Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ Unexpected Arrivals ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yami and Yugi spent the rest of the day in Yami's chambers with orders not to be disturbed unless it was a life/death situation. They only got into one argument and that was over releasing Bakura and Marik from the dungeon and giving them the jobs he promised them.

"I remember making no such promise." Yami huffed.

Yugi rolled his amethyst eyes at the ceiling and crossed his arms over his chest, pouting cutely at the Pharaoh. "Of course you don't remember, you don't remember anything."

The Pharaoh's shoulders slumped in defeat. "Okay so you saw through that. It's slowly getting fuzzy though. What about your two friends who were with those tomb robbers."

"They're our friends and their names are Ryou and Malik. Ryou looks a lot like Bakura except his eyes are a lost softer and his hair isn't as spiked up. And Malik…"


Ryou awakened to the sun glaring into his eyes. He squinted and closed the blinds to the window. After stretching and taking care of his humanly needs in the bathroom he stepped into the kitchen.

"Where's Yugi?" He asked, looking around for some sign of their spiky-haired friend.

"Probably still asleep; want to check?" Malik suggested.

Ryou nodded and they tiptoed to where Yugi's partially opened door was. Slowly opening it further they gasped and looked around the room. "Where is he, Malik?" Ryou felt like screaming he felt so panicked. "There wasn't a note or anything?"

"No, I woke up after his grandpa and he hadn't seen Yugi come out or heard anything out of him since he left yesterday."

Ryou and Malik both grew even more concerned for the small friend. "We've got to find him. Where would he go, Malik?"

"I don't know. Let's check that gift shop at the museum. If I were him and I didn't have my Millennium Rod I'd go down just to look at them."

Ryou nodded and his hand rose to his chest, gasping after a second. He'd just realized that he wasn't wearing his Millennium Ring. "My Ring, Malik; Yugi still has my Ring." Ryou was now worried about what could be going on.

Before leaving Malik went back to his room and returned with the Millennium Rod. "I don't know why, but I just have this weird feeling I should bring it with me. It's so strange."

Both teens ran down the street to the museum and into the gift shop. Not seeing Yugi their concern started to grow.

Ryou was then knocked by inspiration as he stared at the fake Puzzles. "Yami."

"Yami? What's he got to do with it?"

"He started to miss Yami again yesterday while we were in the palace; remember, Malik? I gave him my Ring that it might help him out a little bit. He might just be looking around the palace again to feel close to Yami."

"You might be right, Ryou. Let's go check."

The two boys ran all the way up the sand dunes and into the palace. Upon entering the throne room Ryou gasped as a glimpse of gold glittered in the sun from the windows.

"My Ring!" The white-haired teen ran over and picked it up off the ground. "Yugi! Where are you?" He called out as loud as he could after placing the Item around his neck.

"Yugi!" Malik hollered through the silence.


"We stayed above the game shop in my room." Yugi just finished explaining about where they lived.

"Interesting," Yami thought to himself. "In the same bed?" He asked suddenly.

Yugi blushed at the blatant question and nodded. "Yes, in the same bed."

Yami nodded and started to think of another question. "What was your room like?"

"What did it look like? Well, it had blue walls and there was a window by where our bed was in the far corner. It had a side table next to it where I'd put the Puzzle when I went to bed. There was also a desk where I kept my computer…"

"What's a computer?"

"It's powered by electricity. You can do work on it like writing and making pictures and talking to other people."

"Sort of like your tele-frown?" He asked, confused.

"What the heck is a - Oh, you mean a telephone. Yes, it's like that when you're talking to other people. You go on the Internet for that. It's where you can access different facts and read things; it's like for research."

"I could learn to love your time, Yugi. It seems like you have many conveniences you can get in this time."

"It has it's uses." Yugi shrugged. He looked around the room and smiled to himself. "I could learn to like your time too, Yami. It's not anything like back in the Egypt in my time. Everything's old and they don't seem to know any of the truth about some of the things you did back here. They told tourists that the Millennium Puzzle was a symbol for power and being Pharaoh."

Yami's eyes widened. "They couldn't be further from the truth!" He huffed angrily.

"Tell me about it. They also said…"

A knock rapped on the door causing Yami's eyes to narrow.

"Is this a life/death situation? If not I'm going to be severely pissed!"

"F-forgive me, my L-lord," the servant stumbled, "We've captured t-two prisoners and the g-guards wanted t-to let you k-know."

Yami growled and stood up from the bed, throwing open the doors. "That is not a life or death situation! I'm trying to get some memories restored that I seem to have forgotten and you aren't helping in the slightest."

"My Pharaoh." A guard spoke up.


The guard didn't even flinch at the tone or loudness Yami used, obviously used to having him lose his temper before. "These are the prisoners." He gestured behind him.

Yugi peeked his head out from the door to look and his eyes widened considerably.

"They've stolen the Millennium…"

"Ryou! Malik!" Yugi shouted and shoved past the guards to hug them both.

"Yugi!" The two friends shouted back.

"We were so worried when we couldn't find you, Yugi." Ryou scolded.

"I'm sorry. I wouldn't have gotten another chance to come if I had left. I'm so glad you're here. I've got to tell you something though; it's really important."

Yugi was pulled away from his friends roughly and thrown to the floor. "You have no right to talk to these criminals, even if you are one yourself." The guard snarled.

Yami growled and glared at his guard. "You have no right to talk to him that way. Apologize and leave at once!" He ordered.

The guard was surprised but bowed to Yami and said a quick `I apologize' before leaving in a hurry.

Yugi smiled and stood back up. "Thanks, Yami. Anyways, Ryou, Malik, we've got a small problem. Yami, Bakura, and Marik don't remember anything about our time and they've completely forgotten us. Yami's starting to remember though. Bakura and Marik are in the dungeons though and…" Yugi cut off his sentence and looked to Yami.

"They're to be released as soon as we get down there. I apologize for breaking my promise."

Ryou and Malik nodded and rubbed their wrists after their bonds were cut.

They headed down the steps to the dungeon and pushed open the door. Yugi ran ahead calling happily to the two thieves.

"Bakura, Marik, you're going to be realeased. We've got a big surprise for you."

"What sort of surprise?"

Malik halted in his tracks at the voice and tears started to rim in his eyes. "Marik?" He whispered. He turned the corner and a smile broke on his face. "Marik! I don't believe it!" He ran over and hugged the thief around the neck.

Ryou watched them quietly, not noticing the person behind him until…


The white-haired teen jumped and spun on his heel to face the person. "Bakura? Do you…"

"Ryou, it's been so long." Bakura whispered.

"Wait, Yugi said you forgot? How do you…?"

Bakura raised a hand to his foreheard and rubbed his temples. "I don't know what happened, Ryou. When I saw you I just remembered everything."

Ryou broke into a smile and hugged Bakura the best he could through the bars. A click was heard somewhere next to them and they looked over to see Yami had unlocked the door.

Bakura walked out of the cell and hugged Ryou properly. The hikari looked over to where Malik and Marik were kissing now and realized the same thing must've happened to Marik. He was broken from his stare by a pair of warm lips nipping and suckling gently on his neck.

Yugi's face fell as he heard what Marik had said to Malik about remembering him when he saw him. `Why didn't that happen with Yami and me?' A glimpse of gold reflected in his eyes and he looked down to Malik's hip where the Millennium Rod glinted proudly in the sunlight. Looking over a Ryou he saw the cord that held the Ring handing around his neck. `The Millennium Items? I didn't get to keep mine when Yami left, maybe that's why he can't remember me the way Marik and Bakura can.'

He looked over at Yami who was watching the reunited couples with interest and didn't look the least bothered that they could remember just at the sight of their loved ones and he hadn't. As if feeling eyes on him, Yami looked over at Yugi and gave him a small smile and gestured him over.

The amethyst-eyed hikari walked over to the Pharaoh and smiled sadly; Yami hadn't caught the look. "I'm getting a little hungry, Yami. I'm going to go to the kitchens and get a little something to eat."

"Alright, little one. Would you like me to escort you?"

Yugi quickly shook his head, wanting to be alone. "No thanks, I'll be fine on my own. I'm sure you'll want to talk to these guys when they're through with saying hello to each other."

Yami nodded and watched as Yugi climbed the stairs to the doors and walked out. He turned back to look at the two couples and continued to examine them silently. `I wonder if Yugi had noticed they remembered everything about each other at first notice and I hadn't?'

Yugi sighed and rested lightly against the closed dungeon's doors. Silent tears made tracks down his pink-tinted cheeks and fell to the floor, making small splashes as they landed. "Yami," he whispered to himself, "now that I've seen you again I felt so happy. Now I can't help but feel worse when I've learned what's happened."

He walked out of the throne room and up the stairs for the Pharaoh's chambers, ignoring the turn to the kitchens altogether; it was just an excuse to get out of the room. He flopped carelessly on the bed and hid his face in the soft pillows, letting his tears soak into them. `I want to go home,' the thought flitted across his mind. `I want to be able to forget everything like Yami had. I don't want to get hurt anymore.' He looked up and over to the low table by the window; atop it laid the Millennium Puzzle. "I hate you, you baka Puzzle; you've ruined everything even when you don't even try."