Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ With and Without You ❯ The End ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Warnings: Anzu and Seto Bashing. Atemu x Mahaado pairing, Anzu x Seto, mentions of Atemu x Anzu (one-sided)
Disclaimer: Yu-gi-Oh! Belongs to Kazuki Takahashi and probably a lot of other companies. I make no profit from this fanfiction. Don't steal and don't sue!
Chapter 8
It was inevitable that someone would find out. Yami suspected the boy - children were so useful as weapons of war and they were always underestimated…
Pharaoh was not pleased, of course. How could he be? He forbade Yami from seeing his friend except in official capacity and found a foreign princess to marry Yami off to almost instantly.
He'd never felt more like a puppet than now. Anzu was nothing but a fluff-brained beautiful girl. He slept with her, true enough, but with no passion and only enough to impregnate her with his seed.
At least now the lineage of Akunumkanon was safe…
Yes, he was safe… she gave birth to a son, twins, prematurely, but they were healthy enough, and he considered his duty done.
It was not long after that Akunumkanon was bitten by an asp and died. Pharaoh Atemu became the new Pharaoh, and Princess Anzu was elevated to new status as the Great Royal Wife... a pity that she was so lonely, wasn't it? Enough to entice Priest Set into her bed…
Of course, when they were caught…
The punishment for adultery is quite high.
Normally, the parties would be stoned to death, but since Set was an Elected Priest, he escaped death, not by much though. There was much debate over the validity of his claim on the Sennen Rod, and many wished him stripped of his position, but he kept it, with one difference.
The armlets he wore now contained scrying spells. The moment possible treason crossed his mind, unimaginable pain shot through his arms.
It was a horrible ordeal, to be sure, but tongues wagged and whispered that the high priest - not high priest, but elected priest was… treacherous. After all, he was named after the evil one…
What good could come out of it?
Princess Anzu, well… she was not quite so lucky. Akunumkanon looked upon her actions as treason and her father was only too happy to allow his daughter's name erased form memory. He evidently hadn't cared for her much at all. From Queen she became slave, falling from grace, and it was only through Set's intervention that she also escaped death.
The fact that she was kept as his slave only made people gossip more, and wonder...
It was about this time that the Pharaoh Akunumkanon's health finally gave out, and he died. He really had no regrets, though he charged his Vizier Shimon to find the Prince, now Pharaoh, a new Consort, before he died, and begged for one that would be right for Yami.
Shimon nodded gravely and promised.
Mahaado smirked. He knew what would happen, sooner or later. The old man was weak now. Even if he had once been the Priest of the Ankh, his power was now sadly diminished. Shadah wielded the Ankh now.
It was so easy to control him.
Mahaado had only to whisper about the power of the Ring once, and his wish was granted. Besides, Pharaoh already had twin sons to bring up as heirs, so it was not like the bloodline would be in trouble…
So he gave his consent.
Besides, without Set and Akunadin to oppose him, no one dared stand before Pharaoh.
Karim and Aishizu were not particularly worried. Shadah might have been, but he was too busy interviewing prospective others, candidates for the two Millennium Items whose Holders were dead. No one had yet stepped up to claim the Eye.
Who would want to lose an Eye though? Shadah had to admit honestly that he was glad the Ankh had chosen him. It required no loss of body parts…
That was safer.
Besides, the Items were tainted. Even he could feel a slight twinge of unease at the power he held. It would be so easy to step inside a person's mind and alter their very self, and so tempting…
Only his supreme self-control and Karim's trust in him had kept him from straying off the right path.
The High Priest looked hassled. No doubt he was, having to deal with the preparations for the upcoming nuptials. He wasn't surprised about the Pharaoh's choice for Consort though. It was sadly evident that Priest Mahaado was smitten with him. It had been for quite some time.
The attraction must work both ways.
“I'm glad.” Yami whispered, as they lay entwined together. “I'm glad you came back to me, Mahaado…”
Mahaado nodded sleepily.
There was a sound at the window, and a narrowing of eyes before time stopped. He pushed himself out of bed and found his way to the open balcony. How original…
An Assassin had been using wings of hollow papyrus and strong linen to fly. Intriguing…
With a shrug, he slit the man's throat with one of the daggers hidden in his clothing, not bothering to punish him before the full council. As time restarted, his body fell onto the stone below with an audible wet thump.
Yami blinked and then beckoned his lover back to bed. Insolent trash.
How dare they try to kill Horus-on-Earth!
Mahaado did not mind as the Pharaoh captured him in another kiss. Things were perfect. They could deal with the lineage issue later. Anzu had borne twins, and they would pick one to follow Yami's rule later. For now, all that mattered was that he was with his Pharaoh, and his Pharaoh was safe.
All was right in the world, as far as he was concerned.
And Yami agreed.
End Chapter
Completed 3/7/06
Started… um, wow, late in October 2005
DARK! Mahaado. *Grins* and yes, I think Mahaado is Dark. Hello. Dark magician/Black magician? Besides, how could he survive 5 years as a Priest without knowing Court intrigue? And without magic too…