Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Youth ❯ Youth-Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Well here is chapter 4 to "Youth" I hope you are liking it so far just be warned about this chapter and all my stories (I do not speak for Mally or her stories) that it and all contain Lemon and I don't want this story erase so please use caution otherwise ENJOY! Also I finally I have Original Yugioh Yaoi scans from Mangas so please go check out my new and modified site!

Yugi opened his eyes cautiously and was happy to see that Seto had fallen asleep finally, he sighed relived as he very slowly got out of bed and made his way toward the door slipping on his clothes as he did so. Seto didn't say he could go but he didn't say he had to stay either; he grabbed the key to the room Ryou was in and left. He quietly made his way outside the bedroom and down the hall before he sighed relived, and he timidly walked inside the bedroom he and Ryou shared. He couldn't help but smile slightly seeing Yami and Ryou curled up together on the bed, he knew Yami had, had a secret crush on him for a long time truthfully so did Yugi but now was not the time or place to be revealing such things. He went to the other side of Ryou, curled up next to him, and closed his eyes it would be a few more hours until morning and Yugi was still tired in all truth.

Yami opened his eyes a bit. //Yugi, when morning comes, we are going to have a talk. A long one.// he said calmly, hiding the hate for Seto. From what Ryou had revealed he was ready, to maul Seto without a single question asked. Yami could tell though, that Yugi had been worn out from...'activities' and needed rest. //Ryou wouldn't tell me what is going on...but I'm sure I have an good guess.// he added pulling the blankets Ryou hogged and spreading it over the three of them.

Yugi nodded at what he said, Yami needed an explanation and deserved one /I…I'm sorry I would have told you sooner but I really didn't have many other options…please try to understand and don't hate me…onegai don't hate me./ Yugi said timidly closing his eyes and buying his face in the nearby pillow.

Yami smiled and reached over Ryou's sleeping form to brush a hand through Yugi's hair. //I'll never hate you Aibou. I am angry that you kept something so important from me...but Ryou told me you were being blackmailed. Therefore, it isn't truly YOUR fault. Nevertheless, we will talk about what is really going on...and how to put a stop to it. Ryou's in horrible shape.// Yami said looking at the pale haired Hikari who whimpered in his sleep before snuggling close to Yugi and gripping his shirt tightly.

Yugi couldn't help but blush slightly when he gripped his shirt. Yugi looked up at Yami /he should be our first priority we need to get him to a hospital or at least out of here before anything else okay?/ Yugi asked wrapping his arms around Ryou where there were no bandages so he wouldn't hurt him

Yami smiled tenderly at his Hikari. //Do you have a plan?// he said watching the pale haired Hikari snuggle Yugi. //I think he likes you Aibou.// Yami said teasingly, hoping to bring some cheer to his Hikari's face. He tucked the blankets around the two smaller teens, to make them more comfortable, careful not to hurt Ryou. //Does Seto know I am here?//

/I don't think he knows about you...and Ryou's asleep Yami he probably doesn't even realize he's doing it. But I think we should wait until Ryou can at least walk on his own, you'll need to stay under the bed until we know Ryou can make the journey home...It might take some time but you'll need to contain your anger against Seto...can I trust you not to do anything drastic?/ Yugi said as Ryou stirred and opened his eyes slightly.

Yami nodded. //I will try not to kill Seto while Ryou is still healing.//

Ryou opened his eyes sleepily and looked at Yugi. "Oh...hi...you're ok?" He murmured loosening his grip on Yugi's shirt. He blinked a bit, noticing that he was now sharing his blanket with Yami and Yugi and began blushing. "I...um..." he stammered, sitting up painfully and gathering the blanket back around himself. He fell back against the bed with a yelp, when it was too painful to remain sitting up.

Yugi smiled sadly at Ryou "Don't sit up Ryou, your only going to hurt yourself more." Yugi said sympathetically hoping Ryou would do as he asked. He probably felt slightly awkward being in-between the two of them.

Ryou was blushing deeply at this point. "...Did I sleep through something important?" He squeaked, pulling the blankets over his head.

Yami chuckled and shook his head. //He's so cute when he does that...don't you think?// he said amused. //We'll get him out of here as soon as possible. You're right about the doctors...he has a slight fever to his body from the wounds. Is there something he could wear? He's...well Naked.// Yami added coughing a bit and motioning with his eyes at the blanket, the only thing covering Ryou's creamy body.

Yugi shrugged /Seto took his clothes, I don't know what he did with them either and I only have what I'm wearing not to mention I don't think Ryou can fit into my clothes, or vise-versa./ Yugi smiled slightly and hugged Ryou softly /You'll just have to live with him like this Yami…I'm sure you wont mind./ Yugi said with a wink.

Yami chuckled lightly. //I doubt you mind either. Where can we get him some clothes...he has been blushing like mad since he woke up.// Yami mused.

Ryou sighed in Yugi's hug, glad to be near someone. "Thank you...for coming you guys...even though you really shouldn't have..." Ryou said peeking out from under his blanket. "It means a lot, to know that you care."

Yami nodded. "Of course we care, we've always cared Ryou."

Yugi sighed "I can try and get you some clothes, from Seto's bedroom if you want Ryou." Yugi said pulling away slightly from Ryou, "You should be safe here with Yami." Yugi said

Ryou shook his head. "No! Don't go back near Seto...please!" Ryou said once again sitting up with a pained groan. "I'm fine...really...I have my blanket." he said trying to convince Yugi that he was. "I don't want you around him...please..."

Yami frowned, also not liking the idea of Yugi going near Seto. He twitched the urge to harm Seto once more rising. "Aibou..?" He muttered asking what his Hikari planned to do. He was more than a little tempted to go to Seto's room for Yugi, and teach the CEO a lesson he'd not soon forget. Provided he lived through it.

"I know what your thinking Yami, but I don't know if that's such a good idea...you could just give him your shirt you know." Yugi said not really wanting him to go near Seto, putting himself in danger was one thing but putting other in Seto's path was a different story if Seto ever got near the puzzle itself he could make it where Yami would never be near him again.

Yami nodded and took off his shirt and handed it to Ryou. "Here. It'll be a little big...but it'll be much better than going without."

Ryou smiled sheepishly, putting the shirt on slowly, wincing and gritting his teeth. "Th-thank you..." he forced out, knowing he probably re-opened more than a few of the injuries on his back. "I'm hungry..." Ryou mumbled lying back down and sighing. "How long are you going to stay Yugi? Wont your grandfather worry?"

"He might but Seto will probably let me call him if he intends to keep me any longer...if he doesn't intend me to stay, I want to leave the puzzle here with you so that at least one of us will be with you." Yugi said getting out of bed "I'm gonna go downstairs and get you something to eat, you two behave while I'm gone." Yugi said with a slight smile hoping to lighten the mood which Yami's and Ryou's blush confirmed

Ryou cuddled the blankets, blushing deeply. "Um...should I ask what was meant by that?"

Yami coughed a bit, blushing lightly. "I don't think even I should." //I'll get you for that you little sneaky...// Yami said playfully to Yugi.

Ryou nodded a bit. "So...um..." There was a bit of awkward silence. "...If you stay...u-um what about Yugi...wont he be lonely?"

Yami smiled. "If he gets lonely, we can still speak to each other...I'm going to stay and make sure Seto doesn't touch you anymore."

Yugi couldn't help but smile slightly at Yami's comment as he snuck inside the kitchen and snagged an apple and a peach and started to make his way back to the room but noticed Seto coming downstairs. Taking food without permission was a major punishment he would have to hide until he could sneak away without Seto seeing him. He hid inside one of the cabinets and heard pots and such being moved around. 'Great' Yugi thought. /I'm gonna be stuck in the kitchen for a minute Yami, I don't know how long either, be good/ Yugi said before putting up a mental block just incase Seto found him he didn't want Yami to feel anything.

Yami frowned and pulled Ryou close to him. "Yugi might be a while with that breakfast..." he practically growled. "If Seto comes touches him in malice...I swear by Ra...." he trailed off.

Ryou cringed at the thought of what Seto might do to Yugi, and even more at what Yami was promising would happen to Seto. "Yugi..." Ryou shook his head. "Please be ok..."

Yugi nearly had a heart attack when Seto nearly opened the cabinet that he hid inside, HE shook his head to return his breathing to normal and could see through a small crack in the cabinet that Seto was eating breakfast...very, very slowly. Yugi mentally groaned and tried to relax himself the best he could and waited silently wondering what Yami and Ryou were doing.

"Do you think Yugi will be ok...?" Ryou mumbled looking at the door. "I...I worry about him." He said burying his face in Yami's chest. "I hate to think what Seto will do to him if he gets mad..." Ryou added fearfully.

Yami buried his face slightly in Ryou's hair breathing him in, he smelled sweet, like honeysuckle. Yami put a hand on his forehead, he was a little feverish and that worried Yami. He pulled the covers off them. "I know you only have a shirt on but that heat can't be helping your fever Ryou." Yami said softly

Ryou was slightly flushed from the fever, but you would hardly be able to tell since he was blushing. He tugged the shirt down, although he didn't need to, it was long enough to cover the necessities. "I'm fine...really..." he said, eying the blanket and considering grabbing for it to cover himself.

"Why do you feel its necessary to lie about how you feel? Is it just to make others comfortable, you don't have to act like that around me you know." Yami said wrapping an arm around Ryou's waist and pulling him close giving him a quick kiss on the cheek

Ryou blushed more...if it was possible to. "I...um...I just...I..." Ryou stammered looking for a reply to Yami's statement. He looked at Yami and shook his head. "I...I don't act...really I'm fine..." he managed after a moment. Ryou bit his lip lightly as he thought. 'He kissed me...'

Yami tilted his head and smiled, he was really cute when he stammered like that, and he couldn't suppress a small laugh. "You don't have to be shy either Ryou, it's nothing I haven't already seen anyway." Yami said shrugging

Its easy for you to say that, you're not the naked one" Ryou mumbled snatching the blanket. "You wouldn't be so amused if YOU were naked and I were the clothed one." He added as he covered himself once more. Ryou's blush was fading now, and he was thankful to have the blanket back. Even if it wasn't good for him, but blanket or not he had a fever and would be flushed either way.

"You wish to have my pants as well." Yami said a mischievous glint in his eyes

Ryou's blush immediately returned. "Um, I think you need those...in fact I insist you keep them." he said quietly. "I thought pharaohs were taught to keep their clothing ON around others..." Ryou teased lightly. "Or did you spend too much time around the harem...?" Ryou giggled a bit.

"You've obviously spent to much time around Bakura I see." Yami said although he was smiling. He was glad that Ryou was laughing he had such an innocent aura around him the way his lips parted ever so slightly into a smile and his eyes sparkled with such purity. He realized that he had been staring and looked away from him absentmindedly pulling him closer.

"You know Yugi's likes you don't you? As more than a friend." Yami said so he could look into Ryou's eyes. "You could never impose upon him...or me." Yami said softly not looking away

Ryou looked into Yami's eyes quietly, blushing deeply. "U-um..." He looked away. "Y-you both have a marvelous...way of avoiding questions." Ryou said trying to change the subject. "I...I didn't know that though...thank you for telling me I...I guess." Ryou stammered shyly. He looked back into Yami's eyes blushing. "U-um.."

Yami smiled slightly before capturing the youth's lips in his own, it was strong but not forced giving Ryou the opportunity to pull away if he wanted to.

Ryou pulled away slightly. "Y-Yami..." Ryou breathed looking down. "I...I cant..." he whispered hugging himself. "I...its just...I'm dirty..." Ryou muttered pulling the blanket over his face ashamed. "He keeps pictures! I'm horrible. You shouldn't like me like that...no one should..." Ryou mumbled remaining close to the pharaoh. He didn't want to be separated from him...he loved him, but...he felt like half a person since Seto came along...and Yami could do so much better for himself.

Yami looked at Ryou in shock, did he really think so low of himself after what Seto had done to him. "Ryou...that's not true, you're a Hikari nothing can touch you, your just as beautiful as you ever were." Yami said softly stroking his cheek "Onegai...look at me." Yami said trying to look into his eyes.

Ryou forced himself to look into Yami's eyes. "I was beautiful when it started...that's why it happened to start with...but..." Ryou tear upped. "Look what he's made of me. I could never be as ugly as I have been...if you don't believe me...go look at his little collection of pictures. He does it to taunt me. I can't get away..." Ryou hugged Yami as tight as he could without injuring himself and sniffled. "...You're a good kisser..." he murmured and sniffed again.

Yami felt his heart constrict, how much did his mere appearance hurt him? He hugged Ryou wrapping his arms around him minding his wounds as he did so. He kissed Ryou again their bodies flush against one another he stopped for a moment "I don't need to see a picture to tell you, you are beautiful Ryou...he will pay for what he did Ryou mark my words, but you are not tainted by him, nothing will ever touch you again as long as I am here." Yami pressed his lips firmly against Ryou's slipping his tongue past his lips hoping that Ryou wouldn't stop him this time.

Ryou didn't stop Yami; he blushed lightly and actually enjoyed being kissed with true emotion, with love. After a few moments, he shyly kissed Yami back, hoping to return the sentiment that he felt from the affections. Even though his mouth was preoccupied, it was obvious he was smiling as brightly as he ever had. Yami was indeed a VERY good kisser. Ryou blushed darkly. A REALLY good kisser...

Ryou tasted like honeysuckle too, Yami didn't want to ever let go but he knew that this was not the time and defiantly not the place for such a thing as he reluctantly pulled away needing to breath once again.

Blushing and breathing a bit hard, Ryou blushed and pulled the blankets up to his chin. "I...um...you're a really good kisser..." he said blushing more and avoiding Yami's eyes. "D-do you think Yugi is ok...? It is very quiet..." Ryou said almost too quiet for Yami to hear. It was in Ryou's opinion...too quiet. He shivered and cuddled close to Yami.

Yami hugged the small Hikari to his chest being careful where he held him as he did so. He would have been happy just to hold him but the door flung open to forceful for it to be Yugi and Yami quickly disappeared inside the ring before anyone noticed he was there, not happy that he had to leave Ryou so suddenly but he couldn't let Seto know he was there...not yet.

Ryou yelped in surprise at the sound of the door hitting the doorstop with a loud slam. He sat up weakly and looked at Seto warily. "U-um..." he stammered looking for something to say. "Hi..." was all he managed to come up with, and mentally Ryou was screaming at himself for such a stupid comment.

"Where's Yugi?" Seto asked angrily

Ryou gave Seto the most innocent look he could muster. "H-he's not with you?" He said in surprise. Ryou fidgeted with the blanket a bit. "I-I'm afraid I don't know where he is. I've been sleeping..." he mumbled wincing and considering laying back down. "Last I am aware, he was with you..."

Seto frowned at Ryou "He was in here Ryou, you're lucky you're still hurt otherwise I'd hit you now for lying to me. Your door is unlocked and my key is missing, Yugi took it." Seto said folding his arms across his chest

Ryou shook his head. "I've been sleeping, I was unaware he was in here, and that the door was unlocked...or I would have tried to leave." Ryou grumbled, faking sincerity. 'I just hope Yami tells Yugi to forget breakfast and get out of there...' he thought fidgeting with the blanket a bit more. "I'm sorry. I don't know where he is." He said in a positive tone.

Yugi walked back upstairs forgetting breakfast upon seeing Seto walk in Ryou's bedroom, he went the opposite direction and closed the bathroom door load enough to turn Seto's head in his direction diverting Seto's attention to himself and away from Ryou.

Ryou smiled lightly. "It seems he's in the bathroom now." He said curling back up on the bed. "Sorry that I didn't know where he was, but it seems he's still here." Ryou said softly still watching Seto and hoping he'd leave both Yugi and himself alone. "I-is there any possibility of breakfast?" He asked in the sweetest tone he could muster. "I'm hungry...and I'm sure Yugi is as well..."

Seto nodded simply, "Yugi can get you some, I don't want you moving..." Seto paused looking at Yugi curiously the nervousness between Ryou, Yugi was building up, and he knew that they were hiding something but he would need to act normal should he want to find out. HE smoothly walked out of the room walking up to Yugi.

"The key." He said simply

Yugi handed it to him without hesitation and sighed relived when Seto didn't hit him

Ryou smiled brightly when he didn't hear Seto hit Yugi, not even an angry tone. 'Thank goodness...' He thought sighing in relief. He couldn't have been happier to know his friend was fine and that Seto would hopefully never find out about where Yugi had actually been. Apparently, they had been a step ahead of the CEO, just this once.

Yugi ran inside the bedroom but not before grabbing some fruit from downstairs, bringing it with him, he closed the door, and not long after heard it being locked by Seto from the outside he sighed heavily. "I though he was going to hit me...he didn't ever raise his voice though..." Yugi all the sudden became troubled and nervous as he sat on the bed lazily handing Ryou the fruit and dint even move when Yami materialized before them he seemed lost in thought at that moment.

Ryou happily ate the fruit, before noticing Yugi's nervousness. "What's wrong?" He asked, before taking another greedy bite of the fruit he'd been given.

Yami paced the room quietly, contemplating the escape of his Hikari, and Ryou. After all, such things had to be timed properly and couldn't have flaw if they intended to escape with no strings. As for Seto...Yami intended to send THAT bastard to the shadow realm...he also was worried about how the two Hikari's would fare until he could complete a plan of action.

"...He is never that calm Ryou, he's up to something and I don't know what." Yugi bit his lower lip "Yami..." Yugi said weakly almost crying when he did so "I don't think we'll be able to escape all at once...and for Ryou its easier to get him out, while Seto is with me I'm sure he wont notice if you and Ryou...disappear." Yugi swallowed nervously "I don't want you to be here when he reveals what he's planning, the last time he was like this..." Yugi shuddered and trailed off

Ryou blinked. "...What happened?" He said sitting up and pulling Yugi into a gentle yet supportive hug.

Yami frowned. "Hai...what happened...?" He growled angrily. The thought of leaving his Hikari while slipping Ryou out left the option of Yugi being beaten severely for it. Leaving Yami with a bitter taste in his mouth and an even greater hatred for Seto.

"...Does that really matter? Can't you just take my word for it that's its not good...details can wait for later but I want you two out of here." Yugi sighed looking at Yami "I know you don't want to leave my side but for now we really have another option, onegai Yami, he'll probably come for me again tonight and he wont notice until morning if you leave." Yugi said softly

Ryou shook his head. "He locks the door after he takes you...we'd be locked in..." He said hugging Yugi as tightly as he could without making his back sting. "I don't like the idea of leaving you here either..."

Yami nodded a bit. "If he locks that door, we'd have to wait until the next time you snuck out with the key...and that would ensure you got beaten...or worse." Yami said grimly.

"We should have all left this morning..." Ryou said softly. "I would have been able to walk..." he added, resting his chin on Yugi's shoulder.

"You act as if in all this time I never made spare keys..." Yugi said pulling out the key to the door "He doesn't know I have them I took them once I was able to leave that way I wouldn't have to go days without food...you don't have to worry about me I've lived like this with him for so long I can stand a few more days, he'll probably send me out to get you back anyway...onegai..." Yugi said softly returning the hug that Ryou was giving him finally "I don't want you here any longer than you have to be...and if he finds out Yami is here...he'll smash the puzzle and I don't want to lose you Yami! I don't want Ryou to suffer anymore either! It's my fault that both of you are here in the first place!" Yugi yelled

Ryou hit his head against Yugi's lightly jarring the other boy. "None of this is anyone's fault but Seto's. Stop saying it is your fault. It isn't unless you ASKED for him to do this." Ryou said firmly. "As for the keys...Yugi you're a genius!"

Yami smiled and shook his head a bit. //and you think he doesn't like you...you're his knight in shining, yet short, armor.// Yami said teasing Yugi not only about his secret crush on Ryou, but about his height as well. "Then, if Seto takes you tonight, we will make our escape. Keep the link open this time Yugi, don't close it for anything." Yami said in a demanding tone.

"I don't want you feeling any of it Yami, it'll distract you and I cant risk that...Seto already knows were hiding something, I'm sure of that, and I cant have you tripping up when you're leaving." Don't worry...once it's all over I'll open up to you, and I'll expect you'll be at the hospital getting Ryou what he need's." Yugi said smiling at the other Hikari

Ryou was slightly flushed from the fever of the injuries. "I'm fine...just...you take care of yourself...please..." Ryou said sneaking Yugi a kiss on the cheek. "I don't want to add an ulcer from worrying about my friend to my list of Seto inflicted injuries."

Yami smiled. He couldn't help but be proud of his Hikari's resourcefulness, and also was amused at the blush that was slowly forming on his aibou's face from Ryou's little peck on the cheek. "Then it is settled...but if there is any problems...I'm coming back for you Aibou...I will not have Seto harming you or Ryou any further."

"That seems to be the situation then, don't think that I wanted to keep anything form you Yami.... its jus the has video's of me and Ryou pictures..." Yugi bit his lower lip "There all in here too..." Yugi jumped from the bed running over to the dresser draw opening it. Upon first glance, it seemed normal but with closer inspection, you'd be able to remove the top draw exposing where Seto hid all the pictures. "Ryou, you and Yami should take all the pictures and video's of you, that way eh wouldn't be able to blackmail you later on...I'm sure he has more but I can look for those later.

Ryou cringed. "Ugh...I hate those...first chance I'm going to burn them." He mumbled miserably. "Why does he obsess over pictures and cameras...it makes things so much WORSE..."

Yami had the most frightening look of hatred and anger that he went back to pacing to calm himself.

Ryou picked up one of the spare fruits from the bed. "Um...here...I...I know you don't eat...but...perhaps it will smell nice enough to calm your anger." Ryou mumbled shoving the peach at Yami.

Yami smiled and shook his head, handing the fruit to Yugi to eat. "I'm fine..." he said taking a deep calming breath. "The only thing we have left to do, is wait until tonight..."

"I'm not really hungry, don't contradict me either of you." Yugi warned "And that's why he does it Ryou, because it makes it worse...he hasn't had you as long as he has had me so it'll be easy to gather all the pictures and such of you, you won't have to worry anymore." Yugi said smiling not fading as he gave his Yami a hug and then Ryou. "We should probably re-dress your wounds, I'll run you a bath." Yugi said walking into the bathroom.

Ryou made a face. "Must we? I...I was hoping to avoid much attention to that area..." Ryou wrinkled his nose and Yami couldn't help but chuckle.

//Yugi, you Hikari's have a way of making the most adorable faces...// Yami said before laughing.

Ryou blinked, followed by a playful huff. "Don't you laugh at me..." he said in mock angry tone. "Yugi...are you sure you aren't hungry though...?" Ryou said in his typically sweet yet concerned tone.

"Positive..." Yugi said walking back inside the room "And I want You're wounds clean if you are going to be moving around...you shouldn't be so shy around me or Yami, Ryou." Yugi said kissing Ryou quickly and softly on the lips. /Will you pick him up and take him to the bathroom while I gather up the photos?/ Yugi asked sweetly

Yami nodded and gently picked Ryou, who was blushing, up and carried him to the bathroom. He was careful to mind the wounds, but Ryou still whimpered at the movement. Yami dipped his hand in the warm water before taking the shirt off of Ryou and placing him in the tub. "I will wait for you outside, tell me when you're done."

Ryou blushed and nodded.

Yugi had already filled a backpack up with pictures and a few video's before he stopped noticing Yami "I put some of me in here too...might as well." Yugi said zipping the pack up and placing the draw back in place. "Time sure does go by quickly..." Yugi said looking at the clock, which read 7:30 "A few more hours..." Yugi sighed deeply

Yami couldn't believe his eyes. "You've filled an entire backpack? Aibou...how long has this been going on exactly?" He asked, since he was still a bit uninformed on how this all came about, just that it was happening. It seemed outrageous to the pharaoh that someone could DO such a thing...and even more absurd that it happened to both Yugi and Ryou.

"Ever since grandpa took that loan from Seto...it's more tapes than anything else really." Yugi sighed "That's why I couldn't say anything, Seto practically holds the deeds to out very home...he threatened to take it all away and he could easily do it too." Yugi looked up at Yami tears in his eyes "I...I never meant to hurt you or Ryou, and I hope you can trust me again...I did for us though as unbelievable as it may seem I'd do anything for us." Yugi said looking down

Yami quickly closed the distance between himself and Yugi, before gripping his Hikari in a hug. "Shh...Its ok Yugi...I still trust you. How could I not? Ryou told me you were being blackmailed...and you've done a noble thing...even in circumstances like these." He whispered, gently rocking the smaller teen. "Don't cry Aibou..." he said softly, kissing Yugi on the cheek and wiping away a few stray tears tenderly.

Yugi practically melted into the hug...he was so tired needless to say considering the night and activities this morning. He closed his eyes resting against Yami's chest almost falling asleep while still standing. He jolted awake and pulled away from Yami yawning slightly and saw Ryou walk out of the bathroom. "Are you okay to walk?" Yugi asked ignoring his need for rest at the moment

Ryou smiled and nodded slightly. "As long as I move slowly...I'm more concerned about you. You look like you're about to pass out from lack of sleep...why don't you take a nap?" Ryou said smiling. "I can share my blanket, since I have Yami's shirt." Ryou said walking slowly to the bed. "And don't argue, it's easy to see you're tired." He said firmly, patting the mattress. "Lay down."

"With all sincerity I wasn't about to even think about arguing." Yugi said "Take a nap with me?" Yugi asked both Yami and Ryou not even having to attempt puppy eyes with either of them "After we re-bandage your back that is." Yugi said asking Ryou to lay on his stomach so he could do it easier. "The bandages are under the bed...Yami, would you get them?" Yugi asked

Yami nodded and reached under the bed grabbing the bandages and placing them onto the bed.

Ryou nodded and lay down, blushing lightly. "Don't you dare stare too long, or so help me I'll..." Ryou picked up a pillow and waved it in a menacing fashion, more amused with himself than anything. "I'll hurt you with this...well...perhaps not. But don't do any unnecessary peeking." He said smiling and continuing to blush. Happy that he had caused both spiky haired teens to smile, and even caused Yugi to laugh slightly.

Yugi rolled his eyes at Ryou, its not like it's anything new really especially not to Yami. "So what did you two do while I was gone?" Ryou asked smiling as Yami and Ryou blushed furiously at the question and Yugi was making fast but efficient work of Ryou's bandages

Ryou coughed a bit blushing darkly. "U-um..Nothing really...just talked..."

Yami chuckled, blushing a bit. "Yes Aibou, we did nothing of interest." He said calmly, although his and Ryou's expressions revealed all. It was more than a little obvious they did a little misbehaving while Yugi had been gone.

"Uh, uh.... when you are going to lie to me Yami it would be best to put up a mental block, and Ryou you might as well avoid lying completely your face gives everything away." Yugi said finishing up his back and moving toward his legs

Yami smiled. "You've caught us Aibou...but honestly we didn't misbehave too badly while you were gone..." //Ryou's so sweet...you should kiss him, more than just a peck.// Yami said winking when Yugi looked over his shoulder for a moment at the comment. //I know you like him, as much as I do...you can't hide all those blushes.// Yami added smirking. "We behaved perfectly fine."

"I didn't say I minded it." Yugi said smiling as he ran a hand along Ryou's thigh unable to resist "Help me Yami?" Yugi asked sweetly

Ryou squeaked when Yugi had copped his feel, and blushed deeper than he had been when Yami agreed with more than a little enthusiasm.

Yami gently rubbed some disinfectant cream into the wounds on Ryou's legs. //Naughty little Aibou groping him. You've always been a sneaky little...// Yami laughed, deciding better of finishing the statement and wrapping up what he had disinfected with the cream.

/Like you wouldn't if you had half a chance./ Yugi teased through their mind link letting Yami finish up as he laid next to Ryou grinning mischievously

Ryou smiled meekly at Yugi. "Should I worry when you give me that look...?" He said shyly, although playfully. "Because you seem like you have a few things on your mind..."

Yami smirked. //don't tease him Aibou, go on have a bit of fun.// he said amused as he continued to disinfect the remaining wounds before picking up the bandages.

He kissed Ryou softly, Ryou's lips were much softer and less demanding than Yami's were and Ryou probably thought the same about him. He wrapped his arms around Ryou pulling him closer as he intertwined his hand in one of Ryou's while running his other hand through his hair.

Ryou blushed and returned the kiss. Yugi was quite a bit different from Yami, but also the same...they both kissed him with the same loving tenderness, yet Yami was very strong and Yugi had a gentleness about him that was also very appealing. Ryou smiled into the kiss and looked into Yugi's eyes for a moment, before closing his chocolaty eyes to just enjoy the attention. Yugi was also a good kisser. Ryou wondered if either of the buckle-loving teens thought the same of him.

/I cant help but love him Yami...do you feel the same? Am I being to selfish for wanting him and you?" Yugi asked deepening the kiss Ryou allowing him to explore his mouth with his tongue.

Yami smiled. //I feel exactly the same...and you're making me a bit jealous kissing him like that...// Yami said finishing his bandage work and copping his own little feel.

Ryou gasped in surprise at the groping AND kissing. His eyes were wide with his shock, and he squeaked, although not once pulling away from the blissful yet fiery kiss.

Yugi pulled away a bit reluctantly and kissed Yami with the same passion after his comment /happy now?/ Yugi asked before Yami pulled him closer taking over the kiss.

Yami pulled Yugi closer and gently nipped at Yugi's lower lip, before slipping his tongue in to taste his tenshi. //Have I ever told you how delicious you are Aibou? I love you so much...// he said groping Yugi just a bit, smiling into the kiss. //because if I have, it deserves repeating...//

Yugi blushed and pulled away from Yami reluctantly. "Not the time or place koi…we'll have plenty of time for that later, I need some sleep anyway." Yugi said crawling to the other side or Ryou and curling up next to him, hugging the other Hikari.

Yami nodded lying on the other side of Ryou and spreading the blanket between the three of them. "I'll hold you to that Aibou..." he whispered as he watched both Hikari's eyes flutter shut. He smiled to himself as he watched with tired eyes, before he too drifted to sleep.

Yugi opened his eyes shortly after the two had fallen asleep and snuck out, he couldn't risk Seto not wanting him tonight even if he had to go to Seto himself, he would.

Well what did you think! Please give me feedback I want to know that my hard work paid off ^_^ Also Mally-Chan's work ^_~ I hope you liked it either way though!