Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ With and Without You ❯ Chapter 7

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I suck at writing long chapters…
Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh. It belongs to Kazuki Takahashi. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me!
Chapter 7
The next day, Yami woke up feeling warm and for once, managed not to sigh as he looked at the sun. The warm afterglow of their lovemaking still permeated his being and it was shining in his mind, as he got ready for his day. Mahaado was already dressed and waiting for him quietly with wine and fruit and spiced rolls. Yami smiled as he sat next to his Priest at the table and they broke their fast together.
They were finished, and Yami was navigating a particularly difficult scroll of spell theory when the door burst open and a… giant snake at first glance, Yami decided, burst inside, spitting sparks.
It was in no way a good situation to be in…
Just then, a small boy with messy black hair ran in, following it. “Bad Ka!”
Yami blinked. Who was this? It was certainly not someone he had seen at the palace before... intriguing… was he a servant? No, his clothes were finer than that…
“Mokuba!” A voice said in exasperation. “Where did you run off to?”
Mahaado and Yami narrowed their eyes as one. The High Priest candidate who had failed, Seto, walked in and scooped up the squirming bundle and exited, the snake following. It was a severe breach of protocol, but Seto did not care.
Yami did not bother to call him on it, but filed the incident away. There was a long list in his mind, of Seto-crimes and one day, he would collect…
“Mahaado, did you notice something odd about that boy?” Yami asked carefully. Mahaado nodded silently.
“That electric snake was not his Ka.”
“No, I didn't think so. It didn't fit.”
“I would need the Ankh to see his true Ka, however… it seems to be related in some way to Seto's favored Blue-Eyes White Dragon...”
“Ah… that explains it…” For Seto had no other family, so if he were interested in anyone, it would be his dragons.
Well, now he had a weakness he could possibly exploit. He could look into it later… Yami sighed as he snuggled closer to Mahaado, ignoring the other Priest's scandalized look. Mahaado was such a masterful actor….
Not that there had been any acting last night in bed, at least he hoped not. They'd both been inexperienced, but instinct guides well…
Mahaado…. Is this love?
It's odd. I'm not even sure what love is. I know I love my father, but this is completely different. It's a sort of strange wanting, a yearning that can only be satisfied by you. And I do not mean more play between the sheets, I mean your presence, your devotion, your entire being, here with me, is more than I can hope for…
I sound like some besotted woman!
It's odd, this half-life, of being here and yet - I'm not sure I'd like to live without you, and that's frightening.
No matter how powerful these Items may make us, we cannot stop death…
Help me, please, Mahaado. I'm afraid to be without you now, and I wish I knew what was happening….
Mahaado was not having a much easier time of it. There had always been a vague instinct in his body that told him to protect Yami - his Prince, but… now it seemed to be intensified a thousand-fold…
It was odd. Even earlier, it hadn't been this bad until they had consummated their relationship. Was that why he now felt as if he could not stray from his Prince's side? Not that he would want to, but now there was a pressure, a slight tug…
It was as if they were joined by soul…
Impossible! There was no magic of that sort that he'd studied, finding the information - well, when one spoke to the magic itself, it told one things most other people could not know.
It was nice, having it there to guide him for the past seven years. But the first three years had been utter hell, and he'd rather not Yami know of them…
Fate doesn't look kindly on abandoned children…
Besides, he had to protect his Prince, did he not?
I love you more than the stars and the sun and the moon, and perhaps even - no, that would be blasphemy. I cannot love you over my country. I'm sorry, Mahaado. This secondhand love you don't deserve.
But my Prince, I understand only too well… why do you think I choose to be your guardian, your guide?
Shh… we are as fate made us to be. But we shall spin our own tale within her dictates, shall we not, my Prince?
This is a love that will harm no one…
Beautiful, Yami thought heatedly, beautiful, beautiful Dark Magician of his… he envisioned Mahaado in the armor of his Ka and smiled wistfully.
I do not mind loving you.
I know, my Prince.
Why do you allow me this love?
What harm could it do? You are strong and valiant and powerful my prince, and Egypt shall be yours…
Mahaado, why do you trust me so?
Tis simply my nature, my Prince… and I love you. I will never stop loving you…. But are you prepared for this?
I am, Mahaado… I love you…
I love you too, my Prince. Let me show you.
Shh… I will never, ever hurt you.
I know, I know… I'm not angry….
“Yami has been happier lately. I wonder if some young woman has caught his eye? It might be well for Egypt were she a noble's daughter.”
Akunumkanon coughed and took another sip of his tea, cursing his lack of strength, wishing he understood why he was ill. Was this a divine punishment? “I have noticed his slight inattention as well. I wonder who the lucky woman is.”
“He is of marriageable age… my Pharaoh.”
“Yes, I understand, Shimon.”
The vizier nodded as he coughed behind his veil. “Shall I make some inquiries?”
“Please do. It will put our mind at ease…”
End Chapter
Completed 10/22/05
*Slaps forehead* that's the problem with writing with long pauses in between. You forget what happened earlier. I had to rewrite this chapter because I forgot I already killed off Akunadin. *Sweatdrop*