Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing Worlds ❯ Chapter 7

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Wishing Worlds

Disclaimer: Same as all the other chapters. Don't own Yu-gi-oh! Or the movie "It's a Wonderful Life." If I did, the world as we know it might cease to exist.

WeirdtheNorn <smiles brightly and hands out apples> Ok everyone, what have we learned?

Yugi <takes a big bite out of an apple> I've learned that too much candy is bad for me.

Marik <scowls at his own apple> I've learned that pebbles demand too many breaks to be good slaves.

Yugi <giggles at Marik> I've learned that Marik is crazy.

Marik <contemplates throwing apple at Yugi> I've learned that Yugi snores in his sleep.

Yugi <frowns at Marik> I've learned that Marik reads how-to books for all his world conquest schemes.

Marik <glares at Yugi> I've learned that Yugi must be destroyed in order for my world conquest schemes to succeed.

Yugi <snorts> I've learned that Marik is delusional by thinking he could actually defeat me.

WeirdtheNorn <very nervous> Ok guys, that's good enough. Guys? <both continue to ignore author in their rants> Hum, well I've learned that this little lesson was a complete waste of time. So onto the action! Enjoy reading the chapter and tell me what you think.

Chapter 7

Yugi gasped at the sight of Pegasus and took a step back, trying to scrunch down and disappear behind Duke. The dice boy was nervous as well, but tried not to show it as he smiled nervously at his mentor and twirled a braid around his finger. "Pegasus, I didn't expect to see you here. I was just showing Yugi here around the castle. It seems you neglected that as part of your duties as host."

Pegasus smiled and shook his head, taking a step forward as the two boys backed away. "I already explained to Yugi-boy that I couldn't show him the dungeons right now. The rest of the castle is of little importance. But perhaps you were aiming to show him something else, hum? Like maybe the outside gardens? Or even the nearby town? I think it's time you started suppressing this hero streak in you Dukie-boy. It didn't help out Mokuba and it's certainly not going to help Yugi." Pegasus declared with a chuckle. Duke started at the news that not only did Pegasus know what he was doing now, but he had also known about his hopes for Mokuba. His shock caused him to freeze. It had been a good attempt, but the rescue was over now.

Yugi stared at Duke as his shoulders slumped and he sighed in defeat. He should have never come with Duke, he was now going to get in trouble because of him. 'I depend on my friends too much,' Yugi thought dejectedly, 'Marik was right, they would be better off without me. I'm just not strong enough without Yami here with me.' His hand automatically reached for the millennium puzzle that no longer hung around his neck. When his hand closed around nothing but air, something snapped inside his mind. His hands clenched into fists and he took a step away from Duke, and towards Pegasus. "I want my puzzle back." Yugi whispered softly. Pegasus and Duke who had been staring at each other both turned at his voice.

"What was that Yugi-boy?" the duel monster's creator asked, clearly amused with the question. Duke frowned, nervous about where this was going.

Yugi took another step forward, and this time looked up at Pegasus when he made his demand in a stronger voice. "I want my puzzle back Pegasus. You had no right to take it from me and I demand you give it back, now."

Pegasus smiled and laughed, happy to have some entertainment from his new "guest". "Oh I'd love to give you your toy back Yugi-boy. How about a trade? You give me your pure soul and I give you back your trinket." Pegasus lied.

The spiky-haired boy laughed then himself. It was an eerie sound in the nearly empty hallway and made the two others uncomfortable. "You shouldn't promise things you have no intention of fulfilling Maximillion Pegasus. How about we play a Shadow Game to get what we each desire? I know my puzzle is inside this castle. You will give me one hour to find it. If I find it, Duke and I will be allowed to leave with my puzzle. If I don't, I will freely give you my soul. If either of us cheats, we will face a penalty game." Yugi said, and for a brief moment he felt Yami with him. Then the feeling vanished and Yugi felt as lonely as before, although now there was a strength that he had never known, a confidence that previously had only belonged to his other. He smiled as he watched Pegasus, a man shrouded in self-confidence, reduced to indecision and uncertainty.

"Why should I play this game Yugi?" Pegasus finally demanded. "I already have you, I don't need a game to give me that." Yugi smirked, the trap was falling perfectly. This must be what Yami felt every time he faced a bully.

"But you've already agreed to play my game Pegasus. You promised me my trinket in exchange for my soul. I simply defined the terms of this exchange. But as to why you should agree- well there is one thing. In order to use the powers of my puzzle, you must defeat me in a duel. You win this game, and those powers will be yours." Yugi promised with a smile.

"Alright then Yugi-boy, we'll play your game. Personally I'd prefer a good game of duel monsters, but maybe I'd have too much of an edge. Perhaps you've never even heard of the game before. So go and play your hide and seek and in one hour we'll have our fun. Ever had your soul ripped out of your body? I hear it's very unpleasant." Pegasus taunted, smug confidence back in place. Yugi merely nodded.

"Game start." he said, before pausing and concentrating harder then he ever had before. After what seemed like forever he felt a familiar tingle from his puzzle and he turned in that direction. "Come on Duke." Yugi called, pulling the confused dice boy with him.

"Are you sure about this Yugi? How much experience do you have with these kinds of games?" Duke asked as they ran down the hallway. Yugi smiled.

"Actually Duke this is personally the first shadow game I've played. But don't worry I never lose." Yugi said confidently, his own reality seeming just a little bit closer. "Somehow that news did not comfort me." Duke commented as they turned a corner.

Pegasus stared at where they had gone as he reached down to pick up his cell phone. "Croquet I have a job for you."


Bakura could not wipe the smirk off his face no matter how hard he tried. He had used the millennium rod to make all of Pegasus's minions forget ever seeing him as he walked into Yugi's room only to find four of the boy's friends standing around on an apparent rescue mission. He had always hated Seto Kaiba for what the Priest had done in their past lifetime and the chance to make the proud man a mindless slave was too good to be true. With a cackle he raised the golden rod and concentrated on the tall brunette, willing his complete submission. The girl took a step back but the others remained where they were, nervous and clearly confused. Then Bakura frowned as the millennium item refused to work. Seto Kaiba continued to glare at him, obviously not affected. With a scowl, Bakura pulled the metal sheath off the golden rod and exposed the dagger underneath. "You might be protected to mind control Priest but I assume you'll still bleed when I tear open your chest."

Without any warning he lunged forward, swinging the dagger in a wide sweep to cut anyone unprepared. The blond Wheeler jumped out of the way and the girl Valentine was too far back. However Kaiba was directly in the path of the blade and flinched when metal cut through his black shirtsleeve and into the flesh of his arm. The other boy Taylor was also in the way and made a delightful whimper when he felt the dagger pierce his hand. Taylor then collapsed to the floor clutching his hand and Valentine knelt down next to him. Bakura smirked as he licked the blood off his now dripping dagger. Seto continued to glare at him, choosing to ignore the blood that dripped off his arm and onto the floor. The blond jumped towards him but Kaiba grabbed hold of his shirt before he could get any closer. "Down puppy," he said firmly to Wheeler before releasing him. "I will give you one warning Bakura. Leave now and you will live. Continue to attack us and I will fight you with everything I have."

The ancient tomb robber let out a harsh laugh. "It appears that I've drawn first blood Priest with your own weapon. What exactly do you plan to attack me with? But I'm in a generous mood tonight. If you take me to Yugi Motou I will spare your pathetic mortal lives. If not, I believe I'll start with the girl first. After her screams die down, we'll see how the puppy does with a dagger sticking out of him. You'll die last Seto Kaiba. I promise you that."

"I don't know where Motou is Bakura and even if I did I would never tell you. You had your warning, now face the consequences." Kaiba said and then he started moving. Before anyone could blink he was on top of Bakura, taking hold of the dagger and trying to pull it from his hands. Bakura was shocked by the strength of the CEO and he tightened his grip, lashing out with his legs to try and kick Seto away. Wheeler stood near them, eager to help but unable to see an opening. The two boys started rolling across the floor now, a blur of black clothing, blood, and a shimmer of metal. Then one of the figures fell to the floor, red liquid dripping from a cut in his shoulder. Bakura climbed slowly to his feet, gasping for breath. "I wanted you to die last Priest. But it looks like you're going first." He raised the dagger over his head and plunged downward for a killing blow, only to stop as something jumped on his back.

"I won't let you hurt my big brother Bakura!" Mokuba yelled as he swung his fists at the tomb robber's back, forcing him to fall to the ground. Joey quickly grabbed the dagger out of his hand and joined Mokuba in sitting on Bakura.

"Get off me pathetic mortals!" Bakura yelled. Joey shook his head and grinned.

"Naw I think I'm pretty comfortable here, right Mokuba?"

"Right Joey." Mokuba agreed. Then he turned worried eyes on the still form of his brother. "Are you ok Seto?"

Seto groaned and sat up, putting a hand on his shoulder to slow the bleeding. "I'll be fine Moki. But what in the heck are you doing here? I thought I left you with Motou's grandfather." Mokuba grinned sheepishly and stared at the floor.

"I was worried about you big brother. I had to come in case you needed me."

"And it's a good thing you did show up Mokuba. You saved the day." Joey broke in. "Tristan are you still good?"

"That psycho nearly cut off my hands. I can't feel anything." Tristan moaned. Mai snorted as she pressed a handkerchief to Tristan's hands.

"The big baby is fine. The dagger must have nicked something but the cut is superficial. I think your friend is scared of blood." Mai announced, standing up.

"So where is Yugi?" Mokuba asked suddenly.

"That is the question of the night Mokuba." Kaiba commented.

"Well his puzzle necklace thing is around Bakura's neck," Joey pointed out, pulling it off a protesting tomb raider.

"Thank you Mr. Wheeler you just made my job a whole lot easier. If you wouldn't mind now handing over the puzzle." a voice called from the door. Turning around, everyone watched as one of Pegasus's goons came into the room, gun aimed straight at Joey.

"Croquet you double crosser- Pegasus promised me the puzzle." Bakura yelled from beneath Joey and Mokuba. Croquet smirked at the position the former terror was now in.

"You did receive the puzzle Mr. Bakura, and now it goes to Master Pegasus. Besides this has nothing to do with puzzle really. Master Pegasus has given me the job of keeping Yugi Motou away from his puzzle for the next twenty minutes. And this is one game that Master Pegasus will not lose at any cost." Croquet declared, holding out his hand to grab the puzzle. Joey handed it over reluctantly, confused as to what game the man was talking about. Everyone else was silent in shared confusion, but Bakura started laughing.

"The foolish boy played a Shadow Game with Pegasus did he? And he actually expected Pegasus to play fair. And what may I ask is Pegasus's prize if he wins?" Bakura asked, claiming ignorance. Croquet smirked.

"You'll like this Bakura. Not only does he win Yugi's pure soul but he also wins the powers of the millennium puzzle." Bakura started swearing in ancient Egyptian, now he knew why he could not use the ultimate power he had collected. Joey and Kaiba exchanged glances and for once they were not looks of hatred. They needed to get the puzzle back, fast. The five of them had come so close to getting Yugi free that they were not going to let that chance slip through their fingers. Just as the two prepared to attack Croquet another voice stopped them in their tracks.

"I'd like my puzzle back please." Yugi Motou said calmly from the doorway, Duke glancing cautiously over his shoulder. Everyone turned once again towards the doorway to see their damsel in distress looking a lot different then they all remembered. Gone was the desperate, scared little boy who called out platitudes of friendship and begged for help. Instead they witnessed a confident, fearless boy walk across the room right up to Croquet and hold out his hand expectantly.

"Give me my puzzle. It's time for this game to end." Yugi stated, suddenly tired of this whole reality.

"No. I'm under Master Pegasus's orders. No one gets their hands on this puzzle for the next 18 minutes." Croquet declared. Yugi merely smirked.

"My deal with Pegasus was to find the puzzle. He was not to interfere with my search. You and he are cheating. For that you deserve a penalty game. I only hope that your orders were worth it." Yugi held up a hand, once again feeling the spirit of Yami with him. "Pegasus has delighted in tearing people away from their families, pulling pure hearts away from good people. His penalty shall be to lose his heart and soul, over and over. He will see his beloved Cecelia again just to be taken away from him. You as his faithful servant shall share the same punishment. Penalty Game Heartbreak!" There was a flash of light as a glowing golden eye appeared on Yugi's forehead and the room was bathed in light. When the light vanished, Croquet was lying on the floor, unconscious, tears running down his face. The puzzle was lying on the floor next to him, glowing slightly. Yugi fell to the floor as well, sobbing his own set of tears. "What have I done? I just wanted to go home." Yugi moaned. No one said anything to him, too shocked to reply. Finally Mai reached down and picked up the puzzle, handing it gently to the sobbing boy. "You did what you had to do Yugi. No one can blame you for that. And now we go finally go home."
