Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ What's going to happen to Yugi? ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

That morning Yugi was thinking about what he'd seen last night with the Dark
Magician in their room.

`What had he been doing in here?' Yugi kept asking himself.

When the amethyst-eyed teen saw Yami come out of the room he went over to him and wrapped his arms around him and mumbled out that something weird had happened last night.

"What's that, love?" Yami asked as he wrapped his own arms around the teen.

"The Dark Magician was in here and we was staring at us. He left though, after he saw that I was awake and looking at him.

Yami just squeezed him tightly for a second before releasing him and heading over to the closet to find something to wear. "It was just a dream, Yugi; I'm sure." Seeing Yugi's discouraged expression at having such an odd dream he smiled. "Would it make it any better if I suggested we could go see the Duel Monsters again since you didn't get to meet with any of them yesterday?"

Yugi slowly nodded and then lightly blushed as his stomach gave a protest at being empty.

The Pharaoh laughed. "How bout we get some breakfast first?"

In response, Yugi's blush darkened slightly, but he followed Yami out the door all the same after they got dressed.


Arriving at the table where breakfast was served they smiled as they saw their four friends also seated around the table eating.

"Hey, Yugi," Ryou waved at noticing them, "Yami."

"Hi, guys." Yugi sat down and took an apple from the basket in the center of the table. "What are you guys thinking of doing today?"

Malik shrugged. "Nothing much. Ryou and I were planning on playing a game later, maybe tonight; just something to pass the time. Other than that we don't have anything to do."

Bakura and Marik just grumbled out that they had nothing to do since their hikaris felt too sore to do anything.

Ryou and Malik blushed while Yugi giggled, trying to stifle it behind his hand.

So," Marik continued, "We were just going to watch our hikaris play their game later tonight. Why? Did you have any ideas on what we could do besides sit here and be bored all day?"

Yugi nodded. "Yeah. You could come with Yami and me," he suggested.

The four perked up at the offer of something to do and also going somewhere.

"Where are you going to go, Yugi?" Malik asked.

"Is it fun and exciting?" Marik interrupted.

"I'll do anything to get out of this place for something to do." Bakura jumped out of his seat.

"Tell us, Yugi." Ryou told the smaller teen, the excitement of doing something also evident in his voice though he didn't show it like the others did.

Yugi laughed at his friends' antics and looked to Yami to see if it were okay to invite them.

Yami noticed his lover's look and glanced at their friends, rolling their eyes as they saw them looking back and forth between them anxiously. Finally, he let out a large sigh and nodded. He was hoping to get to be alone with Yugi after he was done questioning the Dark Magician, but if his little lover wanted to have his friends come with him then he could always wait until they decided to leave. "Very well, Yugi. They can come along if they wish too."

Yugi gave him a large smile and wrapped his arms around his waist and giving him a small, but loving peck on the cheek. "Thank, Yami. I'm sure they'll love it." He turned back to the four staring at them impatiently now to find out where they were going to be going. "Yesterday Yami took me down deeper into the palace where on the Duel Monsters are kept for the day. Unfortunately, they're released after the sun goes down and I only got to see them for a couple minutes before they got to leave so Yami was going to take me back after breakfast so I can meet them then. Would you like to go?"

"You mean all the Duel Monsters are directly beneath us?" Malik asked, looking to the floor nervously.

"Yes," Yami answered, "but they can't leave that room until sunset. They're magically bounded into the room until then and the same goes for their powers so they can't blast their way out."

Bakura smirked and grabbed Ryou's wrist. "We're in then." Ryou blushed slightly out of embarrassed for how weird Bakura was acting but nodded anyway.

Malik and Marik glanced at each other before immediately agreeing they'd come too.

"This ought to be fun." Malik jumped for joy now that he didn't have to be bored all day with his yami nagging him that he wanted attention.

Yugi nodded and him and Yami led the way back up to Yami's room to go through the secret door.


The six item holders walked through the dark passageway leading deeper and deeper within the palace to where the Duel Monsters were held. Finally they stopped and Yami mumbled out the words to open the magic door, knowing Bakura and Marik and maybe even Malik would be able make out a translation to them if he said it too loudly and he didn't need them causing trouble without him knowing about it, especially with Duel Monsters involved.

Ryou looked over the large mass of powerful and weak monsters alike before his large brown eyes widened and he pointed excitedly somewhere in front of him. "Bakura, look! It's Change of Heart!"

Bakura looked to where Ryou was pointing and nodded.

"Can we, yami? Please?" He begged.

Bakura rolled his eyes in mock irritation, but nodded with a smile and allowed Ryou to pull him down the stairs where they disappeared into the crowd of monsters.

Malik watched them go with a smirk on his face before gasping as his arm was grasped and he too was being dragged into the crowd of monsters by his yami. "Marik! Where in Ra do you think you're taking me? I don't want to go down there!"

"Malik, look further down." Marik simply told him as he continued to drag his hikari down the stone steps.

He did and gasped when he saw a very large and very recognizable Duel Monster who he knew to be his favorite. He walked faster and ended up being the one pulling his other half. "What are we waiting for, Marik? You're so slow. I want to meet the great Dragon of Ra."

Marik shook his head and they disappeared behind one of the larger monsters they didn't bother to look at as they pushed by as they headed for the powerful God Card.

Yugi watched them before laughing at them and then looking over the monsters for the one he wanted to talk to. Yami tapped his shoulder and pointed over his shoulder to his left. Yugi looked to where he pointed and a small smile appeared on his face.

Dark Magician Girl was sitting on a ledge looking out the window, playing with her golden hair absently and directly next to with his eyes closed as if asleep was the Dark Magician.

Yugi starts heading toward them thinking he should ask about the night visit before his chance runs out since he didn't know if Yami would want to bring him back. Besides, he didn't want to assume that the mage was just there because he could be and wanted to watch them sleep rather than having a good reason for being there.

He waved to the female mage when she smiled at him and walked to where the other mage sat with his eyes still closed. Not wanting to wake him he turned back to Dark Magician Girl with a questioning look.

"He's awake, that lazy old bag of magic. He's so lazy." She giggled.

Yugi smiled at what she called his favorite Duel Monster and nodded a thank you. He turned back to the male mage and whispered a quiet, "Hello."

Blue eyes blinked open and the mage nodded a hello back to Yugi.

Deciding to get straight to the point, since Yugi was sure if Dark Magician liked or even cared for small talk. Before he could open his mouth though the mage started talking first and he kept quiet to be polite.

"I suppose you want to know what I was doing in yours and Master Yami's bedroom last night. I know you woke up and were surprised to see me watching you."

Yugi swallowed but nodded anyway, not wanting to be rude or disrespect the mage in anyway.

"You, Yugi, nor do your other friends belong in this era and you should leave." He put simply.

Red flashed before Yugi, upset that he would just put it like that without a better reason. Once again though, the mage started talking before he could say anything in response.

"I don't mean to be rude, little master, but it is the truth. You came here because the gods wished it upon you to say goodbye to your loves, not to stay here and gallivant in Egypt in stay her for the rest of your lives."

The amethyst-eyed teen was outraged by now at how the Dark Magician could talk to him like this and still call him "little master" like it was respectful. He spoke this time before the mage. "We aren't "gallivanting" as you put it." He said, his throat tight from trying to repress from yelling and causing attention. "I know we have to go back, we all do, but we would like more time then a few days with our yamis. A month or something would be good, but you're making it sound like we need to leave this minute."

Blue eyes widened as the mage realized just what he did and he tried to make it right. "No, little master, I don't mean to make it sound like that. I just…"


The two looked behind Yugi and saw Yami standing there.

"I have a feeling somebody is going to be looking for us if we stay much longer. Something is bound to go wrong up there if we don't get back. You know how some people can be when there isn't anybody to order them around."

Yugi gave Yami a smile and nodded. He turned to just glare at Dark Magician before following Yami and the already collected friends of theirs back out the door that sealed closed behind them.


Yami all but shoved Bakura and the others out the door when they arrived back in his and Yugi's room nearly half an hour later before turning back to Yugi with a concerned expression adorning his face.

"What's wrong, Yami?" Yugi asked worriedly, hoping he hadn't done something offensive back in the Duel Monsters' room.

The ruby-eyed Pharaoh just shook his head. "Nothing with me, Yugi, but what about you?"

"You?" Yugi asked confused.

"You looked like you were getting mad at Dark Magician for something. What did he say?"

Suddenly it all seemed to click together for Yugi. "I see now, Yami. You didn't get us out of there because you were worried about what would happen up here, but you wanted to find out what I was talking to him about. Am I right?"

Yami looked down at the marble floor, but nodded anyways.

Amethyst eyes slipped shut and Yugi let out a small sigh. "I just got mad because he told me that me and the others, Ryou and Malik, don't belong in this era and we have to get back. I guess I just didn't want to hear it and my mind somehow made it seem like he was ordering me rather than suggesting that I should before something happens. Now that I've had time to think about what he said I know it's true and I've known all along that we'll have to go back sooner or later, but I just don't want to right now and I'm sure Ryou and Malik don't want to either."

Yami smiled, glad and relieved to hear it was only that. Otherwise, he'd have to go have a little chat with Dark Magician about upsetting his lover. He smiled and wrapped his arms around Yugi's waist. "Don't worry about that right now, Yugi."

The smaller boy nodded and wrapped his own arms around Yami's waist, closing his eyes and enjoying the spicy scent that was Yami. "I won't, Yami. I just want to be here with you."


Later that evening, a few minutes before the sun was going to set, all six friends could be found in Yami's room. Yami was sitting on the bed discussing who knows what with Marik and Bakura. Ryou and Malik were engrossed in a confusing game that their yamis had taught them how to play and Yugi was watching as a referee since Yami had taught him how to play the game long ago and he'd mastered it; though he did promise that whoever won the round he would play against them.

A few minutes later Malik was staring at the board thinking about the move Ryou had just made before he stood up hastily. "Wait a minute! You can't do that!"

Ryou looked at what he just did and frowned. "Yes I can." He told Malik, confused as to what the other hikari was trying to get at. Surely, Yugi would have told him he couldn't make that move if he really couldn't.

"No! It's illegal! Marik told me so!"

"Yugi would've told me if I couldn't make it." The two boys turned to where Yugi had been sitting, watching their game in silence, but both were surprised to find that Yugi wasn't there anymore. Looking up when they heard the door close with a loud thump.

The three yamis also stood when they heard the door closed. Ryou stood and went over to the door.

Bakura glanced at the board and frowned. "Ryou, where are you going? You aren't done."

Ryou looked out the door and gasped. "It's Yugi!" He told the others hurriedly. "Dark Magician looks like he's waiting for him at the end of the hall."

The three yamis and Malik stood and looked out the hall. Yami noticed immediately that Yugi didn't know what he was doing. He growled when he realized that the mage had put him in a trance to get him to go where he wanted. They ran out the door to follow and were further surprised when Yugi was already down the stairs.

They followed Yugi and the mage as fast as they could down the halls in many twists and turns before they came to a large door that closed loudly after Yugi had walked through it. When the others tried to open it however, it wouldn't budge and they could tell they'd been locked out.

Yami looked further up the door to try and figure out a way to get in when he finally realized what part of the palace they were in. His eyes widened and he jumped at the door, clawing desperately at it as he called for Yugi.

"Yami? What's wrong? What's on the other side?" Marik asked with concern.

Yami, pale faced, turned around and in almost an inaudible whisper told them that Yugi was trapped inside the Duel room where all the monsters' powers were fully usable and anything could happen inside. He then went on to explain what the Dark Magician had told Yugi earlier that day when they went to visit the monsters.

"You don't think that Dark Magician would force him to go back without letting him out of the trance, do you? Yugi would be so confused if he just woke up back in our own time and not knowing how he got there."

"What if he does it to the both of us too?" Malik asked worriedly. He grabbed onto Marik's arm and held on tightly, afraid to let go.

Ryou did the same to Bakura, hiding his face in the crook of his yami's neck.

Yami watched them with saddened eyes before returning his attention to the door and pounding on it, yelling out for the mage to release Yugi.