Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing Worlds ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Wishing Worlds

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-gi-oh! Or the movie "It's a Wonderful Life." I'll add these to my list of things I want and can never have.

Yugi <giggling as he stares at something on the ground> Oh Marik!

Marik <scowls as he walks in carrying a "How to Control the World in 5 Easy Steps" book> What is it midget?

Yugi <continues to giggle but steps back> Look at what your stone army has done.

Marik <glances down at pebbles and reads sign> What exactly is a "strike"?

Yugi <laughing now> It means your army is not going to do what you say anymore until you pay them more money.

Marik <confused> What would they do with money?

Yugi <also confused> How did they make that sign?

Yami and Malik <giggle from behind bushes>

Marik <thinking too hard, smoke shoots out of his ears> Maybe I have allowed my army too much freedom. It is my fault they have fallen into the darkness of greed and desire. I am a bad ruler. <bursts into tears and runs off crying>

Yugi <sighs> Ok now I feel bad.

Yami <nods head> As do I.

Malik <giggles> I don't.

WeirdtheNorn <sighs> Poor crazy ruler guy. Ok I have to go comfort Marik and yell at the others. Enjoy the next chapter tell me what you afterwards. Oh and I'm sorry about the two evil cliffhangers I leave you with.

Chapter 6

The corridor was empty up ahead. This wasn't that strange in Pegasus's castle because as much security as the man had, his castle was just too big to properly defend. However, Duke still breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that no one stood in his way. Today had been a very unsettling day and he had an idea that it wasn't over quite yet. When he had crashed into that boy earlier, Yugi Motou, he knew that trouble was coming. Duke had always admired Pegasus as a mentor. The man had created a game which inspired his own, and then helped him market his own game to the world. He taught him things about the business world that he desperately needed to know. He had almost been like a father to him.

And yet, Duke knew Pegasus kept a secret.

A dark secret, that horrified him when he found out. It all came to him in bits and pieces. One day he stumbled onto a diary that Pegasus had been keeping, then he caught a glimpse of a bizarre art gallery in a tower room, and then last year when he got horribly lost he found himself in the dungeon. There he met Mokuba Kaiba and had quite the chat. His heart had gone out to the young Kaiba, and a large part of him wanted nothing more than to unlock the cell and sneak the boy back to his brother. But he couldn't. There was no way of unlocking the cell without Pegasus knowing or getting off the island without security catching them. And truth be told, part of him had wanted to do nothing because he liked Pegasus and he didn't want the man to lose confidence in him. So he ignored his guilt and told himself it wasn't his problem. And now he had met Yugi. The boy had looked so lost, so utter alone that his heart went out to him. And even more than that, there had been a moment when Yugi had glanced at him and his whole face had lit up, like Duke was a friend, someone he trusted and cared for. Duke had never had that chance before. Girls had always flocked around him, for his money or looks. No one had ever believed in him as a friend. So Duke was going to give in to his guilt. For the boy who he had let rot in the dungeons and for the one about to lose his soul.

The dice boy came to a halt in front of a large wooden door and tried the doorknob. Locked. He let out a sigh and mentally kicked himself. Of course the door would be locked, idiot. Pulling a hairpin out of his braids, Duke attempted to pull off a move he only saw in movies previously. When the door clicked open, he smirked to himself. 'Duke Devlin pulls off another miracle.' Pushing the door open quietly, he glanced inside at the room's only occupant. "Come on Motou, it's time for me to save the day, hurry up so we can get out of here." Yugi spun around to stare at him in shock.

"Duke?" Yugi asked in surprise, not entirely sure which reality's Devlin he was seeing.

"Look kid, you don't want to stay here. Pegasus has this way of using pure souls to communicate with the dead. Plus you're ruining my rescue." Duke pointed out, flicking one of his braids over his shoulder, trying not to look nervous.

"But what about Pegasus? Won't he come after you if you help me? You don't even know me." Yugi protested, realizing exactly which Duke he was talking to, and not willing to let this one mess up his life for someone he didn't even know.

"Don't worry about it Yugi. Let the Dukester worry about Pegasus. And about not knowing you I don't have to. I know you're a good kid, and I can't let Pegasus hurt you. So come on, please." Duke pleaded, temporarily dropping his self-confident façade. Yugi stared hard at him a moment before smiling and nodding.

"This might sound completely bizarre Duke but I know you in another reality. And in both worlds, you're a good person." Yugi declared, running to the door. Duke scratched his head at the strange compliment.

"Uh, thanks I think." They both left the room and ran down the hallway, trying to keep as silent as possible. Corridors faded together as the castle twisted and turned in all directions. Yugi lost any track of where they were going, but he trusted Duke, and that was enough for him. Finally Duke turned to look at him and smiled, as they turned right down a long hallway. "There's a hidden door down here that leads to a secret path heading outside the castle. We're almost out." he said triumphantly. Yugi smiled back at him. Things were beginning to go well for once. They turned down another hallway to the left this time and then Duke stopped in his tracks. Yugi slammed into him and the two nearly collapsed in a heap.

"Why'd you stop?" Yugi asked Duke but the dice boy was busy staring straight ahead, terror filling his face. Yugi looked up and found his breath was missing.

"Going for a midnight stroll boys? You should be more careful next time. You never know what you might run into in this castle." Pegasus chuckled, his one eye sparkling with insanity.


Mai Valentine smirked as she adjusted her white mini-skirt a little higher up her legs. Her boss, Kaiba, merely frowned at her but the other two boys, Joey and Tristan, gazed in undisguised appreciation. "When we get through with this Mai, is there any chance you'd like to go to dinner with-" Joey asked hesitantly.

"Oh stop your begging puppy. Mai is more than willing to go out with you but first let's do what we came out here to do please, so I can go home and forget I ever associated with anyone here." Seto broke in with a purposeful glare at Mai. Joey's face lit up at the strange acceptance of his offer, and Mai laughed at his face.

"Alright Mr. Kaiba prepare for a show like you've never seen before." Mai announced, and with one final wink at Joey she spun around and sauntered off, swaying her hips from side to side as she walked.

"Where did you find her Kaiba?" Tristan asked as Joey drooled over Mai's backside. Seto shook his head.

"I can't answer that Taylor. If Mai wants you to know she'll tell you. Now shut up, so Mai can get us in." Kaiba commanded. Everyone did as he ordered and watched as the blond approached the side door they had found, guarded by a single guard. The man tensed as Mai approached, holding out his gun to warn her to stay at a distance. Mai looked at the gun for a moment, then returned her gaze to the solider, putting her most seductive smile on her face. The guard finally noticed that this new threat was female and in a halter-top and relaxed the grip on his weapon. "What are you doing here sweetie?" the guard asked.

Mai smiled and stepped forward a couple of steps, letting the tip of the gun come up to her chest. "I've come to visit Maximillion Pegasus as he requested, but I seem to have forgotten the invitation he sent me in all the excitement. Is there any chance you could just let me in? I promise to be on my best behavior." Mai reached out and touched the top of the man's gun, gently easing it lower, towards their feet. The guard didn't seem to notice as it gave him a better view of Mai. "Uh, I'm sorry miss but I have to check with security first before I can let you in." the guard apologized. Inwardly Mai swore, the gig was now up. But she knew she had to keep trying.

"Well I don't have to go in right away. How about you and I take a little walk around this island. I'd love to see all the sights." Mai purred. The man swallowed as his eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. Then he shook his head.

"Sorry miss but I have to remain here and watch the door. Maybe later when I end my shift you and I could-" the guard started before letting out a grunt and falling to the ground, unconscious. Joey stood behind the fallen guard, tree branch still held in his hands.

"The nerve of that guy, thinking he could take advantage of you like that, a classy lady and all. Are you alright Mai?" Joey asked, dropping the branch. Mai smiled at Joey and reached over to kiss his check.

"My hero."

"Are you two quite done? Mai that was not your best effort. We need to hurry now or else Pegasus will know we're here." Seto spoke up from behind them, Tristan right besides them. The four quickly ran into the castle, ignoring the opulent splendor of Pegasus's home, so they could quickly find what they came there for. After three corridors and a stairwell, they ran into their second guard but a quick punch to his chin by Kaiba and the man joined his partner in slumberland. Seto had hacked into Pegasus's security system earlier and was well aware of the area where Yugi might be kept. After a series of hallways, stairwells, empty rooms, and fallen guards, the four made their way into the proper room of their damsel in distress. And found a problem.

"It's empty." Tristan said in shock.

Seto snorted at this comment. "Thank you for stating the obvious, idiot. The question is why the room is empty. Either Pegasus decided to have a little chat with Motou or decided he wasn't worth keeping around." The other three of the quartet looked grave at this news.

"You think Pegasus would actually kill Yugi?" Joey asked in shock.

"Well he wasn't taking him here for tea Wheeler." Kaiba declared. Mai shook her head.

"No way Mr. Kaiba, Yugi Motou must still be alive. He just went somewhere, maybe he escaped." Mai offered hopefully.

"Wherever he went we can't stay here anymore, let's go look for him." Tristan suggested. Everyone nodded in agreement and turned to the door. However there was a problem standing in front of it.

"Well, well, well. It looks like Yugi Motou has more loyal friends than he thought. Of course your rescue mission will be useless because he's going with me. Now Priest, let's see how you like having your own millennium item used on you." Bakura said, waving the golden rod in the air as he stepped into the room.
