Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Winter ❯ Lunch, LA, and Gym class ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Lunch time. I remember back in America, before we moved, I would eat in the bathroom stall. Sometimes I didn't eat. I just hid in the bathroom stall with my razorblade at the ready, draging it down my arm. My scars have started to fade. I'm not sure if I should be happy about it, or go over them again so they'll stay and remind me of how much it hurts.

I'm wasn't hungry, but I stood in line anyway, thinking about my scars. Some where just random slashes, others spelled out words. My arms are covered with words. But only one sentance is refusing to fade as of now. And I don't want it to fade. It's there to remind me how much it hurts. How I'll never be one of them, but I refuse to let it get to me. It origanally said you wont break me but I changed it. I crossed out break. When I think about it, I can feel the scars tingle. Now it reads You wont destroy me. No one knows about my scars. Only Jimmy knew, but he's gone now.

I stood in the middle of the lunch room, looking like a dork because I didn't have anyone to sit by. I sighed and walked over to a corner and sat on the floor. I like sitting on the floor. The walls block off two directions people can come at me. If I can see them coming, I can mentally prepare myself for the teasing that's about to come. It's a simple strategy I learned in the first grade.

I poked the mystery meat with my plastic fork and blink when it hissed at me. I poked the green glob of goo that was supposed to be some kind of jello. It growled at me. I shook my head and poked it again. Maybe if I do this enough whatever is in there will come out and kill me.

I wanna go to sleep and let my body go in auto pilot. I'm so tired. But if I go to that room to many times in one day it gets harder to wake up. And the longer I stay there the more powerful the thing behind the door gets. I yawned. I'm so tired.

I sighed and looked up. Ryou and his friends were walking over to me. They sat down on the florr as well, acting like they did it everyday. i wanna get up and walk away but my legs aren't listening. I look at my food and poke it again. I'm not good at meeting new people.

"Hi," A boy with star shaped Tri-colored hair said. "I'm Yugi."

I poked my food as everyone introduced themselves. The brunette was named Tristen and the blonde was named Joey. I felt sorry for Tea. Being friends with all guys must be pretty hard. I poked my food after they were done introducing themselves and muttered my name.

I glanced up when everyone except Ryou pulled cards out of their pockets. The cards looked familiar. I stared at the cards, trying to place them, until I realized they looked like the same type of cards I had in my mind room.

"Excuse me," I said quietly. "What are those cards?"

"They're duel monster cards," Tea said. "Wanna see?"

I took the cards from Tea and looked through them. None of these were the cards I had in my mind room. I looked through them again before handing them back to her. I poked my food again and stood up. I walked off, muttering something about not being hungry. I dumped my untouched food in the trash can and walked outside. I wanted to see Wolf.

'Wolf,' I thought, calling her.

She was by my side in an instant. I don't know how she always gets here so fast. I smiled slightly at her and she jumped in my arms. I Began to pet her and she started purring. I yawned. I'm still tired.

Wolf is amazing. Her fur is completely white and is always clean and silky and soft. She has dark red eyes that match mine and they almost speak for themselves. Her retractable claws are sharp, almost as sharp as her razor like teeth.

I sat down and leaned against the building, still petting Wolf. She had only transformed one time and it had given me nightmares for months afterwards. But I don't have to worry about Wolf trying to hurt me. She's the only friend I have. She would never hurt me. She only hurts the people I tell her to.

I saw my sisters walking towards me. They looked mad. I knew I had done something wrong. Even if they had tripped and I had been halfway across the room it would still have been my fault. My sisters could find some way to blame world hunger on me if they wanted to. I stood up and Wolf jumped to the ground.

'Dissapear,' I thought to her. She did so. I could fell her weaving around my feet, even though I couldn't see her she was still letting me know she was there if I needed her. I hoped I wouldn't.

"Hey freak," Summer said, putting emphasis on the word 'freak.' "Brittany told us what you said to her."

"And we don't appreciate you trying to steal a guy we like," Autumn continued for her.

"So stay away from Bakura," Spring continued. It sounded like they had practiced this, but I knew they hadn't.

"You don't want him to end up like Jimmy do you?" Summer smirked.

I felt my heart skip a beat and Wolf tensed up. She knew that Summer had upset me. Jimmy was our older brother. Was our older brother. He committed suicide a few months after he helped me stop cutting myself. He took a gun and shot himself in the head. He shot himself right in front of me and my sisters. His last words were 'I'm sorry Winter.' I knew what he was talking about. We had discussed ways of getting out of this life the night before. We had decided we couldn't run away. The conversation had gone unfinished. We had never discussed suicide, though it was on both of our minds. My sisters thought it was my fault. They never let me forget it.

I felt all the horrible emotions from that day come back to me. I closed my eyes and tried to push the memory out of my mind. I tried to push it out of my life. But it wouldn't leave. It wouldn't go away. I felt like falling to my knees and crying and trying to explain what really happened. That it wasn't my fault. But I just stood there, my bangs covereing my closed eyes, waiting for them to finish.

"Murderer," Autumn hissed at me.

"I am not a murderer," The words were out of my mouth before I could stop them.

"Liar," Summer growled as she slapped me.

I stood in shock. They had all hit me before. They do it all the time. But they've never layed a hand on me while we were at school. They were to afraid they would be caught. I heard Wolf hiss. They had pissed her off. I looked at my sisters with my big, red eyes.

'Hurt them Wolf,' I thought. 'I want them to feel pain.'

Wolf was happy, to say the least, to hurt my sisters for me.


(Ryou's POV)

"Joey, do you want my food?" I asked, poking the fodd like Winter had done. No wonder she didn't feel hungry.

"Yeah," He took my food and gulped it down. I stared at him, then stood up and walked to the door. The girl who had told Winter to stay away from me caught up to me before I could get outside.

"Hi Bakura," She said, batting her eyelashes.

I thought of my yami when she called me Bakura. I had already told her to call me Ryou but she didn't listen. I didn't like being compared to my yami. Bakura was cold and heartless, or rather, that was what I tried to convince myself he was. I knew he had a heart and he could show emotion. It was just hard for him because of his past. It was hard for him to show anything other than hate and anger. It was hard for him to not hurt me.

"Uhh... hi," I said. I didn't even know her name.

"Did you know that there's going to be a school dance at the end of the month?" She asked me.

"Umm.... no, I didn't," I said. It was only the first day of school. How did she know that?

"So who do you think you're going to ask?" She said.

"Umm... I don't know," I said. "Excuse me, but I have to go now."

I hurried out of the building and - cat. There was a cat attacking three girls. One of them was blonde, she was on the ground crying and holding her face. Some blood was seeping through her fingers. Another was a red head and another was a brunette. The brunette was trying to get the white cat off the red heads face, it wasn't going very well. The red head fell to the ground and the cat jumped on the brunette. The red head did as the blonde was doing. When the cat seemed staisfied with what it had done, it gave a hiss and ran off, becoming.... what the hell.... invisible as it went.

Winter stood staring at the three girls with cold eyes. She wasn't doing anything to help them. Anything at all. She was just standing there with a blank look on her face, watching as they sobbed into their hands.

"If I was a murderer," I heard her say. He voice sounded hollow, like it did when she was solving the problem on the board in math class. but it also had a little bit of anger hidden in it. "You would all be dead right now."

She turned and began walking towards me. I stood shocked as she walked passed me like I wasn't even there. The look in her eyes was scary. They were empty. Like she wasn't there at all.

I stood there for another few seconds before going and helping the three girls to the nurse's office. It was difficult, helping three sobbing girls who apparently didn't want to move to the nurse's office. But I managaed, and the nurse then kicked me out. I walked back outside and found Winter sitting under a tree, petting the cat who had attacked the three girls. Yugi and the others walked over to her at the same time I did.

The cat eyed us for a few seconds, as if it was wondering if it should warn it's master of something. Winters eyes were still hollow. She looked at us, and then looked between me and Yugi.

"Where is the pharoh and the tombrobber?" She asked in her hollow voice. Yugi and I glanced at each other with the same surprised looks on our faces. The others were shocked as well.

"The items, they're close now," She said. "The darkness will come soon. The pharoh must know."

She closed her eyes and then opened them, looking at us confused. "Why are you all staring at me?" She asked. Her voice was back to normal.

"We'll see you later," Tristen said. We walked away, leaving Winter looking very confused, but she still continued petting that albino cat.


(Wolf's POV)

I was laying contentently in my masters lap, thinking proudly about how I finally put those girls in their places. My master would never let me hurt them before, and they were always hurting her. It made me mad. It always made me mad. But my master would never let me hurt them, until today.

I have been by my masters side since she was eighteen months old. That was when she was given her bracelet, but she wears it on her leg. My master has strange ways of doing things, but it always works out in the end.

I am a spirit born of the unused emotion my master has hidden inside her. I am made up of love, happieness, and hope. The emotion my master refuses to let herself show. My master doesn't know what she is. She is the link between thiis realm and the shadow realm. And the darkness is after her. It wants her to weild the bracelets power and open the door to the shadow realm, so it can finally be released. But that is not all my master holds. She not only holds the key to the shadow realm, but the door as well. The door lies within her soul room, the room she goes when she sleeps. If she opens it, the darkness will be able to come out.

My master has spoiled me. she has shown me the emotions I am made of and that makes me proud to call her my master. If the need arises, I would be happy to die for her, not because it is my duty to protect her, but because she is my friend.

The white haired boy who had witnessed my attack on the girls begins walking over. My master is in her soul room, which means I am in charge of what she does. The boy is joined by three other boys and a girl. I can sense the link between the small boy and the pharoh and the white haired boy and the tombrobber. I eye the others while searching my masters mind for any trace of anger or resentment towards them. I find none and do not attack.

"Where is the pharoh and the tombrobber?" I ask through my master. Her voice sounds hollow. I can see the shocked looks on everyone's faces.

"The items, they're close now," I said through my master. "The darkness will come soon. The pharoh must know." I felt my master begin to wake up and allowed my control over her slip. The people walked away and I could sense my masters confusion. She continued petting me as they walked away. The bell rang and I took that as my cue to leave.


(Winter's POV)

I walked silently to sixth period, thinking about how everyone had been acting weird. They had just ran away from me like I had something contagious. Oh well... I knew that it wasn't for real. I should have known better than to think I might actually be able to make some real friends. Who would want to be friends with a freak with red eyes and white hair? Who would want to be friends with someone who had the power to turn a (almost) harmless kitten into a gigantic wolf? No one with half a brain cell.

I take a seat in the back of the room. The teacher glares at me. I glare back because I'm pissed at myself for thinking I might actually be able to make friends. The teacher seemed slightly shocked that I didn't buckle under her gaze and went back to the papaers on her desk. I closed my eyes and let my thoughts wander until I heard the bell that signaled that homeroom was over. I opened my eyes and was surprised to see Ryou sitting next to me reding a book.

"Ryou?" I said. He looked at me.

"Yes?" He said.

"I didn't know you had this class with me," I said.

The teacher walked up to the front of the classroom and began talking about who knows what. Ryou and I ignored her. We talked in whispers.

"Why were you guys staring at me during lunch?" I asked him.

"Don't you remember what you said?" He asked.

"What did I say?" I asked confused. At lunch I had gone into my mind room. Right after I had told Wolf to hurt my sisters. I had heard that they had been sent home. I hope I didn't get in trouble. Ryou shook his head like it wasn't important. I noticed his weird gold necklace thing.

"Can I see that Ryou?" I asked him, pointing to the necklace.

"Um... sure," He said. He took it off and I took it gently in my hands. I felt it get warm as I studied the strange looking eyes on it. It looked like the eyes on my bracelet. I handed it back to him.

"Where did you get that Ryou?" I asked him.

"Would you please tell the class what is so important that you have to inturrupt my class for?" The teacher said sternly.

"Forgive my bad manners professor," I said politley. "But Mr. Bakura and I were just discussing the proper use of a semi-colan. We won't interrupt class again."

Ryou stared at me. I shrugged. I knew how to handle teachers. The teacher didn't give us a warning or yell at us or give us detention. She just continued class like nothing had happened.


(Ryou's POV)

The teacher continued class and I let my mind wander the rest of the period. My leg was hurting. So was my back. Bakura had taught me another 'lesson' last night. I had burned dinner and broke a plate. And Bakura being drunk hadn't helped the situation....


Bakura had Ryou pinned against the wall with a knife to his neck. Ryou was panting heavily and the fear in his eyes was evident. The fear angered Bakura more and he pressed the blade harder against his hikari's skin. Ryou gasped for breath and Bakura removed the blade and through him across the room. His back hit the opposite wall and he fell to the ground. He slowly tried to get up, but Bakura walked over to him and kicked him in his leg, making him fall again. He glared down at his light and walked away, muttereing 'pathetic' under his breath.

*end flashback*

I sighed as the bell rang. I have all my classes with Winter. I found that a little strange but didn't question it. We walked to gym and Winter walked up to the gym teacher.

"I can't change for gym class," she told him.

"Why not?" He asked calmly.

"It's against my religion," She said, without missing a beat. He gave her a skeptic look.

"What's the real reason?" He asked.

Winter rose her eye brows and gestured to a few of the girls who had already changed. "The shirts are see through," She said.

"Than wear your sweat shirt over it," The teacher said. "Now go change." The teacher turned around and Winter flicked him off. She walked back over to me and I gave her a weird look.

"It's against my religion?" I asked.

"Got anything better einstien?" She asked. I shut my mouth and walked into the boys locker room and changed my clothes. I walked out and saw that I had this class with Yugi as well. I walked over to him and smiled, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in my leg.

"Hi Ryou," Yugi said as Winter walked out of the locker room and walked over to us.

"Why are you wearing your sweatshirt Winter?" He asked her.

"The shirts are see through," She said. "And I don't feel like having guys gawking at me." She looked disgustedly at a group of guys who were almost drooling over Mai and some other girls.

"Oh," Yugi said. I figured that he, like me, didn't realize that the shirts were see through until Winter said anything about it.

I remembered the cat that Winter had talked about during science class and the cat at lunch.

"Winter," I said. "That cat you had-"

"Yes Ryou," She said. "That was Wolf. Yes Yugi, I named my cat Wolf."

Yugi had just opened his mouth. We looked at each other and shrugged. The teacher told the class to start runnign laps.
"Ryou," Winter said. "How did you get that bruise on your leg?"

Yugi looked at my leg. "That must hurt Ryou."

"I fell," I smiled sheepishly. I could tell that Yugi bought it but Winter didn't. She gave me a look that said 'don't lie to me' and i focused on running the laps.


strange place to end a chapter, I know..... but oh well...