Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wisdom of the Pharaoh ❯ Chapter Five ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: This is inspired by the works of Mr. Takahashi. All
characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are
his. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of
those who own the rights to the Yu-gi-oh Series.I have no money and
therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.Some of the
fic has been influenced by the works of the Anime Addventure,
especially Kender. Thanks.

C&C welcomed at corpse_king_2000@yahoo.com

Wisdom of the Pharaoh

Part Five

Yugi sat in the front seat of Mai's car as the women got in as well.
Joey and Tristan had already left for the Duel Monsters match that
had wanted to see. A match that would allow them to avoid
the "shopping" trip that he had hinted with. What they didn't know
was that he was shopping for something that couldn't be picked up at
a mall. He was girl shopping.

Knowing that it was time to act. As Mai started the car, Yugi
concentrated on the Eyes of Horus. His eyes took on the metallic
golden glow. "Tea, can I tell you something?" Yugi asked, prepared to
spring his trap.

"Sure, Yugiiii..." Tea said, as Yugi turned and locked eyes with her.
Eyes that were golden and flickered with an inner light. A pulsing
light that was digging deeper and deeper into her mind.

"Isn't it relaxing to look at the pulsing glow of my eyes. Easing
things as you go deeper and deeper into the glow. Knowing that you
are in the trusting hands of a good friend. A friend that you dearly
trust. One that you know has your best interests at heart." Yugi
said, as his eyes glowed with inner power.

"Trust...Yugi...deeper...glow...deeper...trust." Tea said as she was
growing under the entrancing power.

"You trust me with out a second thought Tea. Trust me to make your
choices for you. Trust me enough to surrender your will to me. So my
will becomes your will. My words becoming your thoughts." Yugi spoke.
As he did, he felt the car move slowly to it's next location.

"Trust...Yugi...choices...surrender will... Yugi will... my
will...Yugi's words...my thoughts." Tea repeated as the words buried
deep into the mind of the young woman. The hypnotic powers growing
stronger in her.

"The light is flowing through you. Changing you. Making you part of
the light. Making you happy and free with the light. I am the source
of the light. I own and control the light. Since you are part of the
light, I own and control you."

"I light...Yugi source...Yugi control light...Yugi controls me..."
Tea parroted back. In her mind the thoughts of trusting Yugi, obeying
Yugi, that Yugi made her happy harden link concrete. Building a firm
structure of mental control.

"Tea, you are attracted to me. I am the most attractive man that you
have ever seen in your life. You also have great trust in me, a
belief that I am here to help you. As such, you have fallen in love
with me over time. I have become the great love in your life. Your
desire for me is greater than you have ever felt for a man."

"Love Yugi...desire Yugi." Tea spoke entranced. A smile crossed Tea's
face as she felt the tingle of sexual desire. The change was revealed
to Yugi as it had been with Mai. Yugi knew that it was time to move
with more commands.

"You desire pleasure, Tea, great pleasure. And the greatest pleasure
that you can gain is to obey, please or pleasure me. That brings you
unbelievable pleasure." Yugi spoke, then adding additional
commands. "You are also attracted to women. Women also bring you
pleasure equal to the level that you gain from obeying, pleasing or
pleasuring me. You will refer to me as Pharaoh while we are alone or
with another member of the harem. Like Mai."

Yugi continued, "Also if I say the words, "Sleep Time Tea" you will
fall back into this trance state. You will only awake when I
say "Wake Time Tea". Finally, you will have a fetish for the idea of
Duel monsters. You will gain sexual pleasure for dressing up as what
you think a duel monster lady might look like in this era.

Tea repeated the commands that she had been given as it firmed in her
mind. It had begun to be firm in her mind. She smiled as her new
vision of pleasure was made clear to her, now and forever.

Yugi took a deep breath, and then spoke. "Wake Time Tea."

Tea woke from her hypnotic sleep and smiled at Yugi. "So Yugi, what
is it that you wanted to show me? I'm sure that it would be most
interesting. Perhaps I could return the favour." Tea said with a hint
of slyness. She was trying her hand at seducing him.

"I have something at my house that I want you to look at. Then
perhaps we can share it with what it is that you want to show me."
Yugi said, continuing with the flirting. Yugi turned to Mai, "Mai,
can you take us back to my house?"

"Sure thing, Yugi." Mai said as they headed for the home.

Later, at the Turtle Game shop and Motou home...

After looking around for his elders, Yugi found a note that they
would be out for a while. Fortunately, even if they were to come
back, they would be excepting of the women that he might bring back
to his home. The question was what to do next. He wanted some alone
time with Tea. But he might want to bring Mai in at a later time as
well. But what could Mai do while he was having his way with his
first love Tea.

The idea of Mai masturbating while he was making love to Tea was an
idea. Bu he didn't know how long he would be, and masturbating that
long might tire her out. So he needed extra time. So Yugi put an idea
to work. "Sleep Mai Concubine. Sleep Time Tea." Yugi spoke the
command words that would place the girls into the hypnotic trance
that he had placed them in before.

"Mai, you will go to my room and wait for me to arrive. You may do
anything that might entertain you until I arrive." Yugi hoped that
would keep her entertained as he had many things that dealt with Duel
Monsters. Including some detailed, illustrated books on the topic.
Then he turned to Tea. "Tea, you will forget that I was going to show
you something. Instead, you have come to seduce me and then make love
to me. You will make sure that it includes a seductive, erotic dance."

Each girl nodded and made clear their understanding. When that
occurred, Yugi gave the waking commands. The girls shook awake and
moved. Mai headed upstairs to look for Yugi's room. Tea, on the other
hand, was looking at Yugi with desire in her eyes. 'This is going to
be fun.' Yugi thought.


Mai found Yugi's room, and was surprised at the apparent youth of the
room. No posters of women that might be seen in most teens room. Or
mess that might have occurred. It was neat and tidy. 'I wonder what
Yugi is keeping up here. There must be more to this than what is
seen.' Mai started to look through the room carefully, looking at
what was there. There were some interesting books on Duel Monsters
that she wanted to look at. Still, there had to be more.

Mai did some more snooping and then found something hidden in a pile
of puzzles. It was a book that had been hidden in one of the boxes.
The book looked old and had a strange title. 'The Strength and Wisdom
of the Pharaoh. What a strange title.' Mai looked inside the book and
noticed the different techniques that were in the book. Both sexual,
mystical and hypnotic. 'I guess this is where Yugi got all of that
skill in sex. I wonder if I can use this myself.' She read on.

Back downstairs...

Tea was trying to think about what it was that she needed to do next
to get Yugi in the mood for making love to her. 'I can believe how
long I ignored how sexy he was. I have to do something special to
make it up to him. But what can I do?' She thought about her skills
that might be used to interest Yugi. She remembered that he greatest
skill was her dancing.

'Not only can I use it to make Yugi hot, I can get some extra
pleasure out of it by stretching my dancing skills. But what kind of
dance could I try? A dance of the seven veils might be erotic enough,
but I don't have the veils for it.' Looking over her possible dances,
she came to the one result. 'A basic erotic stripping dance will have
to do. Perhaps even giving Yugi a lap dance as well.'

"Yugi, I want to show you some of the moves that I have learnt. I
want your opinion on my dancing skills since I know that I would get
an honest answer from you." Tea said as she moved to the stereo to
put on the dancing music. Suddenly, a thumping beat started to rise
from the speakers. Tea moved to the centre of the floor, and struck a
pose. One hand on her waist, the other pointing towards Yugi at the
chair that he had sat down on. Then she began to dance!

Her pointing hand rose up until it pointed in the air, then she moved
her hand through her hair. As she did that, she shook her hips with
the music. Her second hands moved up up her body, lingering on her
firm breasts. Her second hand went through her hair. Then she moved
her hands up and down her body as she shook her hips. She paused for
a second from the hip shaking, to lean forward towards Yugi and then
moved her chest. A slight jiggling motion crossed her boobs as she
tried to get Yugi's attention.

Then she moved back to the shaking of the hips, but with bringing one
of her hands to the side and wiggling her fingers. Her second hand
was at her belly, moving around in circles in a sexual way. Her
bracelets were making soft jingling sounds as she moved her hands.
She then threw her hips to the side, with each thrust she moved
closer and closer to Yugi. Then as she got closer, she moved quicker
and quicker. Her hands started to roam her entire body. Moving faster
and faster with the beat.

Then she froze, her hands going out and raising up towards the sky.
She let out a sly smile as she licked her lips.She moved her hands to
the end of the halter top that she was wearing. She pulled up on the
edge of it, flashing a sight of her tight abs. She played a little
game of peek-a-boo with her belly, each time rising higher and higher
up her body. She soon rose it above her head revealing her pure white
bra, a simple lacy thing. When the shirt was over her head, held in
her hands, waving it around in circles. Then she threw it towards
Yugi. It missed.

Hands moved over the body as she continued the dance. Then one hand
moved to her face as she placed on finger against her lips as if she
was a small child about to do something very naughty. She then moved
her other hand to button on her short pants. Undoing it, she moved
the zipper down. She shook her hips as she moved the pants down her
long, luscious legs. It soon hit the floor and she lifted her feet
out of the shorts. Socked feet slide the shorts over the floor.

Then she turned around from Yugi and bent over. Showing Yugi her ass
covered in the girly white lacy panties that she was wearing. Then
shaking that around. She then rose and turned around, lifting her leg
in the air in a near vertical split. Bending the leg she took hold of
her sock and took that off. She repeated the process with the other
leg. Grabbing both socks off the floor she threw those socks behind
her, away from Yugi. She then looked up at Yugi and then moved closer
to him, dressed only in her underwear. A wide smile on her lips.

Meanwhile upstairs...

Mai was reading more and more of the ancient text that she had
before. Fortunately, for her she had always had a knack for speed
reading. She was able to read quickly and memories that information
that was locked in the book. Especially some of the techniques that
could be used to alter a person's mind as well as techniques that
could be used to please her master, the Pharaoh as the book called

It was not hard for Mai to figure out that she had been altered with
the knowledge that was in the book. Yet she did not care. 'I haven't
felt this good and wonderful in all of my life. If I am under a
spell, then I don't ever want to wake up from it.' Mai thought to
herself, adding, 'Still, it might be nice if I could alter things so
that they could even be better.'

'Yugi seems to be collecting a harem starting with me and Tea. The
books also recommends that there should be a queen to the harem to
control the collection of women that were born to serve the Pharaoh.'
Mai thought as she re-read that section. 'If there is to be a queen
of the harem, it might as well be me. With this books secrets, I
should be able to take that role with Yugi and Tea. I can also use it
on those who enter the harem at a later date. The question now
becomes what kind of method I should use?'

Her eyes dropped the a method that was called the Touch of Hathor. A
massage technique that had been used by a female Pharaoh that had
ruled Egypt in ancient times, which she had used on some of the
more... troubling members of her court to make them see her way of
things. 'This would be a perfect method for me. I just need to find
the right moment for it.'

She finished what she had been reading and replaced the book to it's
hiding place. 'Hopefully, Yugi will not know that this had been
touched. Meanwhile, I'll have to find something else to handle my
time while Yugi has his fun with Tea.' Mai smiled as she looked at
the other books. She picked up one that was all about rare
cards. 'Perhaps I can find some cards that I can pick up to fill out
my deck. Or I might find a card with a cool look that can be worked
into my look.'


Tea leaned over Yugi as he sat in the chair, smiling at the shorter
man. She turned around again so that her ass was facing Yugi again.
She shook it a little before she started to move it down slowly on to
the open lap of Yugi. As she did, the lace of her panties touched the
rougher material of Yugi's pants. She then started to grind her ass
into those pants. She moved in a smooth circular motion, going one
way for a couple of shakes and then the other.

Yugi let out a moan as he felt the pleasure of this erotic dance.
This made Tea smile, but she also came up with another idea that
might help to blow Yugi's mind. "Yugi," Tea asked as she rubbed her
tush on her lover. "You know it's not fair that I stripped down to my
underwear and yet you still have your clothes on. Perhaps you should
strip down to your boxers. It would also help make my dancing...

Yugi perked up and smile. Tea moved to get off of her Yugi. Standing
before him, she watched as Yugi started to peel off the layers of
clothes. Jacket, shirt, pants, all of this fell. All that remained
was the Millennium Puzzle and his boxer shorts that held duel
monsters designs on them. He then moved back to chair. He held out an
arm to pull Tea back into his lap. Tea nearly leaped into it and
started the dance that she had performed earlier.

Slow circles moved the silken boxers as she tried to bring the mighty
rod of her lover to full length.Yugi's moans were greater this time
as he he could feel the closer contact of the wrapped female flesh
meeting the wrapped male flesh. Tea smiled as she picked up the pace
and increased the speed of the grinding.

Yugi , on the other hand, was pleased that he was finally getting
what he had always wanted. Tea willing and ready to make love to him
like he had dreamt of. Gaining pleasure from his first and deepest
crush. His body shook from the pleasure of the dance. His cock was
getting harder as he was enjoying what was happening.

Plus he still had Mai up in his room waiting for him. Ready to make
love to him or love to Tea as he thought of the erotic action of such
a lesbian action. the image of the blond and the brunette making love
by his command was also helping him get his cock up.

Yugi's cock was now erect as he felt the movement of lace pressed
silk on his little Yugi. Yugi knew that he would have to move this
party to the bedroom soon or else he would be coming early. Even with
his improved self control. So he slowly pushed Tea off of his lap.
Tea frowned for a minute as she didn't know what was happening. "I
think that it's time to move this to a different room. Perhaps my
bedroom?" Yugi said coyly.

Tea smiled again. "Sure thing, Lover. Lead the way." She said,
waiting for him to stand up. Yugi rose and turned to head upstairs
and to the other room, to the other girl that waited for him up
there. Everything was coming up for him and he was ready to seize it
as it came. Who know what waited for him in the future. What every it
was, it looked like he could handle it. 'I am finally rewarded for my
niceness and helpfulness to other people. And nothing can possible go