Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing Worlds ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Wishing Worlds

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-gi-oh! Or the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" so there! Oh, I guess that's a bad thing, hum…

Marik <wanders in waving his millennium rod, big sneer on his face and one hand behind his back> Foolish mortal author! You thought you could defeat me by taking away my awesome wishing powers! Now return them, or face the terrifying consequences!

WeirdtheNorn <rolls eyes> What consequences? And what do you have behind your back?

Marik <gives evil cackle and whips out hand from behind back> Behold! My terrifying "Pebble of Doom!"

WeirdtheNorn <stares at pebble for long time- blinks- continues to stare at motionless, ordinary pebble> Who gave you that?

Marik <shakes head and puts on mysterious look that looks a lot like a grimace> I shall never reveal my source of power!

Yugi <giggles from behind a bush>

WeirdtheNorn <sighs> Ok, on with the story! Enjoy, and tell me what you think afterwards.

Chapter 2

Yugi woke up on the street. Actually, to be precise, it was really an alley. The one next to his grandpa's store. Slowly, he picked himself up and headed for the store, deciding to deal with Marik after he dealt with Grandpa's wrath. He got his first shock, however to notice that the store was closed. The sign was down and the place all locked up. Yugi had to climb through an open window to get in. The shelves of the store were empty, full of dust and cobwebs. It was quite clear the store had been closed for awhile. "Grandpa?" he called, walking into the house. He found the man sitting in front of the television, a beer in hand.

"Grandpa?" Yugi asked.

"Who are you? How did you get in here?" his gramps demanded.

"I'm Yugi, your only grandson." Yugi stuttered in fear.

"I have no grandson. My only daughter died in a car crash eight years ago. I've been alone since." Solomon said with a sob.

"But that can't be. And what happened to the shop?" Yugi asked.

"I had a heart attack when this fool youngster Kaiba stole a card from me. To pay hospital bills I had to shut down the shop, declare bankruptcy. Now get out of here kid. Leave a tired old man alone in his misery." Solomon yelled, flinging the empty can at Yugi.

"Grandpa I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you." Yugi sobbed as he ran out the door. Obviously Marik had succeeded. No one knew he existed. He needed help from his friends if he was going to get back. Especially from Joey and Tea. He started for Tea's house but as he walked down an alley he soon found himself flung to the ground. Looking up, he spied two faces he was happy to see. "Joey, Tristan am I glad to see you two," Yugi said with a smile.

"Good to see you too pal. Now give us your money." Joey said reaching down to grab Yugi by the neck.

"No, wait Joey. We're friends. I saved your life. I helped your sister Serenity, please Joey." Yugi pleaded. Joey dropped Yugi in surprise and stared down at him.

"How do you know my sister?" Joey demanded.

"I'm a friend of hers. I have a brother in the same hospital and we visit all the time." Yugi lied, hating to do it to his best friend.

"So you're friends with my sis. Hum, well then I guess you're a friend of mine as well. Sorry about earlier. Have to make a living, you know." Joey apologized with a shrug.

"It's ok. I know you're a good guy regardless. My name's Yugi." Yugi explained.

"Joey Wheeler and this is my pal Tristan. But you know that." Joey said.

"Yeah, look do either of you know Tea Gardner or Ryou Bakura? I'm trying to find them." Yugi said eagerly.

"Well you won't find Tea here. She went to school for dance in America." Tristan spoke up.

"And Bakura, well take my advice and stay away from him. That kid's creepy. Look, if you need a place to stay you can come home with me." Joey offered.

"Thanks Joey but I have to go. I'll look you up later." Yugi said, heading for Ryou's home.


The place looked the same as always. Yugi knocked softly on the door, waiting for his long-time friend to answer. 'At least Tea is happy in here' he thought as the door opened. "Hello Yugi," Bakura said when he opened the door. Yugi stared at him in amazement.

"I thought no one knew me here." Yugi said. Bakura laughed and brushed the hair away from his face. The millennium eye was prominently displayed there. "How did you get that? What about Pegasus?" Yugi asked.

"He gave it to me for a couple of favors." Bakura said with a smirk. "And now you wonder if I can get you home. Come inside and we'll talk about it." Yugi hesitated from moving, knowing that the eye could not be used for good.

Bakura frowned at Yugi's reluctance. "I said come inside," Bakura repeated harshly and Yugi, against his will, found himself responding. He followed Bakura down a hallway and into a side room where a display had been built holding shiny, golden objects. The millennium scales, necklace, rod, and key all sat in display cases. A bright flash made the millennium ring appear under Bakura's shirt. Bakura swung around to stare at Yugi, laughing manically. "I don't know why you chose to come to me little Yugi but I will gladly take your millennium item from you now." Bakura said.

"No. You can't." Yugi whispered.

"There's nothing you can do Yugi. I will take your puzzle and give the rest of you to Pegasus. He likes pure souls." Bakura said with a smirk.

"No Bakura you can't." Yugi cried but Bakura ignored him. Yugi watched in horror as Bakura reached for his puzzle, frantic to do something but unable to move. Then the door behind him burst open and he felt arms around him, grabbing him and carrying him out of the house. He was dragged through several streets before being placed on a park bench.

"I told you not to visit Bakura. You could have been killed!" Joey yelled at him.

"Thank you for saving me Joey." Yugi said quietly.

"We're not done yet. Bakura's gonna be after you. You'll have to come back home with me. He won't find you there." Joey said, reaching down to pick up Yugi again.

"No. There's somewhere I have to go still. I have to see Kaiba. Seto Kaiba. He's the only one who can help me now." Yugi said, crossing his arms.

"Seto Kaiba? Are you insane? There's no way that jerk would be willing to see you, much less give you any help." Joey said.

"I don't care. I'm going." Yugi said stubbornly.

"Then I'm coming with." Joey announced.
