Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Without A Voice ❯ Bakura's Change of Plans ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 5: Bakura’s Change of Plans Tristan managed to escape from the corner he was backed into and Kristy ended up chasing him out the door and into the forest. Unfortunately, Kristy lost track of Tristan and had to slow to a walk. Little did she know, Bakura was hiding within the shadows of the forest waiting for the perfect chance to strike. Kristy walked by him with no knowledge of doing so. Bakura then followed her until they were far enough away so that no one would hear her scream when he grabbed her. He waited until she walked out to a cliff that had a sharp drop-off to the sea before sneaking up behind her and wrapping an arm around her waist before covering her mouth and vanishing with her. Tristan had stopped running a long time ago and was starting to worry when Kristy hadn’t found him; even though he was saved a walloping because she couldn’t catch him. Bakura had brought Kristy to an abandoned warehouse and as soon as they appeared, she pushed him away.   “What the hell are you doing you deranged psychopath?!” Kristy yelled at him. “Keeping you as far away from Tristan as possible; and being as how you’re separated, there’s no way that you can use the power in your arm and wristbands to blow me into the Shadow Realm because when you’re separated, your power isn’t even strong enough to throw me into a wall.” Bakura explained smirking. “If you think for one minute that you’re going to kill me because Tristan and I are separated, you’ve seriously lost it!” Kristy yelled at him. “Who said anything about killing you? I’ve suddenly had a change of plans, and have decided that I think I’ll keep you for myself.” Bakura stated. “I thought you were a nutcase before but now I know for a fact that you are most definitely a psychopath.” Kristy stated while backing away from him and looking for a way out. “There is no way out and personally, I like my companions to be unable to talk back to me.” Bakura stated calmly while activating his millennium ring.   A blast of light flowed out of his millennium ring and right at Kristy who felt like she was choking as the light surrounded her. The next thing she knew, she woke up on a platform that was surrounded by a force-field. She tried to ask aloud what had happened but found that she couldn’t speak and that she was as speechless as she was when she had first arrived. She started crying at the loss of her voice once again; she was suddenly back to expressing her emotions through sign language and facial expressions. Bakura entered the room again with an evil smirk on his face.   “Well, now that I fixed that fact that you could speak, it’ll be nice and quiet since you can no longer talk back to me.” Bakura then laughed as he walked away. ‘Summoned Skull?’ ‘What is it master?’ ‘Did you hear what Bakura said?’ ‘No, I didn’t; what did he say.’ ‘Well, he stole my voice from me, he’s preventing me from going back to Tristan, he’s planning on keeping me here with him… need I go further?’ ‘How’d he get your voice from you? I thought it was returned for good. Also, have you tried contacting Tristan telepathically?’ ‘No, I haven’t contacted Tristan telepathically; and he robbed me of my voice by using his millennium ring.’ ‘Do you want me to come out and try to free you?’ ‘No, Bakura would hear you because he’s in the next isle.’ ‘Try contacting Tristan mentally; maybe Yami could restore your voice again.’ ‘I’ll try contacting Tristan; but I doubt Yami will be able to restore my voice.’ ‘Tristan, can you hear me?’ When Kristy got no answer, she moved to plan B.   ‘Summoned Skull, he’s too far away for me to contact him. I need you to go to one of my friend’s monsters and tell them the situation.’ ‘You don’t even know where you are.’ ‘I want you to find that out too.’ ‘Okay, see you soon.’ ‘Thanks’   Bakura then came in with something for Kristy to eat and set it inside the force-field. He was lucky he made sure he was quick because soon after he set it down; it came flying back at him.             &nb sp; “You have to eat something!” He yelled at her.   Kristy shook her head vigorously and turned her back to him; listening as he stormed off angrily. The Skull reached the Dark Magician and told him the situation; then the Dark Magician passed it on to Yami. Meanwhile at the warehouse, Bakura was talking with Kristy about what his plans were.   “You needn’t worry, Tristan will be here soon, only, he won’t be allowed near you. After all, you did tell the Summoned Skull to alert him and his friends.”   Kristy looked at him in shock and then cursed herself for forgetting that Bakura knew when she spoke mentally with any of her monsters or Tristan. Yami and the others were on their way to the warehouse and got close when Bakura snuck up behind them and grabbed Tristan before vanishing back into the warehouse. As soon as Tristan was let go, he saw Kristy and tried running to her. Bakura grabbed his arm and stopped him.   “One, if you try to touch her, you’ll only get zapped by the force-field and two, I don’t want you anywhere near her.” Bakura stated. “Let Kristy go, before I beat you to a pulp.” Tristan ordered angrily. “You’re in no position to be giving orders Tristan!” Bakura stated grabbing his arm and twisting it behind his back with such force; he dislocated Tristan’s shoulder causing him to cry out in pain.   Kristy banged on the force-field trying to escape but that only caused a jolt to go through her body.             &n bsp; ‘Kristy, I’m sorry, I failed to rescue you.’ Tristan thought. ‘That’s not true, you came to try and save me. If you were to fail you wouldn’t have even tried. Unfortunately, Bakura snatched my voice from me with his millennium ring.’ Kristy explained. ‘Kristy, of course I tried to save you, I am in love with you, and I would never let this bastard have you without a fight. We’ll get him back for stealing your voice away from you.’ Tristan thought. “You really shouldn’t have told her that.” Bakura stated before dropping Tristan to the floor and kicking him a few times in the ribs.   Kristy didn’t care what pain came with pounding on the force-field, and she tried desperately to get out of it and run to Tristan’s side. It was at that point that Yami and the others found the warehouse and walked in, only to find Tristan writhing on the floor in pain and Kristy pounding on a force-field trying desperately to get to him.   “Hold it right there Bakura! Let Kristy go!” Yami shouted while Jou went to kick Bakura in the head to help Tristan.   Unfortunately, Bakura caught Jou’s leg and flipped him to the floor. Finally, Yami used his millennium puzzle to destroy the force-field around Kristy and to throw Bakura into a wall to knock him unconscious. Kristy immediately ran to Tristan when she was released from the force-field.   ‘Tristan, Tristan are you okay?! Please tell me you’re okay!’ Kristy thought to him in a panic. ‘I’m fine Kristy, I’ve probably got some bruised ribs and I need to lock my shoulder back into place, but besides that I should be fine.’ Tristan stated calmly but there was some evident pain in his thoughts.   Tristan slowly got to his knees and looked up to see tears streaming down Kristy’s face. Kristy threw her arms around his neck and thought,              ;  ‘I’m so glad he didn’t kill you.’ ‘Kristy, it takes more than a few strikes to the ribs and a dislocated shoulder to keep me down.’ Tristan said reassuringly.   Without warning, Kristy knocked Tristan’s shoulder back into place and looked to Yami and Jou before thanking them in sign language.   “Kristy, I thought you had your voice back.” Yami stated confused.   A tear slipped down Kristy’s cheek before Tristan stated with a pained tone,   “Bakura took her voice from her using his millennium ring.”  “He what?!” Jou shouted. “Maybe my millennium puzzle can bring it back.” Yami suggested. ‘Or maybe I’m supposed to be mute for the rest of my life.’ Kristy thought angrily. “Don’t even think that way Kristy!” Tristan scolded her. “What did she say?” Jou asked. “She thinks that it may be possible that she’s supposed to remain mute for the rest of her life.” Tristan answered. “That can’t be true; Kristy, maybe we can get your voice back, there’s always a chance.” Yami stated comfortingly. “Come on, it’s worth a shot.” He finished.   Kristy nodded her head before Yami activated his puzzle and the light engulfed her. Kristy felt as if her airways were opened up before the light faded and released her. Before they could ask if it worked, Bakura came to and said,   “Idiots, I made it so that not even magic can bring her voice back.” He then, laughed evilly. “Bakura, you’re wrong.” Kristy stated, causing Bakura to stop laughing and to look at her with wide eyes. “That’s impossible; the millennium ring’s magic is strong!” Bakura protested. “Maybe, but the magic of the millennium puzzle is stronger.” Yami said confidently. “Can we leave now? I want to go home.” Kristy said. “Yeah, let’s go.” Tristan said, as he finally got to his feet and took Kristy’s hand.   The white light that surrounded the couple the first time appeared again and Tristan’s ribs were healed by it. Kristy and Tristan decided that they would either remain close to each other or close to their friends for protection purposes. Bakura was thrown into the wall again by Yami before they left; and headed back to the game shop.   Bakura: What is it with you abusing me?! WB Chan: It’s simple, you’re evil. Bakura: I want my frying pan back so I can hit you with it!! WB Chan: You’re hardly in a position to be bossing around the all-powerful authoress. Bakura: (Walks away grumbling only to come back with a tennis racket.) WB Chan: You left to get a tennis racket? Bakura: (grins evilly) your tennis racket to be exact. WB Chan: I suggest you put that down before I severely hurt you. Seto: I suggest you listen to her; Krista hits hard. I should know she had her hit me enough times in Be Careful What You Wish For. WB Chan: You were being naughty. Seto: You’re the authoress, you could fix that problem! WB Chan: (Grins evilly at Seto) what makes you think I want to fix it? Seto: (Runs like a bat outta hell after looking at the frying pan that magically appeared in her hand.) Bakura: (Thinks) ‘I forgot about how hard her characters hit. She had Krista smack me upside the head; and it was rather painful.’ WB Chan: (turns her grin on Bakura.) Bakura: (drops the racket and makes a break for it.) WB Chan: I love terrorizing my muses. Now on to the next chapter!!