Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Without A Voice ❯ The Voice Still Escapes Me ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 7: The Voice Still Escapes Me   Ryou woke up the next day with enthusiasm at the thought of possibly being able to speak again. He tried to say something only to find that he still couldn’t be heard. He ran down to Bakura’s basement bedroom and woke him by grabbing his collar and shaking him while shouting mentally,            &nbs p;  /Why the hell is it that I still can’t speak?!/   Bakura, being rudely awakened stuttered mentally              ;  //I...I don’t know. // /Well, you better find out soon or so help me, you’ll be in no condition to speak ever again! / Ryou shouted before storming out of Bakura’s room.   Bakura was for the first time terrified of his hikari because for a split second he could’ve sworn he saw a glimpse of what he was like in the past; when he made Ryou fear him with just one glare.   //Looks like I’ve taught the weakling well. // Bakura mused to himself. /Bakura! Get your ass down here! Breakfast is ready! / Ryou yelled mentally. //Gee, can the rest of me come too? // Bakura thought sarcastically, getting a metal spatula to the head as he sat down to eat. //Ow! What the hell was that for?! // He yelled. /Quit being sarcastic and just eat you sad excuse of a yami! / Ryou growled. //What did you call me?! // Bakura yelled, standing up from his chair.   Suddenly Ryou seemed to grow a few feet taller as he yelled, /I said eat!! / Bakura sat down quickly and said timidly, //Yes sir. // he was starting to realize just how scary his hikari was when angered.   After their meal was over and Ryou was doing dishes, Bakura was seriously thinking about going to beg the pharaoh to give his and Ryou’s voices back for his own, as well as Ryou’s safety. Because knowing the two of them, they’d end up killing each other by the time they got their voices back. Bakura then thought again that if he were to beg the pharaoh, he’d never be able to live it down.   /Bakura!!/ Ryou yelled through their link causing Bakura to jump a good ten feet from being startled.             ; //What is it this time whelp?!!// He yelled back angrily.             /What did you call me?!!/ Ryou yelled back. //You heard me hikari, I called you a whelp! // Bakura yelled; you could see sparks flying between the two as they stared each other down.   Well, they were staring each other down that is, until Ryou brought out a frying pan from behind his back and knocked his dark half unconscious.   ‘That’ll teach you not to call me a whelp!’  He thought angrily as he walked up the stairs and to his room. He knew for a fact that Bakura would have a major headache when he woke up, but he didn’t care at the moment.   Ryou then got a really devilish idea and decided to have some fun with the permanent markers around the house as well as the paints that were in the den. He walked over to Bakura’s unconscious form with the marker and drew a mustache under his nose that looked like one of the French mustaches in paintings and cartoons, before he used the paints to draw on his face so that his dark half looked like a clown.   ‘There, now when he wants to try and kill me for knocking him out, he’ll have to stop me from laughing first.’  Ryou thought with a smirk as he returned to his room.   It was an hour later when Bakura awoke, he got up and prepared to put Ryou through the same treatment, but it didn’t work too well as Ryou started cracking up. He didn’t think it would be so funny, but Bakura looking like a pissed off clown was too comical not to laugh. Bakura was confused; he didn’t understand why Ryou was laughing so much; until he looked in a mirror. Bakura screamed, before he ran into the bathroom to wash his face clean. Ryou closed his door with a big grin on his face.   After Bakura was cleaned up, he went to Ryou’s room seething. He had a fairly good plan for payback in mind, until a bucket of water came flying at him. He screamed and barely managed to dodge it, growling.   //What the hell was that for?!// Ryou turned and looked at him innocently before asking, /What? I was just relieving some stress./ //Don’t you dare try to feign innocents with me! You did that on purpose!// He yelled. /Maybe I did...and maybe I didn’t.../ Ryou stated with a grin, trying not to laugh as his yami was visibly starting to become unglued.   Realizing that he didn’t know how to take out his anger in a good way, Bakura left Ryou’s room and slammed the door as he went to walk around the park.   Meanwhile, at the game shop   Yugi wasn’t feeling well; it started with dizziness and disorientation; before escalating into a high fever and chills. At first they thought it was the flu; but that was ruled out when none of the medicines for the flu worked. They finally decided to get a doctor involved and when he gave the diagnosis, they were heartbroken. For the next two days his condition only worsened. Yami was always by his side; but it was obvious that he was grief stricken. He was supposed to watch out for Yugi, and then he gets an illness that was beyond Yami’s powers to heal...Or was it? Soon, Yami got an idea and called all of his friends to witness what he hoped would be a miracle. He called out Slifer to pose a question to him.   “Slifer, I wish for you to cure Yugi of the illness inflicted on him, to save his life!” He called. “Pharaoh, you do realize that by summoning me to grant you this deed...You must repay me somehow?” Slifer asked. “I do, unfortunately, I can think of nothing to offer.” Yami answered sadly. “You could offer to send your spirit to the afterlife.” Slifer suggested. “But my hikari needs me!” Yami protested. “That may be so, but unless I have payment, I can do nothing.” He stated. “But...” Yami tried, only to see Slifer shake his head. It was then that Kristy stepped in; “Then take my voice!” She offered. “The pharaoh summoned me, so he must pay.” Slifer stated. “But Yugi is a friend to all of us; the pharaoh may have summoned you; but all of us wish for the same miracle!” She pointed out. After a bit of thought, Slifer nodded his head in approval. The young mortal was wise to find a loophole. “But Kristy, you’ve gone through so much to speak again.” Yami protested. “I’ve experienced the gift of speech for at least a little while; that’s enough for me.” She reassured, though Yami still didn’t like the idea. “Besides, Yugi’s life is more important.” She stated confidently; it would seem her mind was made up; once that was done, there was no changing it.   She nodded to Slifer to show she was ready before he nodded and started the process of taking her voice. She felt like her airways were constricting at first; before collapsing to the floor, once again without a voice. Tristan helped her up and hugged her, as Slifer returned to the shadow realm.             & nbsp; “That was a very brave thing you did.” He stated with a smile.             //It was something that had to be done.// She stated back telepathically.   Their attention was diverted when they heard Yugi give off a slight groan as he started to come to.             &nbs p; “How do you feel Aibou?” Yami asked.             “Like I just came back from the dead.” He groaned out as he put a hand to his head.   Kristy walked over and hugged him with tears in her eyes.             &n bsp; “Kristy? What’s wrong?” He asked confused. “Yugi...She gave her voice to save your life. You were on the brink of death.” Yami explained softly.   Yugi looked at Kristy in shock.             & nbsp; “Kristy...I...I’m sorry.” He stated sadly, looking at the covers. “Yugi, your life was more important to her than her voice.” Tristan stated, translating what Kristy was saying telepathically to him.             “B...But, she worked so hard to get it back and keep it.” Yugi protested. “Yes, but it’s better that she was at least able to experience the gift, than to not have experienced it at all.” Tristan translated. “Well...I guess you’re right...” Yugi stated unsurely, before hugging Kristy and apologizing again.   Kristy just shook her head and hugged him back; thankful that he was so pure of heart.   Back with Bakura and Ryou   Bakura walked back into the house feeling quite hostile, even after his walk. He got ready to yell at Ryou mentally when he started muttering curses under his breath. Evidently the pharaoh thought he suffered enough; as he found that he could speak again. One thing was for certain; he wasn’t going to be going after Kristy anymore; he never wanted to be punished like that again. It was then that Ryou walked down the stairs with a big grin on his face. It seemed evident that he also could speak again.   “You seem to be quite happy.” He commented. “Yugi called, I let the machine get it since I didn’t have a voice to talk with; or so I thought. Yugi told me to pick up the phone and that Yami had given our voices back.” He explained. “Did he explain any particular reason for returning our voices?” Bakura asked suspiciously. “Just that Yugi got really sick and he had nothing to offer Slifer when he called him out; so Kristy gave her voice, so that Slifer could heal Yugi.” He explained quickly.   Ryou then headed out to Yugi’s, with Bakura in tow. Once they got there, the most Bakura did was glare at the pharaoh. Yami just smirked at him and continued to hang out with his friends.   “Well Bakura, I hope you glaring at me means that you learned your lesson.” He commented.   Bakura growled and mumbled for him to shut up under his breath. From that point on; there was a party to celebrate Yugi’s recovery; and a few apologies that a certain tomb robber was forced to give, as his light was holding tightly onto his ear. Once the apologies were done; he was released and went to soothe his wounded ego and his sore ear.   A couple of months later, a blushing Tristan asked Kristy to marry him. She too blushed; before she accepted and within a year’s time, they were declared husband and wife. Things went smoothly from then on; but things weren’t always going to be good, eventually, something would come up in which they’d have to return things to normal.     The End