Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Will you be my Valentine? ❯ Truth or dare, unleashed! ( Chapter 6 )
Authors note: Goin' a little over and still writing!! Hehe sorry about that. On to the never-ending story!
Chapter 6 - Truth or Dare, unleashed!
Seto: Alright, you heard Mokuba
Mokuba: Aw Seto-chan! Your not hyper anymore!! *tears up*
Seto: Mokuba! Don't cry!
Mokuba: *stops* okay!
Seto: *sweatdrop* Um…what game are we playing?
Mokuba: ^-^ truth or dare!
All: O__O
Mokuba: Alright! To the living room!!
*Funky techno music*
Mokuba: Now, I'll start. Onii-san, truth or dare?
Seto: *acting brave* dare!
Mokuba: I dare you to eat all the sugar in the house!
All: O____________O
Seto: But...damn I went shopping yesterday
All: *groan*
Seto: Alright! *walks into the kitchen*
Yami: Brace yourselves…
Seto: EEYAAHHHH!!!! *falls to the floor giggling*
Mokuba: Mwhahaa!! My mind slave!
All: O.O *inch away*
Malik: That's my line kid!!
Seto: Silence sugar-deprived mortals! Tis my turn to bestow horror upon ye!
Bakura: Oh…my...god...
Ryou: Bakura he scares me… *latches onto him*
Bakura: *calmly* dare
Ryou: *blushes*
Bakura: Alright then *pulls Ryou into a kiss*
Seto: *blinks*
*15 minutes later*
Bakura: *pulls away* Happy Kaiba?
Kaiba: *regaining hyperness* YES!! MWHAHAHAH!!
Ryou: *still blushing like mad*
Bakura: Pharaoh, truth or dare?
Yami: Truth.
Bakura: Aww is little pharaoh too scared to pick dare?
Serenity: He is not!
Bakura: Come on, now you've got your little girlfriend protecting you?
Yami: *irritated* fine, dare
Bakura: ^_^ alright! I dare you to put on a dress and do the Macarena!
Yami: O__O *paralyzed*
Bakura: What's wrong? Scared?
Yugi: Um, Bakura *whispers to him* Yami's had a bad experience with wearing dresses.
Bakura: All the better! Get going Pharaoh!
Yami: Okay!! Mokuba get me a dress
Serenity: Yami you don't…
Yami: Yes I do. *takes a dress from Mokuba* be right back
Yugi: Bakura, that's just plain mean
Seto: Is it? *giggles, tries to stand on Yugi's head*
Bakura: Ya know, I kinda like Kaiba when he's hyper
Yami: *comes back in a dress, gritting his teeth* happy now, tomb robber?
Bakura: No. *folds his arms* do the Macarena
Yami: Ugh… *does the Macarena quickly*
Bakura: *laughing* Pharaoh! That was the funniest thing I've ever seen!
Yami: *grimacing* I'm leaving
Mokuba: Look! Blackmail! *holds up pictures*
Bakura: YES! *snatches pictures*
Yami: Why you--!!
Mokuba: *giggles* its your turn, Yami
Yami: *sighs* Tea, truth or dare
Tea: Dare…
Yami: I dare you to… *grins* be quiet for the rest of the night
Tea: WHAT?!
Yami: That's right. Don't talk ALL night!
Tea: *grumbles, gets a pad and pen out*
Marik: *reads her note* you will pay Yami
Yami: *grins again* Ah…silence
Marik: *reads again* Serenity, truth or dare?
Serenity: Dare!
Marik: Tea dares you to…O__O Tea that's WRONG!
Tea: *shakes her head*
Marik: *shudders* Tea dares you to…dump Yami for a night and go out with Seto
Serenity: what?!
Yami: O__O TEA!!!!!!
Serenity: Isn't there a rule against that or something…Mokuba?
Mokuba: *flips through the rulebook* Sorry, nope.
Yami: Kaiba, if you lay a hand on her I'll…
Seto: Don't worry Yami! I'll be reeeaaaal nice!! ^_^ *Hugs Serenity*
Marik: o_O
Serenity: As long as its for one night only…
Yami: *twitches, watches Seto squeeze Serenity to death*
Joey: Hey money-boy! Watch what you're doin' ta my sister!
Marik: *sweatdrops* your turn Serenity
Serenity: *coughs* Um…Mai, truth or dare?
Mai: Truth *scared to pick dare*
Serenity: *sighs* Good! I had no dares.
Mai: o.O okay
Serenity: Is it true…that you are homophobic?
Mai: What?!
Bakura: I knew it!
Mai: I'm not extremely homophobic…
Serenity: But you are?
Mai: Only a little!
Joey: Aw Mai, dats wrong
Mai: >.<
Seto: Behold puny mortals! Its exactly 10:59!
Serenity: *inching away from Seto before he pulls her back again* Yes, only an hour left
Tea: *sighs*
Isis: O_o Uh Guys? Where is Malik?
Marik: *looks at the place Malik was* Aw shit.
Tristan: What's that supposed to mean!?
Bakura: If I would be right in saying, he's off to cause more havoc on us?
Mokuba: o.O my secret lab!!
Yugi: O.o secret lab?
Seto: *covers Serenity's ears* SHHH!! It's a secret Yugi!
Yugi: -.- Duh.
Tea: *writes something down*
Marik: *reads* Everyone run for your lives! Malik's on the loose!! *stops* ¬.¬ Tea?
Tea: *giggles nervously*
Everyone: *screams and runs in circles*
Seto: Guys…
All: *still screaming, bump into each other*
Seto: GUYS!! *pounces on them*
All: o.o *stop*
Seto: Who wants ice cream?! ^__^
Yugi: *sweatdrop* Seto…
Seto: Eh? Nani!? *pounces on Yugi instead* WHAT ABOUT THE ALIENS!?
Yugi: @.@ They've taken over your brain!
Seto: O__O They have?! *bangs his head on the nearest wall* GET OUTTA MY HEAD!! ((Joey reference! XD))
Yami: *imitating Tristan* crazy rich people…
*A crash is heard from the basement*
All: O__O
-End!!! Cliffhanger yay!!-
Saki: Oooh the suspense!
Bakura: No one will scare my Ryou!
Saki: ¬.¬ your Ryou?
Bakura: eheh…yea!
Yami: *laughs* Bakura's in loooove!
Bakura: Will you stop that!!!
Saki: Stay tuned! ^_^