Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ ...Way Back ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey everybody, I just wanted to answer one of your reviews that I think needed to get explained. It was `GreenFairy()'s review. Sorry if you got confused about the whole Yugi throwing a fit and he'd only been together with Yami for a week, but in the first chapter where you read that bit you'd see it was explained in Malik's thoughts while he's sitting on the couch with Ryou. In other words, he and the others only knew of Yugi and Yami being together for a week, but the rest of it will have a bit explained in this chapter as well. Really sorry you thought that and realize it must've been confusing, but it'll get explained.

Also, I wanted to apologize by how slow this is going but the part that everyone's been asking about is going to happen in this chapter, at least one of the hikaris anyway. The other two will join in soon though.


That night Yugi is up on the roof thinking about the day Yami left to his own time in Ancient Egypt.

`It's kind of funny really. At this same moment he could be sitting exactly where I am and I wouldn't even know it.' He thought curiously. `I wonder if he'll ever be able to come back.'

"Malik! You're playing wrong!" Ryou's voice shouted from inside the hotel room.

Yugi sighed and rolled his eyes. He tried to block out the shouts coming from the below him, but it wouldn't work.

"No I'm not! You just don't like the way I play!" Malik's teasing voice followed.

"You're supposed to move along the board, not go wherever you want!"

The violet-eyed teen moaned in frustration and crawled back into the room through the window of his room. He walked through the main room, past his fellow hikaris who were playing Monopoly, and out the door after telling his grandpa he was going for a short walk.

"Finally," he sighed gratefully, "those two are just too loud sometimes."

He walked passed the museum and looked in the gift shop through the window. He felt tears spring to his eyes as the fake Millennium Puzzles were straight in his line of sight. His hands came up and caressed the Ring through his shirt. Wiping his tears away he forced himself to keep walking.

Looking around the small town he smiled softly. `It's actually quite comforting out here when there aren't a million people and their grandmother trying to sell you something and all the other tourists aren't bustling by and pushing you around.'

Yugi walked to the edge of the small town and looked up at the palace in the distance. Looking back around the hotel at the corner he gave a sad smile. `I'll just go for a short while; they'll understand.' With that thought he turned back around and started walking for the deteriorating Egyptian palace.

Shoving open the door Yugi stumbled in through the entrance and caught himself before falling on the cold, dusty marble.

`Yami would have a fit if he saw his home like this.' He thought with a small smile. He walked into the throne room and looked curiously up at the throne, thinking about what had happened earlier that day. `Did I really see Yami up there?' Closing his eyes to help him remember how Yami looked he looked back up at the throne and gasped, his eyes widening unbelievingly. "Yami?" He whispered.

Yugi shook his head and looked back at the throne and Yami was gone once more. His shoulders slumped and he felt like crying. `My mind's playing tricks on me here. It's not fair.'

The poor teen nearly had a heart attack when he could've sworn he saw ghost images of Bakura and Marik being forced through the doors leading to the dungeons by the guards. Not being able to help himself he ran to the doors where they disappeared through and heaved them open. "Bakura! Marik!" He called hopefully down the stairs.

Closing the doors again he turned back around and his breath hitched. Yami was at the throne again looking down at a few people kneeling on the ground at the foot of the stairs, a bored look in his eyes.

"Yami?" Yugi asked. He started to fun towards the images but just as quickly as he noticed them they disappeared. The violet-eyed teen collapsed to the ground where the people were kneeling and tears dripped to the dusty ground; his hands clutching his head in frustration. "It's not fair!" He cried out into the silence around him. "Just leave me alone!"

After calming down some and his tears only clouding his vision he made to stand and get back to the hotel room. He didn't know how long he was gone but he was pretty sure it was long enough to have Ryou and Malik worrying about him, his grandpa probably asleep until they wake him. He made it to the door before the silence was broken by a strange voice.

//You wish to see Yami again, young Yugi.// It wasn't a question, it was a statement.

Yugi turned slowly back around and noticed a faint golden glow coming from the throne room. "Whose there?" He asked silently.

//Nobody to fear, young Motou. Come closer.// The voice ordered.

Even though he didn't know what was happening Yugi didn't seem to be scared of the voice for some reason. Instead he felt somewhat compelled to keep talking to it. `It asked if I wanted to see Yami again. Can he really make that happen?' Yugi took a few steps closer before he swallowed and decided to ask another question. "How can you help me to see Yami?"

//Your questions will be answered, little one.//

Yugi felt sort of irritated the voice had avoided his question but stepped slowly into the throne room and looked around. The golden glow was coming from a strange light just shining in the air. He didn't see anybody so just decided to talk to the next weird thing in the room, the light. Before he could think of anything to say the voice started again and he thought it better not to interrupt it.

//It's strange that you should be wearing the Millennium Ring when you hold the Millennium Puzzle.//

"Ryou's letting me wear it since Yami had to use the puzzle to get him, Bakura, and Marik back to Egypt. They only needed the puzzle so all the other items are still here."

//Ryou, Bakura's hikari I suppose.// Yugi nodded though he wasn't sure if whatever was talking could see it. //The item is what called to me though. I find it strange that it should still have power when not being worn by the correct bearer.//

Yugi flushed and made to take a step back, not sure if that should be taken as an insult.

//Then again// the voice started again //you must have very strong feelings to be with the Pharaoh of Egypt if you're still heartbroken over his leave.//

"You know? About us being together?"

//I know much more than you may think, little Yugi. Like you're secrets of being with Yami longer than you led your friends to believe. How long was it really?//

`If he's supposed to know all my secrets like he says he does then why is he asking me that?' "I told my friends only a week because I wasn't sure how to tell them even though I already knew they wouldn't care about us being gay. It was really something around two years, I think."

//Ah, two years and three months exactly.//

`Now I feel like I'd been stalked by this - person? since I solved the puzzle.' "What of the Ring though? Why does it have power around my neck when it's not even my item?"

//You want to see Yami again and the Ring wishes for you to be happy; that is why it still has magic working even with the wrong bearer.//

"The Ring wants me to be happy? But why; this is the first time I've worn it; that doesn't make sense."

//Maybe to you, young one, but it makes sense to someone who is as old as time itself.//

`That's really old.' Yugi swallowed and took another step back. "Can you help me see Yami or not? I don't care if it's for very long, just to know he still loves me is enough; to know I haven't been replaced."

//Of that I can assure you don't need to worry.// The gentle light suddenly flashed and Yugi needed to cover his eyes to keep from being blinded. When he looked back up he gasped and his back rested against the wall. The small light had changed into the portal that had taken the yamis back to Ancient Egypt. //Step through and you'll be able to see him, but I warn you now; you might not be happy with some things you'll see.//

"How will I be able to make it? The puzzle was needed before and since only fake replicas are in this time that I doubt would work then how will I make it?" He asked worriedly.

//Ah, but that time I wasn't helping. You'll be able to make it with my help.//

Yugi took a step forward and fingered the Ring underneath his shirt. It had just occurred to him that the Ring wasn't in view so he wondered how the strange voice could've known of it. He jerked his hand back when he felt a strange warmth and a small smile lighted his eyes. The Millennium Puzzle was hanging around his neck, it wasn't a real one though, just a holographic one but it still warmed his heart to see it around his neck once more. "But how?"

//The puzzle calls to you, young Yugi Motou. It is your destiny to be with the puzzle and your yami.//

"What about Ryou and Malik? They haven't been able to see the things I have and they still have their items so how will they be called back to their yamis? It isn't fair that I get to go be with Yami and not them."

//Always the caring one. If you turn back now though I'm afraid I won't be able to help. I'll have a feeling you'll have more on your mind when you go to the past to worry about your friend's well being though.//

Yugi licked his dry lips and looked back to the door. `I can turn around and pretend this never happened or I can go back to Yami. Which would be the right thing to do? What? What am I thinking; I can't leave. I'll worry grandpa and Ryou and Malik if I don't come back.' He turned to leave but he instantly noticed the Puzzle started to disappear as he went further from the portal. `Then again,' he turned back around to look at the glowing ring, `nobody but those three would notice.' He remembered the last two years and how many times Joey and the others had yelled at him to get over Yami, even his grandpa had a couple of time. `Only and Ryou and Malik ever understood how I felt.' He took a step closer to the portal and then another. Before he knew it he was standing right in front of it and the Puzzle around his neck nearly looked solid.

//Have you made your choice, young Motou?//

Yugi bit his lip nervously and looked back towards the exit. `I'll never get another chance.' He looked back to the golden circle in front of him and nodded. "I have. I want to go back. I want Yami." He said determinedly.

//Then step through, little Yugi, and I give you my best wishes.//

Taking a deep breath Yugi took another step forward and into the circle.

After the portal disappeared behind the young teen a golden object floated in the air for a second before falling with a clink to the marble ground. The Millennium Ring lay forgotten on the ground of the empty throne room until it could be found the next morning.


Going through the portal felt like he was stepping through a waterfall without getting wet. The next thing he knew it felt like he was in the middle of a tornado and he closed his eyes tightly to keep his eyes from watery up. Another second went by and a bright light was beating down on his back and uncomfortable roughness was rubbing against his cheek and down his front. Opening his eyes he found that he was laying on top of sand and it was the full moon giving off the bright light.

Standing he brushed himself off and looked around. Gasping he saw the castle from his memories of what Yami showed him years ago of what the outside looked like and then the small town right in front of him.

`It's like the exact replica of what Yami showed me. He said he didn't remember it very well but I'm sure he got a surprise when he saw it again.' He smiled excitedly as he looked up at the palace. `To think that just inside our all of our yamis are there, maybe even thinking about us. I wonder what sort of jobs Yami gave Bakura and Malik inside there. Boy will they be surprised when they see me; Yami'll be so excited he'll take me in his arms and never let me go.' He closed his eyes and started to daydream of how it would happen.

He reopened his eyes when he felt the air around him start to warm up. Looking behind him he saw the moon was setting and the sun coming up behind the palace was causing the warm air. `Wow! What a view to get when inside the palace.' He thought excitedly.

He started to walk to the village when he realized a strange thump beating on his chest and he knew the Ring never bounced like that when he walked. Looking down he gasped; the Puzzle around his neck was now solid just like it was before Yami left. `It's back!' He thought happily, spinning around and clutching the priceless golden item to his chest. `Maybe with the Millennium Puzzle around my neck I'll be able to get into the palace easier.' He thought happily. `Yami did say that only specials in the palace wore items or sometimes people with important business so they could get through some of the guards without questioning. Maybe that's why it's back… but if the Puzzle's around my neck is real than what about the Puzzle Yami has?' He shrugged and decided to figure it out when he found Yami.


Yami looked up from his reading when something strange caught the corner of his eye; a strange flickering coming from his desk. He looked over and gasped when he saw it was his Millennium Puzzle that was flickering.

"How can this be? What's happening with the Puzzle?" He asked him aloud. He walked over to pick it up but his hand went through it. "Guard!" He called.

A blond guard stepped into the room and bowed to the crimson-eyed Pharaoh. "Yes, your majesty?"

"Fetch me Seto; something strange is happening with the Millennium Puzzle and I want to make sure no curses or other magical endeavors are trying to be placed upon it." He explained without taking his eyes off the puzzle.

The guard bowed once more and left the room. Minutes later the High Priest walked into the room and lowered his head to Yami.

"You called for me, your Highness?" The brunette asked.

"Yes, the Millennium Puzzle is undergoing something strange. I wanted to make sure that nothing magical is being placed upon it for any reasons."

"Of course, Your Majesty." He bowed his head once more and walked over to the fading in and out puzzle.

Yami had to hold himself back when the Puzzle nearly disappeared but calmed down when it came back into his view.

Seto did his best to figure out what was wrong with the Puzzle but it didn't matter how hard he tried it wouldn't make sense. He turned back around with the puzzled expression on his face and bowed his head in shame to the Pharaoh. "I don't understand, your Highness. Nothing magical is being forced or placed upon the Millennium Puzzle in any way; it's just happening."

Yami was about to start yelling to try harder when his words choked in his throat. The Millennium Puzzle had completely disappeared and it never came back into view. The first words that came to his mind was a new way of thieving. "It must've been stolen." He growled. "Get the guards down to the tomb robbers in the dungeons. I don't care what you do to them, but get out all the secrets they know of how to steal something like this. I want any information as soon as you get it." He ordered, his tone rising at having his most precious possession stolen right under his nose.

Seto bowed and hurried out of the room to tell the guards Yami's orders.

"Whoever stole my Millennium Puzzle will pay!" He shouted, picking up a vase from the table and throwing it at the wall, watching it crash to pieces on the floor.