Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Winter ❯ high school..... yay.... ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Hikari: light

Yami: dark

bs4: hi ppl!!!! Yugioh story!!!! YAY!!!!! I own nothing except Winter and her sisters.... Enjoy the story

Rain. Such a simple word that can have so many different meanings to so many different people. Right now, to me, it means hate and anger and humility. Normally I love the rain. It makes me think and wonder about things. Right now I hate it, but only because it's not here to comfort me. It's not here to make me think about how a perfect little rain drop falls from the sky, just waiting for itself to hit the ground. It's not here to make me think about the inhumanity of all humans. And for that reason I hate the rain right now.

It's a bright, sunny day. The first day of school. My first day of high school. I am in the car, along with my three sisters, waiting to arrive at Domino high. The sun is shining through the window and is blinding my eyes. The sun had woke me up this morning with the stupid birds singing their stupid song and I wished I had a shotgun to blow their stupid little heads off, while hating Mary Poppins for starting their pathetic careers.

I sighed and closed my eyes. My three sisters are talking happily. We're quadruplets. Some people have twins, others have triplets, but not my parents. They had to have four. Why couldn't they have just let me die that day in the hospital when I had the chance? Oh yeah, because they love all of us. Yeah right. They just like bragging about how I get good grades. If I was stupid they would have just let me die. Oh dear Ra, why couldn't I have been stupid?

WE reached the school and the four of us got out of the car after saying good bye to our father. My sisters waisted no time in finding a group they belonged in. Within ten seconds I was the only one who wasn't laughing at some stupid joke. I sighed and walked into the building, hating my life more than usual.

Summer was preppy. Of course she walked over to the cheerleaders and began talking about... cheerleader stuff. Summer was 5"4' like the rest of us. She had blonde hair and crystal blue eyes and long eyelashes, good for flirting with boys, and she also had dimples. I give her three days tops before she's head of the cheerleading squad.

Autumn, being the sporty one, had walked over to the girls soccer team. They were talking about juggling or something. I thought soccer was about kicking a ball. How strange. But that doesn't have anything to do with Autumn. She has red/brown hair, the color of the canging leaves during Autumn. She has deep brown eyes and a perfect smile. She was the only one of us who didn't have to get braces. But the rest of us only had them on for a year, so it didn't really matter.

Spring had walked over to the other nature lovers and had begun talking about... nature stuff I suppose. Spring has dark brown hair and stunning forest green eyes. She has an amazingly optimistic attitude and a glare that can stop anyone cold. She was the first one of us to need a bra.

That leaves me. The freak, loser, outcast, wannabe. The only one not good at anything. The one standing in the middle of the hall with her ahir pulled up into her hat so no one can see the color. The freak with dark red eyes that never smiles, but only because there's nothing to smile about. I'm the one who only sees the dark side of everything. Who would sell my soul to be able to sleep forever and live in my dreams for eternity. My name is Winter.

All four of us have mature bodies. All four of us are skinny. But only three of us fit in. I'm not one of them. But I don't want to be one of the mindless drones they have become. I don't want friends. Friends have the potential to be your worst enemy. I already have enough of those.

I sighed and pulled out my schedual. Math, music, science, social studies, lunch, Language arts, gym, free period. Easy enough. All I have to do is survive one day of school and then I can go into the woods behind my house with my CD player and think about things that actually matter. Only eight hours. Dear Ra, I'm going to die aren't I?

The bell rang and I went and found my locker. I tried to ignore everyone because they only make fun of me, but the guy next to my locker was har to ignore. He wasn't teasing me or calling me names. He was talking to me like I was an actual person. But poeple have done that before. They lured me into a false sense of security and then stabbed me in the back. I wasn't going to let that happen again. I had learned my lesson the first time.

I glanced at him out of the corner of my eyes. He was at least three inches taller than me and had white hair. He had hair like mine. But I didn't think that was possible. I was a freak of nature. But he wasn't albino like me. He didn't have red eyes. He had brown eyes. And his white hair made them stand out and on him the white hair looked cute. On me it looked stupid.

"You're going to have to take your hat off during class," He said. "What do you have first period?"

I closed my locker at the same time as him. He was looking at me expectantly. He really expected me to answer? What was wrong with him? Why was he even talking to me? Didn't he know he was committing social suicide?

"Math," I said shortly. He smiled at me and I blinked, trying to explain the feeling I was experiancing. I was able to label it after a moment. It was hope. I was hoping that maybe this year would be different. I also felt like smiling back at him. I pushed the unfamiliar feelings away and looked at him.

"Me too," He said. "My name is Ryou."

"Winter," i said and began walking to class. He walked besides me. I felt like teling him off, but kept my mouth shut. If he really was trying to be my friend I didn't want to blow it.

"That's a cool name," He said as we walked into the classroom. The teacher glanced at us.

"Please take your hat off, Miss," She said, looking back at the papers on her desk.

I slowly reached up and took my hat off. My snow white hair fell back into place and I felt like putting my hat back on. I have the longest hair in my family. It comes down to my knees. I walked to a seat in the back and sat down. Ryou sat next to me. Why was he still talking to me?

"How old are you?" He asked.

"fifteen," I said slowly. "May I ask you a question?"

"Sure," He said.

"Why are you still talking to me?"

"You don't want me to talk to you?" He blinked.

"Most people just find me weird and stop talking to me," I said, shaking my head. "You don't think I'm weird?"

"No," He said. "Why would I?"

I stared at my hands. "My hair. My eyes," I said quietly.

"I have the same color hair you do and I think you're eyes are cool," He said. I looked at him, trying to figure out if he was lying.

People came filling in as the bell rang. Ryou and I turned our attention to the teacher. Within five minutes I was asleep.


When I sleep, I go to this room. It's small and the walls are painted powder blue, but the paint is chipping so I can see the old wood panneling underneath it. The floor is an old carpet with stains on it and there's a bed that's always messy just because I don't feel like making it. there are toys littered all over the floor and a deck of these weird cards. Some are yellowish white, others are green and purple, and one of them is blue. I've never seen cards like this while I've been awake so I suppose they're just from my dreams. But they talk. I can never hear what they're saying because they whisper. All at once they whisper. Only one time did one of them scream. It woke me up and I was on the roof of our house, preparing to jump. I figured I must have been sleep walking.

I walked over to those cards and looked at them. The names and letters are blurry, but I can see the pictures and numbers just fine. I like the green card with these gold things on them. They look so strange. The background is black and dark purple and light purple. It looks so awsome.

I look through the cards and try to figure out what they're saying. But they're talking so quietly and so fast and all at once it gives me a head ache.

I grab my favorite card and put the others down. My favorite card is of a woman with six white wings wearing a golden dress. The little numbers at the bottom say 2750 and 2400. On the woman's dress are two blue jewels. One by the waist and the other by the neck. She has purple hair that comes down to her waist and has two ankle bracelets. The background of the card is black and red. Different shades of the two colors.

I closed my eyes and tried to focus on what she was saying. I could only catch a few words. "Braclet," and "Item," and "Millenia." I had no idea what that meant. I had an ankle braclet that looks like it's been around for a millenia. I suppose it could be called an item, but that didn't make sense at all.

My ankle bracelet is big. It comes from my ankle to half way to my knee. I think I'm supposed to wear it on my arm, but I like it on my leg. I wear pants all the time and no one can see it. My ankle braclet has strange symbols on it, but one of them sticks out. It's a strange looking eye that glows sometimes. I've had my ankle braclet since I can remember. It's always been there. I've never had to take it off, it somehow grows with my body and never gets too small. I haven't told my sisters about it. If I did, they would take it from me.

I sighed and put the card back with the others. The woman on that card was the one who screamed and woke me up when I was about to jump. I want to hate her for saving me, but I can't. I know that I need to live for some reason. I can't die yet. I need to do something important first.

I layed down on the messy bed and stared at the ceiling. I've always come here when I've been asleep. Sometimes I think about opening the door, but I always think better of it. Something bad is out there, something I don't want to face alone. But I have no one to face it with, except Wolf, my cat.

Wolf is magic. I've had her since I've had my bracelet. Wolf can become invisible if I say or think 'dissapear.' She can transform into a huge wolf (thus the name) if I say or think 'hurt him/her Wolf. Do it now.' If I don't say or think 'do it now,' Wolf will just go crazy and start attacking the person I want hurt without transforming. Wolf has only transformed once. The child's body was never found.

I close my eyes and sigh, waiting for the right moment. It's time to wake up now....


I opened my eyes as the bell was ringing. First period was over. I gathered up my stuff and looked at the board. We have to do all the problems on page 24. I glance at my notebook. They're already done.

"How did you know the answer to the problem?" Ryou asked me as we walked to music. I noticed he was limping a litle and wondered what had happened. I realized I had all my morning classes with ihm and inwardly sighed.

"What problem?" I asked. Another thing about when I sleep, I don't. I just go into my room when I'm supposed to sleep and my body sort of goes into auto pilot. It's sort of like someone else is controlling my body when I'm supposed to be sleeping. It's strange, but useful sometimes.

"The problem that the teacher wasn't able to solve," Ryou said as we walked into the music room.

"It was easy," I said. We took a seat and the teacher told the class that everyone would be singing a song in front of the whole class to decide whether they were alto or soprano. I smirked when summer went up. Her voice sounded like nails on a chalk board. when it was my turn I pulled my CD player out of my sweatshirt pocket and put it on twleve. I closed my eyes and started singing.
My heart is beating from meI am standing all alonePlease call me only if you are coming homeWaste another year flies byWaste a night or twoYou taught me how to liveIn the streets of shameWhere you've lost your dreams in the rainThere's no signs of hopeThe stems and seeds of the last of the dopeThere's a glow of lightThe St. Jimmy is the spark in the nightBearing gifts and trustThe fixture in the city of lustWhat the hell's your name?What's your pleasure and whats your pain?Do you dream to much?Do you think what you need is a crutch?In the crowd of pain. St. Jimmy comes without any shameHe says “we're fucked up”But we're not the sameAnd mom and dad are the ones you can blameJimmy died todayHe blew his brains out into the bay In the state of mind it's my own private suicide

I went and sat back down, still listening to my CD player. I could feel Summer glaring at me. Singing was the only thing I was better at than her and my other two sisters. Music class continued and I wanted to fall asleep but Ryou wouldn't let me.

"How late did you stay up last night?" He asked as we walked to science with Tea. Ryou had introduced us during music.

"5 in the morning," I yawned.

"Why?" Tea asked.

"Wolf," I said simply.

"Who's Wolf?" Ryou asked.

"My cat."

"You named your cat Wolf?" Tea said.

"She kind of named herself," I said.


"It's a long story," I said, taking a seat in the back of the room. There were three people allowed at a table. Ryou was on my right and Tea was on my left. A blonde girl in a mini skirt walked up to our table and started glaring at me. I glared back, just because I was so good at it.

"Stay away from Bakura," She warned.

"And what if I don't?" I challenged.

"I'll make your life hell," the girl said, her eyes narrowing.

"And I'll rip your head off and feed it to Wolf," I narrowed my eyes as well. "Get lost slut."

"Look freak," The girl said. "I can make you wish you were dead."

"Yeah?" I said. "Well I have the power to actually make you die."

Her eyes narrowed even more. "Back off my Bakura," She hissed.

"I'll do what I want to," I hised back. "And if what I want includes Bakura there's nothing you can do about it."

"He's mine," The girl said. Our faces were only a few inches apart. We were having a stare down. No one can beat me at these. Not even Spring.

"Not if I can help it," I said. The girl glared and turned around and walked away. I turned to Tea.

"Who's Bakura?" I asked.

"Do you know you practically said you like Ryou?" Tea laughed.

"I did?" I said, turning to Ryou. "I thought your name was Ryou."

"It is," He said. "Bakura's my last name."

"And did you know you just stood up to the most popular girl in school?" Tea said, still laughing. "You just said you have a crush on Ryou and Brittany can't do anything about it in front of half the class."

"Aww man," I groaned. "I just started a rumor about myself. This bites!"

I turned to Ryou. "I'm sorry if I embarrased you," I said. I turned to Tea. "Do you mind telling me what's so funny?"

She smiled. "Nothing," She said. "I just think this is going to be a very interesting year."

Yeah, my life going down the toilet. How very interesting. Tea has a weird sense of humor. I would rather watch TV.....