Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing Worlds ❯ Chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Wishing Worlds

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-gi-oh! or the movie "It's a Wonderful Life." Life can be so cruel at times.

Yugi <pouts> This party is awful.

WeirdtheNorn <pauses from the futile task of putting a party hat on Yugi's spiky head> What's wrong with it?

Yugi <frowns> Well for one thing most of the guests are chipmunks.

Marik <scowls> Are you insulting my future slaves foolish mortal?

Yugi <blinks and backs slowly away from Marik> No. But your future slaves have mesmerized my Yami.

Yami <stares eerily at chipmunks> I obey your command, wise creatures of the forest.

Marik <smirks> Ha, the pathetic pharaoh has fallen under the guide of my slaves. The world is now mine!

Chipmunks <surround Marik and blink cute, cuddly faces at him>

Marik <shudders> No, not the cuteness! Anything but that! No! <runs away screaming>

Yugi <starts crying> You made me cry at my own party. You're evil chipmunks! I hate you.

WeirdtheNorn <looks between Yugi and chipmunks> Oh well. I guess the party isn't going so well. Hopefully the real chapter won't go so bad. And hopefully I can keep Yugi and the chipmunks from hurting each other. So enjoy reading and tell me what you think afterwards. <turns to Yugi> Put down the baseball bat munchkin. Animals are our friends, remember- not piñatas?

Chapter Nine

Yugi could feel the pain long before anything else came to him. He felt his body ache all over and he wondered if he was dead. Then his brain started working again and he remembered that if he was still feeling pain, chances were good he was still alive. However, for the life of him, Yugi couldn't really figure out where he was. Slowly, he pulled open his eyes to reveal a concerned boy with long white hair staring down at him.

"Yugi," the figure started, seeing his eyes open but that was all he got out before Yugi leapt up and grabbed him around the throat, squeezing as hard as possible. In that moment all his memories had returned, and there was no doubt in his mind that Yugi owed this boy far more.

"How dare you Bakura?" Yugi growled, pushing his weight on the evil spirit to topple him to the ground beneath him. "All you can ever do is hurt my friends and I. We've tried to reason with you but you just betray us. Well I've had enough. This is for poor Ryou and all the others you sent away for power. And after you, Marik's next." Bakura looked strangely terrified. He was waving his arms around and trying desperately to say something. Yugi loosened his grip for a moment, unsure of the situation, and then jumped when he heard a voice behind him.

"Yug you really don't want to kill Ryou. It might make some weird sense now, but you'll hate yourself in the morning." Yugi swung around and dropped his victim at the sound of his best friend's voice.

"Joey?" he asked curiously. His friend flashed him a winning smile.

"The one and only Yug. Are you ok buddy? You've been out of it for awhile now." Joey asked, concern filling his normally happy face.

Yugi stared at Joey with wonder. Was this his friend he had known for the past year or was this the one he had met yesterday? And was the boy now panting for breathe on the floor really one of his good friends or an endless source of terror for him and his friends? Life was so confusing sometimes.

Yugi opened his mouth to try and figure this mystery out but was interrupted by a squeal from outside the room. Tea Gardner came running into the room and promptly attached herself to Yugi, hugging the small duelist so tight that he wondered if he was going to pass out again.

"Tea?" he squeaked out, finally satisfied that he was indeed in his own reality. Tea looked down to see his slightly blue face and released her grip, chuckling nervously.

"I'm so sorry Yugi but I'm so relieved that you're awake now. When we came here and you were unconscious it scared me so much. Don't ever do that again Yugi Motou. Not without your friends here to help out." Tea lectured.

"Oh save the friendship rant for later Tea. I don't think Yugi is quite back to himself yet." Joey commented.

"That's for sure." Ryou complained, rubbing his throat where angry red marks could be spotted. Tea immediately gasped and attached herself to the white-haired hikari.

"Ryou are you alright? You look terrible- what happened?" Tea demanded. Ryou stuttered nervously and Yugi looked away, embarrassed for what he had done to his friend. His gaze fell across the warehouse to the far end where a glint of silver from the ankle cuffs caught his attention. He shivered then and automatically reached out to grip his millennium puzzle. He smiled when the familiar feel of metal came to him.

"It's back," he whispered in amazement. "You're all back." Tea, Ryou, and Joey all turned at his words.

"We didn't go anywhere Yug. We've been here the whole time. Are you sure you're alright?" Yugi smiled at them and opened his mouth to speak, only to be interrupted yet again by people coming into the warehouse.

"Marik's minion here wants to talk, apparently he has something to say to Yugi." Tristan declared, pulling a shell of a body with a nasty sneer on his face with him. Mokuba and Kaiba followed him, the younger brother smiling when he saw Yugi.

"Yugi are you ok now? We were worried about you." Mokuba asked. Yugi smiled and nodded at his friends, happy to see that everyone remembered him for once.

"I'm fine Mokuba. Everything is fine now." Yugi assured him, smiling at both Kaiba brothers. Seto merely snorted and glared at him but Mokuba beamed, happy to see his friend doing well again. The peaceful moment was broken up however, when a harsh cackling filled the room. Tristan dropped the man he had been carrying in disgust, and the body slid the to floor, still laughing manically.

"Little Yugi happy to be home again? Perhaps you're just excited to be back where your only purpose is being a vessel for the pharaoh? Was actually making friends on your own too hard for poor little Yugi?" the minion spat out, hoping to cause as much damage as possible. He more than succeeded. Yugi looked down at the ground, too embarrassed to do anything or look at anyone. There was a brief silence in the room as the cruel insult sunk in for everyone and then Joey was jumping on the minion, swinging his fists and yelling.

"How dare you insult my best bud like that! Yugi is more powerful than you will ever be Marik you pig! He's the best friend a guy could ever have and you will take back what you said." Joey demanded. Tristan started for the mind slave, eager to help out his friend, but Yugi stopped them all in their tracks.

"You lost Marik." The spiky-haired duelist calmly stated, still not willing to look off the ground. "Your insults can't hide the fact that you were wrong this time. I'm stronger than you think. You know that, and now I know that too." Yugi finally looked up at this statement, smiling at the Marik minion. "And I want to thank you Marik for helping me understand this, and for letting me help out a whole new reality of friends. Now I think it would be best if you left for now because I imagine we both have a lot to think about right now." The Marik minion scowled at Yugi, clearly unhappy with losing control of the discussion.

"I'll leave for now little Yugi. But things are far from over. I understand now that it is your friends which make you weak. They will be your downfall. In the end it will just be you and me Yugi Motou. And you will be the losing one." Marik laughed before the yellow eye on his mind slave disappeared and the man slumped to the ground with a groan. The warehouse was quiet again until Seto spoke up.

"Do I even want to know what you geeks have been up to?" he asked. Joey scowled and took a step towards the billionaire.

"This is all your fault moneybags! If you hadn't encouraged those rare hunters to come to your tournament Yugi would be fine now. Instead he keeps getting kidnapped all cause you want more powerful cards. Why does everyone have to suffer for your ego?" Joey demanded. Seto smirked.

"Is the puppy jealous? Yugi's tendencies to get kidnapped have nothing to do with me and the reason for my tournament is my own decision, too complicated for you to understand." Seto answered. Joey and Tristan both bristled at these words and started for Kaiba, only to stop from a flash of light from the millennium puzzle, and Yami's subsequent appearance.

"Joey, Kaiba, stop this now. We have defeated Marik this time, and we will not get anything accomplished by fighting amongst ourselves. Kaiba had his reasons for starting this tournament, just as we all have our own for joining it. Destiny cannot be denied." Yami declared. When both boys looked humiliated enough, or as humiliated as Seto Kaiba could look, Yami turned to his aibou. "Are you alright Yugi? I wish I had been with you aibou, you must have felt so lonely."

Yugi smiled and nodded, clutching the millennium puzzle tighter around his hands. "I'm ok Yami. I'm just glad to be back with everyone and that you're safe again. I'm glad to have done my part in stopping Marik. Next time, we'll do it together." Yugi promised. Yami smiled at this promise.

"Let's go home aibou." He stated, holding out his hand. When the two turned to leave the building, Ryou coughed slightly and caught the attention of the room.

"Um so sorry for interrupting, but if anyone could tell me what the heck just happened and why I was almost strangled I would really appreciate it." Ryou requested. Yugi blushed and held out his hand for Ryou to grab as he stood up. "Sorry Ryou, I forgot that none of you were there, it seems like you were, well let me explain- maybe over burgers." Joey and Tristan let out shouts of joy at this news and ran up to their best bud who was offering free food. Tea smiled indulgently, but Seto merely frowned.

"Let's go Mokuba and let the geeks have their together time." Mokuba pouted at missing out on junk food but started following his brother, until Yugi stopped them in their tracks.

"Would it be so bad to include yourself as one of my friends Kaiba? You are a part of my story Seto and I think it's important that you hear this." Yugi said nervously. Seto glared at the boy who dared to call him not only by his first name but also a friend. Then he glanced at Mokuba and gave in, because he could never say no to him.

"Fine. But if the mutt starts drooling on me, we're out of here." Seto said. Yugi smirked at the reluctant acceptance. He would wear Seto Kaiba down one of these days.

"So, Yugi, tell us. What happened when you were passed out? Where did you think you went?" Tea demanded, latching onto Yami's arm.

"Well it all started with a really bad hangover…" Yugi started as he left the warehouse with his friends, happy to finally be where he belonged. However there was still a small part of his mind stuck in the other dimension, wondering how his new friends were doing now that he was gone.


Ok this story is pretty much done but I still want to add on an epilogue in the other reality. I've been thinking about writing a sequel to this story where the two realities cross again but I'm not sure- if anyone is interested let me know.