Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wisdom of the Pharaoh ❯ Chapter Seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: This is a parody inspired by the works of Mr. Takahashi. All
characters that I have not created or borrowed from other sources are
his. This is a Fan fiction and not meant to violate the rights of
those who own the rights to the Yu-gi-oh Series.I have no money and
therefore not a good suing target. Thank you very much.Some of the
fic has been influenced by the works of the Anime Addventure,
especially Kender. Thanks.

C&C welcomed at corpse_king_2000@yahoo.com

Wisdom of the Pharaoh

Part Seven

Mai awoke from her sleep, early in the morning. Before the sun had even
thought about raising. Her eyes adjusted to the darkness that cloaked the
room. She was in a strange room with a figure on either side of her. 'Tea
and Yugi.' She thought to herself, thanking her ability to woke herself
when she wanted.

The gloom of night would make the next part of her mission that much
easier. Moving to Tea for a moment, she slipped her slim fingers to the
sides of the younger woman's head and concentrated with the power that
"The Touch of Hathor" had given her. "Sleep Tea. Sleep until I wake you.
Sleep and relax." Mai whispered as her fingers gave off a silver glow.

Tea whispered back, "Sleep and relax." Then she yawned and turned to
her side. Mai removed her fingers and then watched as Tea continued to
sleep. Mai took a deep breath. She turned to her other side.

There was the man that was her master. The one that had brainwashed her
yet had brought in pleasure into her mind. The man she was about to turn
the tables on by placing him under the same type of mind manipulation that
he placed her under.

Her fingers moved quickly to the forehead of the short man. Tips hitting
particular points on the head. Nails flashing in the reflection of limited
light. Then he voice raised up and spoke. "Yugi, Relax and listen. Relax
as I rub away all of those troublesome thoughts. Relax as you focus on
listening to me. Relax as my voice takes you a way." The tell-tale glow
returned to her fingers, like they were covered with liquid silver.

Yugi smiled as he whispered, "Relax, Listen, Relax."

Mai smiled as she took this as proof that her hypnosis was working. "So
my Pharaoh, what is it that you have programed in me? What have you
commanded me to do."

"Made you call me Pharaoh. Made you desire and love me. Made a bisexual.
Made you want to dress up like duel monsters." Yugi said, in a soft voice.

'Not to bad. Most of those items haven't made my life worse. In fact it
has made some improvements in it. But I can edit those as well.' Mai
thought to herself. 'Still, why did he want me to call him after an old

"Yugi, you will want to hypnotize me again. To make some edits to your
previous commands. You don't want me to call you Pharaoh. You want me to
call you by your name. And instead of having me just dressing up as duel
monsters, you will find it sexually exciting to see me dressed up in
costumes." Mai told Yugi.

"No Pharaoh, costumes sexy," Yugi repeated.

"Now Yugi, who is the girl of your dreams? Who is the girls that causes
you to get horny? Please be truthful, Yugi." Mai asked. She was prepared
to not have it be her. She had her theories, but this would bring out the

"Tea. Know her my life. Been in love with her since we were kids." Yugi
said, smiling at that. Mai could see his eyes twitching, as if he was
remembering his past with Tea.

Mai sat in thought for a minute as she tried to think about her next
move in the hypno-seduction of Yugi. It was a rough plan as she only
had a night to consider it. 'But one of the tricks of duel monsters is
being about to take high risks for higher rewards. Something that I have
done time and again.'

"Yugi, you had a crush on Tea. One that evolved into a loving relationship
with her being one of your girlfriends. However, she is not the woman of
your dreams, the heart of your desires. That woman you met later in life.
At Duellist Kingdom and in Battle City. That woman is Mai Valentine. Mai
Valentine is the woman of your dreams, the heart of your desires."

"Mai is woman of dreams, heart of desires." Yugi parroted. he gave a
little sigh after that. Mai smiled at the words that had been spoken.

"If you are a Pharaoh, you want Mai to become your head queen. She is
your second in command of the harem. As such you have taught her mind
control techniques from 'The strength and wisdom of the Pharaoh'. So
that she could help you out and keep command of your lesser lovers.
In fact, you will over time decide to give Mai the hypnotic phrases
used to place your lovers in their trances." Mai said, hearing her
lover repeat that.

"If fact you want to teach your lovers mind control techniques so that
they could help you maintain this lifestyle. You will remember to make it
so that they can not hypnotize you or Mai. All except Mai." The blond
smiled at this little loophole that would help her keep living the high
life with Yugi.

After Yugi repeated the last part, Mai thought about what else she should
try to do. But she couldn't come up with another idea that she wanted. So
she prepared to wake up the two lovers that she shared. "Tea, Yugi. You
will wake up in one minute from now. Refreshed and ready for the world.
Yugi you will remember my commands, but you will not consciously know
them. Now go and awake one minute for now."

Mai then slipped back in a sleeping position and waited for the effects
of her works.

One Minute Later...

Yugi woke up feeling great and refreshed. Like he had the best sleep that
he had ever had. He turned to look at the woman that were next to him. Tea
was on the far side, looking as beautiful as before. But not as beautiful as
the woman in the middle.

Yugi couldn't remember the moment that he had discovered that she was the
woman of his dreams, but Mai was a pillar of his heart. She was the queen
in his harem. Even looking at her was driving him wild.

He also had ideas of further programming that he could do with his sexy
lover. He decided on changing things so that she would not have to call him
Pharaoh. She would just call him by name.

Plus he wanted to expand on the idea of her dressing up. Dressing like
duel monsters was sexy, but it was limiting. But expanding it so that she
would be able to dress up in different costumed appearances, it would lead
to more erotic adventures. Visions of Mai in evening wear, goth wear,
dressed like an ancient Egyptian crossed his mind. It was so entertaining
for him that he decided to command all of his lovers to dress that way.

Then there was the idea of teaching his lovers some of the hypnotic
techniques from the Wisdom. 'It might come in handy if I was in some kind
of trouble that might need an extra pair of hypnotic hands. Good thing
I taught Mai some wisdom.'Yugi thought as he remembered letting Mai read
the book. 'But what to teach Tea?'

'But I might as well get started with the programming.' Yugi said as she
saw the waking faces of the two women. "Sleep Time Tea. Sleep Mai
Concubine." The two women dropped into a sleepful trance. Yugi pulled out
the Millennium Puzzle and placed it around his neck and set to work with
his commands.

In the Puzzle...

Yami could tell that something was a miss with Yugi's mind. He could see
from the soul room that Yugi's crush on Tea had been redirected to Mai.
That gave Yami the idea that someone had hypnotized Yugi. From the skills
it seemed that it likely came from the book known as 'The Strength and
Wisdom of the Pharaoh'. The likely hypnotist... Mai.

'The question is what to do about it. I have looked at the book as well
and have also had experience with the original text. If need be, I could
reverse the mind control or ever block it completely.' Yugi thought to

'But I have to admire Mai's drive to be the head of this harem. It was
like in my time when women would jockey for position in the harem. To be
the head of the harem so that their son could be the next Son of Heaven.
It might be a good idea to have her be the head of the harem. If she does
the job right.' Yami took himself into deep thought as he looked at the
possibilities that were being opened to him.

'I think that it might be a good idea to keep an eye on the situation to
make sure that my Abiou is not hurt. So I'm going to have to convince him
to keep the puzzle on as much as possible, so that I could block off any
malevolent mind control. But how to convince him that it would be for the
best?' Yami returned to his soul room to think of an excuse to keep the
gold pendant on.

Meanwhile in the real world...

Yugi has finished placing the new information into the heads of his
lovers. Then came the command to awake. The girls blinked as if they had
been just dozing for a while. Then there was the twin smiles as they look
at him.

"So Yugi, have you thought about what it is that you want to do this
morning?" Tea asked, and impish look on her face.

"I was thinking about checking in with Ishizu about the return of the
tablet. Among other things." He told them. A light entered their eyes.

"Perhaps you could convince her to join our fun little family. She
certainly can bring a lot to the family. Plus she is extremely sexy with
her exotic looks." Mai said, winking with the last part.

"I had been thinking about that for a while. She might make another good
concubine. The trick might be trying to figure out what to do if Marik or
Odeon find out." Yugi said, a look of worry crossing his face for a moment.

"I'm sure that you can figure out away for those two to come around." Mai
said. In her mind she added, 'If not I could think of a few things. Plus
it would be good to get back at Marik for the trouble that he put me
through during Battle City. Fortunately, with Yugi near, I haven't had
one the nightmares that came from that.'

"So what are you girls going to be doing?" Yugi asked a bit curious about
what his lovers were planning in his absent. This would be the second time
that he really let Mai alone and the first time for Tea.

"I was thinking of having a little more fun here with Tea before we go out
for some of the shopping that we missed yesterday. Perhaps picking up some
undergarments that we could display for a special someone..." Mai hinted.

At the same time she was hiding her thoughts about what it was that she
really wanted to do. 'If we go out and were to run into Tristan and Joey...
And if we were to use our new special talents to convince them that Yugi
should have a harem. Perhaps we could convince them that Serenity might
make a good addition to that harem. Which would be all the better.'

'Plus there is the possibility that we might find another woman that might
be of interest for the harem while out. You never know. Of course it might
help if she was a duellist.' Mai thought as she thought of things that
could happen. 'Still we will have to go shopping to cover this excuse.'

Tea's eyes brightened at this, even while she was turning a brighter shade
of red in her cheeks. "That seems like it is fun. I certain could use a
more risky panties and bras. To show off to that special someone in my
life. Perhaps he could tell us if he has any ideas why it is that he might
like to see us in?" Tea said smiling.

Yugi thought about what it is that they could buy that might be fun for
all three of them, possible four or more in the future. The ideas of
costumes came up in his mind again.

First and clear, in his mind was the form of female Duel Monsters. Having
grown up with those cards, he had masturbated with those images in his
head. Along with Tea, but that was before he had met the love of his life
in Mai.

But there was also the idea about general costume characters. The Naughty
Nurses. The Strict Teacher and the Wild Schoolgirl. A Dominatrix and her
slave. The Succubus and the Angel. The pleasure-granting Genie. The
Egyptian Fertility Priestesses. A whole door of possibilities was open to
his playground. Certainly something that they could build on.

Yugi stopped for a second before replying.


Mai sat behind the nude Tea as she massaged her temples again, placing her
back under the power of Hathor. The silver glow covered her fingers. She
Then started to speak.

"Tea, you will listen to my words and understand. Listen and obey. Now Tea
you are the slave of Yugi Motou. You love and desire him above all men. You
serve in his harem. But you also know your place in that harem, you are
just a junior member. The leader of the harem and the second in rank under
Yugi is Mai Valentine." Mai said as she rubbed.

"I... Junior member. Mai... Second... Command." Tea repeated back under
the trance of the fingers.

"Mai is Yugi's consort. In the ancient world, she would have been a queen
to his king."

"Mai.. Consort... Queen!" Tea said as the words bore into her mind.

"You will obey Mai's command unless they conflict with Yugi's command.
Then you will obey Yugi. But in all other things you follow Mai's command
and her lead."

"Obey Mai..."

"Because you trust Mai. Like she was an older sister or a foster mother.
You respect and love her, but also find her sexually attractive. You love
to make love to Mai. It is second only to Yugi."

"Trust... Mai.. Sister... Mother."

"Now it is possible that some people might not understand that Yugi
deserves a harem. Like Joey and Tristan. It is our job to make them
understand. Even if we have to use our hypnotic powers on them." Mai
said, "Also we should be on the look out for women that might also go
with the harem. Then we can tell Yugi unless we are pressed. Then we might
have to use our abilities."

Tea repeated the words that were spoken as Mai stopped the rubbing and
then awoke her. The plans were coming together.


Yugi was coming up the office that Ishizu was using while the display was
in Domino. He knew that he was about to do many things in this mission. He
was going to find out what he was going to do to get to the Tablet that
could reveal Yami's identity. It was also a chance to get a new lover that
could be introduced into the harem.

Yugi took a deep breath and knocked on the door. "Come in." Came the
reply. Yugi entered the room. It was a simple office, yet kept extremely
tidy. Sitting behind the desk, just placing a pen down, sat Ishizu. "Yugi,
I should have been expecting you. You'll want to discuss the Tablet's

"Yes, Ishizu. I was curious if the Tablet will be returning or if we will
have to go to Egypt to see it? If the former, I was wondering when it would
be coming back here? If the later, I was wondering if we could get your
help travelling to Egypt." Yugi asked the older woman.

"The Tablet was needed back in Egypt to help decipher some of the script
on another rock. That is true. But it is a temporary need only. The stone
should be returning to Domino. The time line that I have been given is that
it should be returning in a few months. That is as fast as I can get it
back." Ishizu said, as she looked at Yugi.

"It shames me that I can't get it back here faster than that. I feel that
I have a debt to you and the Pharaoh that I can't repay. The fact that you
risked so much to save my brother from the darkness that was within him,
even after what he had done to you and your friends." Ishizu said.

"I think I know what you can do to help pay me back." Yugi said, as his
eyes began to glow a deep golden colour. As he looked the Ishtar sister
with his hypnotic stare, here eyes glazed over and her mouth opened a
slight bit.

"Ishizu, you must listen to me. You trust me and find me attractive. Much
more attractive than any other man that you have met. You find that you
want to obey my commands that I give you." Yugi said with his eyes bright.

"Listen... Trust... Attractive... Obey!" Ishizu repeated as it had been
expected from the trances before that Yugi had seen.

"Ishizu, you will also want to answer my question truthfully. First, are
you busy today?"

"No. I had prepared things to function without me so that I could duel in
Battle City. I am really just a figure head and the person that has to
sign all of the paychecks. With the fortune that I have gathered from the
secrets of Crypt keepers and from the use of the Millennium Necklace, I have
managed to pay for this exhibit. Plus I still have quite the fortune left
for my personal use." Ishizu replied.

Yugi had just been looking for a lovely woman that he could spend some
time with. He hadn't expected to find out that she was wealth. 'But it
might come in hand with all of the girls.'

"So you will not be missed if you were to come out with me for a little
fun?" Yugi asked.

"No." Came the reply. That gave Yugi an idea.

Author Notes:
Well, here's the next chapter. I hoped that you enjoyed it. I have
received comments from new fans for the story. At least one is interested
in spankings and the idea of a cat-fight between the girls and a new
possible harem girl. The suggestion was for Vivian Wong.

I originally had a poll (that has expired) that asked who you would like
to see in the harem next to Mai. Tea and Ishizu were in the top spots
with Serenity coming in with the only other numbers. It did have a low
voter turnout and it was possible people didn't know who Vivian was.

I an not sure what the size of the Harem should be. Four or five? And
should Vivian be included? So instead of having another time costing vote,
I was curious if you could give your comments on these ideas.

Also I have placed the ideas of costumes in the mix. First with the ideas
of dressing as duel monsters. (Perhaps Tea, Mai and Ishizu as the Harpy's
Lady Sisters) In this chapter, I have also included the idea of dressing
in more conventional roles out of most erotic fiction and porn. I was
curious which ideas you like and for which character you would like to
see in that role.

Thanks and enjoy.
