Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ With and Without You ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Eto… I feel dead… drained… lifeless… ah, the joys of college…
Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh. It belongs to Kazuki Takahashi. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me!
Chapter 6
Karim won. Aishizu was not surprised, she knew that even if the shy Priest would not vote for himself, Seto only had Shadah behind him and his own vote, and truly, the Pharaoh preferred Karim, for now. In truth, Akunumkanon simply did not wish to make his nephew an even larger target, for fear some assassination attempt would be made on his life as well…
Karim himself was honestly shocked, but no one would dare accuse him of cheating. The Scales he held simply would not permit it…
Yes, in a way, each Item chose it's bearer, no matter how the populace thought otherwise. And once chosen, sometimes it was for life. Trying to force an Item on another was often considered… dangerous, and the Ring not least of all. Several would-be-thieves had burned to death. And yet…
Seto glared at Mahaado from across the table. A magnificent banquet was being held to proclaim the assignment of the new high priest, and the musicians and dancing girls were many. Wine flowed freely, though the prince tasted little of it…
Mahaado accepted the wine from the serving slave and tasted it for a second, and then passed it to Yami, who gave him a grateful smile.
So. The Priest was testing the Prince's food and drink? How interesting…
Seto had suspected something of the sort - the Pharaoh wasn't a blind fool, no matter how he acted at times, and this was the perfect way to test Mahaado's loyalty. If the Prince died while under his care, well… it was a dangerous game, but when were court politics easy?
Yami leaned against his couch as Mahaado watched him, no words exchanged but none needed. His fingers gently brushed a strand of hair away from the Priest's face and he stared into sapphire with no regret. Oh, there were sure to be whispers of this later, but for now, it was time to act…
Mahaado seemed to shift for a second, clear; open trust replacing mirrored shields of innocence. “My Prince?”
“Escort me to my chambers. I wish to retire.”
“Yes, my Prince.”
Silent, shadows, the man watched from a rafter, laughing. How damnably lax their security! Now the Prince had only one guard with him to protect him as they walked down the halls…
Six daggers shot out, thin and sharp and sure to find their target, until…
A clear barrier sprang out around them, almost like a shield of shimmering air that lasted only a second, but all six daggers came reflected back and two sank into the man's chest. Howling, he fell off the rafter and was caught by… something not human.
The strange beast resembled a spider, and he was caught in a net of webbing… and his blades had been poisoned!
The man gave a choked gurgle and then went limp. Mahaado patted the sand spider trap monster he'd summoned, just as Shadah came running up, having heard the commotion, and followed by six guards.
Seto was summoned moments later and the criminal's Ka taken away, sealed in a tablet to the Ouija Shrine. It had been difficult, without the Eye to see clearly, but what the Ankh had shown had been enough, and in any case, the Ka had mustered to fight even as the host slipped closer into death.
It was at times like these that Seto missed his father the most.
Akunadin… father… why did you have to die? Why not that brat of a Prince my cousin instead? Oh, the anger ran red in his heart, but he kept it cold and it smoldered there, waiting for a time…
Soon, they would feel his full power!
“Do you trust him, my Prince?”
“No. Should I?”
“I doubt it, my Prince.” Mahaado said calmly. “For there is no light in his heart… and until he has attained his… peace, he will not stop what the founder has already set into motion. The tangled vines can choke the world.”
“I wish it were not so.”
Mahaado sighed as he led Yami back to his room and the Prince carefully set the seals of silence and secrecy and shadow around his bed, before he beckoned Mahaado to join him. The Priest sighed as he shed his heavy headdress and ornaments, taking the boy in his arms again.
“I wish to forget…” Yami whispered. “Help me, Mahaado…”
“I will, my Prince.” The Priest whispered, as Yami brought his head up to meet Mahaado's in a kiss that intensified as he felt magic swirl around them, deliciously forbidden…
The Priest wove his illusions well, as Yami could almost believe that they were elsewhere, with the palace replaced by nothing so much as darkness and shadows…
Had Mahaado taken them to the Shadow realm?
No, that wasn't it… he watched the shadows curl around him, one mass gathering into a brilliant little fuzz ball with large eyes.
“Kuriboh…” adorable little creature with the ability to multiply itself into millions of family members… and though it was a childish thing to do, he cuddled it in his arms.
Mahaado gave him a half-smile as the mist parted. Yes, this place was unfamiliar, but at the same time, it was brilliant. They were in a void shimmering with stars of a thousand shades, but none too bright as to scald the eyes with Ra's blinding rays…
“The stars are beautiful tonight…”
“Are they not, my Prince?”
“They are lovely, Mahaado.” Yami said, shifting Kuriboh to one arm and laying a hand on Mahaado's shoulder. “But…”
“Yes, my Prince?”
“Please… if you don't want me, just tell me!”
That was clearly not the response Mahaado had been expecting. “M-My Prince?”
“I know you love illusions, and I know that…” Yami took a deep breath to steady his nerves, “That you may love another, but… I…I desire you and…”
“And?” Mahaado's eyes were oddly dilated, as Yami noticed. Was he trying to hold back tears? Impossible!
“Please don't mistake my intentions, if I really just wanted your body I could have given it as a royal command but… I think I love you!”
Oh, that was foolish of him, he sounded like some lovesick slave girl but he wanted Mahaado with him and even though the older teen's odd… friendship was nice, this was different!
It was! It wasn't just lust, Yami thought. It couldn't be!
They'd been friends and now… he wanted them to be more. Was that wrong?
Painfully, he took a step back, taking the other's silence as rejection, but before he could move further, Kuriboh had hopped out and away and… Mahaado kissed him back.
It was hardly gentle, it was darkly possessive and obsessive and he almost pulled back, but the sensations flashing through his body were more insistent and who cared? As long as they were discreet, no one would mind and he trusted Mahaado!
The sex was good too.
End Chapter
Completed 10/20/05
You know, although Mahaado could be a uke, he's sometimes fun to write as seme… ah well, who knows?