what's going on"
"people go and get bought now"
"just what I thought pretty one"
"me go too"
"not with out me you aint"
"mia come too"
"I think they may be planning on selling me, you and my sister together"
Raven spun to see Kane standing in the door way. He was frowning at her but didn't look actually angry.
"You have magic?"
"Yes sir"
"that pendant?"
"Just helps me channel it sir"
"mia raven uppies"
"ok dear"
"what is it with you and that child"
"she is an orphane I claim her as mine"
"get ready to go out. Your sister Is waiting for you out side. Take leute with you. Your quiet right when I said I was thinking of selling you three together"
with that Kane left.
"He is not very pleasent huh bit"
"no mia no"
raven sighed and left the room. She could just since impending doom in the air. She left the inn. Spotted Ryanne and went to stand beside her.
"Yes Ry"
"I'm scared"
"don't worry child"
"why not, I might lose you"
"not likly"
"why is that"
"he is selling us three as a group"
"still scared"
"I will not let any harm befall you, and for every chance I cannot protect you I will take yet an other blow"
"oh raven"
"Ryanne, listen to me"
"we are coming into hard times, and it is time for you to be strong."
"I could never be as strong as you raven"
"maybe not as strong as me but strong you will be. I have lived out of civilization often. Preferring animal company to human. I am used to hard goings. But you, you were sheltered from the hardships of life"
"no Ry, let me talk. I will be the back bone but you, you got to be the reason for me to be strong. You cannot lose hope in me. I will defend you and leute savagely. Even if I lose the pendant to our new master, who might not want me turning against them, I will still take the blows for you, and leute. But listen to me when I say that NO HARM WILL COME TO YOU"
"yes sister"
"sita Ryanne cry"
"only tears of fear and pain child"
"Only when knowing my sister risk so much to save us"
"it is not to much to me. To me you two are everything. The only reason I have to live. And so I will protect you."
"I believe you sister"
"me to mia"
"I know bits I know"
raven smiled warily and turned to watch the auction. They, being for sale, were put in a ring of some sort for prospective buyers to look at. They had many come to look them over. Raven, being ever protective, would kick or hit any one who reached out to them. That is until Kane came by with some chains and chained her arms behind her back. And took her pendant. The pendant which helped her focus her magic on a curtain thing. She look sadly at the swinging charm as Kane walked off. She knew he would take that. And probably, no more then likely, give it to her buyer. With a sigh she nudged leute and Ryanne into the center of the ring. Out of reach and out of harm they watched the rest of the people they traveled with get sold off.
"Right this way sir"
"this better not be a waste of time"
"oh trust me sir. It won't be"
Raven glared wildly. Kane was coming. Followed by a rather important looking person. She stood in front of her sister and lute. ~what's going down~. She almost snarled at the man who stopped by their 'observation pen'. Ryanne was clinging to her arm and leute was holding rather tightly to her leg.
"Here they are sir"
The man walked around the pen several times before entering it. Raven started to advance when she was suddenly jerked back.
"AH no you don't you hellion"
the man looked at Kane.
"Discipline problems?"
"Only with this one. A bit of a ill tempered one. But she and her friends here weren't slaves for long. There's still good training time left"
the man nods and walks up to the shaking Ryanne. He looked over her face. Checked for wounds. Then started to run a hand down her side. That did it. Raven suddenly lurched forward with amazing strength. She rammed into the man and sent him down on his rump. Her wrist were bleeding where the bindings had been. She had ripped them clear off. The man was less worse for ware. Satisfied with the younger you women, he walked towards the one who struck him. She was thin, too thin. Her limber frame shifted to a better position to strike from. Smiling the man nodded then left the pen.
"She is a feisty one"
"yes. The Raven has an additude she does"
"Raven huh?"
"Yes sir. Named from the color of her hair more then likely"
Kane was furious. The Raven had just attacked a VERY important person. Thank god she didn't have her pendant. That would have been worse.
"I'll think about the one. The younger one. Her mannerism are just suited for it. Maybe if the older is trained to behave better then she would be better."
"Hmm yes. I fear raven might not like being separated from that one but she will cope if they do get separated."
"She will have too"
"yes I know"
Kane and the strange man walked off. Raven did not like that conversation.
"Like hell I will cope. I'll gut him out that's what I'll do. Fucking bastard. Hope he goes broke"
"what is it bit"
"bad man take me away"
"over my dead body he will"
"mia take me with"
"always baby"
"Raven..what are we going to do"
"make sure that man does not buy you that's what"
"Look injured. The man is looking for a healthy slave. If you fake injury he aint going to buy you"
"oh ok I'll try"
"wa about me mia raven"
"you bit, are staying with me by pure motherly aggression"
"I won't let them take you from me"
Kane came back right then. He held a rope In his hand. He stepped into the pen and tied the rope around ryanne's and raven's wrists. Raven picked up leute and walked with Kane out of the pen. He looked totally miffed.
"Umm...Kane...sir..where are we going"
"you three where bought" Kane snarled.
"Buy who?"
"Not who I wanted!"
Ryanne shut up after that. She looked at raven who smirked. They had been bought as a group by some one who apparently had taken an interest in them. Kane brought them to a mean looking guy who smiled darkly at his new catch. Raven gulped and held leute closer. Feeling bad intention on the horizon. If only she knew what was to come.

A month later

Leute looked around warily. Mia had told her to be careful around here. She darted forward, dodging hands and kicks from drunks sitting at the tables she wove around. The pub where they lived was always full of weird people like these men. Renting a slave for a night and the man who bought her had many. Well it was really her, ryanne, and mia raven. She thought of her mom. She was so brave. Many a time she risked hiding the slaves from their drunk owner. Or she struck a costumer. ~yes, mia very brave~. Ryanne said daily she could never be that strong, to stand up to men ten times stronger then her sister. ~with out her pendant, mia cannot use her magic as well, mia upset about that~. Suddenly a hand grabbed her and lifted her off the ground.
"Lookie here, it'sss that raven'ss little braat"
it was her owner, and he was VERY drunk. She looked fearfully at him before doing the only thing she could do, scream.
Mean while, up in the third story, the slaves quarters, raven tended to her sick sister. No matter how good she took care of them they still were bound to get sick. Now Ryanne hacked weakly. She was defiantly growing more tired by the second. Sighing raven put a new cold piece of cloth on Ryanne's forehead.
"Poor sister. Just lie here and rest"
she smiled at her sister before rising to leave. A scream reached her ears. It was high and scared. Raven subconsciously growled and bolted out of the room. She could tell leute from anyone. Sprinting down the halls and stairways she spied leute in the bar, more then likely getting some more water for Ry. Leute was in the grasp of their owner, hectate, who seemed quiet drunk at the moment. She thought a moment, she had locked Ryanne's door, she was safe, all the others had found a hiding place by now, or he wouldn't pester leute, only one thing to do. She hitched the back of her skirt a bit and bolted forward, like a bolt of lightning. She hit hectate hard in the side, he dropped leute and fell to the ground.
"Wha the hell"
he looked up to see he most rebellious slave looking around warily. He started to raise and she swept up the tiny child beside her and ran. ~I'll teach that brat who's boss~. By the time he rose, raven had sprinted up the first stair case and was running down the halls. Hectate close on her heals. She thought wildly of all the trap doors and secret walls leading to hidden rooms in this place. Most places were used to house slaves, others were left over from the previous owner, not even Hectate himself knew all of them. She lost Hectate finally, for a few minuets. Lifting leute to her shoulder she opened a hatch in the ceiling.
"Leute, I want you to go up there and hide. Do not look back out here, do not wait for me. Run and hide. Only come back when I call you out. Got ME?"
"Yes mia"
"good. Now up you go"
she hefted leute up into the attic and waited for the inevitable to come. Leute, usually so obedient, ignored her foster mom's orders and hid by the attic door. Raven stood stalk still in the middle of the room as Hectate came thundering in.
"Oh ho. Here's the little trouble maker herself. Where's the brat"
"don't call her a brat"
hectate struck her in the head.
"I'll call her what ever I wish. She belongs to me. Just as you do."
"I will never obey you. So I will never belong to you"
"yes you will and I will make sure of it"
with that Hectate lurched forward and grabbed raven's arms. He tossed her on the floor and stood over her.
"I will teach you to behave."
He straddled her hips, despite her struggling to get free.
*************(through leute's eyes. *since I rather not be hated*)*********************
leute watched in horror as her mother screamed and struck savagely at their owner.
"Stop that you whore"
"get off me. Leave me alone"
"shut up."
Leute covered her ears but her mother's cries still echoed through the empty room in which she hid.
"No please stop."
"I said shut up"
leute watched as her owner struck her mother a cross the face. She watched as he tore off her mothers skirt and removed his pants. Then the screams became louder. She watched as her mother fought his hold. He drew a knife and slammed it into her side.
"now behave you worthless piece of filth"
leute watched as the man continued to molest her mother savagely, leaving the knife in her side the entire time. Her mother's screams had gotten frantic and pained after a while. Leute wanted desperately to run to her and hug her mom. She saw tears in her mother's eyes and she hurt more. More cause she sat there, safe as could be, while her mom was in pain. By the time the man finished with her mom, blood was covering the floor and it seemed like her mother had passed out. The man spat on her mom then stalked out of the room, buttoning his pants.
*************(end leute's point of view. *A.N: poor thing)
Leute very carefully climbed down from the hatch in the ceiling. Looking around with tears in her eyes she made sure she was alone here. Then very quietly she crept over to her mother. Sitting down beside raven leute gently shook her mia's shoulder.
"Mia wake up. Wake up mia"
raven only groaned in pain. Leute withdrew her hand with a sob. She bolted to her feet and out of the room. She had to get Ryanne. Ryanne could help mia. She came to a sudden stop. hectate was right in front of ryanne's door. She watched as Hectate rattled the handle then cursed in Egyptian.
"The fucking bitch locked the door."
hectate slammed a fist into the door, swearing something awful.
"Who the hell does she think she is the little bitch."
"Plz just go" came a croaking voice from inside the room.
"Shut up ya whore. I'll do what ever I want"
he slammed an other fist into the door then stormed off.
"I'll be back with some tools. Then your going to learn not to order me around. Even if your sick"
leute shrank into the shadows as Hectate stormed past her. Leute looked after him for a second then run up to the door and knocked gently.
"Go away"
"Ryanne. It's me leute"
the door opened a little and leute waved at her, then she rushed in and grabbed ryanne's hand.
"Must come now"
"why leute"
"momma hurt bad"
"raven's hurt!!!"
"Bad man hurt her bad really bad"
"show me where"
ryanne let leute lead her out of the room, and down the many corridors. Only to be led to a room where her sister lie in a torn mess.

A year later

Ryanne crept quietly through the darkened tavern hallways. Occasionally a scream or a plea would call out. She winced visibly. Most of the slaves, mostly referred as whores, despised her cause she got off so easily. She rarely got chosen by anyone cause raven was always available, at least she made her self so. Raven, after that night when she got raped by their owner, was even more reckless in her urge to defend ryanne and leute. Her back held scars now, of repeated abuse, and yet she still was as beautiful as before. She took her time to clean herself and leute. The little four year old had grown wise to tavern life. she stayed clear of the bar and tables. She scream when caught. She listened to Hectate with out question. Leute was one to thought have had a good life here. But ryanne knew better. She shook her head as she slipped down the stair well and into the tavern. It was time to work. Looking at her wrap around skirt and patched up shirt she sighed. No leute did not have it good. No slave here had it good. She walked warily through the crowded tavern, watching the drunks leer at her. She looked around and spotted her sister. Raven was being kept busy. Hectate had her chained to the wall and was letting the drunks have their fun with her. With a strangled cry of dismay she went over to the bar and got a glass of water. Walking over to her sister her just hung there gritting her teeth in pent up rage.
"What did you do this time raven?"
Raven's head shot up and she smiled slightly.
"Kicked a costumer in the balls. Should have heard him yell. What a baby"
ryanne shook her head and raised the glass to her sister lips. Tipping it slightly and giving her a drink.
"You are to rebellious and stubborn for your own good you know that"
raven laughed coldly.
"Got that right. And it's for YOUR own good"
ryanne looked fearfully behind her. She was getting even more suggestive looks now.
"But what about you."
Raven sighed.
"I've been planning. Seen leute?"
Ryanne shook her head.
"To sence breakfasts"
raven smirked.
Raven just shook her head.
"Nothing for you to be worr...RYANNE!"
Raven lurched forward as ryanne felt a hand slip up her shirt. She yelp and tried to yank away. A voice whispered in her ear and the smell of alcohol assaulted her nose.
"Do we get to play with you too pretty?"
Ryanne struggled to get away when a small voice reached her ears. She glanced back and saw leute. She was sneaking something to her mom from behind her back. She yanked away from the man, who had snuck a hand down her skirt, and hid by raven. Raven bent down and slipped a loop over her head.
"Raven is that..?"
"Quiet ryanne"
suddenly raven started to glow. A white light engulfed her. Every one near by backed up in shock as the girl change shape. The chains clanked against the wall as a hawk hovered over the floor then changed back to the girl. One of the men in the tavern found his voice.
"Hectate!!! THE GIRL IS LOOSE"
he back up as raven smirked at him.
"Thanks that's just the signal I wanted."
Ryanne looked at her.
"Raven wa...."
Raven shoved ryanne out the door and swept up leute as Hectate came storming into the room.
hectate stormed towards her. He stopped only when raven stalked towards him, setting leute upon the floor she whispered.
"Now get our decks child"
leute nodded and ran off. Dodging the havoc that had broke out when the drunk had yelled for Hectate. Slaves were fighting to run out of the tavern as fast as they could, they didn't want to witness raven's revenge. She directed her attention to hectate now. Who was almost upon her. As fast as light she changed into a cat and darted up the stair well, Hectate on her heels. They were passing Hectate's quarters when leute emerged from them. Hectate's face grew red with anger and he stormed towards leute.
That was as far as he got. Raven had changed into a lioness and slammed into his back. With a final burst of energy she plucked leute up and run down a stair well and out the back. Setting her down she changed back.
"Go around front leute and find ryanne. I got some stuff I got to do first."
Leute nodded and dashed around the building. Raven smiled and walked back in to the tavern to suddenly be hit by a searing pain. She wavered but did not fall.
"You little bitch"
evidently Hectate was up and by the feel of liquid oozing down her arm, he had his knife again. He stabbed at her and she dodged only getting grazed by the knife. She bolted towards the main room and knocked a lamp over. It broke on a chair and started a fire. Hectate was so frantic to get the flame doused that he forgot raven.

at that very moment

pharaoh yami and his younger brother yugi were readying their horses. They were dressed in commoner clothes.
"So where are we going"
"just a ride. No were really"
"just need to get out"
"that's about right"
two of the royal guards walked up with their own horses. They too were dressed in commoners clothes.
"That is so you, yami"
"glad you think so Joey."
"If you took any longer your highness it will be dark by the time we head out"
"very funny Ryou. And do call me yami. Plz"
"if you wish, your highness" ryou teased lightly.
"Can we go now yami?"
"yes yugi, if Joey and ryou are ready."
"That we are."
"Then let's be off"
with that the group mounted their horses and walked out of the palace stables. out in the busy streets people didn't even notice the pharaoh and the royal guards. They didn't know the havoc they would encounter was lying ahead.

Now a little on what raven does when Kane forgets her

~damn I didn't expect the fire to spread that fast. Then again there is plenty of stuff for burning here.~ raven covered her mouth and darted towards the door. It was packed full of people fleeing the flames. She looked around coughing as smoke entered her lungs. She had to get out. She looked towards a single window, it was to small for her in this form but... making up her mind she changed form and soared up. Even now she coughed as she fought her way towards the window. Flames were curling around it. With a deep breath she blasted through the window. She entered fresh air but her wings were aflame. She changed back and desperately doused the flames. She was shaking in exhaustion. She was burned, tattered, and weak. Her head pounded from the sudden use of her powers. She hadn't used them in so long. A small form hurled it's self at her.
"Mia raven. Mia raven. You ok"
she smiled and nodded.
"Yes baby I'm fine. Lets go"
raven looked up and spied ryanne walking up to her.
"That was terrible raven what were you thinking?"
"Rather die trying then die from being beaten one to many times"
ryanne couldn't help but snicker at her sister's choice of words.
"Lets go. we must hurry so Kane does not find us"
ryanne nodded and picked up leute. With that the trio took off down the street.
(A.N: yippee I finally am getting to finishing this. I really shouldn't make the chappies so long)
it was, oddly, the same street yami and his group were traveling. They were quiet shocked to find two girls running towards them. One carrying a small child, the other lagging behind. Yami took down his hood and dismounted his horse.
One of the girls stopped the other slowed then collapsed.
The girl set down the child which she carried and ran back to the girl, the little crimson haired child following.
"Raven what's wrong"
"mia raven?"
The girl pushed her self up.
"I'm fine, r-really, I-I'm fine"
the girl hissed in pain and let herself be helped up. The girl, raven, shook and teetered for a second before regaining her balance. Yami chose now to investigate. Walking up to the trio he glared down at them.
"Who are you. And where are you supposed to be"
the small child whimpered and slunk under the taller ones skirt.
"Leute get out of there you imp"
the little girl, leute peeked out then darted behind raven.
"I'll ask again who are you"
"w-we are slaves sir, our names are not important, OW!"
The girl rubbed her side as the raven jabbed her in the side then glared at her. Yami scowled.
"Where is our owner"
raven muttered "hopefully dead"
"what did you mean by that"
raven glared at him, showing a rebellious streak to rival yami's.
"I meant I hope he rots in that stinking place he calls a tavern"
yami glowered at the girl, noting her appearance. She was not stable, still using the other girl for support. She had burns and wounds that looked like they were festering. She was also growing a deathly pale color.
"Raven you shouldn't speak so to the pharaoh."
The girl coughed and shakily tried to stand on her own.
"I don't bloody give a crap Ryanne cause know what I'm goi.."
Raven's eyes rolled back into her head and she passed out.
"RAVEN! Oh not again"
"mia raven"
this time raven did not awaken. Dirt was sticking to her side, were an open wound bleed freely. Yami's scowl deepened and he motioned to Joey. Joey came over as yami muttered a command.
"Take that girl" pointing at raven. "And take her to Mai, quickly"
Joey nodded and gathered up the limp figure. Walking back over to his horse he remounted and rode off at a brisk pace.
"NOW!" yami commanded "you two follow me"
yami glared daggers at the pair and stalked back to his horse. ~who did that girl think she was. Talking to ME like that.~ yami was having a hard time taking the fact that for once he had not been in control. The remaining pair slunk over.
"Keep up got it. I won't stop for you"
yami remounted and turned his horse back. Yugi looked at ryanne and smiled sadly, also turning his horse back the way they came. They followed him and were tailed by the last guard.
"where we going"
"to the pharaoh's palace"
"cause I think were in big trouble"
"cause raven couldn't keep her mouth shut"
"mommy didn't mean to make him mad"
"oh yes she did"
"I'll explain some other time leute"
they walked in silence back to the palace, which loomed over head, declaring their fate.

************************************************************ ******************************************
Yami: finally finish it
Y.R.:yeah finally finish
yes finally
Y.R.: good job aibou
Yami: hmpf
OH what now
Yami: you had to make her pass out
Y.R.: it's her story dear
Yami: *cowering* um ok
Y.R.: back of aibou *glares at her*
*gives a weak chuckle then dives for cover*

well any way. That was cappy one. Raven, you will find out soon if you don't already know, has a hatred of yami and plots to make his life miserable. Well until then. No flames plz.

But plz leave a contributions in the little review box