Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wild Soul. Tamed Love. ❯ Revealing ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Well I do say that was thrilling.
Yami: You got to be kidding
V_V I was
Yami: oh ok
Y.R: Yami!!! how can you say that. I thought it was good.
Yami: I.uh....I mean...that is.....crap
hahahahahaha *laughing hysterically*
Y.R: that's it NO TREAT tonight
Yami: O_O NNNNNOOOOOOO *passes out* X_x
*both look at him* guess your stuck with the disclaimer Yami
Y.R: crap...................Raven does not own yugioh.........if she did she would be richer then bill
gates more then likely. She does own me. My sister. And Leute. And any other trivial character in
that story that she made up. AAAANNNNNNNNDDDDD
Y.R: ^_^
<_< I worry about you
Y.R: I know ^_^

well now. A little insight on the story. In short........THE TAVERN LIFE
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH. Ryanne tells all to Yami about their life as
tavern whore'sV_V ug.

Onward and forward
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Yami watched as Raven drifted into a troubled nap. Leute curling up against her and a uraby laying down beside the bed. He couldn't help but smirk in triumph. All was going according to plan. He had Raven do some tiring chores during the morning hours so that she would rest during the afternoon, that way not out side with Leute like usual. That would give him time to find out about their past slave life from Ryanne. He had tried that morning but she had said quiet plainly that Raven would know that he was talking to her and left. She had been right for a couple of minuets of staring after her Raven showed up, looking ready to harry Ryanne on her way, away from him. The fact that some how Raven knew he was up to something, much less talking to her sister, confused him. He had yet to see Raven use any magic what so ever. Then again Ryanne avoided him, wise enough, unless she was with yugi or was taking an order. Leute wouldn't talk to him period, usually running away faster then he thought a child her size could go. And he rather not lose his male anatomy, like Raven threatened the last time he tried to talk to Leute. She had been nice enough to explain that Leute was scared of most men, yugi not included. Yami listened to Raven's breathing slow, he felt eyes on him. He shifted his gaze to the uraby. The duel monster was the one who had started the assault last time, lalii did she say. The savage looking uraby was looking at him challengingly. Yami closed the door and walked off to find Ryanne, who more then likely was out in the court yard. He walked by set's room and heard laughing. He stopped a second, listening as some one said some thing. Yami glanced at the door, a faint smile on his face, was that JOEY. Seto's voice answered something joey said and the laughter continued. Yami decided not to bug them and went off in his search for Ryanne.
Yami had searched for the better part of an hour when he ran into Malik.
"Malik have you seen Ryanne?"
"You mean that sweet child yugi plays with"
Yami nodded.
"That's her."
"I saw her exploring the stables with yugi a few minuets ago. Their probably still down there"
Yami nodded his thanks and walked out of the castle, crossed the court yard and to the stables. He heard childish laughter and happy voices. Yami turns the corner to see Ryanne and yugi looking at his white Egyptian Arabian stallion, Eye of Ra. Yami walked up to the two quietly, a small smile on his face. Yugi looked up at him and smiled.
"Hi Yami."
"Good afternoon yugi."
Yami looked at Ryanne. She was looking at him through the corner of her eye but her head was down. Yami walked over to Ryanne's side.
"Yugi..you don't mind if I steal Ryanne for a moment do you. I wish to speak with her."
Yugi shook his head, not heeding Ryanne's silent prayers. Yami took hold of Ryanne's arm and led her out of the stable and into the court yard. He stopped, dropped her arm and turned to her. Her head was bowed still but she spoke.
"You know that is fatal, right, to try and speak with me HERE of all places."
"Raven's asleep, saw so myself."
Ryanne looked up at him.
"What in the name of Ra. is so important that I must go against my sister's will. If she finds out I spoke with you in any manner, she'll kill me AND then you."
Yami just shook his head.
"I wish not to invoke the wrath of your easily vexed sister. I wished to speak with you about the last two years of your lives as slaves."
Ryanne fixed Yami with a stare so hard that he thought she was raven.
"That's insane. Raven tells me time and again NEVER to mention of such things."
Yami glared at her.
"I will say what is not to be mentioned in this palace. I wish for you to tell me about your past"
Ryanne cowered.
"I never said I wouldn't I just said that it's insane to want to know. Especially since most of it revolves around raven."
Yami looked at Ryanne. She had gotten a thought full look on her face.
"It all started, as you know, two years ago. Me, Leute and my sister had escaped from the city of tath the day it was sieged. Our father died during the siege, Raven showed no remorse for him. We traveled till we reached a watering hole a ways away from tath, but still close enough to be of danger. We didn't know that the men who sieged our home, had made camp around the watering hole. We were to tired. I had fallen asleep as had Leute. Raven never sleeps when she's out in the open. I woke up to being roughly shaken. I was chained and allowed to carry a sleeping Leute. Raven was draped upon the back of a camel as we traveled, unconscious. When we arrived at malink, we were primped up and sold as slaves. Since Raven had made sure me and Leute were in top health the who trip we caught several people's eyes. One of which was of a mean, horrid man named hecate. He owned the tavern me, Raven and Leute were later to call home.
Ryanne paused. Yami was about to encourage her to go on when she took a deep breath and continued.
"The man tried to sell me off as a whore, didn't work. Raven would draw the potential customers eyes away from me. That was only after the assault by hecate on raven. She was raped and beaten close to an inch with in death. I had to nurse her back to health for weeks. After that she would try so hard to keep the customers away from me and Leute, drawing attention to her, being showy. She grew more and more rebellious with time. She hated hecate, she hated the tavern, she hated everyone but me and Leute. Though there were times that she would look at me with contempt. Her temper, changed.......she was not always a quick to act, even quicker to harm, she used to be sweet and caring, but she grew cold she wouldn't let me mention you or any one of palace.
Ryanne shuddered a breath and stopped a second.
"Raven was used so often she grew untrusting. She makes people earn what little trust she might have left"
Ryanne started to cry. Slipping to a bench. Yami was gaping at her in stark horror.
"They never broke her. I begged her constantly for her to back down. Submit to them. But time and again she would through it in my face and say 'do you rather have me let them use you.' in hurt cause I knew she was right. Then one day. Raven had had it. She told Leute to retrieve her pendent, I bet you've seen it. You see. Raven holds black magic, she knows it but she just calls herself a shape shifter mage. But it helps her focus her magic, as soon as she had that all hell broke loose."
Yami sat down beside her.
"What happened next"
Ryanne looked at him blankly
"chaos. Raven broke loose, set fire to the tavern and nearly died trying to get free."
Ryanne looked down sadly , Yami could not believe what he had just heard. Could this really be happening in egypt. The terrible going ons that he had no knowledge of. Could all of this really happened to raven. Then Yami remembered how he found Raven, her long ebon hair had been burnt short. Her skin had been singed and convered in dozens of deep, festering wounds. She was thin, thin enough to count the very bones in her chest and back easily. He could deny it no longer, there WERE things that he did not know about. Ryanne shifted nervously and looked at Yami.
"You may go Ryanne, I need time to think"
Ryanne bowed then made an all to hasty retreat. Yami walked up to his room and opened the door connecting his and Raven's room. He watched Raven, quite aware of the reptilian eyes watching him. Could Raven be hiding more secrets , things that were unknown to anyone. So many questions shot through his mind. Why were her duel monster's so protective. Was there some unmentionable dark secret she kept with her reptilian pack. With the new knowledge of her black magic, he wondered why she had yet to use it. Why didn't she except him. Why did she look at him as if he was something vile. Why couldn't he figure her out. Or was the Raven he knew a carefully placed mask, hiding her true self deep with in, so deep that she has forgotten it. Yami sat there and thought for a good while. Watching the Raven and the demonic looking uraby closely. Finally he rose and said quietly.
"What are you hiding from everybody Raven"
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is this one better? I hope so. I nixed the meeting with bakura and pegasus. They'll come into the picture later. Way later. As for Raven's magic. I found that I made Raven more changling like so I changed her power to that of black magic, it's like shadow magic only it's stemmed by hatred.
Y.R: well aint that peachy
Y: i thought so. But Raven I HATE being curious. Much less confused
R: i know. But wait. The next chappy skips ahead a few months. ^_^ . Maybe I will have Yami start the kindness therpy already and stuff. I don't know *slams head on table* the next chappy is beyond me. I don't know what to do XP
Y.R: *pats her on the back* it's ok hikari
Y: yes don't worry
R: mphanks wiys (thanks guys but muffled)
*Chibi yugi comes running in* pweez weave a contwabutin in da wittle weview box