Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ Ryou-Bakura ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey everybody! See I got done a lot faster and most of it is thanks to Lady Eternal, especially for the lemon she does for me (cuz I suck at it).


It was a few hours after Bakura and Marik had returned from bitching out the Pharaoh about what he'd done to Yugi. Yugi had been moved to Malik's lap and was nearly asleep.

Ryou turned to look at Bakura and sighed sadly to himself. He was still angry. Ryou would've been able to sense it across the room even without their bond as yami and hikari. A whisper to Malik and Yugi was transferred from the comforting embrace of two teens to only one, and Ryou stood. His warm chocolate eyes met Bakura's only once, and then Ryou gracefully left for their private bedchamber, his head bowed demurely. A ripple of shock went through Bakura and after a swift glance to a lasciviously smirking Marik he followed his hikari out.

Once in the room, Bakura was greeted with the most beautiful sight since he'd left Domino City. His little Ryou, his sweet, unassuming hikari had stripped out of the light linen robes he'd been provided by the Pharaoh, and was kneeling in the center of the room. His firm ass was resting on his heels, his insteps flat to the floor, his knees apart and his hands, palms up, resting lightly upon them, his head bowed and his eyes downcast. Heat spiraled through Bakura, hardening his cock in a flash. In the rush of overjoyed reunion, their lovemaking had been tender up until now; Bakura had wanted nothing more than to see his little hikari moan and arch beneath his touch, and thus foreswore their more… sophisticated pleasures. Seeing Ryou there on the marble floor, all softness and grace and submission, Bakura's every thought of the Pharaoh fled his mind. At once, his face hardened and his demeanor changed. With a predator's gait, he paced towards Ryou; his own eyes gleaming like the glint of Ra off the still wet soil left by the Nile's floodwater. "Well, well," he murmured, his voice low and silken. "What have we here?"

Ryou shivered unconsciously. Much as he'd loved Bakura's softer attentions since his arrival, he needed this as well, and the narrowness of his escape from being forced back home made that need even more acute. It was everything he could do not to speak, but he'd not been without Bakura so long that he had forgotten the rules of the game.

Warmed to the heart that two years' separation had not nurtured distaste for the game in his hikari, Bakura smiled lazily as he circled the white-haired youth. "Seems to me we have a hikari with a guilty conscience, that he kneels before his yami this way. Have you a guilty conscience, little one?"

"Yes, yami," Ryou replied. Pleasant tremors tripped down his spine as Ryou felt Bakura's gaze rake over him. It had been so long since they'd played like this… "Yes, I do."

"Do you?" Bakura's voice was like silk slipping over a knife blade. "And just what might an innocent little hikari like you have to feel guilty about, eh? What have you done that I would not wish? Unless…" He smiled, stopping just in the line of Ryou's downcast gaze. "Unless you were going to leave." Seeing Ryou's shiver, Bakura reached down and took hold of Ryou's snowy hair, pulling his head back and bringing his ass up off his heels. Ryou gasped involuntarily as Bakura's grip had him arched almost painfully, desire pulsing through him in an almost equally painful throb as his eyes flew open. "You were going to leave, without even telling me. Weren't you, hikari?"

"Yes, Bakura," Ryou gasped out, desperately restraining himself from flinging his arms around Bakura's neck and kissing him senseless. He'd initiated the game; it would be ridiculous to end it now by using his safe word and just succumbing to a few rounds of passionate lovemaking. Ryou needed the catharsis, the affirmation of Bakura's love. Seeing his beloved yami's face hovering over his, hard and full of dangerous passion only served to remind him of just how much he really did need it.

"Just like that?" Bakura reached down, catching Ryou's erection in a painfully firm grip. Ryou cried out softly, the vise-like clench of Bakura's hand on his cock causing it to throb again in a surge of need. By the narrowing of Bakura's eyes, he'd noticed. "Even though my little bitch is in heat, he would leave me when the Pharaoh commands? Now why would that be? If you leave, I can't give you what you want." One white eyebrow lifted gracefully. "Unless there's someone else that did in my absence?"

"No, Bakura," Ryou denied fervently. "There was no one."

"No one?" Bakura echoed mockingly. "Not even Marik's horny little bitch? From what I understand, you were sharing a house together after we left. Is that truly all you were sharing?"

"Yes, Bakura. I could never share Malik's bed." Tears pricked the corners of Ryou's eyes even as he reminded himself it was all part of the game. Bakura didn't really think that he and Malik had shared a bed for the last two years… did he? "I am yours. Only yours."

"Then perhaps, my sweet, horny little bitch, you need reminded of why that is so, lest you be tempted to leave me again… especially for no reason." The last words were laced with such mocking sarcasm that Ryou nearly cried from despair. Any cry that might have left him was swallowed as Bakura's lips slanted harshly across Ryou's, causing him to arch up into Bakura's grip. The tug on his scalp eased even as he yearned into Bakura's two-fisted grip, the hand on his cock gripping even more firmly.

Release was sudden. Ryou sprawled across the marble tiles with a gasp as Bakura strode to the cabinet, fetching a length of rope. Before Ryou could think that he was expected to rise, Bakura was back, wrenching the youth back up and pulling him to one of the massive columns. Bakura smiled at the way his little hikari offered no resistance as he was lashed to the column, his face almost ecstatic at the feel of the cool marble against his flesh. "You're going to learn, my hikari, that I like losing what is mine far less than I like sharing it." The words, whispered low in Ryou's ear and dripping with honeyed malice, were swiftly followed by a sharp chastening bite to Ryou's shoulder. And then the door opened, and Bakura was gone.

Minutes passed. Ryou waited in ecstatic agony, uncertain how long Bakura was gone. When the door opened again, Ryou prayed to all the gods that it wasn't some unsuspecting servant, or worse, Malik or Yugi. If Malik knew the nature of Ryou and Bakura's sexual habits, either from his own deduction or Marik's, he'd never indicated it. Ryou wasn't entirely certain he wanted anyone to find out this way; it could complicate matters far too much. Lazy steps sounded; the swish of sandals stalking across tile. Bakura had returned, and Ryou breathed a sigh of relief. It had been one thing to leave him alone, bound and often blindfolded, in their apartment for however long he saw fit. The duration of such abandonment had grown shorter after Bakura's attentions had gone from abusive to merely kinky, but Ryou much preferred the kiss of the lash or the sting of Bakura's palm to interminable minutes clicking by with only his anticipation for company.

"You should have packed a bit better, hikari," came Bakura's silken voice. "Or perhaps you were hoping I'd gone soft, and wouldn't feel the need to punish my rebellious little hikari."

"I'll do better next time, Bakura," Ryou promised solemnly, his entire body aching with need. What had Bakura acquired to use on him?

Fingernails slowly traced their way down Ryou's spine, sending hot sparks through his blood. His skin leapt and tingled beneath Bakura's expert fingers, and his breath came faster from the light, tantalizing touch. "And just what makes you think that there will ever be a `next time', my hikari?"

The first bite of the lash into his flesh nearly sent Ryou into orgasm. Bakura had lost none of his dexterity, wielding the leather whip with an expert knowledge of his target. Over and over, the lash fell, raising angry welts across Ryou's back. Ryou cried out as the pain blossomed over his body, arching desperately into the column and barely able to contain his swiftly mounting climax. He'd missed this… by all the gods he'd missed this. "Bakura!"

"Yes, little one?" The hand that wielded the lash paused; knowing that Ryou wasn't in enough pain to call off the game, he took a moment to survey the weals he'd raised. If he pushed too much further, he'd break the skin; Bakura didn't want Ryou to bleed, just be good and sore. It would serve as a reminder later of the deep, hard fucking he was about to get. Ryou loved those reminders.

"I'm sorry, Bakura," Ryou pleaded, his breath ragged and shallow. His back was hot and throbbing in time with his cock; desperately, he wriggled against the column, hoping to entice Bakura away from the lash. He'd nearly reached his limit, and he didn't want to give his safe word before having a good, hard, long fuck unless absolutely necessary. "I'm sorry. I'll never leave you. I was a fool to even consider it. The Pharaoh can't make me leave; only you can. I won't ever leave unless you send me away, Bakura. Please, please forgive me."

Stepping closer, Bakura reached out, running light fingers over one of the welts. The sparks flashed through Ryou and he cried out in unabashed need, arching back into the touch. "Do you promise to obey me? In all things, regardless of the Pharaoh's edicts?"

"Yes, Bakura," Ryou pledged. At that moment, he would have promised anything, if only to get Bakura buried to the hilt inside him. "I promise I'll obey only you."

"Good." A clatter and then followed by a clink. The lash cast aside and a bottle taken up. Long, callused fingers coated with cool, fragrant oil worked their way up into Ryou, massaging the oil into the muscles; Ryou bit hard on his lower lip in an effort to keep his orgasm under control. He wasn't allowed to come until Bakura said so, but after so long without this, it was damnably difficult to restrain it.

Bakura's own desire was riding him just as hard. His patience wearing thin now, it was all he could do to make certain Ryou's body was prepared to receive him before he knifed into Ryou from behind. His hands clamped bruisingly on Ryou's hips as he slid deep and fast; Ryou's head fell back onto his shoulder as he moaned, long and loud, rearing back against Bakura and straining at his bonds. Bakura nipped sharply at his throat, chastising him again; Ryou only panted louder and arched harder against Bakura's churning hips, his erection brushing against the marble column as Bakura pounded into him.

It barely lasted longer than the lashing. Neither one had the emotional stability right now for a marathon, nor was one really needed. Ryou ground his hips back against Bakura's, aching and trembling and needing. "Bakura… Bakura, please!"

"Yes, hikari…" Bakura murmured. He knew what Ryou wanted; he needed to feel his hikari climaxing around him, dangerously close to a climax himself. "Come for me, little one. Come now."

Ryou needed no further command. His fingers dug hard into the rope binding his wrists as his climax erupted, a scream of completion tearing from his throat. Bakura's fingers dug so hard into his hips, Ryou was almost sure he would break one, not that he cared as he felt Bakura erupt inside him with a hoarse shout of his own. For long moments, they remained there, sagging into the column as though without it they might slither to the floor in a heap. Breathing hard, Bakura barely managed to pull himself together and untie Ryou's bonds. The moment the rope went slack, Ryou's knees seemed to give from sheer exhaustion, and Bakura caught him up, carrying him to bed.

Curling up in the soft, cool sheets, Ryou nestled deeply into Bakura's embrace. Bakura held him tightly for long moments, trying not to aggravate the sore welts on Ryou's back as he cuddled his hikari. "Why, Ryou?" he asked finally. "You've never initiated this before. Why?"

"You wanted to. You never would have admitted it, but you did." Ryou replied softly, burrowing into that firm, smooth chest. "And I needed it, after this morning."

Bakura shook his head, twice amazed by his little one. "I love you, Ryou. I don't think I'll ever be able to say that enough to make up for how much I hurt you."

Huge chocolate eyes turned up to gaze at Bakura, innocence and desire mingling with such potency that Bakura nearly rolled Ryou again. Only remembering that Ryou needed cuddled and not fucked after such rough play stemmed his lust. "Saying it doesn't make up for that, Bakura. The fact that you do at all does."

Tears burned in Bakura's dark eyes as Ryou nestled back into his chest. Wrapping his arms even more protectively around his hikari, Bakura silently made the same vow that he'd extracted from his hikari: no matter what the Pharaoh or the gods or anyone else did or said, he would never allow Ryou to be taken from him again.