Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Soul. Tamed Love. ❯ maltrust ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Ah finally I got done with that other stupid chapter
YR: you really hated that one didn't you
yes this one will have serious duel monster and yelling action then again I don't know what else to put. Maybe yami should be really mean to you.
Y: why would I want to
BECAUSE you aint who you are now in this series.
Y&YR: that is the most since you made in a while
oh shut up and say the disclaimer yami
YR: *grumbles* raven does not and never will own yugioh or anything else that aint hers in this chappy, if there is any. My sister ryanne, leute, me and any other character she created are hers and hers only.
good yami, I was just kidding anyways, about yami being mean to you raven
YR: yeah yeah, get writing
*grumbles* fine fine
Yami starts to take an 'interest' raven. But it's not the LIKE feeling yet. He is more interested in her past. I will wait till after revealing for that.
oh yes and I want to thank.
old sister pyro
and last but not least
ame lockheart

for so far liking my story, giving me ideas and giving me the courage to continue it. Thanky lots *hands out candy and soda to all of them* for you *Yami and Raven look at her with puppy eyes. sweat drops but gives them some* only if you lock yourselves in a room *they nod and take off to go lock themselves away with all their SUGAR* I think I'm going soft

on ward and fore ward
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A shadowy figure wavered out into the bright light of the noon day sun. on one of the balconies of the palace she breathed deep and sighed. Her chest still ached when she breathed but that would ease up soon enough. Raven sighed again. She felt so weak, weaker then she had ever felt in the past few years. Her hand shook as she placed it on the balcony's rail. Her once longer then long hair was now to her lower back instead of flowing behind her knees. She liked it that way. Sure she loved her hair long but not THAT long. A shout of surprise down below alerted her . Leute and Ryanne where playing with the pharaoh's younger brother yugi in the gardens. Once again she sighed, she wished she could be like that, have a master who loved to play games. But Yami was not like that at all. No he was always serious and never took the time to stop and relax. It was always rules, rules, rules. Raven hated rules, they made her feel caged. Raven's special talent of being a shape shifter mage made her sensitive cages and bonds, so in short, she HATED them. An other reason she hated Yami. She could go on forever. But un like yugi, who was the master of her sister, more as a playmate then a slave, Yami probably wanted her for pleasure. Just like every other guy she met in the past year. One look and they want to take her then and there. She growled and slammed a fist into the balcony wall. ~damn Yami, damn him and his sons and his son's sons. Why did my life have to be so FUCKING bad. Of all the people I get landed with it had to be the pharaoh who dad said would be worse th..then..~ she shuddered and wiped her mind of the memory.
"It's in the past. He's dead now"
"who's dead?"
She spun around. she hadn't heard anyone approach. Behind her stood Yami, arms crossed a crossed his chest, a scowl on his face. She missed the hint of curiosity, concern and annoyance in his eyes that he quickly hid.
"Well *coughs slightly* What" she snapped, how dare he eves drop on her musing.
"I beg your pardon. Do you know who your talking to"
"like hell if *cough* I care *cough*"
Yami dropped the anger for a second to realize that she was starting to have problems. Raven leaned against the balcony, coughing violently, it felt like her ribs were closing in on her. Her legs started to give way but she was fighting the urge to fall down.
'Mai must have goofed, it's been three days, how could this girl still be wounded'
he was totally oblivious to the fact that Mai didn't know about the other injuries Raven held. Raven knew of them all, the cracked ribs on the verge of breaking, the internal bruises, her slow healing fault, everything. She groaned and slipped to the ground.
"See here get up now. I've had enough of you faking aliments"
Yami hoped that she was faking, but the way she shook as she tried to raise made him worry more. Once again he pushed the feelings aside, he was pharaoh, she was a lowly slave who deserved punishment for disobedience. Raven attempted to raise, when a sudden force jerked her to her feet. Yami had grabbed hold of her arm and yanked her to her feet when she failed to comply with his order. Raven kept her eyes down cast, she finally decided on her way out, don't submit but don't fight, there was no way she was in condition to fight. She was un aware of the slight dribble of blood running down her chin. A lone drop feel from her chin and splattered against the stone floor. Yami glanced down and saw the crimson liquid on the ground that was soon joined by yet an other drop. Yami glanced up at the bowed head of the slave, grasping her under the chin he forced her face up, and had to suppress a gag. A thin stream of blood was dripping from the corner of the slaves mouth. Raven looked up at him, defiance flashing in her eyes, she seemed oblivious to the blood running down her face. Before she was able to speak she was swept into the palace. Yami dragged the reluctant slave towards Mai's quarters. Suddenly she realized she was being taken back to the healer. She didn't need help. She mustered up her strength and pulled her arm away. Yami stopped and looked at the slave with scorn.
"Are you looking for death slave?"
Raven's laugh was dark and filled with undermined loath.
"I don't need any help from your healer. I've already been helped enough"
"to bad your coming"
"like to see you make me."
"I'm the pharaoh, now obey my order"
he reached for her arm again but she pulled away.
"I said no"
"get over here. You need help"
"I don't need help from you or any one"
she was wavering now. Yami stalked towards her just in time to catch her as she collapsed to the ground. Duel monster cards littered the floor in disarray. He lied her down and picked up the cards. 'Did she steal these from some one in the palace.' he looked over each. Ever last one was in grand condition. Four cards caught his eye. One was a card of a large roc.
"The roc of wind card" Yami murmured.
His eyes drifted to the other cards, two ultimate raptor cards, and one call for pack. He looked and spied four uraby cards.
"A lethal strike when all combined with that card." he placed down the roc of wind, and ultimate raptor cards as he looked at the call for pack card. He didn't notice Raven coming to and seeing him looking at her cards. 'He found my cards, he will take them away for sure' she slowly reached for her roc of wind card. 'If I can't save them all, I'll save my favorite.' Yami saw a slight movement and shot out his hand. Grabbing the delicate hand of raven. He squeezed her hand hard, making it hurt.
"Who did you steal these from."
"I didn't steal them. Their mine" she bristled.
She fell back as Yami slapped her a crossed the face.
"I'm sick of your lies. Who did you steal them from."
Raven glared up at him, a slight flash of light behind Yami signaled one of her monsters sensed she was in danger and was coming to help her. She locked eyes with Yami and held the glare until the light behind him died.
"Now I'll ask again, WHO DO THEY BELONG TO."
He sensed something behind him and slipped a hand into his pocket to hold the card of the dark magician.
"I told you they belong to me"
"I don't believe you. No slave is permitted to carry personal possessions."
"I'd believe her." came a deep rumbling voice.
Yami spun. Dark magician card ready. There on the step sat a Silver Fang. Yami cocked his head in confusion.
"Neako what are you doing here"
the silver fang shook his head.
"I am not neako. My name is Anazu *a-na-zu*, and I belong to her. I have for many years now." the great wolf stood and walked over to Raven, bending down he licked her face clean of the drying blood.
"Please mistress, just this once, go with out a fight"
Yami looked at the silver furred wolf in curiosity. He bent down to pick up the remaining cards when he found himself flat on his back. Anazu had attacked him when he saw him going for his mistresses cards.
"No one shall touch my mistress's possessions" the wolf growled.
"Dark Magic ATTACK!!!"
The strike hit the wolf square in the side, with a howl the wolf disappeared, back to the shadow realm. Yami looked up at Noisulli, his dark magician.
"Thank you Noisulli,"
"you are welcome master Yami."
The dark magician turned and glared at the owner of the silver fang.
"You shouldn't challenge my master."
Raven was up. She glared at the dark magician then shot forward.
"Look out!!"
Noisulli pulled Yami out of the way just as Raven shot past, she swiped up a card then spun around. Holding it up, it was the roc of wind.
"You can't beat this"
her laughter was dark and cold.
"I will go on my own. If I can't save the rest of my cards I will at least save the one that means the most to me."
With that the Raven haired one shoot down the hall, no longer oblivious to the tears running down her face, but hoping for Yami not to have seen the tears coursing down her face.
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But he had seen them. Now feeling rather guilty he looked up at Noisulli.
"What do you think Noisulli, should I let this slide."
"I think that would be wise Yami."
"Are they really her's"
"hmm was that the roc of wind card"
"girl named Raven"
"I believe so, her pack of uraby and ultimate raptor mix is renown in the shadow realm. As well as the all powerful roc of wind."
"Is it really all power full"
"yes, as the legend goes, the great bird was created to keep the balance of powers in the shadow realm and so far Riokoio *Rio-koi-o* has done her job well"
"Riokoio huh"
"yes, she would be a feared if she ever came down from the mountains, but I hear that her trust is as hard to gain as her mistress's"
"I have my work cut out for me don't I"
"if she is a slave and the holder of the roc of wind. Yes"
"you know something don't you Noi"
"I know her monsters well, they were friendly until a year or so ago when their mistress was forbidden from summoning them. But there is something else behind it. Almost a guilty hatred of them selves, like they knew what she was going through and hated them selves for not preventing it"
Yami sighs and shakes his head.
"I should learn of her life from a year ago, and I'm just lucky that her sister is more corruptive"
Noisulli nodded. "Is everything okay so that I may return to Gabrian"
"yes noisulli you may go. Don't want to keep him waiting now do you"
the dark magician blushed but bowed and disappeared in a cloud of purple glitter.
Yami sighed again and walked over to a window that looked out over the gardens. Were at the moment yugi, his new slave/playmate and the toddler Leute were playing tag. 'So that was what Raven was watching.' Yami couldn't help but shake his head at the bond between the older Raven and the orphan Leute, it was almost like a motherly bond but Leute was not of Raven's blood. He was reassured of that by yugi who told him that Ryanne had told him that Leute was found by Raven before the trio had become slaves. He sighed once again before heading to the throne room, maybe he could get some peace there. He stopped and picked up the cards that lay all over the floor. He would return them to her later.
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Raven walked dejectedly down the hall and to the large Mahoney doors of Mai's quarters. Tears blurring her vision she shouldered her way into the room.
"Healer?" her voice soft and distant.
"Yes" Mai walked out of her bath room, still combing her hair. "Oh Raven why are you here."
"I need you to check me over. I started to cough up blood a little while ago."
"You don't seem to worried about it" Mai walked over and placed a hand to Raven's side.
"I already know I have serious injuries that are just waiting to show up"
"well your right, your ribs are so close to breaking it isn't funny"
Mai closed her eyes and focused. She saw the bones heal in the blackness beneath her eye lids. She sighed then sat down beside raven.
"Now tell me what's wrong"
Raven looked at her with a startled expression.
"I never.."
Mai raised a hand to stop her from continuing.
"You didn't need to. It's in your eyes."
"Was I that obvious"
"to some one who watched you recover, noticed how you shunned your self from the kindness offered. Yes"
"if you know so much then why do you still care"
Mai smiled, 'she shuns every one and everything. But I know she couldn't really be like this if she took in an orphan like Leute.'
"Because I want to help raven. I don't care if you don't want help but it's my job to at least try. Now what's wrong."
Raven sighed and started to explain everything that had happened between her and Yami. The glaring contest on the balcony, her coughing up blood, her momentary pass out in the hall way. Yami discovering her deck *Mai's eyes widened upon hearing that* the appearance of one of her and Yami's monsters. Her retrieving her most treasured care *she showed Mai the roc of wind care, which caused a gasp come from Mai and a whole mess of questions* then her flight to the healer, believing she will never get her cards back.
"Well I can tell you this. Yami would never separate duel monsters from the master or mistress they look to. If they are loyal enough to come to your defense non summoned then there is little he could do with them anyways. But I believe he will give them back."
"I doubt it. He hates me. He thinks of me as a lowly slave which only deserves the bugs that eat the spring crops." Raven rose to leave.
"Thank you healer. I feel better now."
"Plz....call me Mai"
Raven looked back at her, her eyes filled with a momentary hint of suspicion. Then she smiled.
"Fine good day to you hea...I mean Mai"
with that the mysterious girl left Mai with a smirk on her face. 'Guess I was right, deep down, Raven is not a hellion just a VERY troubled teenager.'
With that Mai went on with what she was doing before Raven's entrance.
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(A.N: god I got to get the others into the game. Now for a setoxjoey moment *cackles then goes serious.*but not in that way. No hentai yet *snickers)
seto walked towards the throne room. He was bored beyond belief. He entered the room to see Yami sitting in his throne looking like he had been drug through hell and back again.
"Something wrong Yami"
Yami looked up at seto.
"Just thinking of what to do with that new slave raven."
Seto smiled and shook his head.
"Is there something I can do for you seto"
seto looked up "huh..oh no no I was just looking for something to do. I'm bored out of my mind"
Yami chuckled.
"Why not to goggle at joey he's out in the stables talking with ryou. I saw him on my way down here."
Seto blushed. "How did.."
"Oh plz seto I see how you are always watching him. Like a hawk waiting for it's prey,"
seto's blush deepened but he cleared his throat and turned to leave.
"If you will excuse me Yami"
"go on...I need to be alone right now. After my latest sparing contest with raven. I am rather beat."
Seto chuckled and exited the throne room. As if by instinct seto did not head to the stables as Yami had hinted before. Instead he headed for the gardens. He left the palace and entered the gardens. Almost instantly he was swamped by the fragrant smell of the flowers and the laughter of yugi, Ryanne and Leute. He smiled as he passed the group of children, returning their waves of hello with one of his own. As he walked further into the garden he came a crossed joey, who was sitting against a tree, seemingly day dreaming. He approached the blonde quietly, only stopping when he was standing next to the boy.
"What are you doing pup?"
Joey looked up at seto, a slightly sleepy smile on his face.
"Who me"
"I don't see any other puppies here"seto smiled as he said that.
Joey smiled and stood up, facing seto.
"Ya know seto I am starting to think you like calling me puppy."
Seto's smile turned genuine. "Maybe I do."
"Sounds more like a pet name to me"
joey said as he started to walk back into the palace.
Joey stopped and turned to seto.
"W..what if it is a pet name?"
Joey looked at seto a bit oddly.
"I would say that is one weird pet name."
Seto snickered and walked up to joey. A faint blush tinging his cheeks.
"Why's that?"
"Well...It sounds more like something a master would call a slave not koi to koi"
seto nodded slightly.
"Then again I call you set at times. I guess you could say that's a pet name."
Seto's head shot up as he looked at joey. The blonde's face was tinged with pink, the sight made him look totally adorable. But the fact joey said that made seto blush more. The moment was broken by loud laughter. The both looked and found yugi, Ryanne, Leute and *strangely* Malik watching them, all but Leute that is- she really didn't seem to understand, then again she was only 3. Yugi and Ryanne looked at each other then started to sing.
"Joey and seto sitting in a tree"
"first comes love"
"then comes marriage"
"then comes the baby In a baby carriage."
With that the two collapsed in laughter. Malik smirked at the two then added something.
"I do believe that is physically impossible for them."
That sent Ryanne and yugi into hysterics. Leute just sat there, confused beyond her years.
"Ah shut up Malik."
Joey bowed his head his blush deepening. Seto looked back at joey and smiled sheepishly. He took his chin in his hands and forced joey to look at him. Joey looked at seto, a bit embarrassed by the groups antics.
"Let's go some place quieter to talk shall we."
Joey's eyes widened, a smile taking place of his frown.
Seto smiled back and the two of them both turned back to the group, stuck out their tongues at them and walked back into the palace. Just as they were about to enter the palace a blur of black flew past them and a shout of "Mia Raven" told of who the blur was. Seto looked back at the Raven, her ebony hair glistened in the sun's light as she bent down to pick up the tiny crimson haired Leute.
Seto turned back to joey.
"I'm sorry joey, I just can't help but be curious about Raven and her past."
"Don't you think a slave who has never been broken a little odd."
"I doubt she was always a slave,"
"no now that I think of it I don't think she was always a slave either."
"Let's drop the subject. Raven is Yami's concern."
"Right you are puppy"
seto smiled at joey, who returned it with one of his own. They walked further into the palace, just talking *like I said NO HENTAI YET*
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Raven sighed and looked at Leute.
"What are you doing out here little one."
"with who?"
" 'Yugi and Ryanne"
Raven looks up and smiles at yugi and Ryanne.
"It's very nice of you to include Leute in your games"
yugi smiles back.
"She deserves to have some fun. Un like most slaves she will just grow up better then common kids. She's to little to do work anyways."
"You seem to know a lot about this yugi."
Malik stated. Glancing at Raven with a look of scorn. 'She should address him as master yugi. Not just yugi, who does she think she is.'
"I talked Yami into just letting the toddler grow up with out the pressure of servitude. It wasn't easy but I did it"
"are you sure that is wise"
"I will do as I wish Malik"
Raven tugged at Ryanne's sleeve and moved away from the bickering duo.
"What is it Raven?"
"Nothing child. I just don't think we need to interfere"
Ryanne looks back as Malik walks away.
"I'm going back now, the fights over"
Raven nods sadly. 'How can she be so happy?'
Shifting Leute to her other arm she walks into the castle.
"Where we going mama"
"oh am I mama now"
Leute giggles and nods. Raven smiles down at the little bundle of tot.
"my room. I feel safer if I know where you are."
Leute giggles again, loving how protective her foster mom was. Raven walked quickly down the long hallways of the palace. She avoided crowded rooms and ignored everyone. That didn't mean she refused to give a few guards the death glare of hell (Raven: *snickering* Yami Raven: you just love yourself don't you. Raven: YUP I made that up all on my own. My friends I have a glare that could kill so I tried to find a good name for it. ^_^ Y.Raven: V_V")
Raven opened a door that led into a very dimly lit room. Inside sat two beds, one smaller then the other, and a dresser with a mirror. It wasn't extravagant but it was the best she had been in since her mother died when she was eight. Her father had tossed her into a slave's room and only gave her what he thought she needed. This didn't include her deck. That was given to her by Ryanne. Raven set Leute down and walked over to the window. Looking out she saw Ryanne playing with yugi again. She frowned and growled under her breath. Leute, seeing her mom was 'memring, walked off to her toys to play. Raven scowled at Ryanne. Her eyes blazing with pure hatred and malice. She was unaware of the door near her being slightly open, giving a slight view into Yami's chambers or the crimson eyes watching her in shock.

Yami's POV
~what in all the seven hells could make her that angry.~ Yami glanced out the window and he eyes widened. ~no way. It's directed towards her sister~
end Yami's POV

Raven thrust away from the window with such force that a crack appeared in the stone. Raven looked at the long jagged crack blankly, really thinking not looking at it. A faint glint on her dresser caught her eye. She turned and looked towards her dresser. Something was sitting there, glinting in a stray beam of Ra's sun. she walked over and lifted it off the table. It was a small golden box, it had a latch and looked big enough to hold two of her decks. She opened the box and gasped in shock and joy. Inside sat her very deck. Her ultimate raptor cards sat face up, looking at her. A tear ran down her face as she started to laugh out her happiness. She pulled out her roc of wind and placed it with the rest of the cards. She was still unaware of the crimson eyes watching her as she took out six cards. Raven looked at the four urabies and the two ultimate raptor cards for a second. A tear fell off her cheek and hit on one of the U.R. cards. she reached out and quickly brushed away the drop of water when a warm gust of wind blew her hair in her face. Raven's head flew up and she spun around. Only to come face to face with blood red eyes. Raven's tawny eyes widened then with a joyous yell she threw her arms around the U.R.'s next. The great creature, a full nine feet in height, with granite gray skin and obsidian strips, rumbled deeply and nuzzled Raven's shoulder. Leute, mean while, had stopped playing and was approaching with wide eyes and jaw dropping to the ground (Raven: think looney toons).
"mia Raven?"
Raven snapped back to the present and let go of the raptor. She turned and smiled at Leute as the great creature stood at it's full height, looking at the young child. Raven looked back at the raptor, and answered a silent question with a shake of her head. The raptor seemed to relax visibly then looked at Leute with peeked interest. Raven turned back to Leute and smiled at her, holding out a hand.
"Come here baby I want you to meet some one"
Leute's eye's widened, if possible, even more as she stepped forward and placed her tiny hand on her foster mom's. Raven scooped Leute up and turned back to the raptor. The great beast lowered it's head so that it was eye level with Leute.
"Leute, this is Riako, my Ultimate Raptor. Riako, this is my foster child Leute,"
Riako sniffed Leute's hair a couple times then lowered it's face to her level. Leute sat there, trembling like a leaf, when....Riako liked Leute on the cheek. Leute stared at Riako like she had grown a second head as Raven laughed till her sides hurt. Riako, looking pleased with herself, stood up and made a contented grumbling noise. By the time Raven had gotten control of her laughter, Leute was on the floor and examining Riako's talons, with extreme care mind. Raven chuckled again and went back to her cards, quickly she called five names.
"Kodite, urry, lalii, tatii, nigate"
and just as quickly five duel monsters appeared. One was a giant of a Ultimate Raptor, he had to be ten-eleven feet in height with equally massive talons. The other four were, of coarse, the urabies. Lalii, a savage looking female uraby, strutted around the room, patrolling. Urry, a smaller, and defiantly younger, uraby bounced around and bawked at yet an other, Tatii, who has taller then lalii but shorter then Riako but looked like a true warrior in the way he held his head. Nigate was last, hiding behind Raven, scared nose looking over her shoulder, the last and weaker member of the group was a shy jumpy thing with no self esteem. Then again he was also the one kodite picked on as soon as he was put into the deck. Raven traced the scar. Kodite had given that to him. Before kodite nigate was top. Now the leader was kodite and not one challenged him for position in the pack. Raven smiled up at them all. The pack surrounded her and nuzzled her, rubbing their arrow shaped heads against her arms and shoulders. Their grumbles of hello and ununderstandable questions echoed through the room. A loud screech echoed through Raven's head. Lalii had charged the door separating her room from Yami's. With a loud crash lalii collided with the door and started to fight it, trying to get within the other room.
"Lalii stop!"
Raven rushed to halt lalii's assault on the door. But it was not to be. Kodite and tatii had joined in the assault and the door soon flew off it's hinges with the combined power. Kodite charged in and snatched something, followed by snarling lalii and growling tatii. kodite carried his prize back into the room. Hanging from his mouth was Yami. Raven gasped and stormed towards them.
"Kodite. Drop him right now"
kodite opened his mouth and Yami dropped to the ground with a thump. He immediately leaped to his feet and glared at Raven, who was holding back chuckles.
"What in the name of Ra. was that for."
"I can't help that they smelled you"
riako was over behind Raven now, gently nuzzling Raven's shoulder for attention. Raven reached up and stroked riako's nose. Yami continued to glare at her as he turned to leave the room.
"Just keep them out of my way."
Yami started to walk through the door.
"Thank you"
Yami turned back to look at Raven, she was currently being surrounded by the pack but her gaze was on him.
"For what"
"giving me my deck back"
Raven ran a hand subconsciously a crossed riako's back. Yami just stared at her a second before nodding.
"your welcome"
he turned and left the room, feeling quiet confused."
~since when does Raven talk civil with ME. She didn't seem upset at them for dragging me in there. Then again she must be used to them doing things like that.~ once again Yami shook his head and sat on his bed, listening to Raven and Leute play a game of hide and seek.
Several hours later, Leute lay in her bed sound asleep and full from her dinner of fish and veggies. Raven sat on the edge of her bed, also full and, surprisingly, content, watching Leute. Riako came over and lied down beside the bed, looking up at raven. Raven looked down at her and smiled.
"Your staying aren't you riako"
the duel monster just nodded her head. Raven stroked riako's head the smile still on her face.
"I missed you. You know that right. I missed you all"
riako once again nodded, she understood, mistress missed her duel monsters, all of them.
"It's not the same. Not having you all here to protect me. I was a bit shocked that Yami didn't get mad at me"
riako cocked her head and spoke an unheard question.
"Yes he is my master, but he is also the pharaoh of Egypt. One reason I got a bit miffed with kodite."
Riako once again asked an unheard question.
"I really don't know what to feel riako. He seems to care but he has a strange way of showing it. And the talk I had with Mai made me think. Maybe not everyone is out to get me. I need to give people a chance. But that's hard to do with Yami. When he wants something he wants it right away. He is so arrogant and stubborn. I just can't stand him at times ria. I just can't"
Raven yawned and lied back on the bed. riako asked one last question, seeing her mistress was tired.
"Ok ria, I'll give him a chance. I can't assure that we'll be best of friends but maybe we can grow to tolerate each other."
Riako listened as Raven's breathing slowed and she drifted into sleep. A gentle voice echoed through the quiet room.
"What ever you say mistress raven. What ever you say. Just a chance and not assuring friendship but anything would be better then what you went through before."
Riako glanced at Leute then lied her head down on the floor, drifting into a light sleep.

Leute went running through the halls of the palace. She was bored and wanted to find Ryanne and yugi. But they were no where to be found and now she was lost. In her flight to get back to Mama Raven's room she ran directly into some one and fell to the ground. She looked up and into cerulean eyes. She gulped and curled up against the wall. Seto gave a small smile.
"You should watch where your going child."
Leute gulped and nodded.
"Are you lost?"
Once again Leute nodded.
"I thought as much. Raven is throwing a fit in the throne room. She isn't happy about the disappearance"
Leute looked down at the ground. Seto grinned and picked her up.
"I guess I can take you there"
Leute looked up at him, her eyes wide.
"What don't you want some help"
Leute nodded and raised her arms. Seto knelt and lifted the small child into his arms. Seto turned and walked down the hall ways, just following the sound of Raven's rampage. They had gotten only a half the distance when the noise stopped. Utter silence filled the palace, not a soul was moving, speaking or screaming. Everything had turned into a silence zone, no noise, no sound, no nothing. As seto and Leute walked through the quiet corridors Leute clung tighter to seto then ever. Seto's sandals seemed to echo through the empty hallways with each 'slap' on the wood floor. Leute's whimpers of fear sounded like some one's soft singing. Suddenly seto stopped in his tracks. A shadow loomed just around the corner. It was giant and obviously misshapen. He and Leute watched the shadow as it got bigger and bigger. You could hear the loud 'wuffing' noise the creature was making. Seto was searching his mind for a spell, anything that might repel it, what ever it was. The large black shadow finally stopped growing, what ever was walking towards them had stopped, momentarily. Suddenly in lurched forward and this short 4 foot uraby sat there, in the middle of the corridor. Seto let out a breath of relief. He could easily handle that. He raised his hand to blast the thing when Leute wiggled free and scampered over to the uraby. Throwing her tiny arms around it's neck.
Leute cooed. Urry was defiantly a duel monster she could relate with. The fun loving and perky (adolescent) uraby. One that could tolerate Leute and play outrageous games for hours on end. Leute liked THIS uraby. The others disturbed her. They were a tough and hard to plz bunch. They all adored her mom but they seemed to be upset by her. Urry rumbled awkwardly in a greeting then nudged her around the corner. The little uraby looked back at seto and bawked at him (I know what a bawk is AHAHAHA Y.R: RAVEN!!! STAY OUT OF THE SUGAR). Seto followed the duel monster, think to himself. ~and a duel monster can be that small how? I wish joey was here. He could find out an answer to that one. Even if it would be a strange one.~ Leute was skipping merrily in front of the group. Seto shook himself out of his thoughts in time to see something that made him stop In his tracks. Leute, eyes shut, skipped merrily ahead of urry and seto, and right into something cold and scaley. Leute fell to the floor and looked up, with a gulp. There, towering above her, was Kodite, the monster of the group. Kodite snarled and lowered his head to sniff the trembling Leute. Seto was ready to summon his blue eyes when.
"Kodite! Knock it off this instant I told you to find her not terrorize her and everyone else."
Raven appeared on the sence. She shooed kodite away and picked up Leute. She then turned to seto and gave a small, unsure smile.
"Thank you. I assume you found her."
Seto nodded.
"Well thank you for bringing her back."
Raven turned and made to leave.
"Urry! Come along you scamp"
the over energetic uraby, currently bouncing around seto in ecstatic circles, stopped and darted after raven. Seto just watched after Raven, really unsure on how to act. ~that girl is just to...to wild to understand.~ seto headed towards the throne room just in time to see Yami exit it.
"Had a squabble with Raven"
Yami shook his head.
"I let her have her fun. She terrorized several dozen slaves before I suggested that she ask her duel monsters to find her. I'll never forget that look. It was priceless. A perfect example of WHY didn't I think of that. Riako promptly appeared and growled in my face for thinking something about her mistress was funny. But I think that duel monster was also laughing on the inside."
"you seem to have enjoyed THIS tantrum from Raven"
"oo it wasn't a tantrum per say, just a case of motherly protectiveness. Raven and Leute are like mother daughter. Raven is extremely protective of Leute and Leute hangs near her foster mom like a magnet."
"When are you going to ask Ryanne about her and Raven's past?"
"this afternoon. When Raven is usually outside with Leute"
"good call Yami"
"I thought so"
seto spied a mop of blonde hair walking towards them and smiled. Just like joey to appear AFTER the action.
"Where ya been pup. You missed Raven making a torture chamber of the throne room"
joey's eyes lit up.
"yes way"
joey started laughing, which only got harder when he saw Ryanne. As he and seto walked off Ryanne turned to Yami.
"Your highness. If I may ask. What is with mister joey?"
"Your sister just turned the throne room into a torture chamber...and now that I think about it...it was kinda funny"
Yami walked off with a chuckle, leaving ryanne confused. He was going to save his voice for this after noon. He had to be ready to receive an ear full. that would be when he intergerates ryanne. and he would make sure raven did NOT interfer.

******************************************************** *********************************
Y.R: that's nice hikari. And you showed how much I really care for my duel monsters too.
Y: I think she got into the candy again dear
Y.R: I think so too koi
SUGAR WERE *looks around crazily*
Y&Y.R: V_V'
WHERE'S SUGAR. *starts running around. Looking for sugar*

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