Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ The Discovery ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yugi awoke the next morning feeling better than he'd ever felt in a long time, minus a slight sharpness in his lower back. Looking around we he lay he didn't notice Yami anywhere in the room, but he wasn't worried since he could hear him in the next room.

Yami came out a minute later and smiled at seeing Yugi awake. "Good morning, love. How do you feel?"

"Better than ever." Yugi tried to lean up to go to Yami, but a sharp pain that suddenly coursed through him and he lay back down. "Maybe not so good."

"It had been a while since we've made love like last night; I must've been too hard for the first time."

Yugi nodded and blushed slightly, turning his newly pierced ear towards Yami, causing it to sparkle in the rising morning sun. "I still enjoyed it."

Yami smiled and walked over to the bed, sitting down gentle so it wouldn't stir Yugi. He raised his hand and caressed his ear. "I like it on you, but if you do decide to go back won't your grandfather be upset?"

"No, he'll understand. I don't think there's anything he won't believe after the Millennium Items and all the magic that'd been happening."

Yami nodded. "I suppose you're right." He leaned over and gently kissed the earring. "Hungry, love?"


"I'll be right back. Don't move; I don't want you to hurt yourself."

Yugi nodded and watched Yugi leave. Turning slightly he packed up a few pillows so he could sit up against them and lay back against them. `Last night had to have been one of the best nights of my life.' He thought.

Yami returned a few minutes later with a tray full of Yugi's favorites as well as four people trailing behind him.

"Hey, Yugi. I was a worried about you when I didn't see you at all yesterday. Then I saw Yami heading for the kitchens and he told me you two made up. That's great!" Ryou told him, sitting gently down on the bed so it wouldn't move too much; Yugi was grateful for that.

"Heard you had lots of fun too. Shame it hurts to move though." Marik smirked, enjoying the embarrassed blush that appeared on the shorter teen's slightly tanned cheeks.

"Wow, Yugi! Is that real?" Malik suddenly sputtered out as he dropped to his knees and pulled Yugi closer to look at the earring. "Oh Ra! It is! Way to go, Yugi! I didn't think you had the guts to go with something like that!"

Yugi blushed again and nodded. "I had it done yesterday while I was getting ready to see Yami with some help from a few of some very helpful girls." He explained. "They were upset because I didn't have a pierced ear so I told them they could make one after seeing how good it looked."

"Well if Ryou didn't exist I don't definitely go after you; no matter if you were with Pharaoh or not. You're hot with it!" Bakura teased.

Yugi blushed for a third time and Ryou looked down at the ground.

"Aw, don't worry, Ryou." Bakura knelt beside him and wrapped his arms around his middle, careful about moving the bed. "I'd never leave you in infinite years. I love you too much to ever even think about it."

Ryou nodded and wrapped his own arms around Bakura.

"Forgive me?"

"I forgive you, `Kura." He whispered into his shirt.

Bakura felt like killing Malik and Marik when he heard them holding in their laughter at Ryou's nickname for him. He left it alone though since he didn't want to let go of Ryou.

Then Yami spoke up. "Breakfast is going to get cold and Yugi did say he was starving. As I told you in the hall, you're welcome to stay for as long as you want or until Yugi asks you to leave."

The four guests nodded and they tucked into a warm breakfast before the sun got to high and they wouldn't be interested in anything warm.


"Yami?" Yugi asked as he looked out the window from where he lay on the bed.

Their four friends had left shortly after breakfast to leave the couple alone and they'd been there since. The sun was now almost gone from the sky to show it was close to sunset, maybe an hour and a half.

Yami looked up from a game he'd been working on. "Hmm?"

"I thought Ancient Egypt was supposed to have Duel Monsters running free from the Shadow Realm, but I haven't seen even a footprint of a monster since I got here."

Yami smiled and stood up, taking a seat on the bed and taking Yugi's hand. "You want to see one?"

Yugi smiled at him and nodded. "It's a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet one in person, Yami. If I ever do decide to leave then at least I took all opportunities I could, and meeting a Duel Monster would be a great highlight."

Yami laughed and nodded. "Yes, I must agree with that." He stood and held out his arms for Yugi to hold. "Come on then, I'll take you to show you where they are."

Yugi smiled and pulled back the sheets.

"Does it still hurt?"

"No, just a dull throbbing now."

Yami nodded and he led them to his closet. Yugi was confused until surprise cut him off from asking when Yami muttered something in Egyptian and a secret door appeared. They walked through and it disappeared behind them as they walked past, leaving them in complete darkness.

It seemed to Yugi like they were walking for several hours before he felt Yami stop and then mutter another something in Egyptian and a dull light poured into the hall.

Stepping through the small passage that was now open Yugi was surprised at what he saw. It was obvious they were in a deep part of the castle if not nearly underground altogether. Near the top the sun shone through large windows where the only barricades were magic blocking the way through the windows.

"Back when we had to contain them and they became too hard to control the strongest mages we had cast spells on the windows so no monster could pass by the windows during the day. An hour after the sun sets though the spells fade and the monsters are free to roam about. An hour before the sun starts to rise the monsters, especially so when we don't trust the monsters to come back here on their own, like Blue Eyes and the more powerful monsters, they go under a trance so they do come back. Other monsters that we do trust like Dark Magician come back on their own, but he usually just wanders the palace."

Yugi started jumping up and down excitedly and pointing down below. "There he his, Yami; I see him! Can you introduce me, Yami? Please?"

Yami shook his head and pointed to the windows that the magic was now showing to fade. A few seconds later they disappeared and most of the monsters headed out of them and took to the skies. Others that couldn't fly started to climb the stairs to get to the large windows.

"What about outside, Yami? Don't people see the monsters through the windows?"

Yami shook his head. "Another brilliance of the mages magic. To the outside people who don't know of it, which is everybody except for the pharaoh, the mages, and the high priest, nobody sees it only see it to be just another brink in the palace."

Yugi nodded and watched the Dark Magician jumped out the window with Dark Magician Girl right behind him. "Maybe some other time them. From the sound of it they don't get much time to themselves and I'm sure they will whenever they can."

It was Yami's turn to nod. "Yes, it's better to leave them alone at night. That's why I've placed a strict rule to be indoors during the time the monsters are out so nobody will run into them."

"That's a good idea." Yugi yawned.

Yami smiled and thought he looked adorable when tired. "Come on. Let's get some sleep."

Yugi nodded and let himself be led back the way they came.


Yugi only woke up once in the night after a strange dream of walking through what seemed like water but a lot thicker. When he looked over to see Yami still asleep he also saw another shadow and stiffened, thinking it was a tomb robber or somebody else out to get the Pharaoh's life. He was about to start shouting for help when he looked up towards where the person's face was supposed to be and his fear was quickly shared in with surprise. The Dark Magician was watching him with very careful eyes.

When the mage saw Yugi watching him though he took a step back and faded out of the room.

Rubbing his eyes to get the sleep out he concluded that the Duel Monster really was in the room and that for some reason the mage was watching him carefully, almost with a concerned expression on his face.

`Has he always done that at night: come in here and watch Yami and me sleep?' He thought. He laid his head back down on the pillow to think, but instead fell asleep a few minutes later; now dreaming of two sharp blue eyes watching him carefully.