Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Will You Remember Me? ❯ chapter two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Is he going to be alright?"


Anzu could hear the young boy sigh loudly on the other line. Wrapping her fuzzy pink blanket around herself, she waited for a response.


"He's been in a coma for almost a week now. They doctors haven't lost hope, because they see these kinds of things every day. But...I'm scared that he isn't going to wake up." There was a pause, as the boy sniffled. "Anzu, I don't want to lose my big brother!"


The brunette's eyes filled with tears. "Oh Yugi, don't cry. Everything will be alright." She looked down at her bedspread where a newspaper was lying open. "I was thinking of coming to Domino for a visit before I knew all of this happened." Reaching for a highlighter, she circled a date on the paper next to a list of train rides to Domino City. "I guess I really should go now."


"Maybe hearing your voice will wake him up?"


Anzu snorted. "I highly doubt that. I'm sure I'm not his favorite person in the world. Why would he wake for me? Besides...doesn't he have some other girlfriend you could ask to do that instead of me?" she questioned, raising an eyebrow.


Yugi hesitated before answering. "Yami...never forgot about you, Anzu. He grieved over your moving away every day that passed. He would...he would always stare out his window every Saturday morning, hoping to see you come running down the sidewalk like you used to. I don't think he ever got over the fact that you moved away." He stopped for a moment, wondering how to voice his next thought. "I think after you left, he realized just how much you meant to him."


The blue-eyed girl sighed. "Yugi, I really don't need to hear that right now. I really don't want to hear it. I had my chance with Yami, and he didn't love me. So I doubt he would wake up to the sound of my voice. I'm probably the last person he would want to wake up and see." Moving the phone to her other ear, she continued. "But I guess I'll come visit him anyways. Just to give it a try."


The young teenager let out a happy cry. "Thank you, Anzu. Thank you so much!" And after saying a quick goodbye, he hung up the phone.


Anzu stared at the telephone, a solemn look on her face. `Can I really see him again? What will...what will happen when he sees me? Will he be happy? Will he be angry?' She sighed loudly, burying her face in her pillow. `I don't want to do this.'




Anzu took the earliest available train to Domino, which happened to be two days after her chat with Yugi. She was nervous and throughout the whole ride there were millions of tiny butterflies fluttering around in her stomach. She wondered if Yami would still accept her...if he would forgive her for running away like she had.


Would he still want to be her friend?


Sighing, she leaned against the seat of her chair. Looking out the window, she watched the trees and small homes fly by. It was pretty, country-like scenery, but she couldn't really bring herself to enjoy it. The knot in her stomach was making the whole trip all too painful for her.


`Oh, stop thinking of yourself so much, Anzu! Yami's in the hospital for Christ's sake and all you're worried about is acceptance!'


Looking away from the window, she reached into her purse and pulled out an Advil. Popping the tablet into her mouth, she quickly washed it down with some whatever. For only a three-hour train ride, it seemed unbearably long. All Anzu wanted to do was arrive in Domino, see Yami, prove to Yugi that he was wrong, and then come back home.


Closing her eyes, sleep soon overcame her.




Yugi was startled to hear a knock on his door late Tuesday night. Rubbing the tiredness from his large, violet eyes, he approached the door and opened it for the person standing outside. He gasped when he saw who it was standing on the porch. "Anzu! I wasn't expecting you so soon!" He hurriedly stepped aside, allowing the brown haired girl entrance. "Hurry and come in before you catch a cold! It's freezing out there!"


Anzu nodded in thanks, slowly stepping inside the familiar house. Almost immediately, a torrent of memories flooded into her mind. Just being inside the foyer of the Mutou house brought so much back to her. All the good, as well as all the bad, times with Yami. Even the painful memory of their breakup


"Do you want something to drink or to eat?"


The brunette shook her head. "No thanks, Yugi. I ate on the train."


Yugi nodded, motioning for her to follow him upstairs. "I'll take you to go see Yami tomorrow, if you like. Visiting hours aren't open right now, because I would take you now if they were."


Anzu nodded. "I know." She yawned. The train ride had worn her out. Sitting in one spot for too long always made her feel tired. She froze in place when her short friend stopped in front of a familiar bedroom door. "Y-Yami's room?!"


The tri haired boy gave her a sheepish grin. "You know we don't have a guestroom, Anzu. Besides," he blushed. "It would be pretty inappropriate for you to stay in my room...and I'm sure you don't want to sleep on the couch."


The blue-eyed girl sighed. "I know but...it'd be a little awkward if I stayed in Yami's bedroom...don't you think?"


Yugi shrugged his shoulders. Opening the door to the room, he dragged his friend's large suitcase inside. "Why don't you just give it a try? If things don't work out, you can stay in my room and I'll sleep on the couch. Deal?"


Anzu smiled. She wouldn't force Yugi out of his room all for her sake. She'd just...try to get as comfortable as she could in Yami's bedroom. Thanking the younger teen, she told him that she was very tired and would like to get some sleep.


"Okay. I'll be across the hall if you need me, alright?"




Yugi giggled. "No problem." He then exited the room slowly, closing the door behind him.


Anzu looked around the room, blushing at remembering some of the events that took place in there. Inhaling, she picked up the scent that had always seemed to waft around Yami. It was...spicy, like cinnamon and, at the same time, sweet like an apple pie. One of the many things she loved about Yami was his scent.


Dragging her suitcase over to the bed, she opened it and rummaged around for her pajamas. Grinning triumphantly when she found them at the very bottom of her suitcase, she brought them out and carried them with her into the adjoined bathroom.


While getting washed up for bed, she took the time to re-memorize the bathroom. It wasn't any different from when she had last been in it. It was split up into two sides - Yugi's side and Yami's side. There was a very big difference between the sides, so one could always tell which brother controlled which part of the bathroom.


Yugi's side was neat and tidy. Everything had its own special place and each cabinet was labeled with what its contents contained. The towels were neatly folded on the rack next to the shower, dirty clothes were placed in the hamper, and the sink countertop was sparkling clean.


Yami's side, on the other hand, looked as though a tornado had gone through it. Shirts and socks and undergarments littered the floor, much like in his bedroom, and the countertop was crammed full of unnecessary things. Towels were thrown over the sink and some were draped over the toilet bowl.


Giggling to herself, Anzu wondered how Yami and Yugi, who looked almost identical in appearance, could be such opposites in personality. While Yugi was timid and tidy, Yami was wild and messy. While Yugi preferred to be alone, Yami would die if he wasn't the center of attention. And yet, despite all their differences, they were best friends. Well...as best of friends as brothers could be.


Once finished brushing her teeth and washing her face, she took the liberty of straightening the bathroom up. She threw Yami's dirty clothes in the hamper, blushing every time she came across a pair of his boxers. Once done with the clothes, she put the towels on the rack and left the bathroom.


A grin spread across Anzu's face as she lay down on the plush, black-colored bedspread. The bed hadn't been made by its true owner on the last day it was used, but she didn't seem to mind. She giggled and buried her face in the fluffy gold pillow. The bed still smelled of Yami, and it was still warm like Yami.


Pulling the covers up over herself, Anzu sighed in contentment. The last time she had slept in this bed...had been a very long time ago. And there had been someone whom she thought had loved her sleeping beside her.


Before closing her eyes, she caught a glimpse of a heart-shaped picture frame. In it, there was a snapshot of her and Yami. It was taken in the park during springtime, and obviously only a short while after they had started dating.


They both looked so happy. Yami, in his baggy jean shorts that reached down to his knees and a yellow shirt, was holding onto Anzu's legs. Anzu was happily perched on Yami's shoulders, her head resting on his and her arms wrapped loosely around his neck.


The brown haired girl giggled, but immediately stopped when she noticed another picture in a similar frame right next to the one of her and her ex-boyfriend. This one had Yami in it as well, but he was with some other girl.


The girl had long, waist-length auburn hair and bright hazel eyes. She was wearing a blue halter top and a black skirt. Behind her, with his arms wrapped around her waist, was Yami. He had on long black pants and a red polo shirt. He looked very handsome...and very happy. His crimson eyes were twinkling with joy as he posed with his lips pressed against the girl's cheek. The girl was giggling, one hand wrapped behind her to hold Yami in place and the other resting over his arms.


They looked happier as a couple than she and Yami had. And that made Anzu want to cry.




"Anzu! We have to go, it's almost lunch time."


Anzu nodded, coming down the stairs dressed in her winter garments. Yugi was waiting by the door and greeted her in his usual chipper way. He didn't seem to notice the frown on the girl's face. And if he did, he only thought of it as a sign of nervousness, not depression.


"It's okay if you feel a little scared, Anzu. I mean, I was frightened when I went to go visit him for the first time." The small teen shivered. "But then again I just don't like hospitals. Even the thought of going now is giving me the Goosebumps." He held up his right arm as proof.


The brunette nodded, wrapping her light pink scarf around her neck. "Okay, I'm ready," she declared after buckling her boots. "Let's go."


`Let's go get this over with.'


In truth, she was still rather upset about that picture she had seen the pervious night. She had fallen asleep looking at it and had woken up with it greeting her. Although she had figured Yami had moved onto some other girl, it hurt to see real evidence that he didn't love her any more.


Following Yugi out to the minivan where Sugoruko Mutou was waiting, she jumped into the back seat of the car after greeting the old man.


"Did you sleep well, Anzu?"


`No,.' She thought to herself. Plastering a smile on her face, she answered. "Yes, thank you Mr. Mutou. It was really nice of you to let me stay in your house on such short notice."


Sugoruko smiled. "You're always welcome in our house, young lady. You should know that." He said with a wink.


Anzu laughed. "I know...thank you."


The minivan pulled out of the driveway and slowly moved down the street.




Anzu waited in the hallway impatiently. Sugoruko and Yugi got to go in to see Yami first, since they were his immediate family. Her, being only the lowly friend, had to wait in the cold, stark-white hallway for over...


Anzu checked her watch.


"A half an hour." Sighing, she leaned back in the chair. "This is so boring...not to mention nerve-wracking!" She jumped when the door to room 6136 - Yami's room - opened. Yugi stepped outside, tears flowing from his large violet orbs. "Yugi, what's wrong?"


Yugi sniffed and sat himself down in the empty seat next to his friend. "He hasn't woken up yet. I just don't understand why this is happening to him." He stopped when his cell phone started ringing. "H-hello?" He frowned when he heard who it was on the other end. "Hi, Shizuka. No, Yami hasn't woken up yet." He paused, playing the zipper of his winter coat. "I-I guess you can come. Sure. Bye, Shizuka."


Anzu raised an eyebrow, confusion on her face. "Shizuka?"


The short teen blushed, pursing his lips and looking away. "Shizuka...she's Yami's g-girlfriend."




The door opened once more and Sugoruko stepped out. He smiled sadly at the brunette. "You can go in and see him now."


Anzu nodded and stood up, slowly peering behind the wooden door. She gasped when she saw him.


Yami was lying motionless on the white hospital bed. His tanned arms were on the outside of the sheets, each stuck with a needle that connected him to some strange machines. One of the needles in his left arm was connected to a medicine tube, allowing the clear liquid to flow into his veins. There were several patches on his head that were connected to a screen to show his brain activity. Three or so thin cords were leading down into the sheets, each connected to the heart monitor. And in the far corner of the room, there was a breathing machine...just in case the worst were to happen.


The room was filled with beeping noises from all the different medical machines. Anzu shivered, looking around the room wearily. It was almost as though the room was alive...and it was really beginning to scare her. She didn't want to be here. She didn't like this ominous atmosphere. But....


The blue-eyed teen looked down upon Yami's comatose form. He was completely still and, if it were for the steady rising and falling of his chest, she would think he was dead.


Hesitantly she reached out an arm, brushing it lightly across Yami's. She grinned, rubbing the smooth skin, carefully avoiding the needles poking out.


"Yami..." she whispered, leaning closer. "Yami, you have to wake up."


She let out a small gasp when the tri haired teen's fingers wiggled. Her eyes widened when his free hand gripped hers. And she almost had a heart attack when, unexpectedly, Yami's tired blood-red orbs blinked slowly open.


Taking a few steps back, she braced herself against the white wall. Tilting her head, she watched as the hospitalized boy looked around the room, and over himself, with much curiosity. "Y-Yami...?"


Yami whirled his head around, pointing to himself as if to ask if she was calling his name. He smiled when the pretty brunette nodded a yes. Leaning over the railing of the bed, he squinted his eyes closed, trying to get a name for the girl. He sighed when he couldn't. "Um...who are you?"


Anzu responded by promptly fainting, her body landing on the cold tile floor.