Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wish You Were Here With Me ❯ Wish You Were Here With Me Ch. 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Author: Goob…   Malik: I think she’s lost her mind…   Author: I’m sane you idiot! *smack*   Malik: X.x Ok…she’s normal…   Author: So caught up in schoolwork recently that I really had no time to update. But I have a snow day today so I’m gonna get started in writing!!! I just found out have to double space too now to separate different sections…oi…. WEEE!!! Right…time to pick the next winner of the mini contest! Malik: I still say it was a pathetic contest *sticks hand in hat* and the winner is…Chika (aka Relinquished)! Congrats *tosses random certificate* Author: Alright! So this chapter is dedicated to Chika! On with the fic!   ~*~*~*~*~   Malik didn’t emerge from the bedroom until lunch time, not wanting to have the misfortune of meeting up with Bakura again alone. He was relieved to hear the clatter of many plates downstairs as he started his way to the kitchen. “No Bakura, I did NOT tell Malik every single sex detail we had in bed! Dear Ra you think we’d had better things to talk about than sex!” “I wasn’t sure alright? It wouldn’t have been the best conversation!” “You and your sex addiction…” “I’m not addicted to sex Marik! I just wanted to know what you guys have been catching up on!” “Ooooo you guys,” Ryou’s voice squealed, “don’t talk about this in front of me!” “And it would be sex,” Marik said sarcastically, as if he didn’t hear the smaller boy’s pleas, “right…I just go ‘Hello Malik! I haven’t seen you in a long time! You know, Bakura and I just had sex yesterday and…’” “I just didn’t…want you to say anything that might hurt him that’s all,” Bakura replied lamely. “Oh…” realization seemed to dawn in Marik’s voice, “right.” All of a sudden Malik didn’t really know if he wanted to go downstairs after all. “I’ll call Malik for lunch.” Shit. He made to clamber back up to the stairs but almost instantaneously Ryou’s head stuck out from the kitchen doorway, “Malik!” Malik made an effort to look composed, though he was panicking inside that Ryou would have seen his sudden movement to run away, “Umm…hey Ryou, I was just coming down…” “Lunch is ready!” Ryou chirped gaily, and Malik deflated with relief that the other boy didn’t appear to have seen him. “Right, I’m coming.” The Egyptian descended the rest of the stairs and entered the kitchen after Ryou’s retreating head. “Morn hikari-chan,” Marik greeted upon his entrance. “Hey Malik.” “Morning everyone,” Malik pretended not to notice Marik’s hand withdrawing from Bakura’s back pocket as he sat at the table. It sounded odd to him, ‘good morning’. Was there ever a ‘good noon’? “Here,” a plate of falafels with a pita was set in front of him. “Wow…Ryou, where did you get your hands on this?” Malik stared, slightly dumbfounded by having Egyptian food in front of him knowing full well he was in Japan. “Took awhile, but I decided that you deserve something other than tofu meat and salad all the time,” Ryou beamed in delight that Malik seemed to like his meal. The tanned hikari was deeply touched. Not even Bakura ever went to such efforts to please him. But then, said his mind sullenly, Bakura never does anything that requires effort if he doesn’t get something out of it as well… Bakura stood up and stretched, his empty plate whisked away by Ryou, “Well, I have to run for a bit. Marik, you wanted me to pick up your cloak from the dry-cleaners right?” Malik choked on his tea. “Thanks Bakura.” The white haired yami smirked at Marik before exiting. Did Malik’s ears deceive him or did Bakura just offer to go to the dry-cleaners? Bakura wouldn’t even go there with the promise of sex. He never would just toss aside his pride and did something so ultimately…housewife-like. “He changed, Malik.” His yami’s smooth voice cut through his jumbled thoughts, “he really has.” “I didn’t think, I never knew…wow…” as the moment of shock and wonder passed, a wave of guilt flowed fresh over him, “and up til now I still thought he was some ungrateful bastard who was greedy and self-centered and…” “Oh he still is,” Marik scooted onto Bakura’s abandoned seat, which was closer to Malik, “but he has become a better person as well.” “But…why?” “I think,” Ryou sat down with his own plate of food, “that – Marik, pass the tea will you? – Bakura missed you.” Again Malik choked, the hot liquid scalding his throat. “I guess it’s partially my fault,” Ryou looked sheepishly at his fork before using them to eat his eggs, “I wasn’t allowed to talk to you about him at all. He wanted me to stay quiet…and so I did.” “I’m not going to blame you Ryou. You just wanted to be there for your yami; it’s reasonable.” A small blush graced the pale boy’s features before he resumed, “He missed you Malik. I know he made a million cracks at sounding aloof and uncaring; he always talked about guys in Egypt right?” Memories of Malik and Bakura’s argument clicked into the Egyptian’s mind, “Yes.” “He always wanted to talk to you…but you know him. Bumbling on and on about how much he cares is against his nature Malik. It’s the reason why he’s my dark half to begin with…” a pause followed while Ryou chewed and swallowed his eggs, as they were beginning to tear off his fork from the wait, “his smoking got so bad and it was always in the house too!” Ryou puffed, stuffing more eggs into his mouth and Malik suddenly wondered why the boy was even eating eggs for lunch, “then he became more docile; he helped me out with so many things that he usually didn’t help me with. Mind you he still got into a lot of trouble, but he also did all these favours.” The white haired hikari chewed on his lip, deep in thought, “I think at first he just needed something other to do than have sex; but then he really started getting into it, making jokes over the laundry detergent and actually taking care in choosing apples and so forth.” Malik wasn’t sure if he and Ryou were discussing the same person, but the look on his own yami’s face seemed to justify Ryou’s words. “So you’re saying,” he said slowly, “that all this time I was misjudging Bakura?” “I’m so sorry Malik.” Malik has never felt so guilty in his life. He spent months moping over how terrible Bakura was to treat him like dirt after they broke up and then when he came he wasted no time moping over how selfish the ex-lover was. He DEFINITELY was the most stupid person on the face of the earth. “Malik…” Ryou’s soft voice shook him from his stupor, “you had a right to be upset with them though. You knew nothing and I think he upset you with the way he…erm…” he took a fleeting glance at Marik, “how he was all over Marik when you came.” “Don’t drag me into this Ryou.” “No no!” Ryou waved his hands, some leftover bits of egg flying across the table, “I’m not dragging you in! I was just telling Malik that…that…I’m sorry…” he broke off lamely. The taller male smirked, and reached across the table to pat the top of Ryou’s head, “Don’t worry babe, I was just playing with you.” Marik then turned to his lighter self, “Malik, I know you’re upset about Bakura and my relationship. I’m really sorry, but I’m like you remember? Two halves of a whole. It’s only natural I shared your tastes in men…and you chose Bakura…and when you two broke up…well…it was only really recent. Bakura spent quite awhile have a meltdown over you before we got together trust me.” The last part made Malik feel slightly better, knowing that Bakura was actually sad at losing him. And it was logical that Marik would like Bakura, like his darker half said, they are the same person after all… Sadly for the Egyptian, a new wave of guilt washed over him. “I’m so so sorry Marik…” “Wha?” “It must have been so hard on you, and I didn’t even notice. Me going out with Bakura so often and us doing things in front of you…Oh Ra what have I done?” “For Ra’s sake Malik get a grip on yourself! I wasn’t twitching in agony watching you guys get it on, alright? I’m a guy! I get turned on by those things! Malik, I liked Bakura but you’re my hikari; I value your safety and happiness more than Bakura’s alright? Besides, your feelings sometimes mix up with mine, so I felt happy at times too because it felt like I was with him.” “But…” Malik buried his face into his cup of now cold tea, feeling a lump in his throat, “but that doesn’t make it better.” “It didn’t make it wonderful. I still wanted to be with Bakura, but Ra Malik, everyone’s going to love someone that doesn’t love them back. It hurts but it’s reality. Just because I liked him then I wasn’t going to expect it to be mutual. In fact I never really expected anything. You just have to stop thinking about everyone else and think of yourself for once. I mean, you’re still attracted to him right? But he’s with me now…and it’s hurting you. Yes I feel guilty about it as well but it’s not like I’m going to toss him to you right?” Marik was always so blunt, and Malik collapsed into tears at the compassionate but frank words, “Y-you’re right M-Marik. E-exactly! I-I would have never g-given him to y-you either because I was with him. I-I understand w-w-what you mean. Oh I’m s-such a f-fool!” “No you’re not,” Ryou’s voice was near as the white haired boy stooped over to give him tissues, “I don’t think you are…I never thought you were…” Malik hiccupped, and because it seemed like such a moment, he turned around and buried his face into Ryou’s stomach, sobbing into the blouse the other was wearing, “Oh Ryou! Ryou!” In one sitting he was slowly torn apart by his yami and Bakura’s hikari. He felt like a loser but at the same time relieved that he has learned so much from both of them, and was grateful that neither was shunning him for his selfish emotions. Marik’s words reflected his emotions like a face in a mirror, understanding all the frustration and hurt he was going through because he himself have had similar times of sorrow. Ryou’s kind-hearted words that weaved their way gracefully into his heart in an effort to ease his pain no matter what the cost; how lucky was he to have such wonderful companions? The front door clicked. “Marik! Get your cloak! It’s too heavy with all of Ryou’s stupid clothing!” Bakura hobbled into the kitchen, staggering under the weight of sets and sets of outfits hung neatly on hangers. He stopped at the scene and nearly collapsed from his split second distraction before Marik came and rescued him, taking the clothes. “Ummm…” Heat rushed up Malik’s neck as he pulled away, and blew his nose noisily into a tissue. “We were just talking about friendship and Malik here was so touched he started bawling,” the Egyptian yami said smoothly as he draped the clothes roughly over the kitchen chairs. Bakura didn’t appear too convinced, glancing at Ryou as if trying to ask, “YOU’RE the one who usually bawls over these things!” Ryou looked away shyly. “Right…I won’t ask,” gazing around at everyone again he sat down and took Ryou’s tea, gulping the lukewarm liquid down. “So,” Bakura’s eyes flicked up to Marik, whom was straightening the plastic wrapped clothes on the chair again and again and again, “what do you want to do today?” “Eh, I don’t know. Maybe we should go to a gay stripper club and-“ “Guys!” Ryou squealed, “not in front of me!” “Awwww!!! Poor little baby virgin Ryou doesn’t like us dirty talking in front of him!” Bakura drawled as he poked his hikari, emitting more squeaks from the boy, “at least we didn’t have someone’s head in their groin!” Malik guffawed out loud, the happy emotion coming at random as the other light smacked at his yami, “It’s not my groin! Look! Look!” he pointed at the wet spots on his blouse, “it’s here! HERE!!! BAKURA!!!!” he swatted at the long pale fingers. The young Egyptian’s small outburst of laughter died as fast at it came. Everyone seemed so happy and carefree; is he the only one who is dragging everyone down? “Hey, hikari-chan,” Marik shook him a bit, “everything was fine two minutes ago, why the gloomy face again?” “Nothing…ummm, I’m going to straighten out the bookshelves downstairs…” he stood and rushed out before anyone questioned him. Marik sighed, and turned to Ryou and Bakura, who were struggling on the floor with each other, “Looks like you’ll have a really clean house by the end of Malik’s visit Ryou…” his voice died off on the last words. To tell the truth, the yami really didn’t want his hikari to leave. It hurt enough for him to leave the first time, even more that he was back and leaving again. “I wish there was a reason to make him stay. I wish he was always here with me.” Ryou stopped play fighting with his yami on the ground to listen to Marik’s words. When his darker half refused to stop poking him he pushed the taller boy away, standing up. “But his sister and Rishid lives in Egypt…it’s his family,” Ryou answered gently. “And what am I then? I his bloody other half for Ra’s sake. What am I to him? Doesn’t that count me as his family? I’m him!” “I-“ the boy’s pale features reddened in shame, “I’m sorry Marik. I’m sorry…I just…I don’t know, trying to rationalize to myself why he has to go…I-I don’t want him to go either.” The yami could tell that Ryou was soon going to break down, and he wasn’t about to neither hurt the hikari’s feelings nor be the one to face Bakura’s wrath later. He made his way over to the smaller teen, embracing him, “We all want him to stay Ryou…but it looks like he doesn’t have a reason to. Not that he didn’t want to see you, but when I spoke to him the first night, we opened our mind links to each other – we missed that so much – and I found out that the main reason why he’s here…it’s so that he could see Bakura…and maybe get together with him again.” “I see…” Ryou looked completely crestfallen. “Maybe…if we hooked him up to someone, find him someone else to be with,” Marik guffawed at his own idea, “wow! I never knew I could come up with such idiotically selfish ideas!” “No! That’s actually not a bad idea!” The pale hikari seemed to glow happily, “if only we could…umm… find him…well…you know…” Ryou trailed off, his snowy skin turning rosy. At this point Marik smirked, understanding the other boy’s silent hopes. “Well I know just who I can hook him up with my dear,” he said, poking Ryou. Ryou squeaked, now a shade of bright red. “Hey!” the two teens turned to the one on the floor, “I’m still in this room you know!” There was a stunned silence. Shit…they completely forgot Bakura was still in the same room. Did that mean…Bakura heard about Malik’s reason to stay? And Marik’s too-obvious plan to play matchmaker to the former thief’s hikari and Malik? “Well…erm…” the Egyptian stammered. “Not a bad idea exactly.” Ryou did a double take and Marik’s eyes widened to an unnatural size. “Wh-wha?” Ryou spluttered. Was this the notoriously possessive yami of his that refuses to let him date any guy at all no matter who it was because he wanted to preserve his innocent light? “Bakura, Malik’s right…you’re sick…really really sick…” Marik murmured. Was this the wild yami who didn’t give a damn about anything whose favourite hobby was to screw up couples’ dates in cafés? “What the hell is wrong with you people?!” Bakura whacked at the table, “first I have people telling me how I’ve changed – Yes Ryou, I do eavesdrop and yes you have told me that I’m getting better – and now you all goggle at me. What in the name of Osiris?!” “But gah…Bakura…gah…” Ryou stammered, “still…actually listening to you say things like that. You’ll give me a heart attack one day!” The white haired yami sighed in exasperation, “You all are hopeless. Hopeless.” He ran a hand through his hair before continuing, “but all that aside; Ryou, I can tell more than anything that you are attracted to Malik. Have you ever seen your face after you’ve gotten off the phone with him? And the thoughts that run through your mind! You always let your guard down at that moment. Jeez…” he paused to laugh at the colour creeping again into Ryou’s snow-powdered skin, “the poor boy is obviously depressed. Why don’t you try and get to him?” “But…but…he care about you…” “Oh for Osiris’ sake he’ll get over it. You just need to make the move. Malik’s not one hundred percent angel but he’s not usually tough enough to make the first move either.” “Nor is Ryou,” Marik added. “That’s not the point…listen Ryou, come with us to a bar tonight and drag Malik along…we’ll get you to together before you know it,” Bakura winked roguishly, looking only too eager to play matchmaker, which, to Ryou, was absolutely frightening.   ~*~*~*~*~*~   Author: A whole chapter on a kitchen scene, ain’t I smart? Malik: Absolutely *sarcastically* Author: Oh god I think I’m losing the tone of the story though since I rarely update…it’s really sad cause I don’t know what to write at all. To tell the truth this story might end up getting wrapped up soon. Bakura: And for SOME reason I get to suffer longer? Author: Cause you’re fun to angst with…and I got new doujinshi today……*drool* Bakura: I was angsting throughout that whole stupid book! *shudders at pictures* Author: Anyhow, I’m sorry it took so long and I’m so happy you guys are still reading this! I love you guys! Please review!