Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ Welcome to Ancient Egypt ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Here's the seventh chapter. I only wanted to say one thing though before the chapter comes up and that's to the review that vegie sent me. You told me that if I didn't review soon you were going to kill my cat, well I just wanted to tell you that I don't have a cat, I've got four dogs instead though. =)


Yugi stepped into the small town and looked around. It was only after a second of realizing it, but everybody who noticed him looked frightened somehow. He supposed it had something to do with the strange clothes he was wearing and his resemblance to the Pharaoh.

He decided to ignore them and he walked on, looking at the different shops in case he didn't have a chance later before he went to the palace to see Yami. It didn't even occur to him that there might be men guarding the gates that he'd have to get by.

It felt like a few hours later to Yugi before he decided to head for the palace gates to see Yami again when his arms were suddenly grabbed from somebody behind him.


"You're under arrest for impersonating the Pharaoh!"

Yugi's eyes widened as he started to struggle. "No! Wait, you don't understand! I'm Yami's lover, I just wanted to see him again!"

Yugi was thrown harshly to the ground and before he could recover from the fall a harsh weight was placed on his back, realizing one of the guards was sitting on him or at least his foot was.

"How dare you use the Pharaoh's given name without permission! You'll pay dearly for that, low-life! Our Pharaoh has never taken a lover so I'm sure he'll be amused to find a suitable punishment! Especially for the thievery of the sacred Millennium Puzzle!"

"Wha…NO! I didn't steal anything and I'm telling the truth!" Yugi started to struggle in hopes he could get away before he could hurt. If only he could see Yami alone without these goons there not letting him talk then his lover would understand.

The guard's foot lifted from Yugi's hand and was hauled to his feet roughly and dragged carelessly towards the palace. The guards didn't stop until they reached the dungeons and threw him into the last remaining cell that was empty.

Yugi quickly jumped up and ran towards the locked cell door. "You're making a mistake!" He yelled. "It's a misunderstanding! Just let me talk to Yami!" A harsh slap crossed Yugi's face and the young teen quickly placed a hand over the rapidly forming bruise.

"Just wait until our Pharaoh has time for you, street rat! Then you'll be sorry you ever thought up whatever plan might've popped into your impersonating little head!" The guard laughed and left the dungeon.

Shortly after he left fits of laughter could be heard from the other two cells in the smelly and dank level of the palace. Yugi strained his neck to look over into one of them, but he couldn't see what the person looked like since they hid in the shadows. He quickly became agitated and annoyed at being laughed at and growled.

"Stop laughing at me, you jerk! I was telling the truth whether you or they believe it or not! I'll prove it to everybody as soon as I can see Yami!" He yelled out to the two still laughing prisoners.

"Hear this, Kura?" A very familiar voice called from one cell to the other. "We finally get some entertainment in this place!" The voice choked through his laughter.

"I hear it, Marik!" A second strained voice called back before another burst of laughter took over any chance of talking again.

Yugi gasped, unable to believe his ears. `Marik and Bakura? What are they doing down here? Yami said they'd be safe and out of trouble working in the palace.' "Marik? Bakura? It's me, Yugi!" He called excitedly.

The laughter stopped and confusion spread over the two thieves. They came out of the shadows to get a better look at the third prisoner and both gave him very weird looks, like he was a madman.

"What the hell are you talking about, kid? We don't know who you are and we've never seen you before in our lives."

Yugi felt his jaw drop. "Never seen me before? You two must be mistake; I'm one of your closest friends and I'm Yami's lover just like you, Bakura, are Ryou's lover and, Marik, you're Malik's!" He tried to explain desperately.

Marik and Bakura both looked at each. "We've never seen you before, ever. I don't know how you can ever suggest that we did. I've never had a lover and I've certainly never heard of any Malik before." Marik told him as if he were crazy.

"As I have never heard of this Ryou person you're talking about. You've clearly been out in the sun too long for your own good. So what's with the strange getup?"

"Getup?" Yugi looked down at his clothes, forgetting momentarily that he had just been told that the two yamis and lovers of his two closest friends had forgotten everything about them. "I always wear these kinds of clothes. The jacket's from my school uniform and my pants were a gift from Yami on my birthday a few years ago."

"Right? So what's a school?" Marik asked curiously, wondering how this Yugi seemed to be speaking a different language but still be speaking so he knew what he was saying at the same time.

"A school is a place where kids and teenagers, like myself, go to learn things like history and mathematics." Yugi explained before his eyes bulged and he asked suddenly, "What do you mean you don't know what a school is? You came with all us hikaris a few times to see what it was like. What's wrong with you two? You're acting as if you've never even been to my time before."

"Your time? Listen - Yugi? We've never seen you before and as far as we're concerned there's only one time and that's the present."

Bakura nodded his head in agreement with his partner.

"Fine if you two won't even act like you missed me and going to play on like this then I just won't talk to you anymore!" Yugi burst. He turned and hid himself in the small corner in the shadows so the two thieves wouldn't see his betraying tears.

A few hours later the silence was finally broken by Bakura. "Yugi?" He asked, remembering the name that the little one had said before. "What's it like; if you were telling the truth like you act you are then what's your time like? These Ryou and Malik people, they were in love with two thieves like us?" He asked curiously.

Yugi looked up from where he was hiding his face in his knees and crawled out of the shadows to face the white-haired tomb robber. He nodded. "I was telling the truth about the future; 5000 years in the future for an estimate."

Marik whistled and also crawled over to the bars to better listen, curiosity striking him up. For some reason he didn't know he was feeling like he really did know Yugi, but he could never remember from where no matter how hard he tried.

"You loved Ryou with you're whole being and him to you as well. You gave him your Millennium Item, the Ring, so he could always have a bit of you after you left to come back to this time. You used to be mean to him, but you soon overcame that and told him how you felt and he felt the same way. Everyone thought you were a very romantic couple, one of the best, and it was described as the yin-yang relationship since you both were complete opposites."

"And what of this Malik?" Marik piped in eagerly, wanting to hear of his own type of relationship even if he still have a hard time believing that it was true to have gone 5000 years in the future and find love there.

"Everybody said you two were a couple of sex-aholics and would try to make out anywhere you could; never caring if somebody was watching or not. Some of our friends said you two didn't love each other and it was only for sex since you two weren't big on emotions in front of people. The rest of our friends like Ryou and I knew the truth though since Malik told us a lot of things about you. That you do have an emotionally relationship just as much as a physical one."

"What did everyone say about us? What kind of relationship?" He asked eagerly, wanting to hear more.

"Some of our friends, like Joey and Seto and Mai, called you the definition of an evil relationships since they found it hard to believe you had an emotional one as well as physical. Ryou and I though and Yami as well believed you were the secret relationship of the group since you were so usually secretive about certain things that even Malik wouldn't tell Ryou or me about."

"What about your relationship? You told us that you were telling us the truth also about you and the high and mighty one were together." Bakura asked, sarcastically adding Yami's title.

"Oh," Yugi blushed. "We were called the angels of darkness and light. I was the most innocent of the group and Yami taught me everything when we got together years ago. We were also the most open with our relationship, though Yami didn't like kissing in public since he believed that it should be a special thing that could only be shared between the couple and nobody else should get the pleasure of watching since it really wasn't their business."

"I still find that hard to believe, but I guess it does sort of makes sense to how it feels we've forgotten something important all of a sudden." Marik muttered quietly to himself.

"Telling more lies, imposter!" A guard suddenly yelled from the top of the stairs. The three were so engaged in their conversation that neither had noticed when the door had opened or closed. By the sound of things the guard had basically heard the entire thing.

"They're aren't lies!" Yugi yelled after getting over his moment of shock. "It's the truth; I never said you had to believe it! Besides, it doesn't concern you!"

Bakura and Marik glanced at each other and smirked, both pair of eyes relaying the same message: if only we had met him sooner he would have been perfect for their team and have three great thieves instead of two.

"Whatever you say pipsqueak." The guard yawned, bored. "I've just been seen to the Pharaoh's advisor and asked him what your punishment should be for impersonating our King and stealing the Millennium Puzzle."

Bakura interrupted, suddenly having a need to protect the small teen. "He didn't steal it! We've told you before, that way of thievery is impossible unless he's got magic! He doesn't have magic since he doesn't have the mark of the sorcerer on his arm where all mages show their sign of magic!" Marik growled in agreement.

Yugi was fairly surprised that the two thieves had tried to protect him, but he still doubted it would help much since they were also behind bars and the guard had the keys jingling around his waist from a piece of rope. He felt a little guilty though that he had stolen the Puzzle, just without knowing it. Besides, they never would've believed his explanation.

The guard ignored the tomb robbers and smirked evilly at Yugi, who gulped under the scrutinizing stare. "The advisor told me that you are to have fifty lashes and a beating for impersonating our Pharaoh and another beating and five more lashes for stealing the Puzzle. I shouldn't have told him it was just a child or you would've gotten much worse." He growled.

Yugi was shaking in his tennis shoes after the fifty lashes part and moved to the back of the cell when he told him about the first beating. Tears started streaming down his face slowly after the second beating was mentioned and now he couldn't control anything he did after the final punishment had been told.

The guard unlocked his cell and Yugi scrambled into the furthest corner in hopes the guard would turn away. The bulking man marched over to where the young teen shook and grabbed him by the arm, dragging him to the door.

The amethyst-eyed teen barely registered the shouting coming from two different directions of the dungeon.

"That's isn't fair! He didn't do anything to disserve this!"

"How can you do something so cruel to somebody's who's innocent, you bastard!"

The voices drowned out when the door at the end of the dungeon slammed shut. His wrists and ankles were cuffed to a large wooden board standing against the stone wall.

Bakura and Marik stared disbelievingly at the door.

"I don't believe this!" Bakura suddenly yelled. "They never let him have the chance to explain!" He clutched his white locks and pulled them in frustration as his partner continued to stare silently at the door.

It wasn't long later until screams were heard from inside the same room they continued to go to every night.

"We never told him how to help; we should've." Marik suddenly whispered, strangely afraid to speak any louder.

"How to what, Marik?" Bakura questioned curiously.

"Drown out what was happening. To think of something that would usually make him happy so his attention wouldn't be what was happening."

Bakura's mouth formed a small `o' and he too fell silent.

After the screams finally stopped after what seemed like forever they waited in anticipation for the large wooden door to creak open to see the damage brought on their dungeon companion; but it didn't open. Minutes after the screams ended something sounding strangely like a body being thrown against the door echoed painfully in their ears.

"Oh," Bakura also whispered like Marik had, "he also has the beating we forgot about."

Marik suddenly growled. "They better have somebody to come in and treat him when they're done. That damned Pharaoh wouldn't have one of his prisoners killed unless he ordered it himself.

Nearly half an hour later the door finally opened and the smirking guard marched back in, giving a slight chuckle when he heard the door hit Yugi as it started to close on it's own.

Bakura and Marik had to stifle their gasps until after the guard left before calling Yugi's name. It confused them somewhat as to why they cared so much about the young teen's condition since they only just met, but they didn't let it bother them as they continued to call for Yugi to something or show that he was at least awake.

"I reckon he won't be waking up to reality any time soon." A soft voice called from the dungeon door. Marik and Bakura felt like cursing out their lungs that they had once again failed to notice when the door had been opened and fall closed again.

The girl was young, maybe thirteen or fourteen, with long, dark hair flowing behind her and tied back in a bandanna. She had kind eyes and dirt smudged in various places across her face and arms, scrapes and bruises as well as dirt covering her legs. She was carrying a small bowl that water sloshed out of every so often as she continued to walk carefully down the stares; a washcloth hung from her shoulder.

She unhooked the key from the side of the door which Yugi had just been dragged out of and unlocked Yugi's cell door with it. "The guards always seem to get carried away when they have to beat a prisoner. Poor boy," she quieted her voice as she neared the still body, "he doesn't look like he would ever hurt a soul." She turned back to the thieves watching her curiously. Nobody had a girl sent down there since they were caught flirting and messing around with the girls that had taken care of them before. "What were his eyes like?"

Confused expressions turned to ones that said she was insane for asking such a question. "Why would it matter?" Bakura asked snobbishly.

She just smiled and dipped the washcloth in the water and wringing it out before dabbing it lightly on each of Yugi's open wounds. "You can tell a lot by a person's eyes." She said suddenly.

"They were a violet color." Marik decided to answer. "The were big like you would see on a four-year-old, though he's a teenager like us."

The girl nodded without looked back. "I see, he must've been very kind then." She stood and walked out of the cell and stood in front of the stones in the wall. Marik and Bakura watched to see what she would do. She wedged her fingers into the cracks beside the stone and started to ease it out. A little ways before it would fall out on its own she reached behind and pulled out a worn blanket before shoving the stone back into place. She laid the blanket beside her before she started to carefully work off Yugi's shirt and eased him onto his stomach. She carefully put the blanket over him before leaving and locking the cell door once more, replacing the keys seconds later. "I'll be back tomorrow to check on him. Would you two be as so kind as to watch him as long as you can. Such a poor thing he seems to be; I don't think he did anything wrong at all."

Bakura and Marik absently nodded their heads at the girl and watched her as she left the dungeons.

"Strange girl." Marik whispered, turning his eyes back to Yugi. "I'm glad she's nice though and covered Yugi with something warm so he wouldn't freeze to death when night came around."

~Days Later~

Yugi had awoken at last to reality by a comforting dab to his forehead. He hissed slightly as the cold wetness touched one of his wounds that had yet to close.

"So you're awake at last. Your friends have been worried about you; they'll be glad to know you've come back to reality." A soft voice whispered.

Violet eyes opened and focused on the girl still dabbing lightly at his wounds. He shifted to sit up and he did so with the help of the girl. He looked past her when he heard his name called by two familiar voices and he gave a small smile to Bakura and Marik.

The girl suddenly stood and picked up her things. "I'll have to go inform our Pharaoh that you've finally awoken. He's been wanting to see you for himself since the guards told him what you've done and ask you a few questions as well." She rummaged through the small bag at her hip that she had brought with her since the third day she came down to treat Yugi and pulled out a familiar dark blue jacket. "The guards wanted to get rid of it but I saved it before they could. I thought you might like it back; it only has a few wholes in it, but other than that it's in good enough condition."

Yugi thanked her and wrapped the jacket around himself, shivering at dirt cleansing to it and scraping lightly at his back. It reminded his of dirty he must be and how he wished he could jump into a lake or something to scrub himself clean. He didn't even know how long he'd been wearing his school uniform pants, but knew it must've been a while with all the wrinkles and muck sticking to them. He grimaced in disgust and wished even further for a bath.

"Someone will be down to fetch you soon so you can get cleaned up and look presentable to our King." The girl stated before leaving.

As was told to him, another girl arrived minutes later with a clean bowl of water and a washcloth. She scrubbed him the best he could and was thankful that she didn't make him change into something different. He'd feel too weird if he had to wear their clothes. She led him out of the dungeons and handed him over to the guards waiting just outside. He was forced to kneel on the hard floor and keep his eyes lowered to the ground as Yami walked in and took a seat in his marble throne.

"So you're the criminal who stole my Millennium Puzzle and made yourself to look like me." He accused in a hard voice Yugi had never heard him use on him before, causing him to flinch slightly at the tone. Yami must've mentioned for him to be left alone because seconds later the guards moved away from Yugi and out the door, leaving the two of them alone in the throne room.

"I must say, you did an excellent job on imitating me. Nobody's ever gotten their hair to spike up like mine or get the colors right."

Yugi looked up so suddenly he felt the room spin around. Once focused he glared at Yami for all the accusations. "That's not true!" He shouted at the Pharaoh, who was raising one elegant eyebrow at him. "I've always looked this way and I have never stolen anything in my life!"

"What are you trying to say then, lowlife? That you just waltzed into Egypt and my Millennium Puzzle just appeared on your neck?" He growled back.

"As stupid as it might seem, yes it did. I'm the holder of the Puzzle where I come from and you, you're just to ignorant to know the truth." He whispered the last part.

"Ignorant? About what might I ask?" He calmed his voice as well, curious about what the little look-a-like was talking about.

"Bakura and Marik told me that they just awoke in the sands outside the town one day not even knowing how they got there. They also told me you were there with them feeling the same way. I know how you ended up there because I came here the same way."

"Go on." Yami ordered eagerly, his interest caught. "How do you think you have the right to call me by my given name without my permission? How do you think you're the holder of the Puzzle when I've had since I was born? Start at the beginning."

"You were sealed inside the puzzle during this time and 5000 years later I became it's holder. I released you and you helped me through all sorts of troubles." Yugi began, tears starting to prickle in his eyes at having to relive what he tried to make himself forget so it wouldn't hurt him. "About two years later we fell in love with each other and kept it a secret from everybody even after we learned that our friends didn't care if we were gay since they were also gay.

"Then two years ago you had to come back to this time in Egypt so you wouldn't disappear from this world because the Millennium Items couldn't sustain you any longer. I lived in agony for those two years you were gone and I'd give anything to see you and have you again. My grandfather had to come back to Egypt days ago and invited me and two other of my friends to come with us since we lost you, Bakura, and Marik to this place before; he thought we might enjoy ourselves.

"I wandered off on my own the night after we arrived to be myself and came to the palace. There a voice told me I could see you again, but if I gave up that chance I wouldn't get another so I chose on coming." Yugi took a moment to breathe. "When I did though I was captured for crimes I didn't commit. Since I'm the true holder of the Puzzle it came back to me when I arrived in this time."

Yami didn't say anything for a long while and Yugi started to get nervous, afraid Yami wouldn't believe him and would order him back to the dungeons. Finally though a strange look befell on his face and he looked Yugi up and down. It felt strange though, but when he took the real chance to look over the prisoner a sense of protection came over him and before he realized it, he was walking towards the youth slowly. He wrapped his arms around the little one's waist and hid his face in his neck.

"I don't know what's come over me," he whispered. "It's like I know you, but I don't at the same time. I want to send you back to the dungeons, but I can't because somewhere inside me I've felt a sudden need to protect you."

Yugi wasn't sure what was happening when Yami started walking towards him and he smiled slightly after Yami's whispered words. He wrapped his own arms around Yami lightly and rubbed his cheek against Yami's hair. "Maybe you'll be able to remember if we spend more time together; might not be as confused if you could remember me again. Please, just trust me Yami. I know what I'm talking about; don't push me away."

"I won't. I'll try to understand, I'll try to remember everything you said. I've always wanted someone to love. Now that you've told me had been in love once I never want to let that feeling go." He took in a shaky breath and forced his tears back. "I recognize you, but you're a complete stranger to me."