Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Soul. Tamed Love. ❯ Care ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Yami: oooo the second chappy Yippers
Y.R: yami dear did you just say 'yippers'
Y: *nods head repeatedly*
Y.R: did you have sugar?
Y. *nods head vigorously*
R: hey guys what's up
Y. The sky the clouds the air *bouncing around like a kangaroo*
Y.R: yami's on sugar high
R: *slaps her forehead* oooo no
Y: ooooooo Raven Huggies *glomps yami raven*
Y.R: *blushing* yeah dear you need to say the disclaimer
Y. AW spoot do I have to
R&Y.R: YES!!!!!
Y. *pouts and mumbles* raven does not own yugioh. Cause if she did me and raven would be
having a whole lot of fun. Y.R: YAMI!!! *smacks him* Y. Owie T.T
R: aw yami don't make him cry *huggles yami*
Y.R: HEY MINE *yanks yami away and holds him possessively.*
R: sheesh talk about possessive *snickers*
Y: >:P
R: *grumbles* he is so lucky I have a boyfriend

Warning: foul language. Other then that. Nothing to bad in this chapter. Mostly on raven's
recovery and yami finding out more about the trio, not a lot more. Joey/Seto suggestion

by: Raven

joey urged the horse into a trot. The girl's breathing was getting to shallow for comfort.
Mentally he was confused, why would yami wish this...this slave to be taken to see the royal
healer. She was not one of the royal servants, nor one of the lower slaves of the palace. Why then
would he care. He shrugged this off as he noticed the girl's breathing become ragged.
"Damn, don't stop breathing now"
he urged his horse into a gallop. The palace looming over head. The horse darted into the stable
yard. Joey pulled up and stopped the horse. Dismounting by just jumping off the horse he spun
around and gathered up his passenger. Handing his horse off to a servant he was about to run into
the castle when.
"Thought you went out riding?"
Joey turned and looked at High Priest, Seto.
"Medical emergency"
he jerked his head towards the limp girl.
"What happened?"
"Tell ya later set, I got to get her to mai before her breathing stops. It's already shallow enough as
seto nodded and walked up beside him, looking over his bundle. He too was thinking something
on the line of why was a slave being brought here. But joey had started running again and was
darting into the palace by the time he shook away his thoughts. With a chuckle he smiled and
followed the dashing young teen. Joey was already running straight towards Mai's room by the
time seto caught sight of him. Joey stopped in front of the door and pounded on it several times.
seto chuckled, only joey could crack a joke during a serious time. The door opened to reveal a tall
women with long unruly blond hair.
"Joey, what are you doing"
joey shoved past her and set the girl on the floor.
"Hush it Mai. Yami want's you to heal this girl. I would have took her to a guest room but her
breathing aint to great. So I brought her here"
Mai glared at him and closed the door.
"Well calm down and let me get to work"
Mai walked over to the girl and placed a hand on her arm. She looked up at joey.
"There is extra blankets and a pillow in the closet, get a blanket and the pillow and make a
makeshift bed for her. I'm going to need to keep a close eye on her"
joey nodded and walked over to the near by closet. Extracting a blanket and the said pillow he
walked over to a empty corner and made a make shift bed for the slave girl. He turned to find
Mai behind him with the girl in her arms.
"She's so light"
the look on Mai's face was worry as she set the girl down on the blankets and covered her up.
"I'll get to work, you go and find yami. I have a few questions to ask him"
joey nodded and exited the room only to be confronted by seto.
"What may I do for you seto"
seto smiled, he was handsome, how he wanted to kiss his lips. But other things were going on
right now that needed clarifying. Seto shook the 'dirty' thoughts from his mind and glanced at
"Any guess what happened to her"
"I say she was a rebellious slave who never listened."
Seto shook his head at joey's ignorance.
"Really puppy. Even if she was, wounds like that need to be treated. Why weren't they. They
were FESTERING joey. Did she seem light to you?"
joey was thoughtful, if not a bit pissed.
"Yes now that you mention it she was VERY light. Mai noticed to. And DON'T CALL ME
seto nodded with a smirk.
"Who ever owned her was not taking care of her BECAUSE she was rebellious and didn't listen
that is what I think puppy"
Seto looked back at mai's door, oblivious to the roaming eyes of joey. ~ok he's hot I will give
him that but I wish he wouldn't call me puppy.~ he jerked his eyes away as seto looked back at
"Well what?"
"Don't you need to go get yami?"
"Oh yeah right"
joey quickly turned around, more to hide his blush, and walked towards the throne room. Where
more then likely yami had the other two slaves.
And right he was. As he entered the throne room he spied yami sitting in his throne,
rubbing his temple in an annoyed manner. The younger to the two remaining slaves was wailing
her little heart our for her 'mia raven'. While the other tried in vain to sooth the frazzled child.
"Will SOMEONE shut that child up"
joey chuckled and walked into the room. oblivious to seto, ryou, and Malik, an other royal guard,
he swept up the child and bounced her till she quieted. Yami and yugi stared at him.
"Where did you learn to do that joey"
"I have a younger sister. So I had a bit of practice."
He heard laughter from behind him and turned to find Malik, ryou and seto laughing.
"Who knew"
"that he could be so daddy like"
"hehehe....sing her a song joey"
the three fell to the ground laughing hysterically.
"Aw guys shut up will ya's"
that just made them laugh harder, coming from a guy who was currently holding a very small
child. With a snort joey walked over to yami, handed the child to yugi and looked to the pharaoh.
"Mai wishes to speak with you yami"
"does she really well I'll be on my way, it must be important if she didn't come herself"
joey nods and walks off to talk to ryou and Malik as yami leaves the room.
Yami makes his way to mai's quarters and knocks upon the large mahogany door.
"Mai it's me, yami"
"come in your highness"
yami walked into the room to find mai applying some temporary bandages on raven.
"You wished to speak with me"
"I have some questions that's all"
"like what may I ask"
yami pulled a chair over next to mai beside the sleeping girl.
"Do you have any knowledge of this girl's past"
"her name is Raven mai and just a little. For what her sister has told me before, she is a slave"
"anything else"
"no. way?"
mai sighed, this deep worry some sigh. She looked up at yami, her eyes shining with pain.
"This girl, from what I can tell, is 17, has rare magical abilities, and suffering from malnutrition,
abuse, a number of infections in her arms and back, and possibly.....no I won't say it"
"say what"
"she wouldn't want you to know"
"why not"
mai hastily covered her mouth.
"I'm sorry great pharaoh sir, I over reacted."
"No need to be sorry mai. I WAS prying. I have to remember there are some things that people
just don't want to share"
mai nods then looks at the girl.
"I'd give her a days rest, then she should be as good as new"
she adjusted the blanket so it hid the double X brand on the girl's shoulder. Yami nods and turns
to leave.
"Contact me when she awakens alright mai"
"yes sir"
yami leaves quickly, wanting to get back and question the other slave, ryanne.
Mai sighed in thanks. She looked back at raven.
"If only I wasn't so sure of that brand I would feel a lot better you know."
She sighed again and started to clean up, just her luck to be tending something that had belonged
to the former pharaoh, kuhate.
*************************************************************** ***************
yeah yeah I know. It's VERY short. But then next couple of chapters won't be. I have already
started the next one. So stand by for the next chappy "malthus".
YR: yeah next chappy you meet my pack
Ug. don't even think it
*6 urabys appear*
YR: he he. Aw come on they like you
*currently being snuffled and nudged by all 6*
HELP attack of the blood thirsty BAKAS
YR & Y : *start to laugh*
*bright red* THIS AINT FUNNY
YR &Y: yes it is *still laughing*
arg shut up

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