Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ Remembering ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hey all

Hey all! I have a very good reason for not updating and it's not an excuse about school. I haven't been getting many reviews so of course I'm going to slow down. It's a rule I've got for my writing: little reviews, more time to wait; more reviews, little time to wait. I was even opting whether or not I should put the little treat in at the end, but decided to not be that cruel.

YAY! Happy for me! The perfect thing in the world happened to me; I found a very extremely bestest person in the world that said she would write a lemon for me and I bow down to her in every way since it wouldn't have worked without her and then I would've had to put my own in and then you wonderful readers just wouldn't want to read my stuff anymore because you know how much I really suck at writing that sort of thing. Anyways:


Now that I've got that out of the way on with the fic!


"Yugi's been gone a long time for just getting something to eat." Ryou noted as he looked around the room from where he was snuggled up against Bakura's side.

Yami looked up and also looked around the room. He'd just been thinking about his little look-a-like to try and remember a few things and had even succeeded somewhat before Ryou had spoken.

"You don't think he's gotten into any trouble with the guards or anyone, do you?" Malik asked.

"I'll go look for him." Yami stood from the comfortable, poofy chair he'd been sitting in and walked out of the room, letting the door close loudly behind him.

"I wouldn't be surprised if Yugi's avoiding us purposefully." Marik sighed, closing his eyes and resting his head on top of his lover's.

"What do you mean, yami?"

"Well, think about it for a minute. Yugi and Yami were head over heels in love with each other and we all suspected they'd been going out for much longer than they had really told us. Then we all had to leave and we haven't seen each other for two years. You finally get a chance to come back and imagine all the hope that had built up inside of Yugi only to have them all crushed by being thrown and beaten in a dungeon and then to find out the person you love and loved you back doesn't remember anything about you anymore." Marik explained easily.

"Yugi never said anything about being beaten!" Ryou jumped up uneasily. "When did that happen?"

"Some time ago; it only happened once so it's nothing to worry about I think."

"Yeah, he was well taken care of afterwards."


Yami walked around the palace and asked a people he passed if that had seen Yugi.

"Of course, you Majesty." A young girl bowed her head to Yami. "He's in the gardens; he looked rather upset to me."

Yami nodded and started walking quickly for the gardens. He couldn't explain it, but a tight, constricting pain at started aching in his chest at the mention that Yugi was unhappy.

Stepping into the scene of greenery and other bright and cheerful colors Yami looked around for a second before he spotted Yugi sitting at the edge of the pond near the back, lazily making designs in the water with his finger.

"Yugi?" Yami called quietly so he wouldn't startle him.

Amethyst eyes widened and looked up, surprised to see Yami there. A frown crossed over Yami's face as he saw that Yugi's face was tinged slightly with red and his eyes were a little puffy around the edges, obvious that he'd been crying about something.

"Is something wrong, Yugi? Someone told me you were in here and you looked upset, I was worried about you."

"Do you worry about people you don't know very often?" He retorted bitterly.

"Yugi? Is everything okay?" Yami asked, stunned that Yugi had such an attitude now.

"No, everything's fine; just don't worry about me. It's something stupid anyway."

"I want to know."

"Well maybe I don't want you to know."

"Would you like to talk to Ryou or Malik instead then? Tell them what's wrong?"

"Just leave me alone, I'll be fine." Yugi stood and brushed past Yami angrily. He turned into one of the halls of the palace and, without looking where he was going, walked straight into somebody else.

"Yugi, there you are."

The youngest hikari looked up and recognized Ryou's soft brown eyes. "Sorry, Ryou; wasn't looking."

"That's okay, I was looking for you anyway. Can we talk?"

Yugi reluctantly nodded.

Ryou led his fellow hikari and best friend to an empty room that overlooked the sands of Egypt, making it look like some unreal painting. He closed the doors and turned back to his tri-colored haired friend. "Marik and Bakura told us that you were beaten sometime ago, are you okay?"

Again, Yugi nodded.

"We thought you would be more happy after seeing Yami again after so long though, but you seem to be even more upset. Anyone can tell you've been crying too?"

Hastily Yugi used the sleeve of his shirt to wipe his eyes and he turned away from the Ring's holder. "It's nothing to worry about, Ryou. Won't Bakura be worried if you don't get back soon?"

"He knows I'm going to be with you for a while; I want to talk to you too, Yugi, not just stay with him all the time. Please, tell me what's bothering you."

There was a small pause where Ryou thought that Yugi was going to push him away, but then an inaudible mumble came from him and he asked him to speak up.

Yugi turned around suddenly with tears streaming down his face silently. "I'm jealous, okay! It's not fair that the second Bakura and Marik saw you they knew who you were and Yami thinks of me as a complete stranger! I hate being the only one who didn't get to keep my Millennium Item so I could remember my yami like you and Malik got to!"

Ryou blinked a few times before his shoulders slumped in defeat. "Why didn't you tell anyone before instead of holding it in?"

"I don't know." His voice quieted and he wilted to the ground and held his head in his hands. "I know I've been a complete jerk about it though. First I yelled at Seto and I kept avoided talking about it. I guess I just wanted to believe that if it wasn't mentioned then it wouldn't be so bad; it only made my problems worse. I wouldn't blame you if you all started hating me."

Ryou walked over to his friend and sat down beside him, pulling him into his lap and giving him a loving hug. "We're not going to hate you because you made a mistake; everybody does those." He comforted. "We will expect you to try making it better though."

"I'll try my best then." Yugi sniffled and wrapped his arms around Ryou, hiding his face in the crook of his neck. "I'm sorry for yelling at you too, Ryou. Thanks for being there for me though." He then pushed himself away and stood up. "I should go find Yami and apologize to him too; I wasn't really the nicest in the world when he found me a little while ago."

"Oh, Yugi!" Ryou called to him before he disappeared behind the door. "Just to let you know, Yami's been trying to remember everything for you."

A bright smile appeared on the young hikari's face and nodded thankfully before heading off for the gardens again to see if Yami was still there. He was and Yugi walked up silently behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist and resting his head on his back.

Yami started and looked behind him to see who was there. "Yugi?" He asked, surprised.

Yugi nodded and looked up at him, letting Yami turn around before leaning against him. "I'm sorry." He whispered. "We have a few things we need to talk about."

Sitting down and pulling Yugi into his lap, Yami knowing he would appreciate it, and smiled as Yugi snuggled into his warmth. He listen carefully as Yugi explained why he'd been distant, especially when Ryou and Malik arrived and apologized for the way he'd been acting.

"It's nothing to worry about." Yami reassured. "I'm sure I would've acted the same way had I been in your position."

"We should back to the others then." Yugi whispered, reluctantly pulling away from Yami.

Surprising both himself and Yugi, he wrapped his arms around the young hikari and pulled him back down. "I'm sure they'll understand us wanting some time alone to ourselves. Let's go back to my - our room and we'll talk a bit more; if you'd like that is?"

Yugi smiled and nodded. "I'd like that."

Yami stood, still holding Yugi in his arms. "Did I like carrying you around before?" He asked as he walked toward his room.

Yugi giggled and nodded. "Yup, you'd always carry me around the house and only when we were out in public did you ever put me down, but only because I made it a rule because I thought it was embarrassing. Why?"

"You're a comfortable weight; it just feels right." He explained.

Amethyst eyes brightened and he snuggled his face into Yami's neck. Yami smiled to himself and realized that he was starting to find feelings for the teen in arms, even if it happened to be all over again. There was only one word he could think of though that could describe what he was feeling as he walked through the halls carrying Yugi. `Perfect.' Little did he know the same thought was running through the young one in his arms.

The guard at the door gave Yami a questioning look when he saw him carrying his look-a-like around, but otherwise didn't say anything and opened the door for him; Yami nodded his thanks as he walked by. The man was surprised and couldn't help muttering to the next person that came by, "I'm starting to like our Pharaoh's look-a-like more and more; he's certainly bringing a good change in his Majesty."


Yami sat down on the bed gently and unconsciously kissed the top of Yugi's head. Yugi looked up curiously though and asked why, not expecting something so intimate so soon.

"Did I? I don't remember." Yami told him.

"You just did it."

Yami shrugged. "I guess it felt like the right thing to do. Do you not want me to?"

Quickly shaking his head and sputtering out no's. "It's just that I didn't expect something so soon coming from you. I love being with you," he snuggled in closer to further his point, "it nearly killed me when you had to leave."

"I think I remember that."

Yugi looked up at him expectantly. "You do?"

Yami nodded unsurely. "Pretty sure, I think. You cried and, it's fuzzy, but I think you said something about wishing to keep the Puzzle although you couldn't because we needed it."

"Yes!" Yugi shouted excitedly, apologizing when Yami flinched and held up one hand to his ear. "That's right, that did happen."

"It's slowly coming back, I wish it would speed up though." He held Yugi closer to him and rocked back and forth affectionately.

"I never stopped loving you, Yami." Yugi whispered to him, closing his eyes and enjoying Yami's presence.

Yami had paused at that, but continued shortly after. "Yugi?"

Yugi made a noise to go on.

"I think I'm starting to fall in love with you too."

Yugi gasped and looked up at him. "You -" A pair of soft warm lips fell on his, effectively silencing what Yugi was going to ask.

It was just an innocent kiss for a few seconds before Yugi's addicting taste easily affected Yami and he ran his tongue over Yugi's bottom lip, asking for entrance, which was given eagerly. He mapped his way around the younger's mouth, exploring and letting the taste of Yugi wash through him and warming his insides. They only pulled away when the need for air became too much for them.

"Yami, I -" Once more Yugi was silence and he kissed back happily, loving the feel of Yami's lips against his once more.

He felt Yami shift underneath him and soon realized he was being lowered slowly to the bed, Yami putting his weight comfortably over his. Yugi wrapped his arms around Yami's neck and pulled him closer, wanting - needing - to feel more of Yami against him.

Yami started biting and licking down Yugi's pale skin and smirked lightly as he heard Yugi moan and whimper above him. He groaned in irritation when he reached Yugi's shirt and pulled away to take it off before returning to the sweet taste of Yugi's skin with the mix of sweat heightening his wanting of him. He suckled in one of the smaller's nipples and worried it with small bites and licks, moving to the other once the first had tightened and sensitized. Moving down he swirled around and dipped his tongue in Yugi's navel, causing a small giggle to come from Yugi.

Groaning once more, he pulled away and removed the rest of Yugi's clothing, savoring every inch he saw of the pale, bare skin before him.

Yugi's breath hitched as he felt Yami's velvety wet mouth slide around his hardness and he moaned in complete bliss. This was just as he remembered Yami to be before he left also, small teases and always so gentle. He groaned out Yami's name through clenched teeth and his hands tangled themselves in his spiky hair.

It didn't take much for Yugi to find his release and he called out Yami's name before he drooped limply on the many pillows and soft, smooth blankets below him to wallow in the high he was in.

"This has only just begun." Yami kissed him on his soft lips, finding it harder each time to pull away. "I'll fall for you all over again before long and make sure we never part again, love." Yami whispered into his ear before he reached under the bed and pulled out a bottle of oil.

Yugi shivered, reveling in the deep, confident tones of his Yami's sultry whisper. It had been too long without him: two years of despair and isolation after two years of almost dizzying bliss. He rolled willingly at Yami's gentle prodding, unable to resist and incapable of anything but complete trust in his lover's motives.

Evidence of the abuse Yugi had suffered in the dungeon stared up at Yami. Guilt twisted in the Pharaoh's gut like a hot knife at the sight of healing whip gashes and yellowing bruises. Though the cuts had been cleansed and stitched expertly, the scars would linger indefinitely. He came to find his love… to find me… and all he's found is pain. At first, he'd simply intended to prepare the tender young body beneath him, to claim Yugi as his own regardless of what might have come before. The scars upon Yugi's back inspired an entirely different plan.

Cool oil drizzled across his back, bringing a soft gasp of surprise from Yugi's lips. It smelled of lotus blossoms and night-blooming jasmine, and as Yami's palms gently began to smooth it across his still-sore back, Yugi nearly purred at the much-needed attention.

Slow, gentle pressure. Fingers explored as palms soothed; Yami relearned the planes of Yugi's body with an unselfish tenderness that surprised even him. And a beautiful body it was. For all that they looked alike, there were some very alluring differences: even the jealously-sheltered Pharaoh was left deeply tanned by Ra's Kiss, while Yugi was as pale as Bast's Watchful Eye. Training for combat with men as well as Dueling Monsters had hardened Yami's muscles and toned his physique; Yugi was hardly unfit, but his muscles were less defined, making him appear slighter than the imposing Pharaoh. And everything about the boy was softness: his skin, his hair, his voice; tantalizing to the young king. Slowly, hazy memories began to rise in Yami's mind as he massaged those supple limbs: nights spent tangled in their eager embrace, stolen moments when they twined around his chest and waist as though never to relinquish their hold, while he slowly embedded himself between the perfect globes which drew his fingers down…

Yugi was purring now; Yami's touch awakened every carnal need the young boy had ever felt, drawing out the ache of two years' separation like poison from a wound. Talented, familiar lips brushed over his back, grazing the curve of his spine even as more oil was drizzled over his buttocks; a hiss of pleasure preceded a low cry of need as Yami's teeth nibbled at the back of his neck, those long fingers slowly working the oil into muscles unused for what felt now like 5000 years rather than two… Holding nothing back, Yugi arched up into the intimate caresses and moaned his lover's name, suddenly desperate.

"What is it, little one?" Yami teased softly, slowly slipping one finger deep inside his hikari. A gasping cry left Yugi as he fisted the silk sheets, his breath coming fast and shallow. "What do you wish of me, my aibou?"

The endearment brought tears to Yugi's eyes, nearly choking his impassioned reply from his lips. He remembers what he used to call me… he's starting to remember me! Oh, Mother Isis… "You," Yugi moaned, trying to roll in Yami's embrace. He wanted to hold Yami, to wrap his arms and legs around his beloved and never let go again. "Please, Yami: I need you."

"How do you need me, little light?" Leaning closer, Yami slowly licked the shell of Yugi's ear as he slipped a second finger inside. It was more than obvious that even if Yugi had done this before, it hadn't been anytime recently; the muscles were tight from lack of use, and were clutching at him even tighter in Yugi's desperate passion.

"Oh, Kami…" Yugi groaned softly, panting. Gathering what little focus he could manage, Yugi managed to roll into Yami's chest. He then wrapped his arms and legs around Yami's torso and dug his nails into the firm muscles of Yami's back. The ordinarily shy teen was beyond his ability to withstand teasing just now and he wasn't going to let Yami get away with it. Leaning up, he caught Yami's lips in a deep, open, artless kiss that left the young Pharaoh nearly breathless and hard as Hatshepsut's obelisks. The two fingers in his ass sank to the knuckles and Yugi nipped sharply at Yami's lower lip. "I need you, Yami, not your Osiris-cursed teasing."

Caught totally off-guard, Yami found himself smiling even as he gently removed his fingers from Yugi's opening and used them to spread those softly rounded cheeks just a bit. "Then these memories aren't just a sorcerer's trick on your part," he murmured hotly, kissing and nuzzling every inch of Yugi's jaw and throat. "You even know my favorite curses." Before Yugi could reply, Yami slid deep and fast into Yugi's body, a deep moan of satisfaction escaping him at the tight, warm fit.

It had definitely been far too long. Yugi's head dropped back as he moaned, long and loud, at the utter perfection of being filled. If it was uncomfortable, he barely noticed; gone were the days when Yami had to treat him like glass, gradually easing him into longer and more passionate trysts. His body had been primed for Yami's possession from the moment he'd returned to pharaonic Egypt, and waiting was out of the question. That Yami had stilled, apparently wanting to let him adjust, suddenly irritated Yugi. "You're not going to hurt me," he panted, turning glowing amethyst eyes on his darker half. "This hasn't hurt me in a long time. Please, Yami… please: the only thing that hurts is how much I need you…"

"As you wish, aibou." The idea that this young one's passion could possibly match his own was still inconceivable to Yami, but there was no denying the tight clutch of Yugi's muscles around him, nor the compelling feeling in Yami's mind that he had, in fact, helped Yugi past the stage where such liaisons might be uncomfortable. Flexing his hips experimentally, he felt a deep surge of pleasure as Yugi's body arched eagerly into the return thrust, a passionate moan rolling in his throat. It took very little indeed to convince Yami to accede to Yugi's pleas.

Much as Yami wanted to treasure the moment, Yugi wouldn't let him slow down. When he slid deep, Yugi arched to take him deeper. When he slid away, Yugi pulled him back with teeth and nails and heels digging harder into the firm, tanned flesh of the Pharaoh. He had his Yami back, if only for a fleeting moment… before the world righted itself and the ephemeral memories slipped out of Yami's grasp again… and it drove Yugi's ordinarily shy passion almost into a frenzy. Before long, Yami had rolled up into a sitting position and Yugi was rocking in his lap, grinding his hips against Yami's and attacking Yami's lips in a fury of deep, consuming kisses… riding Yami as though it was the last time he'd ever be able to…

Release rushed over Yami like the Nile's flood, catching him off-guard. Unable to hold himself in check, he clutched at his young lover and groaned his name, barely aware of Yugi doing the same as his pale doppelganger reached his own climax. Like a key in a lock, the feel of Yugi's slender frame shaking in orgasm and clutching his own erupting manhood echoed of a hundred nights, a thousand trysts… as suddenly as his climax had overcome him, so did the memories of just how well they were suited to one another. No wonder he was so crushed when I didn't remember. How could I have ever forgotten this? Instinctively, he brushed light, soothing, apologetic kisses over Yugi's face and throat, his hands caressing that abused back in soft circles.

It was all Yugi could do not to cry. I wonder if I'll ever run out of tears; it seems like I've cried more in the last two days than I have in the two years we've been apart. Nestling deeper into Yami's embrace, Yugi closed his eyes and let himself drift; if only for the moment, he could pretend that nothing had changed, that the past two years were simply a bad dream, and he was content to do so.