Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ Doesn't He Love Me? ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Pharaoh Yami woke up early the next morning and stretched widely, cracking his back slightly as he did

Hey everybody! Here's the next update, sorry it took so long. *hits head repeatedly*. Actually before I get on with the fic I just wanted to make a quick little favor that if you go to FictionPress.com and check out my original stuff. It's all the stuff I do in my Creative Writing class and I thought people would like to see it. There's only a few things up there right now, but I would really appreciate it if you did check it out and maybe review them for me. My penname is still magic_reeni so they shouldn't be that hard to find. Thanx lots!!!

Oh! And one thing (I promise this time) some of the beginning of this was written as part of the newly added lemon in the last chapter, but there was just no way I could leave it out after all her hard work so I asked if I could put it as part of the next chapter.



Pharaoh Yami woke up early the next morning and stretched widely, cracking his back slightly as he did. He carefully removed the covers, making sure they stayed on Yugi, before standing, putting a loose robe on, and looking out the large window overlooking Egypt.

`What a strange dream.' He thought to himself.

"Yami?" Yugi mumbled sleepily as he sat up, rubbing his eyes cutely.

Yami turned and stared into Yugi's eyes before realization dawned through him. "Yugi," he whispered before chuckling slightly.

Yugi stared up at Yami curiously. "What's so funny?"

The young pharaoh's eyes sparkled. ""You," Yami murmured, walking over to Yugi and kissing the pulse point below Yugi's ear. "You were holding out on me, aibou. Even when our lovemaking didn't hurt you anymore, you were never such a hellcat in bed."

Slowly, Yugi lifted his head to meet Yami's laughing crimson orbs. Those crimson orbs that were dancing with tender mirth, just as they always had when Yugi surprised him. Was it possible? Did he really remember? "You… you remember?"

"I can't believe I ever forgot," Yami replied tenderly. "My hikari… my precious, innocent aibou… I knew you had such passion in you; why did you never show it to me?"

Yugi blushed as crimson as Yami's eyes, his gaze fixing on the angry red marks his teeth had left on Yami's collarbone. "I… guess I was too shy before. But I needed you so much, I just… couldn't help myself."

Chuckling again, Yami brushed tender kisses over his face. "Don't worry, aibou. You can be as shy or ferocious as you want in our bed; I promise to love you just the same."

A large smile broke out over Yugi's face before he jumped from the bed, not caring about his state of undress, and hugged Yami tightly around the middle. "This is great, Yami. Now things can go back to normal. We'll never have to be apart again. And Ryou and Malik can stay here with Bakura and Marik too. It'll be just like old times except 5000 years into the past."

A frown covered Yami's face, but it went unnoticed by Yugi as the younger teen bustled over to where his clothes had been thrown and started pulling them on, tripping as he tried to pull on his pants.

"Yugi, what about…"

A knock rounded on Yami's door and the pharaoh was interrupted. Yugi jumped over to the large door and pulled it open, smiling at his two best friends and their boyfriends when he saw them.

"Ryou, Malik, good morning." He hugged them as well, not caring about how strange he might seem to them.

Bakura and Marik glanced at Yami and saw how lost he looked. Bakura turned to Ryou and gave him a small smile and a kiss on the cheek. "Marik and I need to talk to Yami for a minute. You three head down to breakfast and we'll join you in a short while."

"Okay, Bakura." Ryou nodded. "Come on, Yugi. You can tell what's got you so excited so early in the morning."

Once the door closed the two tomb robbers turned to the pharaoh.

"What's wrong with you? Surely you like seeing Yugi so happy, don't you?" Marik smirked.

"I told him I remembered everything about our lives together and I am happy that I've remembered us, but now he's said that he's going to stay here with me."

"What's so wrong with that?" Bakura questioned, looking at Yami as though he had grown a second head. "Ryou and Malik are going to stay so why shouldn't Yugi?"

"Ryou and Malik said they were going to stay here for the rest of their lives?" Yami asked in amazement and disbelief.

"Well, no…but I just assumed that…"

"So you assumed that they were going to stay with you when they haven't said anything of the sort; that's real smart of you, Bakura. I would've thought you'd know Ryou couldn't do that. He'd miss his father too much and you know how he doesn't like letting him down since he's the only one his father has left."

"Malik has no reason to go back though." Marik started to argue, fear falling into his voice must to his dislike.

"What about his sister? As much as they don't act like it they do love each other and care for each other very much. You should know that better than anybody, Marik."

"Well what's holding you back from admitting he'll be happy here?" Bakura muttered darkly.

"Nothing's holding me back from saying it, but it'll only be lies. Sure, he'll be ecstatic about staying here for maybe a week before he starts to miss his grandfather and then all his friends. He won't say anything though because he doesn't like to disappoint people."

"So you're saying that know we've found our soul mates again and they have the chance to spend the rest of their lives with us, you want us to make them go back to their own time and away from us?" Marik yelled.

"As much as I hate to admit it, yes, Marik I am saying that. They don't belong here. They'll miss their friends and their family, but they won't want to leave us. The decision to stay and miss their old lives or go and leave us forever will tear them apart."

The three ceased from their conversation when Yugi, Ryou, and Malik stuck their heads in the door.

"You three are taking too long. Is everything okay?" Malik asked, looking at Marik.

"No, everything's fine. Let's go have some breakfast." Yami answered. The three yamis followed their hikaris out the door.

Unknowing to any of them, as soon as the door shut the Millennium Puzzle sitting on the floor where it was put the night before started to glow a golden shade before it quickly faded back to normal.


After breakfast the three couples separated to spend some quality time together, though if going by the lustful stares Marik had been giving Malik and the advances Bakura was throwing Ryou it didn't take much of a genius to figure out what they were going to be doing. Yami and Yugi though decided to walk through the gardens together, enjoying the peace and quiet it brought. Unfortunately, that's when Yami decided to bring up his worries instead of leaving it for a more appropriate time.

"Yugi, about staying here."

"Don't worry, Yami. You don't have to feel like I'm being obligated because I love and I won't have any regrets. I want to stay here with you for the rest of our lives." Yugi interrupted. "It's going to be like heaven, Yami." Yugi's eyes started to glow with happiness. "It could be just like old times with Ryou and Malik staying too."

"You don't understand, Yugi. What about your grandfather and Joey and the rest of your friends; won't you miss them?"

"What are you trying to say?" Yugi asked worriedly, backing away from his yami to sit on one of the benches.

"Yugi, you have to go back. You don't belong in this time and you miss everybody in your old life if you stay here. I am glad to have seen you again and that I remembered who you were, but I want what's best for you and that's being with your friends and family back home."

"Oh, I see then." Yugi whispered detachedly, his bangs hiding his eyes. "I suppose you'll want Ryou and Malik to go back with me then."

"That would only be the fair thing to do."

"Only the fair thing?" Yugi looked back up at Yami, hurt and betrayal clouding his eyes. "Does that mean you don't care if they go back and you're making it sound like my life depends on it?"

"No, they need to go back too."

"Fine, we'll leave as soon as they're done." Yugi stood and headed for the archway that led back inside the palace, stopping in front of it. Without out turning around he struggled out a pain-filled, "If you didn't want me to stay with you, Yami, you could've just told me that instead of telling me to go away." He then walked back into the palace.

Yami stood there with widened eyes and anguish filling his crimson orbs. "I didn't mean to make it sound like that. What have I done? I never meant to hurt you, I only wanted what was best for you."


Yugi trudged through the halls before coming to a stop in front of Bakura and Ryou's doors. Hoping that he wasn't going to be disturbing too much of their time together, he raised his hand and quietly knocked.

A groan, muffled by the door, answered him and he took that for him to open the door. Without any squeaks Yugi pushed the door open and peeked his head inside, unknowing to him that his eyes showed all his pain and small tear tracks were slightly visible on his barely tanned skin.

"Ryou, I don't mean to disturb you or anything. I just wanted to tell you that we've been asked to leave so we'll be going home as soon as you and Malik are finished." He forced out into a calm, even voice.

Bakura sat up quickly with disbelief etched over his face. "Who asked you to leave?" He demanded.

"We've only just come, Yugi. Don't you think we deserve at least the rest of the week?" Ryou begged with hope filling his words, almost making it seem like they could come true.

Yugi shook his head. "No, Yami wants us to leave so we'll leave as soon as we can. H-he is the pharaoh after all so we just better do what he says." He faltered slightly.

"Oh, Yugi." Ryou whispered, seeming to understand now. "He didn't bring that up while you spending time together, did he?"

Tears filled Yugi's eyes now and he nodded slowly.

Bakura growled at Yami, his hate for the pharaoh returning full force. `Yami, you idiot! You only just received your memories of your life together and then you bring this up on him the same day! I know we decided they should go back, but this is ridiculous! We didn't mean this fast; at least not Marik and myself!'

The yami was pulled from his thoughts when the bed shifted slightly and he looked over to where Yugi was sniffling slightly into Ryou's bare chest, his hikari holding his affectionately and rubbing his back to help calm him, lightly rocking them back and forth. Ryou looked up at him with a concerned expression.

/Why would Yami do this to us, Bakura? You'd think he'd understand, especially after getting his memories back only just today?/ Ryou asked him through the mind link.

//I rather not talk about this right now.// Bakura growled, images of Yami being tortured in every possible way were sent to Ryou, causing the hikari to shiver slightly and tighten his grip on the young teen in his arms. //I'll be right back.// The yami of the ring leaned over and picked up his discarded pants and put them on before hurrying out of the room.

Ryou only looked after his lover for a minute before looking back down at Yugi. "Don't worry, Yugi," he whispered. "Bakura and Marik will be able to handle this if not anybody else."


Bakura pursued around the halls of the palace before he finally got fed up and rounded on one of the servants. "Where's your blasted Pharaoh?" He growled at her.

The young girl fell to the ground in quivers and lifted a shaky finger towards the gardens. "H-he's been i-in there since Y-Yugi left h-him th-there, s-s-sir B-Bakura sir." She stuttered fearfully.

Bakura stormed away from her and into the direction he was pointed to. He almost felt like setting the whole of the garden up in flames to find the blasted darker half of the puzzle instead of zigzagging his way through all the plants and brightly colored flowers. Instead he only had to walk a short ways before spotting him sitting on the edge of the fountain, lazily drawing little nothings in the water with his finger.

"Yami, you complete and utter bastard! What in the name of all mighty Ra were you thinking when you brought that up to Yugi!"

The young pharaoh looked up at the angry yami, his eyes rimmed red slightly, before looking back down at the water and continuing his drawings. "I merely did what I thought would be the correct decision to make by bringing it up to him. Clearly it was the wrong thing to do if he chose to seek you for you to yell deafly loudly at me."

"Quit with the nonsense talk crap and look at me when I'm trying to pent out my anger on you!" Bakura ordered, somewhat surprised when he didn't have to repeat himself once Yami did look at him and kept his mouth shut. "He didn't come to me he went to Ryou and I happened to be there to hear what he said." He growled, tuning down his anger. "We hadn't even agreed when they should leave and it is their decision whether they want to go or not. For all we know they might never be able to go back even if they wished to do so with all their beings."

"Yami you Ra-damned, Anubis-fucking, revolting piece of shit!" A loud voice shouted, promise of death filling his every word. "What in the name of all Egyptian lands were you thinking?! Where you even thinking at all!?" Marik screamed at the pharaoh.

Bakura looked slightly amused when he saw Marik stampede over to where they were standing and started shaking Yami mercilessly by his clothes. "So how did you find out, Marik?"

Marik turned to him with red flames hindering in his glaring eyes. "Ryou came in and told us what the bastard Pharaoh had said to Yugi. Malik went to comfort this asshole's hikari with yours and I came to help you kill him."

Bakura nodded, expecting Ryou to have Malik help him with Yugi. "Well I was doing rather well on my own but I never said that he didn't deserve even more toture. After all," he turned stone-cold brown eyes on Yami, who was watching them cautiously, "we never did discuss what to say to them. Pharaoh here thinks he's so high and mighty he can just kick them out. We've got news for you though, Yami," he spat the name dangerously, "all three hikaris are staying here and until all three us decide when to decide to bring up then give them a decision on what they would like to do. Is that understood, your highness."

Yami looked absolutely, and somehow unbelievably, even more broken than when Bakura had first marched murderously up to him mere minutes ago. Obviously, what he had done to Yugi was starting to sink in.

"Yugi," Yami's sadly detached voice choked out almost quietly. "Where is he?"

"I don't think I'll even let you have the pleasure of seeing him, Pharaoh." He spat out Yami's title. "After what you've done to him I wouldn't even blame Malik, nor even Ryou for that matter, if they had their own way with you once this has all been explained to them." Marik growled threateningly.

"You're hikari is going to be staying with us until it is his own wish to see you again. Though I wouldn't even put it past you over-loving and ever-forgiving hikari to not ever wanting to see you again. If only you'd seen him when he came into my Ryou." With that Bakura turned and walked out of the garden, Marik following shortly and just as intimidating.


Marik and Bakura walked into the two halves of the ring's room much calmer than when the hikaris' had seen them last.

Ryou looked at Bakura with the tug of a small smile on his lips. "Is everything okay now, yami?"

"Yes, Ryou. You three won't leave until further notice." He smirked.

"What was all that about though?" Malik questioned.

Marik gave him a small smile and pulled his hikari into his arms. "We'll explain some other day." He promised.

Yugi stirred from where he lay, apparently asleep against Ryou's shoulder while sitting in his lap and arms holding him like the white-haired hikari would disappear and never come back. His broken amethyst eyes looked up at Bakura hopefully. "Everything's going to be okay now, right? You won't make us leave and we'll always be able to be with you?"

"Poor kid," Bakura couldn't keep him from saying, shaking his head sadly. "Don't worry about that. We gave Yami a piece of our mind for you and you don't have to see him until you want to."

Yugi nodded and crawled away from Ryou only to rest his head in Bakura's lap once he sat down on the bed, holding his closest leg like a small child would to a teddy bear. "I thought he loved me, I thought he still did, especially after last night. He doesn't want me around anymore though." He cried, holding tighter to Bakura's leg.

Malik crawled over to Yugi and him and Ryou rubbed and caressed his back comfortingly to help calm him.

"Don't cry, Yugi; Yami still loves you no matter what happens between you. I'm sure he was only thinking for your best interests when he brought it up." Ryou explained lightly.

Yugi nodded tiredly and hiccupped. "I hope so." He whispered before falling into a fitful sleep.

Bakura brought one of his hands up and pet Yugi's hair like he would many times to Ryou's. `Baka Pharaoh,' he thought angrily. `You always made stupid decisions before but this has got to be number one on your list. How could you ever want your hikari to leave you so soon when he loves you this much?'