Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Within a Heartbeat ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"God its cold out here…" Was Joey's first thought as he climbed on to his bike, watching his breath puff in the twilight air. "I have to hurry… Dad's gonna kill me!" He thought frantically, building up speed and gliding smoothly down the road.

The blonde had gone over to his friend Yugis house that day, because they had gotten a lot of homework, and well, Joey wasn't the best at math. Every one was there, Tristin, Tea, and Ryou, the resident smart one who ended up pretty much doing all of everybody else's work while explaining it to them. Tea had been ranting on as usual about friendship, love, and pink ponies, with poor Tristin hanging on to her ever word. Joey snorted at that particular memory, it was obvious to anyone that the brunette had a crush on the gentle girl. Joey liked Tea; really, it's just that she got a bit much at times.

Blue eyes looked up at the flickering street lamps. "Great…. Just great, not only is it cold, no its gonna be really dark too." He lamented softly, turning off to the side when he heard the soft whir of an engine coming up behind him. It got louder as he looked over his shoulder. His eyes widened at the widely swerving truck that was barreling strait for him. There was nothing he could do…

Nothing at all…. Joey closed his eyes just before the point of impact, he felt the pain of the ripping asphalt as his bike was dragged along, stuck to the muffler, and his foot caught in the pedal. Finally, it stopped, and the last thing the poor boy felt was the sweet cold touch of slightly damn grass underneath his road burned skin.