Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Remember Me? ❯ I have loved you ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: After a terrible car accident, Yami suffers from a severe case of amnesia. Feeling lost in this world of strangers; can a lovesick ex-girlfriend be the one to bring his memories back? (YamixAnzu)

Will You Remember Me?

Chapter One: I Have Loved You

"I'm sorry, Anzu. But I don't see how this is going to work."

The brown haired girl let out a remorseful cry. "It can work, Yami. It can! Please, just give me another chance! You can love me, I know you can."

Yami Mutou sighed. "It's not as simple as that, Anzu. I've already hurt you enough. Staying in a relationship where there is no love will only drag both of us down." He ran a hand through his hair. "It's best to just forget and move on."

Anzu sniffed, raising a hand and wiping some of the tears from her eyes. "But I don't want to move on. I love you."

"Stop saying that. I know how you felt about me was always true. I know you're loyal and everything a girlfriend should be. But, Anzu, I just don't feel the same way about you."

The brunette shook her head. "If this is about the fights, we can work it out. We can sort out our differences, Yami."

He shook his head. "It has nothing to do with the fights. I just don't feel anything romantic towards you. You're just...my best friend. That's all you ever will be. Nothing will ever change that." Crimson eyes looked to the floor. "I'm sorry."

Anzu continued crying. Falling to her knees in front of him, she sobbed. He couldn't leave her. He simply couldn't. She was nothing without him. She loved him too much to let him go. Even though she was young, she knew that she truly was in love with him. He was the one for her. The only one. "P-please, Yami. Don't leave me like this."

Yami kneeled in front of her, placing an arm on her shoulder. "Anzu, I'm not leaving you. I'm still your friend. Let us just pretend we were never in this relationship. We were best friends before we started dating. Let's go back to that."

The teenage girl stood up. "No. We can't just go back to that. I can't just push my feelings for you aside in an instant. I love you, Yami. I love you. Can you even understand the meaning of that word?!"

"Of course I-"

"No!" She cut him off, azure eyes burning with hurt and anger. "You don't understand. You've never loved anyone in your entire life. You could never understand my pain, Yami. Never."

Yami sighed and stood up after she did. "I'm trying not to hurt you. I'm doing what's best for both of us. You know yourself that our relationship never would have worked out."

"It could have. If you had had a little more faith in us. In me."

He didn't reply. They stood there, staring at each other in silence as the minutes ticked by. She was still crying. He didn't offer any condolence. Whispering a small apology, he left her to dry her own tears.

Watching him go, Anzu managed to drag herself over to the window. It was raining and cloudy out, which perfectly suited her mood. As she watched him disappear from view, she continued to cry; whispering his name to herself in hopes that he might turn around and come back.

Anzu Mazaki gasped, sitting up in bed. Closing her eyes, she fell back against the headboard. Why did she keep remembering him? Remembering that night? It had been almost year already.

Almost a year of loneliness. Almost year of pain. Almost a year of trying to forget. But she just couldn't. How could someone forget the one whom they loved? It was impossible.

Sure, she had tried to get over him. She had tried dating other guys. But it just wasn't the same. None of them could match up to Yami. None of them could take his place in her heart.

She had moved. Moved out of Domino City to be away from him. She knew Yami had said that he wanted them to stay friends, but she couldn't bear to be that close to him and not actually be with him. She couldn't do that.

So, a week after their breakup, she packed her bags and moved to Tokyo. There, she enrolled in a private school for the arts and currently was studying dancing. The teacher said she was one of the best in the class and that she definitely would make it in the big time.

But still, Anzu's loneliness remained. Try as she might to make it go away, to push it aside, it just wouldn't. It nagged her constantly. Made her long for her family. Her friends. It made her long for Yami, which was the worst part of it all.

`Yami...where are you right now? What are you doing? Are you happy? Are you happy...without me?'


"Put him on the stretcher!"

"Quick, we need to get him into the emergency room!"

Medics, police officers, and bystanders crowded around the wreck. It was a car accident. A bad one. From the looks of it, a pickup truck and rammed full speed into a much smaller car. The car, a blue Acura, had flipped over quite a few times and landed on the passenger side.

Apparently, the driver of the old Ford pickup truck had been drunk. Too drunk to even see the other car coming. He had come out unharmed. The same thing couldn't be said about the passenger riding in the Acura.

"He's lost a lot of blood!" one paramedic yelled.

Those who gathered along the side of the street were pushed back by police officers. The few that saw the body gasped, exclaiming that he was so young.

An old woman shook her head sadly. "It's such a shame to see the youth die."

"He ain't dead yet, woman!" yelled the blonde who had been driving the Acura. He glared at the old lady. How could she act like his best friend had passed away? He was on his way to the hospital! He would be fine! "He'll be just fine. My buddy always pulls through in tough spots."

The elderly lady scolded him for his rudeness before returning to fretting over the young soul.

The ambulance pulled away. Sirens wailed loudly. Lights flashed brilliantly. And Jounouchi Katsuya began to worry. His friend would be alright...wouldn't he?

`Yami can't die. He just can't. His eighteenth birthday is next week. He's strong. He'll make it. He just has to...'


Yugi Mutou sat in his bedroom playing his PS2. He was home alone and it was Saturday evening. What was a teenage boy to do when his older brother was out and his grandfather was grocery shopping?

Sighing, he paused the game and looked out the window. `Yami promised that he'd take me to the arcade today with him and Jounouchi. He said they'd come home to pick him up before dinner.'

Looking to the clock, Yugi noticed that it was almost eight. His brows creased worriedly. `Yami usually calls when he's running late. And I know he wouldn't purposely leave me behind. I hope nothing bad happened...'

The teen was jolted from his thoughts as the telephone rang. That was probably his brother now. Calling to apologize and say that he was on his way home. Smiling, Yugi picked up the receiver and held it over his ear. "Hello?"

"Yes, is Sugoruko Mutou in?"

"I'm sorry, he's not. Can I take a message?" Yugi asked, walking over to his desk and retrieving a pen and piece of paper.

The person on the other end sighed loudly. "Is this Yugi Mutou?" Yugi said it was. "My name is Toshi Dai from the Domino City Hospital."

"-Hospital?! Is-is everything alright?" The violet eyed youth asked, beginning to panic.

Toshi Dai waited a few minutes before deciding to answer. "I'm afraid that your brother, Yami, has been involved in a car accident. He received some wounds to the head and is in the hospital right now."

Yugi felt tears form in his eyes. Yami was hurt? And in the hospital? How had that happened? Nothing bad had ever happened to his older brother before. "Is...Is he going to be okay?"

"It's hard to say at this point. Do you have any idea as to when your grandfather will be home?"

The young boy gulped, looking back towards the clock. "He went grocery shopping about a half an hour ago. I don't think he'll be too much longer," he explained.

"Thank you very much for your time, Yugi. And I'm sorry about your brother; we're doing everything we can to save him."

The teenager nodded, and then hung up the phone after thanking him. Sitting down on the bed, he curled himself into a ball. "Yami..." he whispered, the tears spilling slowly down his cheeks. "How could this have happened?" He sniffled. "Please be okay...I don't know what I'd do if you were to die like this."