Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ With You ❯ My Name's Yami ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Yugi blinked once and then again to focus his eyes on the unusually black room. The last thing he remembered was watching Ryou and Malik argue over the game they were playing. Looking around he realized he'd never been in this room before.

Behind him he could barely hear the sound of somebody shouting for him and pounding on the door. He turned around to answer Yami's calling, but he stopped before he even got a word out and realized that somewhere a red light was brightening the room and in front of him, blocking the door and only exit as far as he could tell for the room, was the Dark Magician.

He watched him with a curious look, knowing that the mage had made him come to the room somehow without him knowing since he was the only other being in the room. He was still upset with the Dark Magician for what he had said earlier to him.

Dark Magician motioned to behind Yugi and amethyst eyes turned curiously to see what he was gesturing at. He blinked when he saw a chair fade into the room and he turned back to look at the mage.

"I thought you'd like to be comfortable. I need to speak with you of something of importance."

Yugi felt like growling but he held his tongue. "I already know what you're going to say. You want me to go back home."

"There's no doubt in my mind that you know what I'm going to say, but there are several reason as to why you should go back."

Yugi sighed and looked back at the door. If Yami couldn't get in then there wasn't a doubt in his mind that the mage had it locked. "You're not going to let me out until I agree with you, are you?"

"I can't force you to agree, Yugi, just listen. But yes, I won't let you out nor Master Yami in until you listen to me at least."

The teen sighed again and walked over to the chair, flopping down in it. He figured the faster he cooperated the faster he'd get let out. "Alright, I'm listening. What do you want to say that's so important you had to lock me up and make me hear what you need to say?"

Dark Magician raised an eyebrow at Yugi's strange attitude, but he figured he'd had enough of people trying to tell him and the other hikaris to go back home. "Very well." He walked over to Yugi and sat down in another chair he faded into the room.

"Since you already know what I'm basically going to tell you I won't start off by repeating that, but I do have something to ask you?"

"Hmm?" Yugi asked, his voice laced with boredom.

"Do you miss your grandfather and the friends you left behind?"

Yugi's eyes widened and he glanced up at the Dark Magician; that definitely hit a nerve. He'd been here for months and every day it seemed like his conscience kept telling him he needed to make a decision soon. Every day the hurt and the pain for his friends that still believed him to be mad at them for what Seto had said continued to grow; the same went for his grandfather who must've been scared out of his mind with worry of what could've happened to him when it was discovered he wasn't there.

"Yugi?" The mage questioned when the boy had been silent for a while.

"I - I do." He whispered quietly, not wanting to admit that Dark Magician was right. "But that doesn't mean I want to go back to my time!" He finished quickly and more loudly than he'd wanted to. Lowering his voice once more he finished, "I love Yami too much to go back. I can't leave him again."

"I know you love Master Yami with all your heart, Yugi, and it's obvious he knows this and feels the same for you. What about your grandfather though? Did it ever occur to you that he might believe you to be dead after missing for so many months?"

Yugi tensed. The thought of that hadn't even come to him.

Before Yugi could say anything however, the mage continued. "And what of your friends? Did you even think of how long you'd stay here when you had the chance to come here? And if you did stay for a while how would your grandfather find out where you were or that he'd even wait for you? He's bound to have gone back to your home long ago and your friends had to have found out when Ryou and Malik hadn't gone to see them yet." The mage reasoned.

"But I'll be heartbroken if I have to leave Yami again and this time it's going to be for good." Yugi's eyes teared up and his voice choked as he said this.

Knowing the boy would probably like some kind of comfort Dark Magician moved forward and knelt down so he could wrap his arms around Yugi. Yugi also wrapped his arms around the mage and waited for himself to calm down before letting go.

"And what about Ryou and Malik. They'll be devastated to know we have to go back too."

Dark Magician nodded in agreement. Though in his mind he was silently praising himself for finally being able to get through to Yugi. He still felt bad for making him hurt this badly about it though.

"What am I supposed to do with the empty feeling that I get whenever Yami's not with me?"

The mage smiled and hugged Yugi close to him once more. "Yugi, do really think that Yami isn't always with you? I know it hurts now and before it still hurt because it was such short notice when he had to leave, but did you even try to make it better. You stopped hanging out with your friends and pushed them away. Tell me, did you ever look at Ryou or Malik after your yamis left?"

Realization dawned on Yugi and finally found out how stupid he'd been all this time; he nodded. "They weren't as hurting as I was because they had each other and our friends to talk to. They didn't feel like the world had come crashing down like I did and I only pushed them away when they tried to help."

The mage nodded. "Now if you did go back do you think the friends would try to help you again?"

Yugi shook his head.

Confused, the mage asked Yugi why they wouldn't help him like they tried to last time.

"Because they think I hate them." He mumbled into the magician's chest.

"Do you think that makes them hate you and not care for you?"

Thinking about this for a minute, Yugi shook his head. "I don't think so."

"And with Ryou and Malik to be able to back you up to show them you don't hate them after all, do you think they'll be willing to give you a second chance?"


"So, have you decided what you're going to do now?"

Yugi pulled away from the magician and looked around the red dimmed room. He felt cold all of a sudden and wrapped his arms around himself. He could still hear Yami pounding and yelling at the door for him and briefly he thought he could hear the others calling out for him as well. Blocking them out he tried to think. Sadly, he nods. "You're right. I don't belong here and I do want to go back home. I love Yami so much but I do want to go back home. I miss everybody there and I just want to go home to my own time."

The mage nodded and the door just then flew open, Yami and the others rushing in.

Yami looked around and found Yugi, now sitting on the cold floor in utter darkness with the little light showing in behind with showing tears trekking down his face. He ran over and gathered his koi in his arms and kissed his face over and over again repeatedly asking in between kisses what happened to him.

Instead of answering Yami's continuous question, Yugi looked at Ryou and Malik. "We need to go back." He choked out through his steadily flowing tears.

The two hikaris look at Yugi in complete surprise and confusion. Nobody had been able to get Yugi to say those words willingly and now, here was, telling them they need to go back. Without having to be asked it to realize it though, they deeply missed their friends and their family back home and wanted to desperately see them again. Both reluctantly and sadly they nodded their agreement.

Just then a portal appeared behind them and Yugi stood, wrapping his arms around Yami. "I'll miss you so much, Yami. I understand now that you'll never leave me no matter how far apart we are. You don't hate me for deciding this, do you?"

"Of course not, Yugi. I think this is the bravest decision you've ever had to make. I'll love you forever and I'll never leave you're side. You'll always be in my heart and my mind."

Yugi nodded. "And you mine, Yami." He pulled away and headed towards the portal where Ryou and Malik were waiting, having already said there goodbyes to their yamis as well. Tears already making their way down their cheeks, even Malik who usually hated crying in front of people.

"Yugi." Yami called back.

The amethyst-eyed teen turned around to look at Yami questioningly.

The Pharaoh walked away and placed a kiss on Yugi's lips, putting all his love he felt towards Yugi into it. After pulling away he placed a gentler kiss on his cheek. "Know that I'll always love you no matter what. I don't want you to feel bounded to me though. When you step through that portal you'll be in a time where I don't with the living, which means you won't have a lover. I want you to find somebody so wonderful and loving who was meant just for you and I don't want you to feel like you're betraying me. Can you try that? For me?"

Tears leaked out of Yugi's violet eyes, but he nodded. "I'll try, Yami, but no matter what part of my heart will always be for you only."

Yami nodded. He then pulled the Millennium Puzzle off from around his neck and placed it around Yugi. "I don't need it anymore. Will you keep it safe for me, Yugi?"

Yugi nodded once more and turned away, holding his hands out for Ryou and Malik. Together the three stepped through into the bright light, leaving their lovers behind in the past; to be a thing of the past.


Yugi, Ryou, and Malik woke up from the familiar unconsciousness they awoke from the first time they went through the portal. One thing was definitely different though and they noticed it before they even opened their eyes.

"Yugi, Malik?" Ryou called, a tad bit of worry heard in his voice. "We should've be laying on something soft, should we?"

The three teens opened their eyes and gasped. They were laying on Yugi's bed back in Japan and smiles appeared on all of their faces.

"The portal took us back home!" Malik laughed.

"At least that saves us the worry of figuring out how to get back here from Egypt." Yugi half joked.

Hearing the familiar bell of the game shop downstairs, they jumped off the bed and ran down the stairs, Yugi calling out eagerly for his grandpa.

Reaching the game shop, Solomon Motou nearly had a heart attack when he saw his grandson and two best friends running down the stairs in the shop. "Yugi! How! Where!" Tears made their way down his aged face as he held Yugi and his friends in his arms. He believed they had been dead or hurt when he couldn't find them. The Egyptian officers told him to go home though after staying a month over the time he had planned on with a promise he'd have them sent home safely if they ever turned up.

"I'm so sorry for everything, grandpa! I'm got so much to tell you!" Yugi told him excitedly, glad to finally be back home.


Hours later everyone, including Joey, Seto, and Isis, were crowded in the Motou living room staring in awe at the three hikaris who had just told their tale. Yugi finished it off by saying, "So we stepped through the portal and here we are."

"So you got to see Yami and the others again? That's pretty cool, Yug. I'm really happy for you."

"Yeah, I'm going to miss him so much, but this time I'm not going to crawl into a shell and act like the world had come to an end. That is, if you're willing to forgive me and help me."

"Ah, Yug, how could you ever believe we'd abandon you like that?" Joey joked around.

It was a very exciting day and that night when Yugi went to bed, he was surprised that it didn't feel as bad leaving Yami and the other two yamis knowing that his friends were going to be with him this time.


A few days later after school Yugi was walking down the halls, looking down at the ground wondering how he was ever going to make up all the stuff he missed while he was gone. He knew history wasn't going to be a problem since he'd already talked to his teacher and he'd said he'd give him a passing grade if he wrote a five page essay on his trip to Egypt, when he walked right into another person and they both fell to the ground.

The other person laughs, a deep sounding laugh, and holds out his hands. "Sorry about that," he says. "I should've been paying attention to where I was going instead of looking at the map of this crazy school."

Yugi takes the hands while he rubs his back where he fell on it with his other. "Don't worry about it. I wasn't paying attention either." Yugi finally looked up and gasped, losing his voice at the person he was looking at.

"Yami!" A person called from down the hall and getting closer. Another teen with long white hair and sharp eyes running after the person who had called out.

"I think I finally found the stairs we need to get out of this place." The person gasped out.

The white-haired teen noticed Yugi before the other and a smirk spread over his face. "Whose this, Yami?"

"Uh, I don't know. I just ran into him." He turned back to Yugi who was looking at them strangely. "Are you okay? You look a bit pale."

"What? Oh, yeah; I'm fine, thanks. Um, I'm Yugi."

"Nice to meet you. At least one person in this school is nice anyway. I'm Yamichi, but I like being called Yami. This is Bakurani," he gestured to the white-haired teen, "and Mariku," he pointed to the other, bleach-blonde teen.

"Just call me Bakura…"

"And me Marik." Mariku interrupted.

"Okay. Would you mind if I asked you why you don't like you're given names?" Yugi asked curiously.

"Oh, sure. See our favorite subject in our old school was World History because our teacher made it really fun. When we got to Ancient Egyptian times he liked to joke around with us because we have these strange resemblances to three important people from back then and our names almost matched them too. It was Pharaoh named Yami, me, a retired tomb-robber who turned out to be good friends with the Pharaoh, Bakura, that's him," he pointed to the white-haired teen.

"And then a tomb watcher who got a hired position and was also really good friends with the Pharaoh and tomb-robber, Marik, which is me."

"Anyways," Bakura continued, "our teacher started calling us by those names and we ended up getting attached."

"That's really cool." Yugi told them, amazed that he'd never heard anything about his lover in his history books before.

"So, Yugi, you know this school pretty well?" Yami asked.

Yugi nodded.

"Cool, can you help out of here? We're so lost." He blushed in embarrassment for having to admit.

Yugi laughed and nodded. "Sure, it takes a while to get used to the place." It was then that Yugi noticed that they hadn't gawked at him for looking almost exactly like Yami, the Pharaoh Yami nor the Yami he was now walking beside. He decided to leave. "If you guys want, I can introduce you to my friends tomorrow. I'm sure they'd love to meet you."

"We'd like that a lot, Yugi. They've got to be someone if they hang out with someone as cute as you." Yami joked.

Yugi blushed but laughed along with them. `Nope, this won't be all that bad at all.'