Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing Worlds ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Wishing Worlds

Disclaimer: Let's see what should I put here? Humm, how about I don't own Yu-gi-oh! Or the movie "It's a Wonderful Life?" Course I could always write an AU where I do own them but I think that would only please myself.

Yugi <stares intently at ceiling without blinking> One thousand, three hundred and fifty six, one thousand, three hundred and fifty seven, one thousand, three hundred and fifty eight-

WeirdtheNorn <stares at Yugi staring at ceiling> What are you doing?

Yugi <continues to stare at ceiling> Counting dots in the ceiling.

WeirdtheNorn <resists temptation to walk away> Are you that bored?

Yugi <pulls out a chocolate bar while still staring at the ceiling> No, of course not. Marik told me if I wanted to be a minion I had to get rid of my youthful enthusiasm cause it would embarrass his army of stone. So I decided to do something so boring it would put me to sleep.

WeirdtheNorn <pointing out the obvious> It doesn't appear to be working- you're still awake.

Yugi <takes bite of chocolate bar and finally looks turns to look at author> Well, duh. You think I actually want to join Marik's army? I'm only in it for the chocolate.

WeirdtheNorn <confused> Well then why are you counting dots in the ceiling?

Yugi <smiles> Cause it's so much fun!

WeirdtheNorn <still confused, but losing ability to care> Ok, moving on. Here's the next chapter of the story, I ended up rewriting this chapter several times and I hope everyone likes what I finally decided on. Enjoy reading and tell me what you think afterwards.

Chapter 4

Seto Kaiba was frustrated. He had spent his entire life organizing everything perfectly. While the rest of the world went into chaos, he managed to follow his carefully engineered plans and succeed. And he always came out on top. That was a given, right up there with his promise to feel no emotions, and to never depend on anyone for anything. And now that was all gone. The chaos had come in his office door and refused to leave. In fact, at the moment it was sitting on his couch with his brother, showing him a picture of his sister. "Her name's Serenity and she's the sweetest girl you have ever met." Chaos, otherwise know as Joey Wheeler boasted. Seto unconsciously leaned forward to catch a glimpse of the picture, and was surprised to see what looked like a really old picture of a girl about Mokuba's age. "Why is the picture so old, mutt?" Kaiba asked, automatically settling into his old system of insults to keep distance.

Joey bristled at the insult and scowled at Kaiba. "The name's Joey Wheeler, money bags. And for your information I haven't seen my sister for about six years since our parents separated. She went with my mother while I stayed here with my father. But unlike you who would give your sibling up for cash, I'd give anything to see her again."

"That's not true Joey," Mokuba cried out.

Kaiba snorted. "My brother is right, puppy. I don't expect you to understand something as complex as obligations but a man of my stature has more than your weekly chores of washing the dishes or taking out the trash. In fact, one of those obligations is the whole reason you're sitting on that couch and not being thrown to the curb like the dog you are."

Joey jumped up to his feet and started for Seto with his fists swinging in the air already. "How dare you rich boy! You think you're the only one with problems? I live with an abusive father who I'm embarrassed to show to my friends. I have to steal money for food, and my sister is about to lose her eyesight because no one in my family can afford to pay for the operation she needs! But no, tell me more about these stupid obligations of yours. Let me guess, you have to get up early each morning to decide which trench coat best suits your scowl for the day. Well tell your obligations to my fists!" As Joey swung his right fist straight towards Seto's chin, the door to the office burst open and Kaiba grabbed Joey's hand without even looking.

"Who the hell is trying to walk into my office without asking?" Seto demanded as he slowly crushed Joey's trapped hand. A long-legged blond in a white miniskirt and red halter-top glided slowly into the room, an amused smirk on her face. She smiled and waved at Mokuba before turning her attention to Kaiba and his guest. "It's nice to see you making friends Mr. Kaiba." Mai said with a laugh. Kaiba growled at her and released Joey's fist. As the blond immediately clutched his now swollen hand to his chest, he drooled over the blond bombshell in the skirt.

"Was there a reason you came to annoy me Miss Valentine or were you just trying to get yourself fired?" Seto demanded of the only employee apart from his brother that he had yet to control.

"Of course there was a reason Mr. Kaiba. I'm not your secretary for nothing. I came in because Ami from accounting said there was this really hot guy in here and I see she was right. Oh and that man you asked me to call, Solomon Motou is here. But I don't think you want to see him." Mai declared with a wink at Joey.

"I don't care about your opinion Mai and I certainly don't care what the mutt here looks like. Send in Motou now, I want to get all this caring and concern matters done as soon as possible." Seto ordered.

"As you wish boss. Oh and blondie? I'll leave my number on my desk so you can call me." Mai was gone with another wink and a smile, a hint of flowery perfume the only reminder she had been there.

"Wow, she's something." Joey muttered, still staring at where she had been standing.

"She's a great duelist as well Joey. Not as good as Seto, but she can easily kick my butt." Mokuba spoke up.

Seto snorted. "She can only do that because you don't have powerful enough cards in your deck Mokuba. And puppy, stop drooling. I don't want to have to clean up the floor."


Solomon Motou stumbled into Seto's office, clearly wasted. His breath and clothing reeked of alcohol, and it was quite clear he had neither bathed nor slept in a couple days. He had black bags around his eyes and his normally spiked gray hair was limp and tangled. He lifted dazed amethyst eyes up to Kaiba and sneered at the boy. "You think you've beaten me Seto Kaiba? I'm not scared of you. I can beat you even without my blue eyes white dragon card. And it's only a matter of time before my store opens again."

Kaiba stared at the old man, for once without degrading thoughts. Pity was the only thing that came to his mind, pity for what he had turned proud shop-owner into, and pity for the grandson who looked so much like the old man and to who he owed so much. "I didn't ask you here to play a game of Duel Monsters old man. I promised your grandson a favor and now I'm making up for it. So how much do you want? You too mutt- name your price." Seto walked around his desk and picked up a checkbook. Then he frowned when no one answered him.

"I don't have a grandson Kaiba. And I certainly don't want anything from you." Solomon declared.

"Of course you have a grandson Mr. Motou. In fact Yugi said he had a brother too. But you are right not to take money from rich boy here. Do you think throwing money at us will let us forget you gave away our friend to a psychopath?" Joey demanded.

"I had no choice, mutt. And you're the one moaning about money issues. If you'd rather have a job or a car or dog I don't care but pick something. I don't want to owe you anything." Seto instructed.

"Fine. You want to remove the debt Kaiba? Bring me Yugi Motou, alive, healthy, and happy. Add in Mai's phone number and I'll stop calling you rich boy." Joey said.

"Big brother, Joey is right. We need to save Yugi. What Pegasus did to me was awful. I would never wish it on anyone." Mokuba said with a shudder.

"Yugi Motou doesn't exist." Solomon broke in, waving a photo from his wallet in the air. "This is my only daughter. She died in a car crash eight years ago with her husband. They never had any children. That boy Yugi you speak of I met for the first time this afternoon."

"How do you explain the fact that he looks just like you old man?" Seto asked.

Solomon shook his head. "I can't explain. And I must admit that I wish for nothing more than that boy to be Yugi Motou. Things have been so lonely since my daughter died. That boy, there was just something about him, something special."

"I know what you mean Mr. Motou. When Yugi said we were friends, well I believed him. Now I don't care what his name is, and I don't care if no one helps me. But I'm getting him back." Joey announced.

"I'll come with you Joey." Mokuba said.

"No you won't Mokuba. You'll stay here with Mr. Motou. I'll go with the mutt and bring back the mysterious Yugi. And then everyone will leave us alone." Seto said, glaring at the blond and old man.

"I didn't ask you to come along Kaiba." Joey argued.

"Well too bad puppy cause I'm coming anyways." Kaiba shot back.

"Boys, stop that! How do you expect to rescue anyone by arguing?" Mai asked from the doorway.

"What do you want now Mai?" Seto asked with a sigh.

"Nothing Mr. Kaiba. I've simply come to offer my services on this rescue mission." Mai volunteered.

"You're going to go on a rescue mission in a miniskirt?" Kaiba said with a smirk.

"You'd be surprised how handy this skirt might be." Mai answered mysteriously. Joey and Solomon just stared at Mai while Kaiba snorted and gave a nod.

"Alright, you can come." Seto agreed.

"Now wait a minute rich boy, this is my mission-" Joey started before someone raced into the room.

"Joey are you ok? I couldn't figure out where you and Yugi went and then someone mentioned seeing you at Kaiba Corp. and so I came here and who's the blond?" Tristan asked all in one breath. Mai smiled at him and Joey slapped him on the back.

"Slow down buddy, I'll explain everything. But for now the important thing is we have to go rescue Yugi from Pegasus."

"The inventor of Duel Monsters?" Tristan asked. Joey nodded and pulled Tristan off to a corner to talk privately. Mai smiled at Seto and picked up her cell phone to order supplies for their mission. Solomon sat down with Mokuba to debate Duel Monster strategies. And Seto found himself standing in the middle of his office, wondering exactly how he let the chaos take control of his life. And why deep down inside of him, a part of him was enjoying this.
